MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 18 Master Bai

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Without paying attention to the people behind him, Xu Qing carried Lei Dui forward while taking out the Bai Dan from the leather bag and feeding him.

Perhaps it was the effect of Bai Dan or the effect of the horse chestnut clover. Gradually, Thunder Team's complexion did not continue to turn blue and black.

It's just that the heterogeneity in his body is too strong, and Xu Qing's current Bai Dan was not enough to completely suppress him.

So he was still in a coma. Obviously, what he experienced during this trip to the restricted area had a great impact on him.

So... in the middle of the night, on the way back, when Xu Qing encountered a few scavengers trapped in the fog and in despair, at the expense of Bai Dan, Xu Qing allowed them to follow behind him and listen to him. Walking forward with the sound of footsteps.

Of course, there will still be people who don't open their eyes, but these people eventually become the lucky reference for those followers behind Xu Qing, which also makes them more in awe of Xu Qing.

Most of them guessed that he should be the kind of person who was born with strong spiritual power.

Because only this kind of person can be in the fog without restrictions.

About this type of person, Xu Qing had heard from Luan Ya before, and it was also what he first thought about when he saved Bai Dan, so he covered it up and didn't worry about revealing his secrets.

And the Bai Dan, who had accumulated more than ten pills together, finally made Thunder Team's complexion recover, from the previous blue-black to blue, and the breathing strength was obviously more than before.

At the same time, Xu Qing also discovered that the power of feedback from the shadow cannot exist for a long time.

At this moment, as he moves forward, the fog he perceives in front is no longer as transparent as it used to be, but gradually becomes blurred.

Fortunately, it is not very far from outside here.

Therefore, although the vision began to blur, but with Xu Qing's speeding up, the darkness in the sky slowly dissipated, the first sun looked up, and the morning light fell on the earth, he, carrying the Thunder Team, finally saw through the gaps in the branches and leaves. the outside world.

Xu Qing's mood fluctuated, her body jumped directly over the border, and she walked out of the jungle.

The moment he stepped over the boundary between the cold and the dark, the wind outside brought warm sunlight and fell on Xu Qing.

Because the light was too bright, his eyes could not help narrowing, he stood there, and took a deep breath of the air outside.

At the same time, the followers behind him also regained their vision as they approached the border.

One by one, they all rushed out with the excitement of a near-death life.

The moment they stepped into the outside world, they were all excited. An old man even knelt on the ground and kissed the soil of the earth.

And at this moment, they finally saw Xu Qing's appearance clearly, and the Thunder team behind Xu Qing's back.

The former may not be known to many people, but the latter is known to everyone.

So when Xu Qing and Lei Dui's appearance came into their eyes, their impressions of Xu Qing also emerged.


"Thunder Team!"

These four or five followers shook one after another, but when Xu Qing's eyes swept over, they instinctively silenced.

Indeed, Xu Qing's actions and indifference towards those with malicious intentions had already shocked them along the way.

Ignoring them, Xu Qing withdrew his gaze and was about to head straight for the camp with a flick of his body, but at this moment, two figures roared from a distance, approaching quickly.

It was Cross and Luanya. They had already returned. Instead of waiting in the camp, they waited anxiously outside.

They have also negotiated that if the Thunder Team and others haven't come out today, they will go in again for search and rescue.

So after seeing Xu Qing's figure from a distance, the two approached at full speed.

He even noticed the Thunder Team that Xu Qing was carrying, and the cross's eyes shrank suddenly, but when they landed on Xu Qing in the next instant, they softened.

Luan Ya's complexion also changed, and murderous intent permeated directly, sweeping towards those who followed Xu Qing.

All of these people were short of breath and vigilant.

"It has nothing to do with them, and thanks to them, otherwise the Thunder team would not be able to persevere."

Xu Qing opened his mouth to dissipate Luan Ya's murderous intention. Those who followed him out were all relieved. When they looked at Xu Qing, they felt grateful in addition to awe, so they clasped their fists at him and left.

After they left, Cross stepped forward to help Lei Team off Xu Qing, but was stopped by Xu Qing.

"Let Team Lei sleep for a while, I'm fine." Xu Qing took a deep breath.

"Okay, let's go back to the camp and take the captain to see Lang Zhong." Cross nodded, took out Bai Dan to feed the Lei team, accompanied Luan Ya on the left and the right, and the three flew towards the camp.

On the way, Luan Ya wanted to speak many times, but in the end he couldn't hold back the question.

"Where's the savages? Are the Blood Shadow Squad still chasing them?"

Xu Qing was silent, then spoke softly after a while.

"The barbarians are alienated and die in battle."

This sentence made Cross and Luan Ya pause for a while, and their expressions remained silent. Even though they had already prepared in their hearts, their eyes were still filled with sadness, and Luan Ya was even more absent-minded.

Until Xu Qing's second sentence, the two of them trembled violently, and they looked at Xu Qing with disbelief.

"Blood Shadow Squad, all destroyed."

Xu Qing lowered her head and spoke slowly as she walked forward.

"Is that why the captain's injury and heterogeneity are so serious..."

Luan Ya murmured, as if he had an answer, but the cross on the side looked a little strange. He felt that this matter might not be the case, so he took a deep look at Xu Qing without asking in detail.

Xu Qing didn't explain it, nor did he say anything about the singing. This was Team Thunder's secret. He couldn't decide whether to say it or not.

In this way, the three of them ran all the way, and returned to the camp soon after, and immediately went to the foreign convoy, where the famous Langzhong was located during this time.

The appearance of the Thunder Squad made the people in line there feel the chill on them one after another. When they saw the unconscious Thunder Squad, they were lined up outside Langzhong's tent.

The Thunder Team members quickly stepped into the tent for the first time.

The tent was very large, filled with a strong fragrance of medicine, and in addition to some guards in iron armor, there was also a scavenger looking cramped to see a doctor.

The person who saw the doctor was a thin old man. He was wearing an ordinary but well-washed gray robe. His face was wrinkled, but his eyes were very bright, containing wisdom, like the stars, as if he could read people's hearts at a glance.

On the left and right sides of the old man were sitting a man and a woman. The man was a young man of the same age as Xu Qing. He was wearing a blue satin gown, with a black jade headband on his hair, and a jade pendant with a carved dragon on his waist. Drooping, golden tassels scattered over the edge of the futon.

The young man was handsome and neat, but at the moment he seemed to be a little awake, leaning on his chin in one hand and holding a medicine book in the other.

On the other side, is a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing the same long blue dress, and under the waterfall-like long hair, she has a standard melon-seed face with snow-white skin and a beautiful and refined face.

A pair of bright eyes, bright and clear, shining like stars, she noticed that the teenager around her was dozing off, she smiled slightly, and looked down at the pharmacopoeia in her hand.

It's just that in that smile, her eyes were curved like crescent moons, as if the aura also overflowed.

And between this frown and smile, the noble look on her body is naturally revealed, which makes people have to marvel at her elegant and graceful light.

This pair of golden boys and girls, possessing a clean spirit that scavengers have almost never seen before, made Luan Ya look a little filthy, and even looked at the cross a few times.

As for Xu Qing, he looked at the medicine book in their hands with a hint of envy in his eyes, but he quickly retracted his gaze and focused more on Lang Zhong in front of him.

At this moment, the scavenger explained a few words to the scavenger. As the scavenger left gratefully, he washed his hands in the copper basin beside him, raised his head and looked at Xu Qing and others.

His eyes swept over, and it first landed on Xu Qing, which seemed to have some deep meaning, then looked at Lei Dui who was carrying him, and spoke slowly.

"Put him down."

Xu Qing didn't know why, but under the eyes of the old man, he felt a little nervous, as if he had returned to the slum to face the teacher.

So with the help of the cross, the two carefully lowered the Thunder Team and made it lie flat in front of the old man.

And Lei Dui also slowly woke up at this moment. He was stunned after seeing the tent, and also saw Lang Zhong, Xu Qing and others. Just as he was about to get up, the old man Lang Zhong spoke lightly.

"Lie down."

These words made Lei Dui look at Lang Zhong. After the two looked at each other, Lei Dui got up in silence, and with the help of the cross, he bowed to Lang Zhong.

"A few injuries, they even sent me here, so I won't cause any trouble to Master Bai, I'm fine."

"You know me?" The old man in Langzhong looked at Lei Dui with some doubts.

"I saw Master Bai from a distance many years ago." Lei Dui nodded, very respectfully.

Master Bai gave Lei Dui a deep look and spoke slowly.

"Your recent injury is nothing, and the heterogeneity in your body has also been suppressed, so it's not a big problem. As for the overdraft of your mind, it is obvious that your emotions have fluctuated excessively recently, which has hurt your heart."

"It's a little troublesome to add all these together, but it's okay and can be cured, but... these are not the point."

"The point is the dark wounds in your body many years ago. You should have had your foundation abolished in your early years. The current cultivation base is a new one. You can cultivate to the current level when the foundation is abolished. easy."

"It's just that you have overdrawn all of these together. Ordinary medicine stones are intractable, and the old man can't do anything. If I give you a medicine, how much you can cure depends on your life."

"But you must remember, from now on, you can't continue to practice breathing, otherwise the heterogeneity will increase again and cause the recurrence of dark wounds, then... you will surely die."

As soon as Master Bai spoke, Cross and Luan Ya were silent, obviously knowing that the foundation of Lei Team had been abolished. Xu Qing didn't know about it. Looking at Lei Team, his mind suddenly remembered the singing in the penalty area~www.novelbuddy. com~ Those **** women's boots.

"Is there no other way?" Cross asked in a low voice.

"Yes, if you can find a treasure of heaven and earth like the Destiny Flower, you will naturally be able to live another life. In the forbidden area nearby, I heard that there was a plant many years ago."

Cross was silent, Luan Ya had anxiety in his eyes, Xu Qing looked at Lei Dui, but compared to them, Lei Dui looked indifferent and smiled slightly.

"It's not that serious, it's all an old problem, don't bother Master Bai anymore." Lei Dui said, bowed to Master Bai, and greeted Xu Qing and the others to leave.

Xu Qing and the others paid their respects to Master Xie Bai one after another, and left with the prescription given by the other party.

It's just that Xu Qing, who had something in his heart, wondered if he was delusional. He felt that when he thanked him and left, Master Bai looked at him with some scrutiny.

Along the way, the Thunder Team was silent.

After returning to Thunder Team's residence, Cross and Luan Ya wanted to say something, but they were sent away by Thunder Team.

Until they left, the Thunder team took out some tobacco from the house, took out a bong from the leather bag, stuffed it in, lit it, and took a deep puff.

When he exhaled the smoke, he let out a long sigh of relief, looked at Xu Qing's concerned expression, waved the smoking gun in his hand, and said with a smile.

"I can't remember smoking in the restricted area. It's really comfortable to take a sip when I come back. This thing works better than any medicine."

Xu Qing was about to speak.

"What do you want to eat today, I'll make you a meal...Drink with me." Lei Dui didn't let Xu Qing say it, as if he didn't want to listen, Xu Qing looked at him silently, and nodded after a while.

"eat snake."


After reading yesterday's chapter, I said that everyone liked Chapter 16 very much. Thank you for your liking. This made Ergen more motivated and enthusiastic to write.