MTL - Otherworldly Evil Monarch-Chapter 14 Solitary

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Chapter Fourteen: Solitary Art ("")

When I was shocked by the evil spirits, I suddenly remembered the past life. On the same day, I was also hanging out on the street. I saw that "She" was very beautiful, and I couldn’t help but look at it. I know that the girl was obviously angry at the time. Too much to say: "See what? Haven't seen a beautiful woman, stinking?" I know that the two people know each other, the evil is a killer, has been careful to avoid anything, until he has something, separate two World. Thinking of this, it is not a bit stunned.

At this moment, the evil spirits are like history, and the heart can't help but warm up. Seeing this girl is also inexplicably feeling a lot of kindness. I simply smiled and said: "This girl, we seem to have seen it somewhere, I am familiar with you."

The girl bit his teeth and glared at him: "Hey, this girl is very familiar with your scum! Jun three less, what do you want to play today? Dress up first time?!"

Uh? Did you really know it? Junxie quickly called out the information of the savage woman in front of her memory. She couldn’t help but smile. She said nothing. "It’s really a fate, we actually know, Miss Duo."

Is this a good? What is this nonsense?

The "Duogu" missed her eyes in a sly manner, but the girl behind her couldn’t help but smile. At this time, Tang Yuan saw that the evil spirits did not follow up, but also turned back and heard the words of the evil spirits. Admire the five-body cast, the original Jun three less with the beauty to talk so. However, the guts are worthy of admiration. I dare to talk to Tianxiang’s first savage female singer, I believe that there are few in the whole Tianxiang City!

The girl squinted and looked at the evil spirits. The eyes slowly succumbed to the fierce light: "Jun Moxie, wasn't the last beaten enough? Just the girl is in a bad mood today, can help you loosen your muscles!" ”

It’s only a matter of ignorance, this is the one who is the most feared by Jun Moxie. It seems that he has been beaten by a solitary artist, and he will get out of bed almost half a month later... ...

"Don's Miss, don't come innocent, cough... I mean, ah... The younger brother actually has something to do, and he will leave, and come back." Junxie prepared the soles of his feet. Look at the posture of this little pepper, it seems that the claws of the claws have to be rushed to fight. In the memory of Jun Moxie, this little pepper is not old, but his men are brilliant, and then there are a few monks and evils that are not opponents. Fear, but at this moment, you can't expose your strength too early. Naturally, you must choose Mingzhe to protect yourself. Well, good men don't fight with women!

"Give this girl a stop!" The solitary little chin is high, and looks at the evil with a look of the world: "Where are you going? Is it going to do something bad? Tell you Jun Moxie, Since I have met this girl, don't even think about doing anything bad, give me a slap! Let the girl dissipate this breath and let you go!"

Tang Yuan’s face was sweating and sweating, and his heart was screaming like a bitter heart: “I said that Jun San is less, this aunt’s grandmother is too late to hide. You picked her to provoke it? It’s not as beautiful as it is. Isn't the life of a small life?"

Looking at the bright big eyes of the girl in front of him, but with a arrogant look, suddenly a thought came out in the heart of the evil spirits, pretending to be a dodgy: "Miss Du Gu, where we are going, this... cough It’s very inappropriate for girls to go."

"Don't you go to the kiln?" Sure enough, even this kind of words can be directly announced!

The solitary little art snorted and looked at the two men with disdain: "The shameless embryo!"

"That said that we went to the kiln? Do you think of everyone like you?" Jun Chou suddenly made an angry expression with a sullen expression: "We are just going to Qianjintang, bet on both hands... Hey?! "It seems that suddenly I found a word of disappointment, and Junxie hurriedly shut up."

"Qian Jin Tang? Gambling?" Hearing the first half of the evil spirits, this is even more angry. He didn't want to hear the second half of the sentence. He was alone and didn't feel his eyes brightened. Then he smiled and blinked, his eyes turned, a pair of small The cute little tiger teeth revealed: "I have never been there, take me there!" The tone of the order is not to be refuted. I can't help but admire. The huge jump of women's thinking is really embarrassing.

"Miss..." The girl around her is obviously her personal maid, and she pulled her sleeves and said that it is very reasonable. It is very reasonable for Tianxiang City to go there. It is not a good place, and my own lady is a famous person, how can I mix it with it.

The solitary little art is ignored, and the road is rushing: "Reassured, my two brothers said Qianjintang every day, I want to come to be a special place. This time, the girl can go to see and see!" Hold the ears of the evil spirits: "Come with me! As long as you take me, let me go today!"

It is easy to avoid the evil spirits, but the mind is still moving, but there is no hiding. It is just a bitter face, letting her walk forward with her ears.

Eight guards behind him with a smile, a relative look, followed up. The eight guards with the singularity of the singularity are very speculative, and they are not speculative, because the sixteen people are in the same situation, and they are guilty of the natural heart of the sinister evil. In fact, it is not necessarily better to follow the singularity of the singularity. Everyone is actually swearing in the heart, of course, it is easy to say a family.

Tang Yuan long sighed, how can he kill such a tigress halfway? If my borrowed money was accidentally seen by her... Tang Yuan’s spirited spirit took a nap: This is very confident that it will spread throughout the imperial capital within half a day, and the king who knows the whole country within two days... then I still Not as good as Lisuo’s suicide.

The group of people came to the fragrant incense building in Qianli, walked through the hall and went to the back courtyard. Tang Yuan rushed in and yelled, "Jun three less came, hurry up Hey... give it back to me."

With a smug laughter, six young people appeared at the entrance of the main hall. When they showed up in the future, they saw that they were talking about the unique and lonely art that was coming in the ears of the evil spirits. Everyone suddenly changed their face and the face was earthy. .

At present, there are two major factions that remain neutral among the emperors. One is the one and the other is the two, and the other is the monarchy. Both of these forces are occupying a pivotal position in the military.

The one-of-a-kind singer is the only jewel in the solitude family. The singularity of the singer is quite prosperous. There are seven male mate, and only this female doll is rare. Natural baby is very difficult. I am used to it, but this little girl is not a girl but her talent is very high. At a young age, Xuanqi is very accomplished, and she has a sense of justice. It can be said to be famous in Tianxiang City. "纨绔克星", today included eight majors including the evil spirits, all of whom have suffered from her suffering.

The old man who is alone in the solitary home is also a super-small master. It is said that his accomplishments have reached the level of heaven, and it is the only old guy in the empire who can fight against the monarchy. It is also the Grand Duke of the Empire; as for the father of Du Gu Xiaoyi, the three incomparables and the three uncles are now the Imperial Generals. His seven brothers are all in the military department. It can be said that the power is smoky. For now, The families of the kings have already passed.