MTL - Otherworldly Evil Monarch-Chapter 15 Senkindori

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The fifteenth chapter of the thousand Jintang ("")

However, this family of the solitary family has a very good habit from the old age to the end, that is, it is extremely short-term protection, especially the father of the solitary singularity is invincible, and the protection is short and unreasonable. It is the first knives of the empire. . If someone dares to bully his daughter, he is invincible and can even immediately dispatch the army to revenge.

This will easily mobilize the army's lawless hob meat, who dares to provoke? Jun Moxie has a prince who is covered with a prince, and the singer is still daring to repair. It’s not that the lord’s father can’t help the invincible general. It’s really just that if the old man is arrogant, the singer and the old man will definitely stand up against each other because of the invincible general. The shortness of care is simply inherited from his father! Therefore, in the memory of Jun Moxie, the most feared person is the first grandfather and the war, and the second is this unique and lonely art. No, the first is the solitary art, the second is his grandfather. After all, the grandfather is also his own. Preaching, still not willing to fight yourself, but fell into the hands of this grandmother, it must be a beat, and was beaten or beaten!

Lian Jun Mo Xie is not able to attract the "big" characters, not to mention other 纨绔!

Now, the little princess of this Solitary family has come here.......

"I can't do anything," Jun Xie leaned his head and spread his hand. He pointed to the white tender hand that was still screwed on his ear: "Look at my posture, can you have a trick? If you have an idea, you can do it yourself. Let's go under the order, don't say that I am!"

"How? You don't welcome me? Isn't this girl without money?!" Du Gu Xiaoyi, a phoenix eye, smashed out the money bag, swayed proudly, picked a very nice eyebrow: "Grandma I have silver!"

A dry chop is swaying, and the fart is flowing. You have silver, but the question is: Who can win you? Who won your money? Your son will take the army to collect debts the next day. This is still good. If the old man is interested, come to our house and stroll, then... let us not live?

Tang Yuan can ignore the thoughts in their hearts, and their eyes have already emerged from the fire: "Don't talk about those that are useless, and give me back to me! Jun San Shao has come and can't run. This is you. Promise me! The big man said that there is a letter, and that no one believes in the world!"

Even with the calmness of the evil spirits, I listened to the last words of the fat man, and almost vomited. If you are a person, a person, you dare to call yourself a husband, you can not bury the term husband!

Among the six youths, the young man with a calm look is Li Feng, the grandson of Li Shang, the Taishi teacher. The two young men behind him are Li Zhen and Li Lin; they are all his brothers. And the thin-skinned young man standing next to him, with two mustaches, his eyes deep and deep, is Meng Haizhou, the eldest son of Shang Jiang, the singer of the book, is very talented. Behind him, one of them is called Meng Liang, and the other is Meng Fei. They are also Meng family members.

Li Feng smiled and said: "Mr. Du Gu is coming to visit, I am waiting for it, I am too late, please come in." He said that he was facing the face: "Let me wait for Miss Duo! If the Miss Duo is not satisfied, I will be jealous." Your skin!" Turning his head, it was a smile on his face, and he made a look at Meng Haizhou. "Since Jun San has come, this joke should be over. Look at Tang Dagong’s urgency. Sweating, the big man was born between heaven and earth, ignorant and unbelievable, or give it back to him first."

Meng Haizhou nodded and pointed to Tang Yuandao: "Tang Da, things can be given to you, but that one hundred and fifty thousand two silver can never be less!" Tang Yuan only asked for the receipt of the loan, as for the one and a half million Not a small amount, but still not in the heart, heard the words and promised.

The evil spirits stood by and watched, but the heart was just a sneer; this thing Tang Yuan is certainly afraid, but these two people may not have no scruples at all! Even if Tang Yuan did not invite himself, they would never dare to rush out the evidence of Tang Yuan’s loan, because it would inevitably lead to the counterattack of the Tang family and Sun Jia’s full force, and it would be taken as a vengeance by the two. In the end, it can only be the end of jade! So this thing seems to be very big. In fact, as long as you want to be thorough, it is no big deal. Their goal is probably on their own!

However, after Tang Yuan took back the evidence, he did not have any concerns in this regard. He is bound to rumor and use rumors to attack the Tang family. This is something that can be foreseen.

"What can make Tang Daxiao so anxious? Give me a look, but also open your eyes!" Du Gu Xiaoyi is obviously unwilling to be lonely, curiosity is very strong. Seeing Tang Yuan got a piece of paper in his hand, his face was relieved, and he was very curious and extended his white hands.

Tang Yuan’s face was bitter, and he threw the note into his mouth in the thunder, and chewed it twice. He swallowed his neck and licked his mouth, his face full of innocence. It’s hard for him to stretch his neck like a giraffe!

"Dead, fat, son, do you dare to play with me? It’s so bold!" Du Gu Xiaoyi suddenly became furious, and the claws of the claws rushed up, and he grabbed Tang Yuan’s collar and even smashed him nearly four hundred pounds. Get up, screamed with anger: "Hurry up and spit it out!"

The other seven people, including the evil spirits, violently jumped one by one, and swallowed a few mouthfuls of sputum, his eyes narrowed and his lips were white.

"Cough, the solitary lady, in fact, the note is not flawed; Jun three less time this time was banned by the king's father, can not come out, everyone is very missing; just a gamble with Tang Fatzi, the paper says ' If you don't come, you can't come here. If you don't come, then this piece of paper will be eaten by me. If Jun three is less, then it is Tang Fatzi to eat; Grace, it is such a simple matter, Tang Fatzi does not worry. It’s a man’s husband, and he’s really no regrets, ha, ha.” Meng Haizhou laughed twice and hurried out to play the round field. This person was a bit eager to make a fuss. If the fat man in Tang really vomited the paper and let Du Gu Xiaoyi see the contents, then things have really become a big deal!

The evil spirits of the eyebrows picked up and secretly looked at Meng Haizhou. The mind said that this person can come up with such a reason for seamlessness in a very short period of time, and the face is not discolored and the heart does not jump. It is reasonable and well-founded. It is not a simple character. To tell the truth, just now, the evil spirits almost intended to secretly let the fat vomiting out of the note, completely arguing against the storm by the hands of the solitude, but Tang Fatzi is always a good friend of Jun Moxie, To rectify a few embarrassing eyes in front of you, the evil spirits are confident and casual, and they can make them sullen, and finally reluctantly dispelled this idea! But if it is... still want to... cough and cough...

Du Gu Xiaoyi looked at the crowd with a dubious suspicion. The crowd suddenly nodded like a chicken and glutinous rice: "It is like this, yes." This put Tang Yuan down.

Tang Yuan was almost purple by her face, and she retched several times in a row. She always feared that she would vomit out the paper ball and finally managed to hold back.

"Please ask inside." Li Feng is the owner of this house, making a state of hospitality.

Jun Xie smiled and put on a look of arrogance and arrogance. He strode in and slammed into a chair of the Taishi. Erlang’s legs had already been tilted up, and he looked at him like this. It was really a standard. Rogue posture, typical wave posture.

The solitary eyebrows were wrinkled, and they were very dissatisfied, and almost went up to kick him.

"Don't you miss me? I just want you to be... the silver." The smile of the evil spirits, "How do you want to play? Just draw the way."