MTL - Online Game: You Call Him A Newbie?-Chapter 218 [219] Being treated as a liar

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  Chapter 218 [219] was treated as a liar

  Lin Feng suddenly understood that the other party was treating himself as a lunatic.

  He looked at his clothes, shook his head and smiled wryly, then waved his hand, and changed into a white robe again.

   "I'm Lin Feng, do you know me?" Lin Feng asked again.

  How can I say that I have also served as chief of the detective department b, although he is the deputy, he should still be famous, right?

  When Hu Qingfeng saw Lin Feng's clothes-changing technique, he immediately took several steps back. What kind of method is this?

  After hearing what Lin Feng said, he looked at Lin Feng's face again.

   "Lin Feng? Why does it sound familiar?"

  Hu Qingfeng thought about it carefully, and then suddenly said in surprise: "Are you Chief Lin?"

  Lin Feng nodded, it seems that he is still a little famous, so it will be easier to communicate.

  Unexpectedly, Hu Qingfeng said: "You are lying! How dare you pretend to be Mr. Lin B, who are you?"

  Lin Feng was taken aback, what's going on?

   "I am Lin Feng, why did I pretend to be?"

Hu Qingfeng snorted coldly and said: "Mr. Lin went to the first-level world of [God's Domain] two years ago, how could he appear in this small copy? Don't try to lie to me, what kind of gods are there, I have never heard of them !"

  Lin Feng opened his mouth, it's really hard to explain.

   Explain to an ordinary person who doesn't even know the level of gods, that he came from chaos, will he believe it?

  So Lin Feng had no choice but to say: "I offended you."

  Then he grabbed the opponent, and then flew towards the distance at a high speed, and at the same time, his mental power was constantly checking whether there were other human races around.

  With a radius of 100,000 miles, under the cover of his spiritual power, he found quite a few human races, so he hurriedly flew towards them.

  Hu Qingfeng was terrified. A strong man who can fly is at least silver level, and looking at the guy's appearance, it is obviously more than that.

   Is it gold level?

   It's over, a gold-level powerhouse has come to the Blue Spirit Forest, can't this be swept away?

   "Who are you? Let me go, I tell you, you dare to pretend to be Mr. Lin, and when I go out and tell other people, you will be finished!" Hu Qingfeng threatened in a panic.

  Lin Feng's eyelids twitched, and he was too lazy to listen to the other party's nonsense.

  The three demon gods will appear at some point, and he may not be able to resist them at that time. These people are really finished.

  A moment later, Lin Feng found another human race, but before that person could react, Lin Feng grabbed him and took him away.

  Seeing that another person has been caught, Hu Qingfeng suddenly felt tense, who is this guy? What is he going to do with us?

  As for what Lin Feng said, he didn't believe it.

  Thus, half an hour later, Lin Feng caught a total of nearly a hundred people, and he swam around for a while, until he was sure that there were no other people nearby, and then said to the hundred people: "Do any of you know me?"

  Some of them looked at Lin Feng's face and felt familiar, and one of them said, "You are, Mr. Lin B?"

  Lin Feng nodded, "Yes, the Blue Spirit Forest is in danger now, and I need your help."

  Unexpectedly, Hu Qingfeng stood up and said: "Don't believe him, this guy is a fake, the copy is dangerous, I need your help, don't you think this looks like a scam?"

   "Boss Lin went to the first-level world of [God's Domain] two years ago, how could he appear in the Forest of Blue Spirit, so he must be a fake!"

  As soon as this remark came out, the rest of the people also felt that it made sense, and looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

  Especially the way Lin Feng found them made them feel that what Hu Qingfeng said was very likely to be true.

  The veins on Lin Feng's forehead swelled up. Is this guy missing a string in his brain?

   With a wave of his hand, a formation flew out, directly imprisoning Hu Qingfeng, so that he could not even make a sound.

  Hu Qingfeng was startled suddenly, he kept slapping the formation in front of him, and opened his mouth wide, but no one heard what he was saying.

  When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help becoming more nervous. Everyone not only took two steps back.

  Lin Feng stroked his forehead with his hand, a little speechless.

   It's over, it's even harder to explain now.

  The sword of intent appeared directly in his hand, and then he slashed towards the distance with the sword. Immediately, the surrounding trees were turned into dust, and a gully thousands of feet long was left on the ground.

  Everyone turned pale in an instant, and some people even sat on the ground with limp legs. Hu Qingfeng, who was imprisoned by the formation, even grew his mouth wide, with an expression of disbelief.

   What kind of strength is this guy? This is too scary, right?

  Hu Qingfeng has seen his teacher at the golden level make a move, but the destructive power is definitely not up to this level!

  Seeing everyone's reaction, Lin Feng said lightly, "Can we communicate properly now?"

  Everyone was like chickens pecking at rice. Lian Lian nodded, and some who wanted to resist were completely extinguished.

Lin Feng said in a deep voice: "Listen well, now in the forest of the blue spirit, there are powerful gods, I want you to go to the Ministry of Education to find Chief Zhou after you leave the secret realm, and ask him to take back all the scrolls of the secret realm. People have entered the secret realm, is there a problem?"

  One of them raised his hand, as if he was in class.

  Lin Feng ignored the man, but said: "You don't need to know what the gods are, you just need to report to Chief Zhou."

  If he said that the gods are more powerful than the gods, it will inevitably cause these people to panic, and even after the news spreads out, it is more likely to cause some unnecessary troubles, so he just didn't bother to explain.

   Sure enough, the person who raised his hand just now put his hand down immediately and stopped talking.

  Lin Feng nodded secretly, and continued: "Then, now you can..."

  He just wanted to say that you can exit the secret realm, but the next moment, his heart tightened.

  Because within the detection range of his mental power, a demon **** has appeared.

  Lin Feng quickly picked up everyone, and then ran in the opposite direction.

  Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they couldn't help but think in their hearts, could it be that the strong **** that Lin B said was coming?

  At this time, they almost believed that the person in front of them was Lin Feng.

   After all, some people still saw the clues of the blow just now, and its power had at least reached the level of a star.

   Besides the legendary Chief Lin, who else could have such strength at such a young age.

  Even if there is, why pretend to be Mr. Lin B?

   It is the legendary Chief Lin, but he dares to face even a million troops of alien races. How strong is the god, so that even Chief Lin has to retreat?

  Everyone couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive. How could such a powerful enemy appear in the Forest of the Blue Spirit?

  Lin Feng frowned slightly at this time. He sensed that the **** of the demon clan didn't seem to be coming towards him, but was heading in another direction.

   Could it be that the other party can't sense him?

  At this time, the distance between the two sides is tens of thousands of miles. Although it seems very far away, for the gods, it only takes a moment to cross, so Lin Feng dare not gamble.

  He flew in one direction for several hours, and didn't stop until he couldn't sense the other party at all.

   "Okay, you guys leave the dungeon quickly, remember to go to the Ministry of Education to find Director Zhou B and tell him the situation." Lin Feng said.

  Everyone nodded nervously, and then took out their scrolls one by one, crushed them one after another, and exited the secret realm.

  Hu Qingfeng also understood at this time that he had committed a crime, so he asked, "What about you, Mr. Lin?"

  Lin Feng smiled, "I can't get out yet, you guys go first."

  Because he entered the secret realm through a scroll, but he didn't have a scroll, so of course he couldn't get out.

  Hu Qingfeng opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn't speak after all.

  Because he found that even if he stayed, he couldn't seem to do much.

  So Hu Qingfeng had no choice but to say: "Mr. Lin, don't worry, we will definitely tell Mr. Zhou about the situation here, and let Mr. Zhou come to rescue you."

  Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "No need, as long as no one comes in."

  My senior brother, although he doesn't know the real strength, but he doesn't think that Zhou Tiansheng can deal with the three gods in the later stage, so it's better not to come in and make trouble.

  Hu Qingfeng immediately looked at Lin Feng solemnly, and so did the others.

   Sure enough, he is indeed Chief Lin B. Even if he encounters a big enemy, he doesn't want to cause trouble for the people.

  Hu Qingfeng still said: "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, my human race is very strong now, just wait a moment, we will help you bring back the soldiers immediately."

  Lin Feng shook his head with a smile, and said no more, anyway, Zhou Tiansheng knew the power of the gods, and that guy would judge for himself.

   Then everyone crushed the scroll and disappeared in place.

   After everyone left, Xiao Hei walked out from the Longevity Realm with a wave of Lin Feng's hand.

   "Lin Feng, what's the matter? I'm sleeping, have you returned to the first level world?" Xiao Hei opened his eyes and yawned.

  But after seeing the surrounding situation clearly, he was taken aback, "This, here it is."

   "The Forest of the Blue Spirit." Lin Feng said.

   "Why did you come here? Don't you want to go back to the first level world?" Xiao Hei asked puzzled.

   "It's a long story, and I'll explain it to you later. You used to live in the Forest of the Blue Spirit, so you must be very familiar with it. Now there are demon gods chasing me again. You should think of a way." Lin Feng said.

  The Forest of the Blue Spirit was originally thought to be just an ordinary secret realm, but now it seems that it is obviously more than that.

  Xiao Hei was familiar with the situation, so he let him out, naturally hoping to find a way to deal with the three gods.

  Unexpectedly, Xiao Hei suddenly exploded when he heard the words, "Demons? Gods? Let me go back, I want to go back to the world of longevity!"

  Lin Feng slapped him directly, "What's the use of you going back? After I die, the Longevity Realm will become a secret realm, and you're still wandering in chaos. Find a way."

  Xiao Hei said speechlessly: "What can I do? That is a god."

   "Aren't you a **** before? And this is your territory, what can you do?" Lin Feng said.

  Xiao Hei shook his head, "That's different, it's an existence that even the demon race and the **** race can't beat."

  Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, and Xiao Hei laughed dryly, "Okay, let me think about it, let me think about it."


  Lin Feng's eyes lit up, "Say it quickly."

  Xiao Hei smiled and said: "I just remembered that the forest of the blue spirit is actually a bit special. For the strong above the **** level, the spiritual power will be restricted here. I don't remember the specific reason."

  Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Gods will also be restricted?"

  Xiao Hei nodded, "General gods will also be restricted, and gods in the later stages are no exception."

  Lin Feng came to a sudden, no wonder those three guys almost passed by him sometimes, but they didn't realize that it was because their mental power was restricted.

   "How big is the limit?"

   "Probably, it's a thousand times. The spiritual power of gods in the later stage can cover a radius of a million miles, so now they can only cover a radius of a thousand miles." Xiao Hei replied.

   "Thousands of miles?" Lin Feng began to ponder.

  If you sneak attack thousands of miles away, is there a chance to kill a god?

  It’s hard to say, Lin Feng has only experienced the destructive power of the gods now, and he doesn’t know the defensive power yet, but it’s worth a try.

  Anyway, the opponent's mental power has been compressed, and if he can't take a hit, he retreats quickly, and it's not impossible to escape.

   But Lin Feng still has a question.

   "The forest of the blue spirit restricts the mental power, is it based on the strength level of the mental power, or the actual level?"

  Xiao Hei thought for a while, "It seems to be the level of mental power."

  Lin Feng was taken aback, "Then my spiritual power is at the late stage of the **** level, why wasn't it suppressed?"

  Xiao Hei was also taken aback, "Aren't you suppressed? What's going on?"

  Lin Feng looked up at the gray and chaotic sky. This forest of blue spirits is indeed a bit weird.


  Blue Star, a group of students who were exploring the Forest of the Blue Spirit suddenly withdrew.

  After Hu Qingfeng exited the secret realm, he suddenly felt a little unreal, like a dream.

  I actually met Chief Lin, and was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Chief Lin!

  But now is not the time to think too much, he hurried out of his dormitory, left Zhizhen Academy, and ran towards the Ministry of Education.

   And there are nearly a hundred people like him.

  On this day, many young people suddenly appeared in front of the education department, and they all said the same thing.

   "Lin B grew up in the Blue Spirit Forest, he is in danger!"

   "Let's go see Chief Zhou, Chief Lin needs support!"

The two silver-level guards in front of the education department looked at each other, and said amusedly: "Go, go, come to the education department to play wild, Mr. Lin went to the first-level world of [God's Domain] two years ago, how could he be in the first level world of [God's Domain]?" What is the forest of the blue spirit, be careful when I say that you are falsely passing on information!"

  Hu Qingfeng was running out of breath, and when he saw the guard's attitude, he was immediately angry.

   "It's true, Lin B is really in the forest of the blue spirit, and the gods he met, he needs help now."

  The guard sneered, "God? Do you know what a **** is? Ridiculous!"

   "Go back where you came from, don't make trouble here."

  Seeing this, Hu Qingfeng felt angry and anxious. At this moment, he realized how angry Lin Feng was when he didn't believe him.

  When he was about to force his way in, someone did suddenly pat him on the shoulder, and when he looked back, it was a middle-aged man.

   It was Zhou Tiansheng!

   "You said that Lin B grew up in the Forest of the Blue Spirit and met gods?"

  Hu Qingfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Uncle, who are you?"

  The corners of Zhou Tiansheng's mouth twitched, "I am the Chief Zhou you are looking for."

  Hu Qingfeng smiled awkwardly, "Zhou, Mr. Zhou B."

  No way, Zhou Tiansheng is too low-key, outsiders only know that Minister of Education b is Zhou Tiansheng, most people don't know what he looks like, but it is Qin Wujiang, who often appears on TV.

  Zhou Tiansheng nodded, "Tell me, what's going on?"

  Hu Qingfeng nodded quickly, and told about the forest of the blue spirit.


   Forest of the Blue Spirit.

  Lin Feng slowly approached a demon god, and the long sword in his hand was shining with cold light. At this time, he was only ten thousand miles away from the demon god, but the demon **** did not respond at all.

   "Today, I want to see if I can kill another god!"

  (end of this chapter)