MTL - One Piece Talent System-v2 Chapter 373 Princess Vivi

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It is very difficult to fight against two naval generals at the same time.

In particular, this generation of naval generals are all natural forces, and they work together. Although the combat power is not doubled, it is not the same.

For example, when the childish force releases the ice age, the four emperors, such as the Beast, can be forced to resist by the armed color, but the power and domineering will be affected.

In this case, the jaundice will be bombarded in front, and even if the beast is more than one enemy, it is impossible to die. But it is almost impossible to do other things, and it must be completely suppressed.


Today's Rhodes, due to the special nature of the twisting force, can use the twisted space of this trick to ignore the attack of Huang Qiqing and others, but in this way, Rhodes does not occupy any advantage.

After the hurricane incarnation, the situation is completely different.

Because there is no physical restraint, the hurricane incarnation is a wind in itself, so the power of the hurricane it contains is almost endless, and there is no concept of being exhausted!

And as long as Rhodes does not die, it will not die, no matter what kind of attack, it can not be effective on it, this is the horror of the hurricane incarnation.

What three days and three nights of the war, ten days and ten nights of the war, for the hurricane incarnation are pediatrics.

As long as Rhodes is willing, the hurricane avatar can fly over the naval headquarters, and the Navy headquarters will continue to blow the eight-level hurricane for ten years!

"This trick is called multiple wind blades."

Rhodes is too lazy to name the Wind River era, the eight-footed Qiongfeng jade, the multiple wind blade, simple and clear.

About a few seconds later.

The hurricane incarnation reinstated into a small tornado.

For the hurricane avatar, this extremely large range of tactics can not be used continuously, but after releasing once, only need to wait for ten seconds, immediately release the next time, and there is no concept of fatigue, can be unlimited The loop.

There is a single-zone attack and a large-scale attack. So what is missing is a long-range attack.

After the hurricane is annihilated, it must be released quickly without delay, and it will not be able to fly far enough to form a long-range attack.

As for multiple wind blades, although the flight distance is far enough, the damage and power will decrease with distance, and it is not a single attack.


Rhodes explorer slammed the hurricane incarnation.

Under his control, the madness of the hurricane gathered, gradually radiating a ray of light, turned into a blue silk thread, was held in the hands of Rhodes.

When the force of the hurricane converges to the limit, Rhodes flashes, holding the thread and slamming toward the sea.


The silk passed by.

The undulating sea surface suddenly became a strange silence, as if time was fixed here, and the waves of the entire sea were stopped.

And just in the next moment.

The sea in front of Rhodes was split into two, and there was an abyss that spread all the way to the end of sight!

"This trick is called the blade."

Rhodes nodded with satisfaction, and the three tricks he simply developed were all perfect for the power of the hurricane, and there would be no loss.

After creating the three tricks of annihilation, multiple wind blades and razor blades, the next step was to train the time of the hurricane incarnation.

Let the hurricane incarnation remember three tricks at the same time, comparable to let Rhodes recite English words, almost here to remember to forget over there, then remember this and forget.

Fortunately, Rhodes is qualitatively strong.

When I was practicing the hurricane incarnation, I was practicing myself, but I was barely patient, so I continued to practice day by day.

It took nearly three months to fully spend the simple thinking of the hurricane, and finally forcibly remembered these three tricks, and was able to actively release it without relying on Rhodes.


Rhodes also developed a more advanced version of the hurricane annihilation by relying on the combination of hurricane power and twisting power.

With the power of twisting as the core, the force of the hurricane is surrounded by the white light at the center, and the outer ring is the hurricane wind blade that rotates continuously, like a fan.

It looks a bit like a spiral shuriken, in fact... it is a spiral shuriken.


Compared with the spiral shuriken, the power of this move is even greater. If it breaks out, the area of ​​a hundred meters will be shrouded in.



This is the forefront of the first half of the great route. Since Krokdal was killed by Rhodes, Alabaster has remained safe until now.

However, this security is nothing but relative. In fact, this is a country on a great route. There is no such thing as a complete security.

Not far from the coast.

A pirate ship is docked here.

On the deck of the pirate ship, a girl with azure hair and about fourteen or five years old was tied to the mast by a rope with a white cloth in her mouth.


The girl is naturally unwilling to be tied and constantly twisting her body, but she is hard to break free from her struggles.

The pirate sitting next to the deck glared at the girl, glared at a cigarette, and grinned: "Save your strength, we won't hurt you... you are a precious hostage worth one billion Bailey!"

"I said, in such a poor place, can you really make up one billion Bailey?"

A pirate came over with a bottle and shouted at the wine.

One person next to him narrowed his eyes and said: "How to say is also a kingdom. How can one billion Bailey not get together, but it is so easy to catch a princess, the legendary great route is not so good!"

The girl who is tied to the mast is the Princess of Alabaster, Nafiritali, Vivi!

This group of pirates was the hegemon of the West Sea. Soon after they entered the great route, they came to Alabasi and decided to make a big vote. They originally planned to sneak into the palace. The result was discovered by the Guard. So they did not stop doing it and simply kidnapped. Princess Vivi.

"Don't be too happy."

There is a knife on the side next to The old pirates are screaming: "Alabaster is a subsidiary of the world government, and the navy will come at any time."

"So just give them a day's time, can't send a ransom, don't blame us for this delicate princess."

A pirate took the word and held a short knife in his hand. He crossed the Wei Wei, who was tied to the mast, and made Wei Wei's body tremble slightly.

One billion Bailey!

Originally, Alabaster was not rich, and she had to pay the gold in the sky every year. As the Princess of Alabaster, she knew how much the ransom would impose on Alabaster, and the tied hands tightly clenched their fists.

But when she kept blaming herself, the corner of her eye suddenly saw the distant sky and looked awkward.

In that direction.

A white cloud flies over here, and it seems to be a shadow.

"what is that?"