MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 506 Bad news! !

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The fighting on the earth was even more intense at this moment. Although the Shenglan clan was coming fiercely, under the blessing of the golden net in Fenghai County, amidst the roar of countless magic weapons, the legions retreated in an orderly manner.

There are also war puppets that are gathered by a large number of monks and rushed out to respond.

These puppets are big or small, the big ones are thousands of feet long, and the small ones are tens of feet long. Each of them contains multiple formations, and the number of monks gathered in them is also different.

There are thousands of people, and nearly a hundred people.

As before, it was these war puppets who killed the Reapers. Those cultivators inside, their cultivation bases integrated with each other, erupted with combat power comparable to spirit treasures of different stages. Looking around, there were tens of thousands of puppets, large and small.

So soon, the legion of the human race on the battlefield, under this continuous retreat, approached the golden net and quickly retreated into it.

At the same time, the Red Spirit Emperor in the sky, looking at the Palace Master, once again heard the voice of Tianwei.

"Kong Liangxiu, at this moment, the Heitian clan and the human race are also fighting, and the scale of the domain battle is far larger than this place, so the human race's imperial capital, Dayu, is unable to come to help, and you don't need to wait, you have no reinforcements."

"As for the battle of the human race's imperial capital, all the big clans in Wanggu Continent are watching. As long as your human race shows the slightest sign of decline, other groups will rise up and destroy your human race."

"Do you know what all this is about?" the Red Spirit Emperor said calmly.

"Because the Yanyue Xuantian Dynasty among the supreme clans of the ancient times, the hunting ceremony of the 400,000-year founding of the country is about to come, and the ancient agreement is about to expire. No clan wants to be its prey, so at this time, no The human race of War Domain Treasure is naturally the best sacrifice, if you are sent up, the race will be stable for another hundred thousand years."

"So, Kong Liangxiu, the general situation is over and you don't have much time. This emperor can give you a chance to surrender to my Shenglan clan. This is the only way for you to preserve Fenghai County."

These words from the Red Spirit Emperor's mouth were not only addressed to the Master of the Sword-holding Palace, but spread throughout the entire battlefield, and even penetrated the golden net, falling into the ears of all the monks here.

Obviously, this is a deliberate move.

In an instant, everyone who heard it was shaken. The words of the Red Spirit Emperor possessed mysterious power, which made people unable to control their feelings of despair.

"In order to destroy my heart of resistance in Fenghai County, I said such absurd words in the emperor's body, Hong Linghuang, you are in a hurry."

The voice of the palace lord was as calm as ever, without any waves, like a rock, even though it was pounded by the turbulent waves, it still had the ability to calm the sea.

At this moment, following the reverberation, the human monks in Fenghai County were quickly appeased by the waves caused by the words of the Red Spirit Emperor.

In the next moment, the figure of the Palace Master stepped out from the sky, raised his right hand, and the emperor sword beside him shone brightly, changed its shape, and turned into a long spear. After being held by him, he went straight to the Red Spirit Emperor.

As they intersected with each other, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and they went directly to the sky. Although they could not be seen in the battlefield below, the fluctuations from the sky were extremely violent.

The fighting on the battlefield continued.

After all the clan legions returned, the taboos of the county capital shone brightly, and taboo magic weapons from various sects in Fenghai County transformed into spirits on the big net, erupting in an all-round way, roaring towards the outside world, trying to stop the coming.

But Fenghai County is the power of a county after all, far inferior to the domain of Shenglan clan. So the rhythm from the beginning to the end is on the side of the Shenglan clan.

Even though it is facing only the Red Spirit Nation, it is still difficult to resist. It can only hold on reluctantly, delaying the time of collapse, and waiting for the reinforcements from the imperial capital to arrive.

Time passed slowly like this. Seven days passed quickly.

This routine battle has continued until now, no matter whether it is night or day, the roar reverberates at all times, and the fighting continues.

Although the palace lord did not return, under the arrangement of the deputy palace lord and the elders of the sword-wielding courts of various states, everything was in order. After the defense line experienced several collapses, it finally stood firm.

The fifth line of defense thousands of miles behind has also been built more than half.

As for Xu Qing, he has entered the battlefield more than once to adapt to the rhythm of the war, and he is familiar with the formation of each legion.

Changing himself kills a lot of enemies, and injuries are inevitable.

Although the purple crystal recovered, the mental exhaustion could not dissipate, it could only accumulate in the heart, blocked the throat, and made people become silent.

He has also encountered Lingzang monks of the Shenglan clan on the battlefield several times.

Fortunately, he didn't go too deep and barely saved his life. But there was also a time when he was seriously injured and near death.

In the end, he met Kong Xianglong and joined Kong Xianglong's team. Together with Shanhezi and hundreds of people, he controlled a war puppet and participated in the battlefield more deeply.

However, under the crazy attack of the Shenglan clan, the Fenghai County side had no time to rest during the seven days. With such an intense war, everyone's nerves were tense.

Only when the legions change, there is a short rest time. Every time at this moment, Kong Xianglong will lie on the ground, staring at the sky in a daze, without saying a word.

The same is true for Shanhezi, who usually doesn't like to drink, is also leaning on the huge scarred puppet at this time, drinking with stubble on his face.

Obviously belonged to the young years, but his face was full of vicissitudes.

Xu Qing heard that Wang Chen... also died in battle half a month ago, on the third day after Ye Ling's death.

It is to support Shanhezi.

His bones were not found when the two sides were clearing the battlefield during the intermission period of the war. They were mixed with countless flesh and blood, and there was no dead body. Xu Qing silently raised his head and looked into the distance. place.

In that direction is another front line of the western theater, which is also guarded by the army of Yinghuang Prefecture.

The captain was there, and so was the ancestor of Xue Lianzi.

"I hope they will be fine." Xu Qing muttered in his heart.

He couldn't use the jade slip to transmit sound. On the battlefield, this was restricted, and only battle reports could be transmitted.

Repression, silence, everything, is the rhythm of this battlefield.

And the rest time is very short.

With the arrival of the dispatch order. Kong Xianglong climbed up, without saying a word, went straight to the war puppets filled with flesh and blood, and there were countless damaged war puppets.

It's been seven days. The seventh puppet they replaced.

Shanhezi carefully put the wine jar away and walked away.

Xu Qing got up silently, climbed onto the puppet together with hundreds of monks gathered around, and sat down cross-legged inside.

With the spread of cultivation base, the puppet's whole body was shocked instantly, and slowly released the pressure, and walked towards the battlefield, walking in the vibration of the ground.

During this movement, a lot of minced meat spilled from the joints of the puppets, and there were cutters inside, but more of the blood of the peak warriors of the Shenglan clan fell on the ground, and was trampled to pieces again by the war puppets coming from behind.

The war puppet that Xu Qing is in, he is responsible for the left hand, which holds the power of destruction.

Sitting cross-legged inside it at the moment, Xu Qing passed through the light curtain guarding the surface. Looking at the battlefield that was getting closer and closer, his expression unconsciously became the same as everyone else's. A little more numbness.

When passing by the abandoned puppet mountain, Xu Qing saw that there were no living people there.

The body of the lame old man who told him to come back alive was lying on an abandoned puppet mountain, all purple and black. That is the trace of being submerged by heterogeneity.

Xu Qing had seen too many corpses like this in Nanhuangzhou back then.

For tens of millions of battlefields, the death of a person is difficult for others to detect except his comrades in the team and the recording officer.

Dead without a sound.

Xu Qing was silent. In the next moment, the puppet he was on rushed out of the golden net, and together with tens of thousands of identical puppets, they gathered into an army and charged away.

time flies.

On the evening of the tenth day, the palace lord returned.

His appearance significantly boosted the morale of the people in Fenghai County.

Shengteng, everyone's eyes seemed to have some gleams.

And this regular battle, with the return of the palace lord, the Shenglan clan chose to rest, and there was an intermission.

During this period both sides

They will send small teams to take back as many corpses as possible on the battlefield. Although they will fight each other after encountering them, in the final analysis, they will instinctively choose to avoid them.

Here, Xu Qing also left Kong Xianglong's team, and he was recalled to the big tent by the palace lord.

When he saw the palace lord again, he didn't see any signs of injuries on the palace lord's body, and even his eyes showed a strong fire of life, and the evil spirit on his body was even stronger.

This is unreasonable.

The battle between the palace lord and the Red Spirit Emperor lasted so long, it is impossible that there were no injuries.

Xu Qing looked at the palace lord, hesitated for a moment, and softly informed the information he had investigated in Zhaoxia Prefecture, and at the same time took out the palace lord's token, and handed it out with both hands.

The palace lord took it, held it in his hand and looked at it, then threw it to Xu Qing.

"There are two tokens in total. Take this one. Maybe it can provide you with self-protection power in the future. Even if a new sheriff arrives, all authority of this token will be revoked, but I will grant this It has the power to activate the taboo magic weapon once, and it cannot be cancelled.”

"Palace Master." Xu Qing looked at the old man in front of him, and his heart was agitated.

"Xu Qing, you have mastered the battlefield these few days." The palace master interrupted Xu Qing's words, raised his head with a serious expression, but sighed in his heart.

For Xu Qing, he is very optimistic. Originally, he planned to pay attention to and cultivate him for a long time, so that he would eventually become one of his successors, but the arrival of the war changed everything.

Time is running out.

"I have understood." Xu Qing lowered his head and spoke softly.

"Then next. You continue to make the accompanying order, and record it now!" The palace lord looked outside the big tent and said calmly.

Xu Qing immediately said yes, and took out the record jade slip.

"Order the Sixth Army and the Seventh Army to retreat 10,000 miles and station on the fifth line of defense."

"Order the armies of Yinghuang Prefecture and Quzhao Prefecture to retreat 38,000 li and station in the Yuheng Mountains."

"Order the 4th and 5th armies to retreat 70,000 miles. Station at the border of Yutian Prefecture."

"Order the Prison Division to disperse the entire Linlan Prefecture, remove all the remaining guards in black, and clear the route to Yutian Prefecture."

"Command Yutian Prefecture, let them start from this moment, and open the large-scale teleportation array at all times!"

"Secretly order the First Legion to go to Yutian and Qiling Prefecture to check the burning situation of the ground and expedite the evacuation of the common people in the two states."

Xu Qing heard this and looked up at the Palace Master.

"Palace Master, in this way, only the Palace of Holding Swords and the second and third legions are left here."

The Palace Mistress closed her eyes, and said calm words.

"Go pass the order!"

Xu Qing bowed his head and stepped back. When he was about to walk out of the big tent, he couldn't help but speak softly.

"Palace Master, Brother Kong has been in a bit of a low mood recently." The Palace Master did not speak.

Xu Qing waited for a while, then left silently.

After he left, the palace lord opened his eyes. The exuberant fire of life in his eyes dimmed rapidly at this moment, but it was rekindled quickly, and the price was the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Outside the big tent, Xu Qing saw Kong Xianglong standing there.

Kong Xianglong looked at Xu Qing, nodded, and walked in following the sound of summoning from the tent.

Looking at Kong Xianglong with a lonely expression, Xu Qing sighed softly in his heart, but he had no choice but to put his mind away, summoned the commander of the book, and began to pass on orders.

In this way, the time on the battlefield passed day by day.

The war is still going on, and it is getting more and more intense. While the casualties are increasing day by day, as the legions are transferred one by one, the barracks are much more empty than usual.

There were only corpses, piled up one by one, and more and more.

Xu Qing walked in the barracks, moving forward silently. Twenty-three days had passed since he came to the battlefield.

In the past twenty-three days, he has seen too many deaths, countless miseries, and purgatory on earth, and he has long been used to the roaring sound in his ears. Today is another gap between the two sides fighting. He plans to come here to find some people to join his team.

Commander of the book.

Because Commander Shu still has the duty of accompanying him in battle, so far. Hundreds have died.

Now there is not enough left.

Thinking of the number of war deaths he saw every day, Xu Qing's footsteps were a little heavy, and the Palace Master appeared in his mind, and the other party was obviously getting more and more wrong.

The fire of life that no one had seen could be so intense, and the evil spirit emanating from his body was gradually covered by the fire of life.

Sadness appeared in Xu Qing's eyes.

As a monk, even if he didn't see it at first, after so long, he naturally understood it.

The Palace Master is burning his own potential. Burning at all costs, and the terrifying power gained after the burning was not released by the palace lord, but remained in the body, as if gaining momentum.

"Is it true that the reinforcements from the imperial capital won't come?" Xu Qing muttered in his heart. This question is also the common desire of all the people in Fenghai County on the battlefield.

Even though Xu Qing is a Shuling, he knows a lot of information about the battlefield, but he doesn't know anything about it.

After a long while, Xu Qing sighed softly in his heart. When he walked past the corpses, he suddenly stopped and turned his head to look not far away.

There were two skeletons there. They hugged each other before death. There were many wounds on their bodies, and they were even more heterogeneous. Even though they were sacrificed at this moment, they still did not let go of each other. Even if they only have their upper body left.

Xu Qing walked over silently and stood there, looking at the two corpses for a long, long time.

"Brother Chen..."

The two embracing corpses are Chen Tinghao's Taoist couple.

When Xu Qing came to the front line more than 20 days ago, he saw them. At that time, Chen Tinghao was injured, and his Taoist companion was bandaging him. After seeing Xu Qing, they still smiled at Xu Qing.

But now, heaven and man are separated forever.

Xu Qing waved his hand to take off the cloak of his Taoist robe, and covered the two corpses. After more than ten breaths, he murmured softly.

"rest in peace."

Xu Qing closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he left here, and the clarion call of a new round of war was also heard from the battlefield at this moment, and the war started again.

The rhythm and frequency have been significantly accelerated.

"Full operation of the taboo magic weapon, releasing 70% of the power of each taboo!"

"Order the war puppets, use the discarded ones as disposable weapons, and throw them on the battlefield!"

"Tell the sword bearer, prepare the emperor sword!"

"The magic spear inside the defense line, unfold the power of the third level, divide into five batches, and stab the battlefield root by root."

"Announce the whole army and get ready to evacuate to the fifth line of defense. Outside the big tent, the palace master is wearing armor and standing there giving orders. At this moment of battle, his spiritual transmission can change the color of the world, and there is no need for written orders." The secretary went to deliver the decree one by one, and all the arrangements were in his mind."

But what he sees is the whole, and due to energy, it is impossible to be extremely meticulous in the details.

At this time, Xu Qing needs to arrange for suitable disciples of Shu Lingsi to go to the battlefield to supervise the battle immediately, and collect the information when he returns, so that the palace lord can confirm and judge the battle situation.

Soon, the fight between the two sides on the battlefield continued to erupt. This time it was more difficult than before. On the one hand, I saw it with my own eyes;

"Palace Master, the level of exhaustion of the monks of the Shenglan clan is wrong! The amount of black snow is also wrong, it is 50% thicker than before at the same time!"

"According to the battle damage, according to the operation of their magical weapons and the difference in formation from the past... According to the analysis of Commander Shu, there are reinforcements from the Shenglan clan joining in secretly!"

Almost at the same time as Xu Qing opened his mouth, in the sky, in the extreme north, in a remote place, a violent storm swept across the sky, connected to the earth, and roared towards the battlefield.

In an instant, the rain was rolled between the sky and the earth in the storm, and fell on the battlefield.

This rain is blood rain. It blows from the far north.

At the same time, Xu Qing's command sword hummed hurriedly, and a battle report from the northern theater was transmitted to this place with an unprecedented speed.

Xu Qing's breath was short of breath, and his mind roared instantly after checking it.

His concentration, as well as the big change in his expression, will make the sword instinctively grasp him to death.

In addition to the big tent, in addition to the palace master, there are also the deputy palace master, two deacons and the elders of the sword holding court of the second and third legions.

They also sensed that something was wrong, and looked at Xu Qing and the Palace Master suddenly.

The body of the palace lord trembled slightly. Obviously, Xu Qing had already sensed the information he received through the authority of the magic weapon of the state of the county capital.

Always like a rock, at the time of the most crisis in Fenghai County, the Lord of the Sword Palace, who was like a magic needle in the sea, showed sadness in front of everyone for the first time.

In this sorrow he looked to the north.

But whether it was trembling or sadness, it was only for a moment, and in the next moment, all these fragile emotions were all cut off by the master of the sword holding palace.

His body is still tall and straight, his spine is still straight, his expression is still serious, and his eyes are still firm.

"Palace Master..." The sword-wielding elders of the Second Legion and the Third Legion hesitated at this moment.

"Xu Qing, read it!" The palace master said calmly, with a steady voice, even now, he is still the magic needle of Dinghai.

Xu Qing bowed his head and took a deep breath.

"The net of taboo magic weapons in the north collapsed, and the allied forces of all races could not be gathered again. They were defeated and suffered countless casualties."

"The Tianfeng Dynasty and the Land Dynasty of the Shenglan clan have invaded Taihe Prefecture!"

"Master Silu Palace, die in battle!"

"Master of the Pursuing Palace, die in battle!"

"As for the Yao family...all the entire family that marched in the north have died in battle. Hou Yao himself disappeared on the battlefield, and his life and death are unknown."

Xu Qing's words fell into the ears of the deputy palace lord and everyone, like a thunderclap, everyone's breath stopped and they all looked at the palace lord.

The Palace Master smiled.

"This matter, until today, I finally understand that don't be afraid, you don't need to be afraid." The palace master raised his head, looked at the battlefield and said softly.

"The decisive battle is coming."

Almost at the moment when the words of the palace lord came out, there was a huge change on the battlefield. All the monks of the Shenglan tribe seemed to have received a unified order, and they all burst into cheers, and the army behind the toilet retreated in unison.

He quickly withdrew from the battlefield and retreated to the Tianlan Mountains, and all the diamond-shaped instruments on the sky also retreated together.

Their departure made the clouds and mist in the sky much thinner, exposing the huge vortex high above.

Black snowflakes poured down from the inside, and the iron chains held by countless broken hands on the ground were twitching crazily at this moment, and the breath of death permeated from the vortex of the sky. Just a trace of it gave the sky the twilight of spring, and green smoke rose from the dark earth.

The iron chains that spread into the vortex were visibly frosted and turned into ice chains.

Afterwards, two earth-shattering huge figures stood up from left and right on the Tianlan Mountains after the Shenglan tribe withdrew from the battlefield.

The one on the left is the Red Spirit Emperor.

The one on the right is also wearing an emperor's robe and an emperor's crown. Obviously, he is also the emperor of the four great dynasties of the Shenglan clan!

They stood between the sky and the earth, Li Da's figure seemed to be able to support the sky, staring at the big tent where the Palace Master was.

"Kong Liangxiu, the northern war zone has collapsed, our army has entered Fenghai County, and here the treasures of the Heitian War are coming, everything is coming to an end."

"You know what war domain treasure is, so you can try to stop it, we won't intervene, but in can't stop it."

The vast sound reverberated throughout the world, and all the sword holders outside the big tent showed determination, and when the intent of killing rose from the sky, the palace master raised his head and looked at the two emperors standing in the Tianlan Mountains. all over the place.

"Yes, everything is coming to an end."

After finishing speaking, the palace lord looked back at Fenghai County and spoke softly.

"Order, the Second Army and the Third Army here should withdraw from the line of defense immediately, retreat thousands of miles, and do not go into battle."

"Order, all Fenghaidu monks here are not allowed to fight."

"Order, all the other eight armies that have retreated to the corresponding positions, stay where they are, and are not allowed to fight."


Order, all sword holders here... retreat five thousand miles and do not fight! "

As soon as the palace lord's words came out, the complexions of the surrounding people changed one after another, and Xu Qing suddenly raised his head to look at the palace lord.

The deputy palace lord of the Sword Holding Palace took a step forward, a twilight appeared on his vicissitudes face, and he spoke in a low voice.

"All are not allowed to fight, are you the only one left? Palace Master, I'm getting old, I'll be with you."

"Palace Master, Sima Nan's cultivation level is not enough, but the blood is still warm, so it can't be wasted. I think the coldness emitted by the domain treasure is very good. I want to cool off." Deacon Sima looked dead, but his face was full of anger. With a smile, he also stepped forward.

"Of the four major deacons, UU Reading Lao Zhou and Lao Song are gone, leaving only Sima and me, palace master, you can't favor Sima, I will naturally go too."

When Xu Qing went to the Sword-holding Palace for the first time, Deacon Sun, who presided over the oath of their sword-bearers, also laughed at this moment and stepped forward.

Others also spoke one after another, and at this moment the icy power in the vortex of the sky became stronger and stronger.

The sky was completely rendered into a gloomy color, and with the rotation of the vortex, bursts of thrilling cold air swirled and spread out, covering the sky and the earth, and all the hazy blue smoke was frozen between the sky and the earth, turning into a tree. The irregular pillars are shocking!

Looking at these, the palace lord spoke lightly.

"Am I still the Palace Master?"

Everyone was silent.

"Sword Holding Palace, don't you want it?"

"These fighters of the human race, did they die in vain?"

"Wait, execute immediately!"

The lord of the palace made a cold voice and walked towards the battlefield. With a wave of his right hand, a vast storm rose up and swept across the place, causing countless monks in the line of defense to tremble. Go backwards until you are thousands of feet away.

In the dim world, on the entire fourth line of defense, there was only one lonely figure who had never removed his armor.

The yellow sand blows up in the wind, and the frost rises from the ground, making everything hazy.

Only that figure walked farther and farther away, and its momentum became stronger and stronger. When he waved his hand, the bell floating in the sky made a sharp chirping sound, escaped from the surrounding coffins, flew out alone, and went straight to the whirlpool. suppress it.

Then, the hoarse voice of the palace lord spread in all directions.

"Hongling, Yuewu, how dare you two fight with me!"

Vaguely, it seems that where it passes, the clouds and mists turn into ice, and the earth rises.

"Battle reports from the northern front!"


Please remember the first domain name of this book: . The mobile version of the novels of strange people in the Republic of China: