MTL - One New Rule Per Month Globally-Chapter 159 July rules come.

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  Chapter 159 July rules come.

  Most players have fallen asleep, ready to listen to the July rules as soon as they wake up at 23:30, and make corresponding preparations.

  June rules require that you must fall asleep during the time period "21:00"-"22:00".

  Chen Yi and the two did not fall asleep, sitting in their own room and patiently waiting for the arrival of the July rules.

   Clearly a violation of the June rule.

  But each player has a fault tolerance of three violations of the June rules, and they still have two chances. Even if they don’t use it on the last day, it’s a waste. They simply violated the June rules and began to wait for the July rules.

  Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

  Many players who violated the rules of June stood by the window looking at the moonlight with complicated expressions, waiting for the rules of July anxiously.

   There are also many players who have no chance of fault tolerance and can only fall asleep, but even in their sleep, they are always thinking about the July rules in their hearts, and even their dreams are related to the July rules.

   Many players stared at the clock with excitement and trepidation without blinking. In a few hours, the May rules will expire!

   They no longer need to worry about thinking about ghosts and dying suddenly!

   This rule like the sword of Damocles is finally going to disappear completely, and they finally don't have to live in fear every day!

  Finally, the time slowly went to 0 o'clock in the morning.

  A reminder sound suddenly sounded in the ears of all players.

  「Game update announcement!」

  「The new version of Bluestar 4.3 will be updated without stopping at 00:00 on July 1st. The main content and adjustments of this update are as follows.」

  「1. Fix the ban on gunpowder weapons and electromagnetic weapons. Some players began to develop plasma weapons and other bugs. From now on, all kinetic energy weapons such as gunpowder weapons, electromagnetic weapons, and plasma weapons are banned.」

  「2. Fixed some map bugs. This bug fix includes the following maps

  *Fixed the bug that the boss refused to participate in the battle due to gastroenteritis with a small probability in the fifth level of the map of "Strange Land"*

  *Fixed the bug that the pirates in "Pirate Castle" often ignored the player breaking into the contract because of sleeping late*


  「3. Added the "Couple" gameplay. Starting from July, players will be able to verify their couple status, and they can enter the exclusive map for couples, complete exclusive missions for couples, own exclusive shops for couples, and learn exclusive skills for couples.

  When the player buys a ring in the coupon store, he can confess his love to any opposite sex. As long as the other party accepts it, the two parties will form a couple.

  Ring prices are divided into four levels.

  999 coupons, 9999 coupons, 9.9w coupons, 99w coupons.

  Rings of different prices have different levels of couple effects.

  Currently, non-heterosexual human players such as same-sex, human-animal, character, and interdimensional players are not supported to verify their couple status. "

  「4: Added the "Squad" gameplay. Starting from July, players can obtain the "Squad Creation Token" by purchasing in the coupon store or dropping the map.

  The maximum capacity of a team is 10 people.

  After forming a team, there will be an exclusive team voice chat channel, as well as various functions such as team store, team warehouse, and teammate real-time status data.

  The initial team level is level 1.

  The captain can open the team exclusive map and lead his team members to get higher scores in the team exclusive map, so as to upgrade his team, so as to obtain more team permissions and surprise rewards.

   And officially launched the "Global Squad Ranking" to rank the global squads by squad level. "

  「5: Newly added 'Guild' gameplay, starting from July, players can obtain precious props 'Guild Creation Token' through map drops and other rare ways.

  After establishing a guild, you will have an exclusive guild voice chat channel, guild warehouse, and as the guild upgrades, you can also have one-click summoning guild members, or establish your own guild territory in an open space by occupying land.

  Publish guild missions, kill guild exclusive bosses, enter guild exclusive maps, and other exclusive functions.

  The initial guild level is level 1.

  The guild leader can upgrade his guild by donating from the guild warehouse, exchanging experience points for coupons, leading members to clear the guild map, killing guild bosses, and defeating other guilds in guild battles.

   And officially launched the "Global Guild Leaderboard", ranking global guilds by guild level. "

"6: The 'player's main city' gameplay has been fully launched. There are currently 678 player's main cities in the world. In the main city, players can receive various functions such as main city missions. There are more opportunities to enter the secret realm of the map.”

  「7: Added July rules "No Smoking" and "Reject Love".

  "No Smoking": All players will not be allowed to smoke indoors. Regarding the definition of indoor, as long as there is no sky above your head, it is defined as indoor.

   For the first three violations, 1000 points will be deducted each time.

   Violation for the fourth time will result in sudden death.

"Reject love": All players will not be allowed to express love, not limited to I love you, the moonlight is so beautiful tonight, etc. or implicit or euphemistic words, the specific judgment depends on the inner emotions of the players when they speak, and the system will judge the difference give judgment.

   For the first three violations, 1000 points will be deducted each time.

   Violation for the fourth time will result in sudden death.

   Insufficient coupons cannot be deducted, and will die suddenly on the spot.

  The July rule lasts for one month and expires at 00:00 on August 1st. "

  「Xuehai project team, I wish all players a happy game in version 4.3.」

  「ps: The next update notice, the project team decided to add the rules of the month about the "battle" element, players, please look forward to it.”

   This voice rang in the ears of all players.

  Even players who are sleeping are awake because of this.

   "No smoking and no love?"

  Chen Yi looked thoughtfully at the extremely long prompt panel that popped up in front of him and nodded, raised his eyebrows and said, "Are these two rules? There are two July rules?"


  The consumptive rabbit on the side took out a cigarette from his arms and threw it into his mouth: "The train can be delayed, the bullet train can be delayed, love can be delayed, and the author of online articles can also be delayed."

   "Animals can have twins, humans can have twins, and it is normal to have multiple twins in July, which is completely understandable."

   "However, the July rule seems to me to be an epic weakening."

  The tuberculosis rabbit didn't light the cigarette in his mouth, but just put it in his mouth, looking up at the ceiling with a complex expression: "You can't smoke indoors? What a broken rule!"

   "It's not as good as the April rule and the May rule."

   "Brother Yi, do you mind if we punch a hole in the roof?"

   "We are on the 13th floor, a total of 29 floors, and a straight hole is made from the roof of the 13th floor to the roof of the 29th floor, so that it can be ventilated and lightened. How good it is."

  Chen Yi did not speak, but looked at the "team creation order" in the coupon store.

  「Property Name」: Squad Creation Order.

   "Item Level": None.

   "Prop Effect": The owner can create a team with a maximum capacity of 10 players and serve as the captain.

  "Props Introduction": "Unity does not mean strength, but at least it will give you the courage to struggle in the face of crisis."

  "Item Price": 1000 coupons.

  The price of props is not cheap, the price of a full 1000 coupons, it is no exaggeration to say that 70% to 80% of the people in the world may not be able to afford it.

  There are indeed a lot more ways for everyone to earn coupons, but a person’s daily energy is exhausted at that point, and he can only get fifty or sixty coupons at most if he spends a whole day.

   With such a little coupon to eat something or buy a prop, basically everything is gone.

  Basically, it is impossible to save.

If there are no special adventures, such as obtaining a large number of coupons in a certain map, such as accidentally entering a map by mistake and getting a good score, or getting special rewards in limited activities, etc., just complete the main task every day. Common means of earning coupons such as missions in the city or killing monsters outside the city, most people can only earn about 100 coupons for a day of hard work.

   If you want to get a lot of coupons quickly.

  The map is naturally a good method. As long as you get a good score in the map, you will basically be rewarded with a lot of coupons.

   But the problem is that there are basically only two ways to enter the map.

  Get a map pass, or go to the wild to find the map entrance.

  The first type requires opportunities and coupons. Although the pass is not a rare item, it is not so easy to obtain. The second type requires luck and there are many unknown risks in the wild.

  After all, the 520 gift pack with 88 points is not always available. If you are lucky, such a gift pack alone is indeed enough to take off.

  No matter which method is used, it is not easy for ordinary people to access. Even if you are lucky enough to find a map entrance, the crisis in the map is usually greater than the monsters outside the city.

   Whether you can come out alive is a problem, let alone get a lot of rewards in the map.

  The price of 1000 coupons means that this item is not prepared for ordinary people from the moment of pricing.

  Of course, this price is a bit exaggerated for him to say that it is a drop in the bucket, but it shouldn't be a big problem to say a little bit.

   Without much hesitation, he bought the item.

  「Ding, you spent 1,000 coupons to purchase a ‘Squad Creation Token’.」

"use or not?"


  「Ding, you have successfully created a team headed by you. You are the captain of the team and have more privileges than the team members. Please name your team.」

  Chen Yi squinted his eyes and sat on the sofa, thinking about what to name his team.

   "Nightline, what about the name?"

  As soon as the name was mentioned, the consumptive rabbit on the side got excited, got up excitedly and said, "This name sounds mysterious and intimidating, or how about Tianting?"

   "Jin Yiwei seems to be pretty good too."


  Chen Yi gave a blank look at the rabbit, and after thinking about it for a moment, he made a rather authoritarian decision.

   "Just call, rabbits don't kill people!"

  (end of this chapter)