MTL - One Piece’s Strongest Ice Dragon-Chapter 662 Bug Giant!

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But Jot thought, not that Titch could know, he only saw Ulysses standing on their side, and an ecstasy came to mind.

"Oh ha ha ha! This way, you can be sure!"

In the crown of the king, Tickey was still very clear about the **** horror of Ulysses.

He confessed that he and Ryder couldn't compete well now, and the victory was only on June 4th. But if the player is Ulysses, it is another situation.

Unlike Tiki's ecstasy, Ryder frowned, in many ways.

That guy ... Really not a living person!

And ... the strong and extreme blood power in the other side, even if he is a vampire, he can feel a kind of suffocation!

"'Blood Lord', former 'Earl Blood' Ulysses ...?"

As a veteran, Ryder naturally knows this strong man who has disappeared in history. The **** smell didn't make him afraid, but excited him!

Looking at Ulysses, Ryder said seriously.

"I will prove that this fruit, only I can exert the most powerful force!"

"Oh? I'll wait and see ..."

Ulysses was casual, coping.

The two sides slowly separated from each other under the supervision of the Loyal Dragon fleet. Then, the ice wolf under Loa's **** slowly walked forward.

It's really an uninhabited island 300 miles away.

Don't look at the smallest area here is comparable to a small island, but no one wants to settle here, because ... it is too desolate!

Looking around, nothing grows, no vitality! No veins, no cherished beasts, nothing, even the fish tide only approached once every few years. It is a place truly forgotten by the world!

Except for the bugs living in the dirt and some small beasts that feed on the bugs, there is no breath of life.

The main thing is that this archipelago is smooth and flat, just like a round cake, very suitable for battle!

Hmm ... ask Loya why he knew the island ... Actually, it wasn't relying on the intelligence gathered by the undead, but the originator of the phenomenon, and now he pretended to be calm in the sea.

Ai Wei appeared in the One Piece world very early, long before the term Tianlongren appeared. According to her, one time she had a party with a giant Neptune and snatched half of the fairway's fine wine. Both sides were drunk. They argued whether the animals in the sea are delicious or the animals in the land are delicious. The animals are delicious ...

Then she asked a question!

"Then ... are you delicious?"

Then things went to some kind of pleasant situation. Ivy lost, and the animal meat in the sea was more delicious.

And this place is where she grills ...

Good seeing pity!

Among the giant Neptune, there are only a few of them with advanced wisdom, and one was baked by Ivy! The Whale Island, which is far away from this place, is a fossil of leftover bones.

Unlike Loya's human mind, Ivy is a real dragon, and there is no psychological burden on eating other intelligent creatures.

The more I communicate with Ivy, the more peaceful Loa's mentality is, because certain things are really ... too X egg!


When they arrived, the representatives from both sides disembarked in turn.

The characters sent by Kaido are naturally Kaido and Ledfield. In addition, the only one who had the combat power "Blight Disaster" Becky disembarked as a cadre representative.

In terms of Tickey, Captain Tickey and Ulysses need not say more, but as the representative of the cadre, it was Loia who looked at the behemoth that was eye-opening.

"Huge Battleship", San Juan Evil Wolf!

He is a giant, yes, but in the giant family, he is also a strange species ...

Just sitting there is like a mountain, and you can reach out the clouds by reaching out.

Loya thought he was big enough, but compared to San Juan Wolves, he only reached the opponent's waist from head to tail. By volume alone, among the creatures currently known, I am afraid that only those giant sea kings and Zhuowu giant elephants that can only live in the deep sea can make him bigger!

It is obvious that Tickey's intention is to consume Becky with his size.

The rest are human-sized, and injured are injured. However, the fatal wounds for human beings have just been peeled on San Juan Evil Wolf!

The rules have stated that the two sides also agreed. Loya looked at the captains and foreign aid of the two sides who were standing still, and said, "The first game, then, starts with the cadre battle."


"I have no opinion!"

After Cado and Ticchi finished, Becky and San Juan Wolves slowly stood up.

"Be careful, the opponent's size advantage is too great!" When playing, Kaido said to Becky ahead. But at this moment, Becky turned a deaf ear and walked forward stiffly.

Seeing this, Zuwei said beside him: "I hope she can control it, after all ... it's a bug!"

Theoretically, the fruit of the devil will emit a kind of pheromone that other creatures can't avoid, let alone eat it, I'm afraid I can't bother to look at it. Because of this, the demon fruit ability is basically human, animals or other creatures are rare.

But there are exceptions to everything ...

For example, Qiaoba has mistakenly eaten the animal system, all fruit, and all human forms because of excessive hunger.

This demon fruit has given Becky a human brain that is no different from humans, even more developed, while retaining her instinct as a Zerg, hunting and eating, and breeding offspring.

Does this fruit make Becky or Becky make this Devil Fruit? Who knows?


Suddenly, there was a roar in Becky's throat, and a sudden blood stain appeared on her skin. The bloodstains spread down and spread all over her shortly after.

Uh ...

With the sound of something breaking through ~ ~ a layer of human skin exploded from her, exposing Becky's body ... or the body after using the fruit ability.

All over is covered with earthy brown carapace, with red and black streaks on it, like an eye.

Becky's hands and feet still look like human joints, but an elbow scimitar is added to the elbow. That face, staring at a pair of compound eyes, the mouth is also a square opening unique to bugs, and there are arthropods on the left, right, and up and down of the edge, constantly squirming.

And, around Becky's body, a sharp blade like a knife stretched out, like a thousand-handed Guanyin!


Becky's body is a puppet!

Not to mention, as she looks like now, standing there can make people less powerful!

Because it is so disgusting!

Of course, in the eyes of some special aesthetics, Becky exudes a glamorous, **** beauty at the moment!

"Ah bug! Captain, I hate bugs!"

Immediately, San Juan Wolves called out loud.

As a huge giant, San Juan Evil Wolf is not afraid of those giant sea kings and carnivores on land, but the most feared are these tiny insects.

Because of his size, he has no good way to deal with bugs lying on him. If it's a normal bug, it's okay to take a bath and take a bath, but sometimes, similar to the ancient insect like the poisonous mosquito dragon, it's just dead!

That kind of highly poisonous creature, even if he is thick and thick, yells at him!

But for him, the pinpoint in the eyes of ordinary people is not large!

Whenever such a time, the San Juan Evil Wolf had to soak in the sea honestly, waiting for the worm to drown. Over time, he talked about bugs!