MTL - Others Tame Beasts, I Tame Demons-Chapter 224 Elite Beastmaster

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Su Yi originally wanted to develop more feelings with this frost giant dragon.

It's a pity, I don't know if it's because it was in its infancy, or because it ate too many eggshells, and soon its eyelids started to fight, and it looked like it was sleepy.

No way, Su Yi had to let it rest in the ruins palace first.

In the next few days, this little guy seemed to be a big slacker. He ate and slept, slept and ate, and he looked like he couldn't wake up every day, which made Su Yi, who wanted to develop a relationship with him, very helpless.

What makes Su Yi most helpless is that this little guy has a very big appetite. Every time he eats, he eats hundreds of pounds of meat, even more than his own weight!

In order to satisfy its appetite, Su Yi had to hunt beasts outside the city and in secret realms.

Of course, sometimes he also spends money to buy in the Haitao market - there are many stalls selling the meat of fierce beasts in the Haitao market.

After a period of "overeating" in this way, although Bingbing's psychic level has not improved much, it has obviously grown in size. It can be said that it is the same every day.

Today, its body length has exceeded three meters, and its wingspan has exceeded five meters!

"This is growing too fast!"

In the heart of space, Su Yi was very surprised to see the frost giant dragon in front of him that could no longer be called a little guy.

But in addition to being surprised, he was also a little excited.

Now that Bingbing has grown so big, it should be able to ride, right?

He has long wanted to have a rideable flying pet beast.

And the giant dragon is undoubtedly the top group of all flying pet beasts. The rate of turning back when riding out will definitely reach 100%, which is more handsome than the long-winged pheasant and the galloping bird!

Thinking of this, he couldn't wait, and immediately looked at the giant frost dragon in front of him, and asked excitedly:

"That... Bingbing, can I ride you?"

As a gentleman, he still respects each other very much. If this little... ah no, if this big guy doesn't agree, he will definitely not force it.

Bingbing understood what he meant, and a trace of rejection appeared in her black gem-like eyes.

It is an arrogant dragon, how can it be allowed to ride by humans?

However, seeing Su Yi's look of anticipation, he hesitated for a long time and said, "If your godfather wants to, you can give it a try..."

Really agree?

Su Yi was a little surprised. He knew very well what it meant when a giant dragon was willing to let a human ride on its back.

Either it was completely surrendered, or the intimacy was very high.

Obviously, Su Yi belongs to the latter.

Judging from the current situation, if there is a request to sign a contract with it in the future, Bingbing will probably not refuse.

Thinking of this, Su Yi is even happier, it is worthwhile for him to drip a drop of blood on the dragon egg every day!

"After all skills are trained to the realm of perfection, its combat power may be higher than Xiaojing and Liuli."

"Unfortunately, its level is still a bit low, and it is impossible to directly use the legendary earth dragon soul crystal..."

Thinking of this, Su Yi couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

The earth dragon soul crystal was also obtained from the heritage relic, which was specially prepared by Matthew for this frost giant dragon.

If he can absorb this psychic material, Su Yi can be sure that Bingbing's strength will definitely increase explosively!

The only thing that puzzled him was why what Matthew prepared for Bingbing was the Earth Dragon Soul Crystal, not the Ice Dragon Soul Crystal. Wouldn't it be more suitable if it was an Ice Dragon Soul Crystal?

Of course, Su Yi also knows that things like dragon soul crystals can be encountered but cannot be obtained. The probability of occurrence is very low. It is already very good to get a piece, and it is really difficult to ask for any attributes.

After growing to three meters, Bingbing finally ended the state of "sleep when you're full, eat when you're full".

Correspondingly, the growth rate of its body also returned to normal.

For this reason, Su Yi still has some regrets. He originally expected Bingbing to grow directly to more than ten meters...

"Cultivation well, but don't embarrass the dragon family."

Su Yi touched its dragon horn and left the Heart of Space after exhorting it.

"Su Yi, do you know the abyss secret realm in Chunan Prefecture? I heard that something big happened in that secret realm!"

In the classroom of class two and four of high school, Su Yi was teaching himself the knowledge of high school three, but Li Xinhao, who was at the same table, took the initiative to come over as if he knew some big news.

"Abyss Secret Realm?"

Originally Su Yi was not in the mood to chat with him, but after hearing this familiar name, he couldn't help but stop the pen in his hand and looked at him curiously, "What happened to that secret realm?"

When inquiring, he was somewhat nervous, afraid that the fact that he had entered the tower would be exposed.

"A lot of beastmasters were planted in that secret realm, and it is said that even Yu Fanyi died in it!"

Li Xinhao said with a serious expression.

"Yu Fanyi? Who is he?"

Su Yi frowned, a little puzzled.

"Yu Fanyi doesn't know? He was the first place in the Chunan High School League last year, and he also won the fourth place in the National High School League. If it wasn't for the postponement of the Global Royal Beast Cup, he would have played on behalf of our Dragon Country! "

Li Xinhao replied.

"The fourth place in the National High School League?"

Su Yi was a little surprised, this can already be said to be the top genius in that session!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help regretting: "It's really a pity that such a genius died in a secret realm."

"Who said no?"

Li Xinhao agreed: "And this person died a bit unfairly. Originally, with his strength, he could easily deal with commander-level beasts. Even if he encounters master-level beasts, he is not without the ability to retreat.

However, the city lord of Yancheng concealed the specific situation of that secret realm. Did you know that there are not only commander-level beasts and master-level beasts, but also Hou-level beasts in that abyss secret realm!

Yu Fanyi's luck was a bit unfortunate, and he ran into a Hou-level beast directly, and then the person was gone..."

At the end, Li Xinhao couldn't help shaking his head.

"The existence of Hou-level beasts in the secret realm of the abyss has not been made public?"

Su Yi frowned.

There are indeed Hou-level beasts in the abyss secret realm, and there is even a king-level beast, but there are not many.

All the extraordinary creatures above the Hou level add up to only four, which are the four lords or queens in the mouth of the succubus princess.

However, some time ago, he clearly sorted out this information, and anonymously sent it to Yancheng's City Lord's Mansion, the Beastmaster Association, the Special Investigation Bureau and other departments.

Afraid that the staff would not believe it, he also deliberately wrote about the situation inside the abyss secret realm in great detail, to the point of knowing at a glance that it was not a random fabrication.

In order to obtain this information, he interrogated the succubus princess for a whole night!

But he didn't want to, his efforts were in vain, Yancheng did not disclose this information in the first time!

"Public? Of course it was made public, but after Yu Fanyi's accident."

Speaking of this, Li Xinhao also curled his lips and said angrily: "At first, the city owner of Yancheng didn't want to admit it. If the recorder that Yu Fanyi was carrying was discovered and made public by other explorers, it is estimated that those departments would continue to hide it. Really. I don't know what they are planning!"

Hearing this, Su Yi shook his head and said nothing.

There are so many city owners in Longteng Kingdom, and it is normal for a few to have no conscience.

Compared with those real scumbags, deliberately deceiving people into being cannon fodder is actually very minor. Even if it is exposed now, it is estimated that the city owner will not suffer much punishment.

Very helpless.

"Forget it, it's useless for us to get angry with this kind of thing."

After a moment of silence, Su Yi spoke again, "By the way, isn't it that there is a tower suspected to be a heritage relic in that abyss secret realm, are you sure now?"

"The legacy of the fart!"

Li Xinhao shook his head and said, "Some explorers who have gone in broke the news that there is nothing in the tower. It is said that there is a large hole in the ground on the fifth floor, which is very dilapidated."

"In short, there is no inheritance relic at all!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something and continued: "However, some people say that this is a fake news deliberately released by Yancheng officials, in order to conceal the fact that there is an inheritance relic in Yancheng, so that they can have enough time to arrange for the children of his own clan to enter and explore inside.

With the urgency of those bureaucrats in Yancheng, it is not unusual at all to do such a thing! "


Seeing his look of righteous indignation, Su Yi opened his mouth, not knowing what to say for a while.

Although Yancheng officials do not have much credibility now, the news is true.

There was really nothing in that tower, because he emptied everything inside...

However, he would not specifically explain to Yancheng officials, so he followed Li Xinhao's words and said:

"There is indeed such a possibility. I hope the state can strictly investigate it, and must not allow those corrupt officials to swallow the heritage relic alone!"

"Don't worry, the public opinion on this matter has already risen, and the state will definitely send someone to investigate.

The biggest problem now is that the abyss is too dangerous. Even if it is determined that the tower is really a heritage relic, it is estimated that no one dares to enter.

Hou-level vicious beast, **** it, even if the most powerful elite-level beastmaster encounters it, it is estimated that it will only be a gift! "

Li Xinhao shook his head with some emotion.

"makes sense."

Su Yi nodded. If it wasn't for the existence of a building that was suspected to be a heritage relic, it is estimated that when it was revealed that there were Hou-level beasts inside, no one would dare to go in again.

After all, it was an elite-level restricted secret realm, not to mention Hou-level beasts, even commander-level beasts and grandmaster-level beasts would be enough to scare away 99% of people.

After it is confirmed that the tower is indeed not a heritage relic, it is estimated that this secret realm will gradually disappear from everyone's vision and become one of the most unworthy of exploration.

In order to prevent the demonic beasts inside from running out to harass the surrounding villages and towns, maybe the country will consider directly destroying the space tunnel connecting that secret realm!

—Similar things have not been done before.

"Don't talk about that secret realm."

Li Xinhao thought of something, and suddenly asked curiously: "By the way, Su Yi, I heard that Xia Yihan of Class 9 has broken through to the elite level, are you too soon?"

"Well, in a few days, I should be able to try to open up a third space for the beasts."

Su Yi didn't hide it, and nodded lightly.

After more than half a month of practice, his psychic level finally went further, reaching the ordinary nine-star level.

"Grass, animal, I have just reached the apprentice-level nine-star, and I am still worried about opening up a second space for beasts!"

Li Xinhao's heart suddenly became unbalanced.

Obviously, the strength of the two people was about the same a year ago, but I don't want Su Yi to throw him a full rank now!

"I can't accept it and I have to ask..."

Seeing his appearance of being attacked, Su Yi was speechless, "I advise you to spend more time on your practice, and continue like this. It is estimated that by the time you graduate from high school, Zhang Xiaotong will be able to shake you off a big step. "

This semester, Zhang Xiaotong has also made great progress. Although he is not as good as him, his psychic level has also reached the ordinary five-star level, which is already very good.

If you can work harder in your third year of high school, you might even be admitted to the Three Great Beast Academy!

The only regret is that her combat power is really not enough.

Although her water elf has grown to the ordinary level early, but as a medical pet, its combat power can be said to be at the bottom of the same level.

As for Xiao Haijiao, who had only contracted this semester, even if he absorbed two water spirit stones, he would be able to grow to an apprentice-level nine-star.

It is a long way to go to count on Zhang Xiaotong to be his help.

"Will I not be thrown off by Zhang Xiaotong if I practice hard?"

Li Xinhao shrugged, "I've seen it for a long time, my aptitude is not as good as yours, so I have to recognize it. Instead of cultivating as hard as you, I might as well make myself a little more comfortable. Anyway, my ideals are not big, as long as It's enough to be an elite beastmaster."

Elite-level beastmasters can already be regarded as successful people in society.

Seeing him like this, Su Yi smiled and didn't say much.

Everyone has their own ideas, and it is not bad to be an ordinary elite-level beastmaster and then find a stable job.

Inside the Heart of Space.

A juvenile frost dragon is hovering over the river.

On the back of the Frost Dragon, there was an excited boy sitting.

"Bingbing, use the ice storm to freeze the water surface!"

Su Yi shouted loudly.


Bingbing immediately let out a dragon roar, and at the same time, the storm condensed by the ice blades appeared out of thin air and swept away to the river below.

In the place covered by the ice storm, the temperature dropped to below zero in an instant, and a layer of solid ice appeared on the surface of the river in just a moment.

It's just that these solid ices have just condensed, and they are chopped up by countless ice blades, and then continue to condense and chop up again... and so on.


Seeing that the rocks and trees by the river were shattered by the ice storm, Su Yi was very satisfied.

The power of this skill has surpassed the blade storm of the wind element!

"Come again, extreme cold storm!"

Su Yi spoke again, ready to try more powerful skills.

Hearing this, Bingbing did not hesitate, brewing for a few seconds, and let out a dragon roar again.

Then, a more terrifying blizzard appeared, and the surrounding temperature dropped to minus eighty or ninety degrees in an instant.

This time, all the rivers within the range were directly frozen into ice!

At these temperatures, even steel becomes as brittle as glass!

"This skill is a bit raw, it deserves to be an advanced skill!"

Su Yi's face couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

Through observation, he found that this skill can directly freeze some low-level enemies into ice, and even if the enemy can resist, it will also hang some debuffs on them.

For example, the body is frozen, resulting in slow movement and reduced speed.

Or the armor on the body has become very fragile because of its cold brittleness, and it can be easily broken and so on.

In game terms, this skill can not only cause a lot of ice damage to the enemy, but also reduce the enemy's agility and defense!

The key is that it is a scope skill!

"This skill needs to focus on training, try to improve the proficiency!"

Su Yi said with a smile.

The efficiency of elite-level extraordinary creatures practicing advanced skills is actually not high, but they can barely practice.

Moreover, Su Yi does not have high requirements for it at the moment, as long as the proficiency can be raised to the proficiency level.

"Then... should I practice Arctic Storm, Frozen Cage, or Frost Breath first?"

Bingbing couldn't help but ask.

It's not that it wants to raise the bar on purpose, mainly because Su Yi said the same thing when she used these three skills.

"This...let's practice Frost Breath first."

Su Yi pondered for a moment and made a decision.

Breathing is one of the most basic abilities of dragons, and it is also one of the most familiar skills.

Don't look at the fact that Bingbing has only mastered the primary Frost Breath for the time being, but Su Yi believes that as long as you practice hard for a while, you will soon be able to advance to the Intermediate Frost Breath, or even the Advanced Frost Breath!

Once advanced to Advanced Frost Breath, then it has three advanced skills, more than Xiao Jing!

After training with Bingbing for a while, seeing that it was getting late, Su Yi returned to the ruins palace.

It has become his habit to meditate in the ruins palace at night.

He had just returned to the palace when he discovered that Xiaojing and Liuli were also here—it was their habit to practice with him at night.

"I'm going to try to open up a third space for the beasts tonight, you can't disturb me."

Su Yi looked at them and warned them specially.

He was afraid that the two of them would deliberately lean on him again at night.

Especially Liuli, this fox-eared girl has a calm and elegant look on the surface, but she always teases him from time to time at night.

Of course, Liuli is not necessarily intentional, but with her current charm, even if she just puts on a sultry pose, or gently touches Su Yi's body, it will make Su Yi's heart tremble.


Seeing that he was so serious, Xiao Jing and Liu Li were very obedient, and nodded obediently, not deliberately acting as a demon.

Liuli also deliberately gave enough space, for fear of accidentally touching him again.

Seeing this, Su Yi smiled and said nothing. He immediately sat down with his legs crossed, and then took out a Yuan Lingshi from the storage ring and began to meditate.

With the help of Yuan Lingshi, the probability of successfully opening up the space of the beasts can be increased by at least 50%!

The most common problem when opening up a space for imperial beasts is the lack of psionic energy.

Once such a situation occurs, the beast-fighting space that has not been fully opened will be re-closed due to subsequent inability.

The Primordial Spirit Stone can greatly avoid this problem!

However, the price of Primordial Spirit Stone is not cheap, at least two million, and the beastmasters who are less qualified can't afford it at all.

A year ago, Su Yi didn't even dare to think about using the Primordial Spirit Stone to help open up the Imperial Beast Space!

Soon, he entered a state of meditation.

At this moment, he can clearly perceive that the spiritual energy in his body has reached a certain critical point.

"let's start!"

He meditated a sentence in his heart, no longer hesitated, and immediately mobilized the spiritual energy in his body to rush between his eyebrows.

At the same time, the Yuan Lingshi also released a trace of pure spiritual energy, which flowed into his body along the arm.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt that it was almost the same. Su Yi no longer hesitated, and immediately gave a light drink.

The next moment, he only felt a loud "bang" in his mind, and then the sea of ​​​​knowledge was like being choked by an axe, and a crack suddenly appeared in the void.

Under the infusion of spiritual energy, the crack was slowly opened until a space the size of a football field was formed.


Su Yi was overjoyed.

However, this is only the first step to success.

This level of beast-controlling space cannot withstand his current psychic strength, and must continue to be consolidated and expanded!

As time went by, the third beast-guarding space became larger and stronger, and it echoed the other two beast-guarding spaces in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

I don't know how long it took, Su Yi roared again in his mind, UU reading www. Then he felt as if he had broken through some kind of shackles, and a force flowed out from between his eyebrows and instantly spread across his limbs, making him want to let out a moan.

At the same time, there was some kind of change in his spiritual power, and his mind seemed to be more spiritual and lucid before.

"Is this the power of the elite?"

Su Yi opened his eyes, a flash of excitement flashed across his face.

Once again, he checked the newly created Beast Master in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. He clenched his fist and was very sure that he had really become an elite Beast Master!

Xiaojing and Liuli on the side also felt the change in him, and they quit their cultivation one after another, casting surprised glances at him.

They found that the connection between themselves and Su Yi seemed to be closer, and they could even share part of their power with him through the contract!

This time sharing is not only about physical attributes, but also skills!

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