MTL - Orcs and Hyena Orcs Are In Love with Each Other-Chapter 34 Newlyweds

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"Shh, don't let others know, they are all rushing for this!" Gubei was a little confused, and glanced back to make sure no one saw him whispering to the tundra , "Maybe you will like it too." His eyes are not big, and he has single eyelids, which is really not good-looking. These are such a pair of eyes, but they confuse the tundra.

He looked at the drunken state of the man in front of him, and his heart was beating wildly. What's going on today? Gubei couldn't help but persuaded him to drink again and again, he still took a small sip, but like other orcs, he fell in love with this thing. With a bit of bitter sweetness.

"Do you like it?" Gubei asked.

"I like it." Tundra smiled, not knowing whether it was the person who liked to bring him the wine or the wine.

A little drunk cat rubbed against the tundra and put its head on his shoulder, "Why do I feel a little dizzy?"

Feeling the strength on her shoulders, Tundra straightened her shoulders, "Really? Then go to sleep."

Gubei supported half of his drooping eyelids, "I still have to pack my things."

"Wait a minute I'll wake you up." He took a sip of wine, which he liked.

"Okay, remember." Gubei fell asleep.

But was it really what he wanted?

A group of people ate and drank in the middle of the night, and when there was no more stuff in their stomachs, and no more topics could be thought of in their minds, this banquet was the curtain call. Duo San Yin Li and Buddy, who are the masters, need to pack up their things before going to rest. Of course, this time the male must also come in handy.

Yin Li sent Mu La, who had a big belly, to rest early. He wanted to find Gubei for help. But he walked around and didn't find Gubei. Maybe Gubei went to play with a better female. Although he is worried about a lot of things to do, when he thinks that Gubei is always working diligently, let him take a small vacation!

"Where is Gubei?" Seeing that Yin Li was the only female busy with alopecia areata, he asked where his younger brother was.

Yin Li looked around, "I don't know? I was looking for him just now. Forget it, maybe I'm going to play with my friends, let him rest."

Alopecia areata is not a harsh older brother, so he naturally shrugged and helped Yin Li pack up.

The tundra over there drank a jar of wine alone, and was so drunk that he didn't know what to do. At this time, he couldn't hold back and fell to the ground, which happened to hurt the ancients who were relying on him. north. Tundra lay on the ground first, and Gubei hit him. The tundra was in pain, he moved slowly and turned over, Gubei looked for the heat source and leaned towards him. The tundra smells the scent of the female and naturally embraces people.

The two drunkards slept on each other, and slept like this all night.

When the sun shines directly on his face in the morning of the next day, Tundra wakes up first, he squints up and wants to raise his hand to block the sunlight, but finds something pressing on his hand. He turned his head to look over there, just in time to see Gu Bei's face.

The female was still sleeping, and the saliva flowed out, forming reflective marks around her mouth.

The tundra is not at all tempted at this time! what 's wrong! Why did Gubei sleep with him! Looking away, the wine jar on the lawn came into view, "Is it?"

Just as he made his voice, Gubei seemed to notice the abnormality and slowly woke up. Gu Bei was equally astonished, he quickly moved aside, "How do we..."

Tundra picked up the pottery jar, "But because of this." After drinking, his memory disappeared, this thing is really weird! He looked at Gubei sharply, this thing was brought by Gubei!

"What?" Gubei wasn't sure that the wine played a role, so they both fell asleep, but what else could it be except the wine? The only food that was special last night was this, the first time they met.

"You brought this thing." Affirmative.

Gu Bei squinted, "Are you doubting me?"

Gubei is a female that no one likes, it is hard to guarantee that he did not do it on purpose. Tundra backed down a little to the female, "I didn't mean that either."

"Humph!" Gubei grabbed the wine jar. "I won't take a fancy to you!" What is this guy! Enough narcissism!

After going back, alopecia areata cared about Gubei, but Gubei was angry. The poor hyena orc dared not ask for justice, and ran off to move in aggrieved.

The tundra was late to the hunting party, so Barry naturally wanted to ask. This guy doesn't dare to tell the truth, and he is left and right. Barry felt that the tundra was a little weird, but he didn't think of Gubei who disappeared overnight.

This should have ended.

Tundra doesn't think that she has misunderstood Gubei, that weird wine was brought by Gubei, this female has a plan for him. As a result, while hunting, Barry showed off the magic of wine to his teammates. According to Yin Li's explanation, if you drink alcohol, you will be "drunk". What is "drunk" is that you don't know who you are, and you even fall asleep no matter where you are at the time.

The other orcs say that Barry is bragging and lying. Barry sighed, "You poor people, you haven't drunk it before, that thing is delicious! Originally there were seven jars, and I don't know who stole it, but there are six jars left, and I'm still thinking about the thief. Where's the wine thief! That guy!"

"This thing is so precious?" Tundra looked very interested.

"That's right, last year Yin Li brewed eight jars, and they threw them in the cellar and forgot about them. Two days ago, they drank one jar, saying that good things must be reserved for drinking when they join the group. I drank it all yesterday. Tundra, you should try it, it's really good." Barry patted the young man he valued on the shoulder. .

"Then... did Gubei drink it?" If Gubei didn't know the sequelae of drinking, then Gubei didn't count on him?

Barry thought for a while, "No way. I heard that the jar was all drunk by alopecia areata, and the good guy drank a jar per person! Yesterday he drank half a jar, and we count him among us. Drink the most!" Barry thought that most of the good wine last night got into other people's stomachs, and he hated it, so he didn't doubt why Tundra asked about Gubei.

"Oh!" Tundra laughed, pushing the matter over.

The tundra had something in her heart, she was not attentive in hunting, let go of the prey, and asked Barry to spray a few words. Back in the tribe, he wanted to find Gubei to understand the situation, but unexpectedly there was no Gubei that males liked at all. This time, he was surrounded by unmarried males. This is strange!

Could it be that Gubei wants to hook up with other people? Thinking of this possibility, the tundra was particularly unpleasant. He gathered among the people and listened to those people complimenting Gubei.

"Gubei, the food you cook is delicious!"

"Gubei, will you live in such a house in the future?"

"Gubei, will you still live with Yin Li in the future?"

He felt like a flame was burning inside, hot and hot, burning his reason.

Gu Bei had a headache. As soon as he heard the words of these orcs, he knew that they were not here for him, but for Yin Li. They were probably very remorseful. They should have fought for Yin Li more, so they didn't need to watch other orcs live in good houses.

This has to go back to last night's 'Participation Banquet', the concept of entry banquet was proposed by Yin Li. It means to invite friends and relatives to a meal before moving, and everyone is happy. Since Barry has almost been confirmed as the next tribal leader, there are naturally many. Everyone didn't come empty-handed, they all brought their prey with them. Yin Li doesn't need to worry about raw materials.

Everyone has long been curious about new houses. Now that I come to the banquet, I will be able to take a close and honest look at the universe in these houses!

Females envy the huge kitchen and bathroom, Yin Li made the sewer with ceramic pipes, so that domestic sewage no longer needs to be carried out or poured everywhere. The beautiful and sturdy stove is just above a person's waist. Yin Li does not need to squat down to cook, but to stand comfortably to cook. Mula with a big belly can also cook easily. The squatting pit in the toilet is absolutely new to the orcs. They don't have the concept of modern people being embarrassed to go to other people's houses to go to the toilet. They took turns to experience it in Yin Li's toilet. After flushing, the stinky smell is gone. This is simply a surprise to the females! OMG! Such a design must have one at home!

The toilets that are also used in rotation, as well as those of Barry and Tugu. It's just that the number of people in the Shangtugu family is obviously much smaller. Also, with a great evil star like Tugu standing at the door, who would dare to approach? That's why the anaconda brothers are not afraid.

Finally, even the tribe leader went to the toilet at Barry's house. He still admired the toilet, but the clan chief's wife, Nora, loved it so much that she immediately announced that she wanted the clan chief to make one at home!

Comments like this were heard throughout the night.

The males only appreciate the toilet. What they really like is the freely rotating wooden door and window. This thing looks like a technical work. Now Yin Li has not put wooden furniture in his house, if it is, the males will be even more envious this time!

Although Yin Li had so many requirements when he made the house, the orcs were impatient. But now that the results are shown, Barry and Hesse have to sigh that hard work can really bring a lot of gains.

Their house is now the largest in the tribe. The fruit trees planted by alopecia areata around the house are still only dwarf seedlings, and everyone has not seen the benefits of planting fruit trees in front of the house. After arriving, when the fruit trees grow up, they find that this is a really wonderful idea! If you want to know what fruit you want to eat, you can see it and eat it when you go out the door. Does it take the effort of climbing a mountain?

The ewes that are being tethered to one side and the lambs it has grown have gained a lot of attention from the orcs. They are not as picky as the earthlings. When they eat meat, they have to pick lambs to eat. Picking up on the quality of meat is something that females do. They thought the lamb was for food, but the alopecia areata raised it well, and now it's not much smaller than its mother. Here is why? Alopecia areata talked about farming, and everyone was silent. Their first thought was that they disagreed, but thinking that Yin Li had created many miracles, they swallowed it and said nothing.

In the future, Yin Li will raise more animals. But by then, no one was surprised.

Gubei didn't want to talk to these conspiratorial people at all, just when the tundra appeared, Gubei didn't even think about it, "Tunda!"

Tundra frowned subconsciously, "Why?"

Gubei pretended to be looking for him, "Alopecia areata let me call you. Go!" He grabbed Tundra's arm naturally, "Maybe..."