MTL - Online Games: Start Unlimited BUFF Talent!-Chapter 28 Brother, are you gambling?

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Chen Changsheng was full of self-confidence at this time. He was an S-rank talent, and he was still full of critical strikes, ignoring defensive attacks!

This is equivalent to the same effect of "Fatal Crit" that he can directly trigger when he smashes a stick at random.

The fatal crit is a more terrifying effect than the weak point crit. It can directly ignore the defense and cause crit damage to the enemy!

But for top players, it is also very difficult to do a little bit!

Because it not only needs to hit the enemy's fatal weakness, but also has very strict requirements on the angle and strength of the attack, and often there is no room for a shot, and if a hit is missed, it is likely to put itself in danger as well.

But with this S-level talent, he doesn't have to worry about these things. Every two seconds, he can stably trigger an effect equivalent to a "fatal crit", and not only ordinary attacks, but also skills can take effect!

You must know that it is ten times more difficult than a normal attack to use a skill to make a "deadly crit" effect!

The gap, like magic block and physical block, is very different.

Of course, these are not the most critical!

What gave Chen Changsheng the confidence to win was the passive effect attached to his S-rank talent—five times the critical damage!

Five times the crit, equivalent to ten times the normal damage!

Combined with the innate ability to ignore defense, his output ability will be terrifying!

"Hmph, it's only level 20, without the best equipment, why would you take a full blow from me?"

Chen Changsheng sneered again and again in his heart, slammed down with a stick, with the power of destroying thunder, he went forward!


Lin Bei laughed when he saw this, his eyes narrowed, and in the eyes of everyone's unbelievable eyes, he did not retreat but advanced, with his bare hands, he grabbed the mace smashed by the volley.

"court death!"

Chen Changsheng's eyes lit up when he saw this, and his hands moved a little faster.

Want to block my attack with your bare hands?

Do you think I'll be unprepared?

In general, for an existence like him, micro-manipulation can be performed when attacking, so as to adjust the attack angle and speed. In this way, it will cause trouble to the opponent who wants to block. If the opponent cannot quickly If you react and change your moves, you will be passive and suffer a move in vain!

Therefore, in the top professional arena, unless necessary, dodge is generally the main thing, rather than going up to block and pretend!

This kid, do you think that my top three operation level in this league is just a joke?

You still want to block my attack with your bare hands?

All I can say is... Silly treasure!

On the other side, Lin Bei was not surprised but delighted when he saw that Chen Changsheng changed his tactics.

This is the level of operation that a top professional player should have!

Not bad, if you can pull in your own team, you can definitely increase the strength of the entire team!

The corner of Lin Bei's mouth rose, and he was already thinking about how to dig a hole for Chen Changsheng.

As for coping with changes?

He has a way!

Almost as soon as the opponent changed his moves, he reacted.

Put your legs back, squat down!

The speed was so fast that Chen Changsheng couldn't react for a while and couldn't keep up with recruiting.


The mace crossed Lin Bei's shoulder and slammed heavily on the ground. For a while, it splattered at any time, and the dust flew.

"Hidden away?"

Chen Changsheng's pupils trembled, you must know that under his rapid change of moves, it would be more difficult to dodge than to keep changing moves to block!

Although it is said that his level is not high now, his attributes are also very poor, and his speed is a bit slower, but... the other party is naked!

This operation... Although he understands it, but... he asks himself that he can't do it!

If it is possible to use his tuba, of course, but the problem is... the opponent is only level 20, and he is still naked. How can he do it in a tuba of level 89?

It's not the same thing at all!

"Fuck, this dust is blocking the view, what am I..."

Surrounded by flying dust, these are his "masterpieces".

By the time he reacted, it was too late.

"Millennium Kill!"

A faint laugh sounded, Chen Changsheng only felt a chill on his back, and the chrysanthemum tightened, and his whole body was picked up.

-2588! (fatal crit)

His eyes turned black, and Chen Changsheng fell to the ground again.

"How do you feel? Are you happy?"

After exiting the sparring mode, Lin Bei clapped his hands, put on his equipment again, and looked at Chen Changsheng with a smile.

"how did you do it?"

Chen Changsheng got up in dismay with a depressed look on his face.

"Want to learn? I'll teach you."

Lin Bei smiled brightly.


Chen Changsheng snorted coldly and turned to leave.

"You still want this grass to fly to Apollo? It's still ten years earlier."

Lin Beidan smiled and said: "As far as what I just did, Apollo can definitely do it. But you... hang."

"What do you mean?"

Chen Changsheng turned to look at Lin Bei, his eyes were cold.

"It literally means it. Seeing how confident you were just now, you should have a good talent in the new server. Let me guess, it should be S-rank, right? But you are too naive, you really think you have it. With S-level talent, can you defeat Apollo?"

Lin Bei shook his head and said: "If you really think so, then you will definitely die. Apollo... how should I put it, although this person is very conceited, his operational level is still very strong, let alone you. , even if the two of you go together, in fact, the result is also a loser!"

"Don't look at the back and forth of your fights before. In fact, people have hidden it very deep. Even if you have an S-level talent, you will most likely be delivering food by then."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Chen Changsheng's face was gloomy.

He doesn't believe it.

This kid... must be in a state of mind!

"Don't believe me, did you see what I just did?"

Lin Bei said with a smile: "What if I say, this is the positioning technique I learned from Apollo? Do you think that if you use his deity to use it, what chance do you have?"

Chen Changsheng's pupils shrank slightly, his heart froze.

If so...

"So, self-confidence is a good thing, just don't be conceited. You don't think that Apollo is not good now. He has beaten the invincible opponents in the alliance, but if things go on like this, he will die miserably."

Lin Bei said with emotion.

These are all opinions from experience. Although the Apollo in the last life was once glorious, when he fell from the altar, it was also terrible.

"Stay in Qingyu, I can guide you, for free."

Lin Bei said, looking at Chen Changsheng who was hesitant.

He is not in a hurry, as long as the opponent wants to defeat Apollo, he will definitely choose to stay!

Sure enough, Chen Changsheng just hesitated for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll join Qingyu, but... when I defeat you, I'll leave! You better not lose!"

"Don't worry, even if you and Apollo go together, I won't lose."

Lin Bei waved his hand, and finally gave Chen Changsheng a level 10 silver suit: "These are for you, grow well, I'm optimistic about you!"

"By the way, I plan to build a team, are you interested?"

"Heh, are you joking? I'm going to your team? NWL? Stop making trouble!"

"Don't say that. Isn't there a Challenger League every year? Even the NWL may win all the way and rush into the WWL."

"Hmph, I admit that your personal strength is not weak, but do you think WWL is so good?"

Chen Changsheng said indifferently: "Over the years, only one team has advanced to the WWL through the Challenger League! And the only team that has been promoted is the top team from SWL! As for the NWL you mentioned, it would be good to be able to advance to the second round. Now, you want to advance to the WWL? It's just a dream!"

"Hehe, don't say that. With me, anything is possible."

"I do not believe!"

"Then why don't we take a gamble?"

Lin Bei said with a smile: "If I can lead the team into the WWL, you will join our team, how about it?"

"What if you can't?"

"Simple, didn't you bring me in before? I'll join your team at that time!"

"Hey, joining our team is a good thing for you, not a punishment. Otherwise, if you lose, I don't want anything. How about you transfer 51% of Qingyu's equity to me?"

Chen Changsheng narrowed his eyes and said.

Although he has just joined the Qingyu Guild, he is very optimistic about the future development of Qingyu. He glanced at the guild members around him. Their equipment is at least bronze equipment, and there are many players wearing silver equipment. , this kind of strength, in a Tianyuan that has just been opened, can definitely be called powerful.

What's more, this is just the tip of the iceberg. With the exclusive dungeon, as long as it goes well, he feels that Qingyu will definitely be able to occupy a place in the entire Tianyuan!

At that time, the income of the entire guild is simply unimaginable!

"Hmph, you think beautifully."

Lin Bei squinted his eyes when he heard the words, pondered for a while, and said, "51% is not impossible, but... your loss is too small to be appropriate. Well, if I win, you have to come to our guild to sign a lifetime contract, and ...Ten years of freelance work. If we agree, let's take a gamble!"

"Just bet, I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Hearing this, Chen Changsheng pouted, really thought WWL was so good?

Moreover, there are less than 10 days left until the Challenger League. Even if you can create a team, do you have time to train?

What is the use of personal strength no matter how strong it is?

The professional arena is not a one-person arena!

It's a team arena!

Tactics, command, cooperation, and operation are all indispensable!

If you really think it's that simple, wouldn't it be possible for individuals to be able to play professionally?

It can only be said that your kid is too simple!

He even uttered wild words, wanting to enter SWL directly through NWL?

dreaming too!

However, when Lin Bei took out the gambling agreement, Qingqing Zijin and Yu Wushuang on the side couldn't help but shudder.

He glanced at Lin Bei who had an indifferent face, and then glanced at Chen Changsheng who was smiling until the corners of his mouth were grinning to the bottom of his ears. He shook his head and sighed.

Alas, still young.

This is the pit.

She couldn't help thinking of the scene when she signed a gambling agreement with Lin Bei before, and she felt powerless for a while.

Although they didn't think that Lin Bei had the ability to bring a newly-built NWL team to the WWL arena, but for some reason, they shuddered when they thought of losing the gambling agreement before.

She doesn't think that Lin Bei is the kind of person who digs a hole for himself. Since he dares to sign an agreement like this, he must have full confidence.

But... NWL is promoted to WWL, this is too much, right?

You must know that even the most powerful NWL team will send food when they encounter a CWL team. What's more, there is on top of CWL, and it is WWL!

Can he really do it?

For some reason, the two girls couldn't help but look forward to it.

If it is really done, it will be a great opportunity for both the team and the entire Qingyu Guild!

After digging a hole for Chen Changsheng, Lin Bei left contentedly.

He still has a lot of things to do now, such as his sister's illness, which needs to be treated as soon as possible. For example, he is now at level 20, and it is time to consider career advancement. Also, he has to consider the extra job transfer he has made with the career expansion scroll. Now, there is the Gorefiend Order given by the king-level first kill, he also intends to take a look, and also identify the obsidian-level equipment, form a team, and select a location for the guild territory...

All in all, there are a bunch of things waiting for him to deal with now, and time is running out.

"By the way, you can take this list and see if you can buy it. It will be completed within two days. At least 20 people will come out. Let's sign up for the challenge!"

Lin Bei gave Qingqing Zijin a list. These are the big names who rose in the middle and late stages of his last life. Trying his luck now, if he can pull a few into the team, it will make a lot of money!

After ordering some things, Lin Bei went to the copy, opened the permission, limited to members of the Qingyu Guild, and then came to Qingshan City through the teleportation array of Shengguang Village.

"It's time for career advancement!"

As soon as he arrived at Qingshan City, Lin Bei was accustomed to the road and rushed towards the Temple Square.

Now the city is empty, except for the NPC on the side of the road, he is the only player.

"Hey! Boy, come here!"

Just then, a sharp scream came.

Lin Bei turned his head to look for fame, but saw no one.