MTL - Overlord in Cultivation-Chapter 14 Test monument

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The sound outside the string makes Su Yan stunned. Is this guy still a pet?

Xia Yang is too clear that these warriors who sell their lives on the edge of the knife will be released when they come back alive.

Seeing that Su Yan was speechless, Xia Yangyi smiled: "Brothers can get the Lord-class beast material when they are so young, and the future is boundless. I will tell you later in the underground business alliance."

At this time, Su Yan bought something, this dragon-shaped stick, almost as high as him, the sinking is very heavy, the black stick has a golden dragon pattern.


Su Yan danced, the dragon-shaped stick was filled with strong enthusiasm, and there was no doubt that a stick would collapse the wall, but he was now struggling to dance, and the dragon stick was extremely heavy.

Xia Yang was shocked. He said that he also had more than one hundred horses. He suddenly looked at Su Yan.

"Very good, much stronger than my original weapon, mainly hard enough. When I last dealt with water and fire snakes, the strength of the earthquake shocked my palm. The material of this weapon is the best alloy, which is stronger than the high-grade alloy. less."

Su Yan is very satisfied. With this weapon, he is sure that he can only grasp the No. 024 wilderness area. Even after swallowing Zhu Guo, I don’t know how strong it is!

"Right, are there any equipment for detecting strength here?" Su Yan asked.


Xia Yang quickly said, leaving Su Yan to leave here. On the way, he said: "There are almost all the bases of our underground business alliances, which are exactly the same as those of the colleges and universities."

Su Yan nodded and came to a heavily guarded area. Xia Yang pushed the door open and went inside.


When he first came here, Su Yan heard a deafening loud noise. His heart was a glimpse. The amplitude of this power is much stronger than him.

Standing in front of a teenager wearing a white exercise suit, the edge of the leak, it is he is testing strength, waving his fist to a black stone monument!

"This is the stone monument of the test force, belonging to the ancient relics, can be detected by punching a stone tablet!" Xia Yang explained.

Su Yan’s amazed gaze pays attention to the stone tablet. When he saw the power figure floating on the stone tablet, he was shocked, two hundred and seventy horses!

"Yes, my strength has increased, it is very close to three hundred horses!"

The white exercise suit teenager proudly spoke, extremely proud, seeing this person Xia Yang whispered: "He is the first genius of Qingjun College, Qinghong, with his potential to enter the life of the spring is not difficult, the future achievements are not small! ”

"Qingjun Academy." Su Yan's brow was picked, but he killed a Qingjun College student.

"Qing Hong, I don't know how you think about it?"

There is also a white-haired old man with his hands on his hands, but the murderous murderousness in the body, like a big murderous beggar, is fascinating.

"He is the general manager of our ninth base. It is like the genius of Qinghong. It is worthy of our underground alliance!" Xia Yang said next to him: "But it will cost a lot of money."

Qinghong looked arrogant: "The conditions I just talked about are now given to me. I can consider it, but when I have the power of three hundred horses, I estimate that the big test has begun."

"The underground business alliance will not be an exception." The old man frowned.

Wen Yan, Qing Hong dissatisfied: "My Qinghong said that there are two hundred and seventy horses. There are not many people in the entire ninth base who can surpass me. When I have the power of three hundred horses, I will break through to the spring. It is entirely possible to get the key cultivation of Huaxia College. Why is it bound by your underground business alliance?"

"Three hundred horses are unacceptable genius, which is equivalent to three times the physical quality of ordinary awakened people." Su Yan said in his heart: "I don't know how much power my limit has?"

Xia Yang said next to it, "Our underground business alliances will absorb some talented seed cultivation every year. When it comes to training strong people, we are sure that Huaxia College is the first, but when it comes to resources, our underground business alliances are more desirable than Huaxia College."

"Oh, is there a condition?" Su Yan asked.

"Of course, if you step into the realm of life, you need to serve the underground business alliance for ten years, and then stay with you after ten years." Xia Yang quickly said: "But we can use resources to help you step into the realm!"

Xia Yang’s eyes are full of embarrassment, and the life of the spring is called a master. Once he enters this step, he is the elite of the human society elite, and he has no small rights in the underground business alliance.

“What resources are there?” Su Yan continued to ask.

"This is a bit complicated. We will have a strong person in the underground business alliance to assess you. The general manager has the right to assess. The stronger your potential, the more resources you get. I heard that if you have three hundred horses. The power of it, you can get a Zhuguo!"

Xia Yang’s words made Su Yan shocked, Zhu Guo said to give it!

He could not help but speculate that the major forces have mastered the treasures of ancient relics? Have a lot of heaven and earth treasures?

However, when he thought of limiting the freedom of ten years, Su Yan could not help but shake his head. The decade was too long. Although Zhu Guo was precious, but a big master of a life span could earn a Zhuguo in a few years, how could a businessman suffer?

"I really don't know how Zuyan God of War did it, but he has the power of a thousand horses!" Xia Yang was screaming.

"What? The power of thousands of horses?"

Su Yan is eclipsed, Zu Yan has a thousand horsepower in awakening, God, this is how terrible!

With a few hundred horses of strength, it has been hailed as a genius, but Zu Yan is in awakening, full of power!

So how strong is your own limit?

"forget about it."

Qinghong turned around and left, and when he saw Su Yan, he made a disdain. At the ninth base, there were not a few awakened students who had him outstanding.

Su Yan Emei, this kid is really proud, although there are only some proud capital.

"The general manager, this Qinghong is not willing?" Xia Yang ran up and asked a low eyebrow.

Hearing the words, the old man shook his head and said: "The young man is still too arrogant, but the power of two hundred and seventy horses, even if he has three hundred horses, the place where the talents of Huaxia College gather, it is also the level of the middle reaches, Zhu Guo's The value is still more to say, his current power to swallow Zhu Guo is too wasteful, awakening the power of three hundred horses to swallow Zhu Guo, in order to perfect the effect of Zhu Guo!"

Su Yan's heart is shocked, three hundred horses can be ranked in the middle and upper reaches, Huaxia College is too perverted, is the power of three hundred horses is the watershed?

"The general manager, this brother is also coming to the test."

Su Yan walked directly and wheeled his fist to bombard the stone tablet.

The stone monument is very strong and indestructible. The same stone monument is strange. I don’t feel any pain, so Su Yan is surprised how this thing is refined.

The ancient black stone tablet soon flashed an ancient font. Although this text is Zhong Dingwen, Su Yan recognized it at a glance, one hundred and fifty-nine horses!

Xia Yang laughed, and the general manager also looked at Su Yan. This is already very good. After all, Qinghong is older than Su Yan.

"How old are you?"

Just as the general manager opened his mouth, a soft voice came and the general manager was dull.

Su Yan looked at the past and felt amazed. A slender woman with a white skin and a black dress wrapped her body. Her white legs were straight and slender, and the black hair fluttered slightly.

The woman's overall exudes a noble temperament, only in his early twenties, but the body reveals a suffocating wave.

"Life Quan master!"

Su Yan’s heart was shocked. I didn’t expect such a beautiful woman to be a strong spring. He didn’t know how strong it was, but Su Yan felt much stronger than Bai Mengying.

The woman in the black skirt is in a step-by-step manner, and her eyes are looking at Su Yan. The four eyes are opposite. Su Yan suddenly said, "I am 18 years old."

"18 years old." The black skirt woman slightly frowned, whispered: "According to the progress of the overall awakening of the China Alliance, you are almost reaching the age limit, generally speaking, it will not exceed 300 horsepower, even if you step into the life spring It is also difficult for Huaxia College to pay attention to."

The older you are, the more difficult it is to wake up, and there is no need to question.

"How do you say this?" Su Yan confused.

"Huaxia College's assessment standards are very special, and the awakening environment can also be joined. The premise requires a strong potential. Three hundred horses are the standard. The awakening of this realm is related to the future development, and it is also related to the strength of the life."

The black skirt woman’s commentary made Su Yan confused: “Awakening, is it particularly important?”

"This question can't be answered by you decades ago. Now I can tell you clearly that awakening is very important, the human body has limited potential, and the potential is strong. On the surface, even if you have 500 horsepower, it is difficult. Defeat the master who just stepped into the spring!"

Su Yan had to nod. This sentence is quite right. The life of the spring is a source of energy in the human body. The power of the heavens and the earth is no longer a simple force to describe. Rolling down any strong awakened person, of course, Zu Yan is an exception, he has a thousand horsepower in awakening!

By the same token, under the absolute power field, no realm can be done!

The woman in the black skirt is very excited to explain to Su Yan: "Awakening is the awakening of the body's potential, but the stronger the body potential, the stronger the life is, and the potential is not enough to develop too much!"

Su Yan's keen sense, the martial art era, is moving toward a higher level, the future life is the person, and the general awakened will be eliminated by the cruel social environment.

"Now the China Alliance pays more attention to this point. It has been included in this major test, and it is difficult to increase your potential. In fact, you might as well come to the underground business alliance."

The black skirt woman said slowly, Su Yan could not help but nod, Huaxia College will not give pains to cultivate a student with limited potential!

Then he licked his head and smiled bitterly: "I am so weak? Joining the underground alliance will not have much success? Your kindness is my heart, thank you, let me know."

Xia Yang was anxious, but Miss did not dare to speak here. The black skirt woman is a real power figure in the underground business alliance. She is highly weighted. If Su Yan follows her, maybe he also has many benefits.

"That's good." The woman in the black dress was very graceful and smiled slightly: "I wish you a good future."

"Thank you, I have something to do, take a step first."

Su Yan nodded and left here.

"Miss, how can you say so much to him?" The old man was very surprised to ask, even if it was just Qinghong, she would not let her personally invite.

"This person I used to see where I used to be? So just now...."

The woman in the black skirt shrugged and felt that Su Yan was very familiar. She couldn’t remember where she had seen it, so she said a few more words.

The old man is awkward, and there are too few people who can be remembered by the lady, but this boy does not seem to be too good.

"For the young lady, what happened to the ancient ruins that I just discovered?" asked the old man.

"The situation is not very optimistic. Although our business alliance first discovered, but this ancient relic should be no small feat, Huaxia College is afraid that it will be a cross!"

Black skirt women frown, the Huaxia Alliance unearthed some ancient relics all year round, ancient relics can dig treasures related to the gods and demons, the most important thing is to master the knowledge.

“It was expected that Sanbao was missing, but its value was amazing.”

The old man sighed and he clearly understood that Shanbao was running out of ancient ruins.