MTL - One Piece Talent System-v2 Chapter 374 Shot

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"Is Alabaster ahead?"

On the white clouds, Rhodes was sitting there, and Robin, next to him, looked far away at the island that appeared in front of him, asking for his chin in one hand.

Just before.

Kaku and others of the Sixth Army intelligence unit found that the new p9 members secretly dispatched by the world government are searching for the design drawings of the ancient weapons Pluto.

Look at it, it seems that there is a real design of Pluto. If it is obtained by the world government, the ancient weapon Pluto will inevitably have a great impact. Kaku and others quickly reported this to Rhodes.

Rhodes naturally knows where the design drawings of Pluto are, but he has no interest in this drawing, because he is not found in the body of the ancient weapon Pluto.

After considering it.

Rhodes decided to take a trip to Alabaster and find out the ancient weapon Pluto.

With his current strength, coupled with the power of the Ghosts and Pirates, holding ancient weapons is not a problem at all. Even if the world government shakes it, it is easy to do anything like snatching.

Moreover, even if the world government really acts, the Ghosts and Pirates Group is not eating soft rice.

"Go down."

Rhodes took a picture of the white clouds underneath.

This white cloud is an ordinary island cloud, but it was poured into a soul by Rhodes, and it was made into a flying Homiz. The speed is similar to that of a normal ship. It is better than being able to fly, and there is a wind blessing in the hurricane. The speed can also be improved.

Island Cloud Homitz responded and landed on the island.

Robin noticed the pirate ship on the sea, but did not care. For her now, seeing a pirate ship in the first half of this great route is really unrewarding.

Rhodes also ignored the pirate ship, but he inadvertently glimpsed, but there was a glimmer of surprise in his eyes.

Take a closer look.

The blue-haired girl who is tied to the mast, is not the Princess of Alabaster, Nafiritali, Vivi?

"How is this going."

Rhodes touched his chin, revealing a hint of color.

Going to his current status, he can make him pay more attention or care, and the worst is the pirates at the level of Qiwuhai. In addition to the seven Wuhai, some of the more profound plot characters can also attract him a little gaze. .

"what happened?"

Robin noticed the changes in the eyes of Rhodes. When he asked, he followed the eyes of Rhodes and looked at the pirate ship on the sea below.

Rhodes will pay attention to a pirate ship, which makes her a little surprised.

"Nothing, I saw some interesting things."

Rhodes smiled.

I didn't expect the sand crocodile to be killed by myself. This Alabaster still couldn't be peaceful, and even the princess was kidnapped.

After pondering the overthrow of the world government, we must establish a new kingdom and include all the countries. Wei Wei should not be the only heir to Alabaster, but also won the hearts of the people. There is nothing in this country. problem.

at this time.

Many pirates on the pirate ship also found a shadow on the island.

"What a ghost thing!"

"Be careful, there are people!"

After all, it is a great route. Many pirates on this ship have conquered the West Sea. They have also seen many demonic fruit abilities. It is not very shocking to see a cloud of white clouds floating in the sky.

The same is true for Wei Wei.

As the princess of Alabaster, she has seen a lot of demonic fruit abilities. This kind of thing that can fly in the sky may be a special kind of transportation.

Just don't know who is riding on it.

"Stop it."

Just as many pirates were horrified, they suddenly discovered that the white clouds that had to pass from the sky suddenly stopped in the air.

This stop suddenly reminded everyone of the vigilance. Many people found out the weapons, took the fire and took the form of alert.

at the same time.

Wei Wei was also slightly surprised to see the clouds.

She saw the slow reduction of the white clouds, revealing two figures standing on the white clouds, a man and a woman, the woman's little impression, the man is vaguely familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

The man’s eyes were calm and he looked at her so calmly.

Then she heard the man raise his hand and compared the woman next to him with a simple gesture.

The woman raised her arms and crossed her arms in front of her, posing a strange posture, as if she had done something.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Almost at the next moment, a series of broken bones sounded in her ear.

When I looked around in horror, I saw the pirates on the whole ship, and all of them showed a strange curved curvature, which is a bend that exceeds the limits of human bones.


Together with the captain of the Coyote pirate group, the wolf, the bounty of 40 million Pele pirates, everyone fell in this second, the whole ship was silent.

And in the next moment, Wei Wei felt the rope tied to her, was untied, and the white cloth in her mouth was also ripped off, and the freedom was restored.


She heard the man say another word.


As the voice fell, the man smiled at her, and the white cloud quickly carried the two and flew in the direction of the coast, disappearing.

Until the figure of Rhodes and Robin disappeared, Vivi responded.

She stood up, first shocked and inexplicably looked at the pirates who had fallen into a ship, and after seeing that the pirates had all died, she took two steps forward and then rushed to the side of the ship's side.

But at this time she could not find the shadow of the two men.

"The two people..."

Wei Wei knew that the two men saved her, but she didn't even know the name of the other But the man made her a little familiar, always felt where she had seen it.

At the time of Vivi's solitude, a figure appeared on the coast.

For the first person, it is the king of Alabaster, her father, Nafiritali, Debra, and the Abrastan Guard.

"See the pirate ship!"

Standing on the side of Debra and seeing the pirate ship not far from the coast, the captain immediately showed his alert and awe.

One person next to the road to Debra: "His Majesty, please retreat."

However, Debra did not retreat, but still walked in front of the team, looking far away at the pirate ship, his expression was very calm, but he could not cover the anxiousness of his eyes.


Just as he and the Guards arrived near the coast, they found that there was no shadow of a pirate on the pirate ship. Only Princess Vivi was standing on the side of the ship's side and beckoning at them.