MTL - Overlord in Cultivation-Chapter 40 Physical source

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Su Yan Pan sat on the ground, just like the tiger-shaped teacher of Yuan, branded in his soul, can not be dispersed for a long time!

No matter the power, momentum, and tricks, it is not the same as the Xingyi fist that Su Yan now has.

With the personal evolution of Yu Yuan, this has greatly helped Su Yan’s research on Xingyiquan. He can’t help but say: “Wu Xue is really important. If I can do the same with Mr. Yuan, I will practice Xingyiquan to this point. Mastering your own has also taken it to the next level!"

Su Yan took out the Xingyiquan boxing, carefully observed, and carefully understood the remaining Yuwei in the soul!

He digested for a long time, the blood in his body suddenly fluctuated, and the source of blood and blood in the chest blew himself, his body was splendid, and his golden light shone, illuminating the dark house!

In particular, Su Yan's hands, surrounded by golden beams, faintly spread the power of the Beastmaster.

"Tiger-shaped, power in the claws, can attack the enemy."

Su Yan is swaying, and the five fingers are shining, but let him know how to make a plan, and it is difficult to break out the fierceness of Yuan Yuan!

"If I can be like Mr. Yuan, the power of the enemy is enough to scare the enemy!"

Su Yan silently vomited the heaven and earth essence in the treasure hole, and practiced martial arts. His loss was too great. He also constantly took out the liquid absorption. The energy contained in the Yuan liquid is very essential!

Overnight, Su Yan did not make much progress in mastering the tiger shape, but this night absorbed such a multi-liquid, the source of blood in Su Yan's chest continued to grow.

On this day, the sky was not yet bright, and Yuan Yuan came again. After a tiger-shaped evolution, he left here.

Su Yan smiled, the teacher was really full of personality, he was only responsible for evolving the true meaning of martial arts, and did not say a word for detailed steps!

that's it.

Time goes by day by day, every day, the source of blood and blood in Su Yan is stronger, and the body is also enhanced. This pot of Yuan Li is quickly refining and cleaned by Su Yan, of course, most of them have been finished by Dragon Totem!

At night, the candlelight in the room swayed.

Su Yan was tired and tired, and five days passed. He was practicing tiger shape every day.

However, the smell of Su Yan's body has changed, and it can burst out in the strongest posture all the time, to meet the strong enemy!

He had to sigh that the benefits of resources, without the support of generous resources, he could not squander his body strength.

Su Yan's eyes are bloodshot, and five days of tempering, plus Yu Yuan constantly shocked Su Yan with the tiger-shaped power, which makes Su Yan very tired, equal to five times of life and death!

“Why can't I play the tiger-shaped power like a teacher?”

Su Yan’s double fists clenched, and a pair of hate irons did not become steel. “Waste, I haven’t mastered it for five days. The teacher gave me a month. It’s been five days, but I haven’t made much progress, even though I’m on the body. Can master the next level, but Xingyiquan does not have ...."


Squatting, Su Yan’s nephew slammed, his face tired and swept away, haha ​​laughed: “Stupid, I’m stupid, Xingyiquan, this is Xingyiquan!”

"To gasify!"

"It’s just the beginning of Xingyiquan, the medium heat, the evolution of the shape of the boxing mood, this is the Xingyiquan!"

"Haha, it turned out to be like this!"

"No wonder these days, I always simulated the strongest Xingyiquan to scare me. It turned out that I wanted to remember the artistic conception of Xingyiquan!"

"Yes, exactly!"

Su Yan’s fist jerked and excitedly jumped up. His spirit was much stronger than before. The soul refining day and night smashed his god, and now it’s ready to come in handy!

Su Yan stood in the room, his eyes closed slightly, and he began to relax and began to relax!

He breathed very rhythmically, slowly, and Su Yan entered the realm of forgetfulness.

He can clearly feel that the soul in the frontal bone is like a boat wandering and wandering in the sea!

Where is the sea?

The sea is the air, the space, the universe!

The black lacquered sea is endless, and Su Yan is like a **** in the sky!

He is thinking about it, constantly thinking about the fierceness of Yuan, the power of tiger-shaped, the terrible of the tiger, the deterrent of the beast!

Gradually, the sea turbulent, tearing the air of the cracking sea, and a golden **** tiger broke into the darkness, the bursting out of the atmosphere, illuminating the darkness!

"It's this feeling!"

Su Yan’s eyes suddenly opened, and from the inside out, his temperament changed!

This is the spirit of God, this is the will!

I thought about the spirit of the whole night, and with the moment of Su Yan’s eruption, his breath changed, like a martial arts master, raising his hand and lifting the foot, all exuding the power of the tiger king!

"Not bad!"

At the moment when Su Yan was still in this place, Yan Yuan did not know when to stand in the room, and there was a slight appreciation in his eyes.


Su Yan was excited, and for five days, there was no smile on Yuan’s face.

"You are not stupid!"

羿 Yuan swayed: "It's a first step, and you can cultivate a tiger shape by practicing. I see that you are very strong and have practiced the spirit of the spirit?"

Su Yan nodded, and the explanation of the 1510 is clear. Tao Tianhua’s affairs should be understood by Yuan.

"I don't know about the refining technique, but it is a very good way to watch your soul strength!"

Yuan Yuan did not care, staring at Su Yan and sternly said: "What is the source of blood in your body? The source of blood, the lifeblood of the flesh!"

"Flesh lifeline!"

At the moment when Su Yan was careful, the breath of Yuan Yuan changed again!

At this moment, he was extremely violent and horrible. He was like a living beastmaster, and his veins were like dragons, and suddenly he yelled at the sky!

His chest is ups and downs. If the torrents are roaring, there is a pilgrimage in his mouth that seems to be able to rush to the sky!

"very scary!"

Su Yan is extremely excited, and the source of qi and blood is followed by ups and downs. Although there is a big gap between the source of Qi and Yuan of Qi, but there is an initial guidance, it is not too difficult to master the source of blood!


The chest is roaring, the source of blood and blood runs through the limbs, wandering all over the body, his body is shining, like a **** standing here.

Not only that, the strong source of blood and blood, with the recovery of Su Yan's breath, broke out with great strength.

Su Yan opened her eyes for the second time and found that Teacher Yuan Yuan had already left.

Time passes by.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and this day Qianlongshan caused quite a stir.

"Zuo Wenyao stepped into the realm of life, and the life spring opened with his potential is definitely strong!"

"The deputy dean escorted him, and with the talent of Zuo Wenyao, it must have skyrocketed. It is said that Zuo Wenyao got the ancient practice!"

The first new student stepped into the realm of life and attracted attention, especially the disciple of the vice president. When he saw that Zuo Wenyao began to practice the tower, he was shocked and stunned. He did not know how many layers he would pick up.

As soon as the news came out at night, some old students were screaming!

"The fourth layer of the game, Zuo Wenyao is really terrible, even some old students have been suppressed!"

"I don't know how many layers will Teng Yingjie get when he is swaying?"

Hearing the arguments of passing the disciples, Teng Yingjie said coldly: "But the fourth layer is only the only one left. This is my opponent. When I step into the life, Zuo Wenyao, take a good look." ”

"Hey, with the physical constitution of Yingjie brother, I can't compare Zuo Wenyao." Chang Lengyu smiled and opened his mouth, and his attitude towards Su Yan was completely different.

"That is natural!" Teng Yingjie said proudly, and then sneered: "These days let you pay attention to the dream rain, what is the result?"

"Yingjie brothers, Bai Xingyuan did not let her go one step in the past few days." Chang Lengyu said very slyly: "As for Su Yan, I am sure I will not be close to the white dream shadow. I think he knows it now. Last time I was Didn't give him a good look."

"Hey, forgive him, don't dare, what teacher is Yuan?" Teng Yingjie disdained: "There is also a white house. I definitely know that I am the proudest son of Teng Yingjie. Recently, the old generation of Bai family and our Fuji family have gone. Very close!"

From the entrance to the mountain door for half a month now, some freshmen have begun to move around.

Su Yan has been laughing in the closed door. After half a month, his mastery of the tiger shape has advanced by leaps and bounds. What surprised him is that the body often practiced Xingyiquan, which led to his progress in practice, not because the spirit consumed too fast. , the progress is even bigger!

"Yu Yuan teacher!" Su Yan saw the people who came to see the ceremony in a hurry and the attitude was very respectful.

Yuan Yuan nodded. When he noticed the depleted Yuan fluid, he frowned. "Is these liquids absorbed by you alone?"

"That's not, I absorbed a small part!"

Su Yanang finished speaking, and Yuan Yuan’s eyes flashed a strange light, saying: “Take me a punch, remember, you can’t use the source of blood in your body!”

His voice just fell, Su Yan's palms stretched out instantly, and the whole blood rushed out!

At this moment, Su Yan, powerful and unmatched, the shell of the meat exudes powerful strength, and there is a faint bang of the thousand horses blasting!

This punch is solid and sturdy on Yuan’s arm, but the arm of Yuan’s arm does not move!

However, his eyes flashed a sigh of relief, and soon disappeared. He said: "From now on, you are not allowed to use the strongest strength. If you use it, you will learn to learn my refining skills!"

Su Yan licked the hoe, and some puzzled.

"Do you feel the potential limit?"

Yan Yuan’s words were what Su Yan wanted to know. When he saw him shaking his head, Yuan Yuan took a breath and slowly said: “Is there any wrong feelings during this time?”

"Teacher, I have absorbed Yuanye in the past few days, absorbed the heavens and the earth, and the progress has been slow!" Su Yan quickly said: "Is this the limit?"

"Do not!"

Yuan Yuan shook his head: "It's not the limit. The limit is different from what you describe because your body needs stronger nutrition!"

Yan Yuan faintly said: "I have seen it from some ancient books. In the ancient times, cultivation and civilization were prosperous. The resources of that era were very rich. All kinds of ancient and ancient blood, source of fine stone, rare earth mineral liquid, did not take it. Inexhaustible, at the moment of initial awakening, they will use the strongest resources to cultivate their battles!"

"The potential of the flesh is infinite, infinite, and only with the strongest resources can we devise the earthquake!"

Yuan Yuan is very yearning for this era, so that Su Yan burst into a mouth, this resource is not in the entire Huaxia College.

At this time, Yan Yuan took out the bottle of Su Yan’s eyes. He took out four jars from the inside and said, “Drink it!”

Su Yan wondered, opened the first jar, he was shocked.

In the jar, the red clouds rolled, and a miniature version of the spurs rushed out. With Su Yan, the beastmaster roared!