MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 1 alive

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March, early spring.

East of Nanhuang Continent, a corner.

The gloomy sky was gray and black, showing a heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, the ink soaked the sky and smudged the clouds.

The clouds layered on top of each other, blending with each other, dispersing one after another of crimson lightning, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

It was like a roar of a god, echoing in the world.

The blood-colored rain, with sadness, fell to the mortal world.

The earth was hazy, and there was a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the red rain of blood.

In the city, the walls are broken, everything is withered, and collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as bluish-black corpses and pieces of meat, like broken autumn leaves, withering silently.

The bustling streets in the past are now desolate.

The sandy road where people used to come and go, is no longer noisy now.

There was only blood and mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper, which could not be separated from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a crippled carriage was deeply immersed in the mud, full of sadness, except for an abandoned rabbit doll on the carriage, hanging on it, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has long been soaked into wet red, full of eerie and eerie.

The turbid pupils seemed to have some resentment left, staring alone at the mottled stones ahead.

There, there was a figure lying on his back.

This is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, dressed in tatters, full of dirt, with a torn leather bag tied around his waist.

The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his tattered coat from all directions and swept through his body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

But even if the rain fell on his face, he didn't blink, staring coldly into the distance like a falcon.

Following his gaze, at a distance of seven or eight feet away from him, a skinny vulture was nibbling on the carrion of a wild dog, occasionally observing the surroundings alertly.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, if there is a slight disturbance, it will instantly vacate.

And the boy is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely submerged its head into the belly of the wild dog.

In an instant, the boy's squinted eyes flashed coldly.

His body was like an arrow off the string, rushing out quickly, going straight to the vulture, with a flick of his right hand, he pulled out a black iron stick from the leather bag at his waist.

A sharp cold light flashed from the tip of the iron stick.

Perhaps it was the perception of murderous intent. The vulture immediately noticed the moment the boy rushed out. Frightened, it flapped its wings and flew into the air, about to fly away.

But it was still too late.

The black iron stick turned into a black line with the boy's expressionless swipe and shot out.


The sharp iron stick pierced the vulture's head in an instant, shattering the skull and killing him instantly.

The powerful impact took its body, tilted and fell, and with a bang, it nailed it to the carriage not far away.

The blood-colored doll on the side also swayed more and more due to the turbulence of the carriage.

The young man looked calm, his speed did not stop from beginning to end, he went straight to this place, and when he arrived, he grabbed the vulture corpse together with the iron stick.

The force was so great that the part of the carriage that was nailed with iron picks also lifted a small piece.

After doing this, he quickly left along the edge of the street without looking back.

The wind seems to be bigger at this moment, the blood-colored doll on the carriage, shaking, seems to be watching the youth go away.


The wind was indeed stronger, carrying the coldness from the rain, brushing the boy's thin clothes.

The boy trembled involuntarily, frowned slightly, shrank his clothes, and let out a sound of inhalation.

He hates the cold.

And the way to resist the cold is to find a place to rest from the wind and rain, but the young man running on the street at the moment, his speed did not stop at all, and the dilapidated shops passed in front of his eyes.

He doesn't have much time.

Because it took too long to hunt vultures, there is still one place he hasn't gone to today.

"It shouldn't be far." The boy whispered to himself, galloping down the street.

On the way forward, there were blue-black corpses everywhere. Their lost hope was full of hideousness, as if they had turned into an aura of despair, trying to contaminate the mind of the young man.

But the young man is used to it and doesn't even look at it.

Until time passed, the young man looked up to the sky from time to time with a little anxiety on his face, as if to him, the change in the sky was more terrifying than those corpses.

Fortunately, when he saw a pharmacy in the distance, the boy heaved a sigh of relief and rushed away.

The medicine store is not big, there are many medicine cabinets scattered on the ground, exuding a musty smell, like a tomb that has been opened, it is full of mess.

In the corner, there was also the body of an old man, his whole body was black and blue, leaning against the wall, as if it was too late to rest his eyes, staring at the outside world absentmindedly.

The young man stepped in and glanced at it, and immediately began to rummage.

Most of the herbs here are the same as those corpses, turning blue and black, only a few are normal.

Among these normal medicinal herbs, the teenager carefully identified them for a long time.

As if recalling his past experiences, he finally picked up a common Jinchuang grass and took off the thin shirt on his body, revealing a huge scar on his chest.

The scar has not fully healed, and it can be seen that the edge of the wound has begun to turn black, and there is even some blood oozing out.

The boy looked down, crushed the herbs, took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and raised his hand to apply a little bit on the wound.

In an instant, the severe pain from the wound came suddenly like a surging tide, causing the boy's body to tremble uncontrollably, but he forcibly endured it, but the sweat on his forehead could not be suppressed, dripping down his cheeks onto the dark ground.

It became smeared ink.

The whole process lasted for more than ten breaths. After he completely smeared the herbs on the wound, the young man seemed to lose his strength all of a sudden. Slowly put on clothes.

Looking at the sky outside again, he took out a broken map from the leather pocket at his waist after thinking, and carefully spread it out.

The map is very simple, and it depicts this city.

The location of the pharmacy inside has been marked, and in the northeast direction, many areas have been crossed with fingernails, but only two areas are left without crosses.

"After looking for these days, it should be in these two areas." The boy's voice was hoarse, he muttered in a low voice, and was about to leave after putting away the map.

But before leaving, he looked back at the old man's corpse beside him, and his eyes fell on the corpse's clothes.

It was a leather jacket, maybe it was a special leather jacket, and the leather jacket was not corroded much.

The young man thought about it, walked over, took off the leather jacket from the old man's body, and put it on himself.

The leather jacket was a bit big, but after wrapping his thin body, the young man finally felt a hint of warmth, so he looked down at the old man's open eyes, raised his hand to cover it lightly, and made it restful.

"Rest in peace." The young man said, tore off the curtain inside the shop, covered the old man's body, and turned to leave the pharmacy.

When he walked out, a shimmer of light reflected from his feet, the boy looked down, and there was a fragment of a mirror the size of a palm in the **** mud.

In the lens, he saw his own face.

Although the face reflected in the broken mirror was full of dirt, it could still be vaguely seen that it was an extremely beautiful face.

It's just that the immaturity that a 13- or 14-year-old should have, was replaced by indifference.

The boy silently looked at himself in the mirror on the ground, raised his foot after a while, and stepped on it.

A click.

One after another cracks appeared.

After smashing the mirror with one foot, he shook his body and galloped away.

On the ground, although the broken mirror filled the cracks, it still reflected the sky, as if covering the world, covering all living beings, like half a vast human face with the remnant face of a god.

Remnant Mian closed his eyes and indifferent, standing high above, only strands of withered, crooked hair hung down.

That is the natural existence of this world like the sun and the moon.

It seems that under Him, all living beings are ants, and it is like Jing Zhe, the phenomenon of the growth of all things, affected by it, and has to change.

At this moment, the sky is also under the face of this god, gradually losing its light.

The shadow of the setting sun is like a black haze, filling the ruins of the city, covering the earth, as if to engulf everything.

the rain is heavier

As the night gradually engulfed, so did the wind, and there were bursts of sharp whimpers.

As if the roar of a ghost, it began to awaken the strange existence in this city, causing all kinds of creepy voices to respond one after another in a heart-wrenching manner.

The running boy's footsteps are faster and his movements are more rapid. Between this and the fall of night, you are chasing after me, and he flexibly shuttles through the streets.

Until, when he passed a collapsed house and wanted to use his strength to jump far, the boy's pupils suddenly shrank.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw not far away, among the ruins, there seemed to be a person.

From a distance, the man was neatly dressed, as if he had no injuries, and was sitting there leaning against the wall.

The most important thing is that the exposed skin of the other party's body is actually normal color, not blue and black!

Such a figure, in this city, unless it is a living person, it is impossible to appear!

As for the living... these days, the young man has never met anyone other than himself.

This scene shocked his heart, he seemed to think of something very quickly, and his breathing became a little short.

I have the intention to go, but the smog-like night behind me has engulfed it.

The boy hesitated, remembered this position, and left quickly.

After galloping all the way, the boy finally returned to his temporary residence in this city before the night finally caught up with him.

It was a hole in the ground. It was very small and filled with bird feathers.

The gap at the entrance is not big, adults can't get in, only teenagers can barely get in here.

After entering, he skillfully blocked the entrance with books, rocks and other debris in the cave.

The moment it was completely filled, the dark night outside covered it in an instant.

The boy didn't let his guard down, he grabbed the iron stick in his hand, held his breath, and squatted there to listen for a long time.

Gradually, the roars and shrill voices of alien beasts came, occasionally mixed with strange laughter.

It wasn't until there was a clearer roar, and in the nervousness of the teenager, the voice seemed to pass by, and after it gradually became lighter, he breathed a sigh of relief and sat aside.

The cave was dark, and the boy sat there silently, as if time had stopped at this moment.

He was dazed for a while, calmed down the nerves that had been tense all day, grabbed a water bottle from his side, took a few sips, ignored the sound outside, and took out the vulture in his pocket.

In the dark, put it by the mouth and bite it bit by bit.

There were bursts of astringent taste in his throat, but he swallowed it calmly and slowly, and squeezed the food down his throat into his stomach.

At the moment, the stomach is wriggling hard, trying to digest and relieve hunger.

Soon a whole vulture was eaten by him, the boy took a deep breath, bursts of exhaustion flooded his body, and his eyes slowly closed.

But in his hand, he was always holding on to the jet-black iron stick, like a lone wolf dozing off.

If there seems to be any abnormality, he will open his eyes instantly.

In the outside world at this moment, the darkness is like a curtain, covering the city, the earth, and the sky.

The world under the sky is extremely vast, and Nanhuang Continent, which is overseas, is only one of them.

Few people know how big the whole world is, but the majestic face on the sky, with a strong shock, everyone can look up.

The exact time when this face will arrive is unknown.

People only know from the descriptions in some ancient books that a long, long time ago, this world full of fairy spirits was prosperous and full of vitality, until... this huge remnant surface, from the depths of the distant void , with destruction, attracted.

In the process of arriving, the sentient beings in this world tried every means to stop them, but all failed. In the end, only a few ancient emperors ruled, and they abandoned sentient beings with some clansmen and chose to migrate.

Soon, the remnant came and hung in the sky, and from then on, the nightmare came.

The breath from Him permeates the entire world, and the mountains, the sea, all things and all living beings, even the spiritual energy that monks rely on to practice, are also infected by it.

All things wither, all living beings perish, and there is no one in a hundred.

Since then, those who survived this disaster with difficulty have called this half of the human face... a god.

This world is called the end of the land, and the place where the ruler of the ancient emperor goes is called the holy land.

This title has been passed down from generation to generation after many epochs.

And the disasters brought by the gods are not only these, his majesty suppresses all living beings all the time, because...

Every few years, decades, or even hundreds of years, He will open his eyes from time to time and continue to count his breaths.

Every time he opened his eyes and looked at the area, it would be instantly polluted by its strong aura.

The living beings were smashed into charcoal and turned into an eternal forbidden area.

For many epochs, there have been more and more restricted areas in this world, and fewer and fewer habitable areas.

And nine days ago, the **** opened his eyes again, and the place he looked at was the area where the boy was.

All species and a dozen human race cities in that area, no matter where they exist, whether in the slums inside or outside the city, are instantly polluted and turned into forbidden areas for life.

Under this terrifying pollution, some of all living beings directly decomposed into blood mist, some mutated into strange beasts without intelligence, and some were left with polluted blue-black corpses.

Only a very small number of people and beasts can survive.

The young man is one of them.

At this moment, outside the pitch-black cave, with a shrill sound from far to near, the sleeping boy quickly opened his eyes.

The iron stick in his hand instinctively lifted, and he looked vigilantly at the blocked entrance gap.

It wasn't until the shrill voice circled around and gradually moved away that the young man breathed a sigh of relief.

With no sleepiness, he touched the leather bag and took out a bamboo slip from it.

In the darkness, he touched the writing on the bamboo slip, and there seemed to be some light in his eyes, then he sat upright, closed his eyes, and adjusted his breathing.

The teenager's name is Xu Qing, and he has lived alone in a slum outside this city since he was a child.

In the sudden catastrophe nine days ago, he hid in the crevices of the stone. Unlike other people who were terrified and crazy, he calmly looked at the gods who opened their eyes in the sky, and the special cross pupils in the eyes of the gods in the sky seemed to be lost. Emotion of fear.

Until he saw a purple light descend from the sky and landed on the northeast side of the city.

The next moment, he passed out completely.

After waking up, he became the only survivor inside and outside the city.

But he didn't leave immediately.

Because he knew that the forbidden area formed by the opening of the eyes of the gods would be enveloped by blood rain at the beginning, turning it into an enchantment.

People inside can't get out, and people outside can't step in, unless the restricted area is completely formed.

And the sign formed is that the blood rain stops.

To Xu Qing, who grew up in a slum, this catastrophe seemed nothing.

Because in the slums, whether it is all kinds of homeless people, wild dogs, or a disease, or even a cold night, people will lose their lives at any time, and it needs to be very difficult to survive.

And as long as you live, nothing else matters.

Of course, in the cruelty of the slum, there is occasionally a touch of warmth.

For example, some destitute scholars will teach and literate a group of their children to make a living. In addition, it is the memory of their relatives.

It's just that in Xu Qing's mind, the memories of relatives are gradually blurring even if he tries hard to recall them and is afraid that he will forget them.

But he knew that he was not an orphan, that he still had relatives, but he had long since been separated.

So his ideal is to live.

If I could live a little better, if I could have a chance to see my relatives, it would be even better.

So he, who was lucky not to die, chose to enter the city.

He wanted to go to the residences of the upper-class gentlemen in the city, to find a way to make himself stronger that spread in the slums, and to find the purple light that fell into the city.

And the way to become stronger has always been circulated in the slums and is desired by everyone. They call it cultivation, and those who master the method of cultivation are called monks.

So becoming a monk was Xu Qing's greatest wish, apart from the memories of his relatives.

Cultivators are not uncommon. In the past few years in the slum, Xu Qing has seen people of this type enter the city from a distance.

Their typical feature is that their body will instinctively shudder when they are looking at them.

Even Xu Qing heard people say that the city owner is a cultivator, and the guards around him also have cultivators.

So after searching for a long time in the city, five days ago, he finally found the bamboo slip in his hand on a corpse in the city lord's mansion.

It was very dangerous there. The wound on his chest was left at that time.

What the bamboo slips recorded was the cultivation method he longed for.

All the content on it has long been familiar to him, and even in the past few days, he has begun to try to practice.

Xu Qing had never seen other cultivation techniques, and this bamboo slip was the only one obtained, and he did not know how to practice it correctly.

Fortunately, most of the descriptions are simple and easy-to-understand words, focusing on visualization and breathing.

So after working step by step, he also gained some gains.

This method is called Haishan Jue.

The way to practice is to think of the totem carved on the bamboo slips in your mind, and to breathe in and out with specific breathing.

This pattern is very strange, it is an alien With a big head and a small body, only one leg, his whole body is black, and his face is as ferocious as a ghost.

Xu Qing had never seen such a creature, and the bamboo slips called it a mandrill.

At this moment, with the practice, not long after the pattern appeared in his mind, Xu Qing's breathing gradually changed, and there was an undercurrent in the nearby air.

The surrounding spiritual energy poured in, slowly burrowing into his body, flowing through the whole body, bursting with piercing cold, and the parts where he passed were like being in ice water.

Xu Qing was afraid of the cold, but he endured it and didn't give up, and persisted.

Until after a long time, when he finally finished his practice according to the bamboo slips, his body was soaked in cold sweat.

And just after eating the belly of the vulture, I felt hungry again.

Xu Qing wiped away the cold sweat and touched her stomach again, her eyes showing firmness.

Since practising this exercise, his appetite has increased significantly, and his body has become more flexible than ever.

All of this made him have a stronger tolerance for the cold during cultivation.

Looking up at this moment, Xu Qing followed the gap at the entrance and looked outside.

The outside world was pitch-dark, and there was only a terrifying roar, strong and weak, echoing in his ears.

He didn't know the real reason why he became a survivor, maybe it was a fluke, or maybe it was... He saw that purple light.

So while looking for exercises these days, he is also constantly going to the northeast region to find the place where Ziguang falls, but unfortunately he never found it.

In his thoughts, Xu Qing listened to the roars outside. The corpse leaning against the wall that I saw when I came back at sunset could not help but narrow my eyes.

The place where the other party is located is the northeast region, and... it seems to be a living person.

"Could it have something to do with purple light?"