MTL - Pampering My Cute Pet-Chapter 38 Secret love

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Yu Huan and Li Wei are all a meal, Yu Huan turned to look at her, "Can you not?"

"Of course." Jane Yuen took a cup and touched Li Wei. " Come and come, I am honored to drink with Li Jiejie~"

Li Wei is of course willing to have a good relationship with Yu Huan’s friends. “It’s also my honor.”

Jane rained and drank, and then poured another cup in the eyes of everyone. "Good, come back!"

Li Wei didn't think she was so fast, and she quickly washed her own cup. "I didn't expect my sister to drink so well."

"Today Yuge is killing and celebrating." Jane Yuen also touched Yu Huan. "Come on."

Yu Huan looked helplessly at Jane Rain. "You drink slowly, so it is not good for your health."

Yu night also pulled Zhang Jianyu, she knew that she was crazy on weekdays, so she did not have much thoughts. "Strong, leisurely."

Jane rained and waved his hand. "Nothing, Li Jie, I will do it first."

"it is good……"

Jane Rain is a cup of belly, "Don't say, your wine is not bad."

Jane Yuen actually even drank a few cups. Yu was really afraid that she would drag her home, and quickly grabbed her glass. "I have done it, don't go too far."

"Hey, I have to drink." Jane rained his eyes and made a full stomach.

It’s over... already drunk. Yu night is big, "Brother, I took her out to blow the hair, don't let her drink."

"Well, I will come later, don't go far."


Ming Cheng was worried about watching Jane Rain. "I am going with you."

Yu night thought about it. If she would wait for Jane Rain to be on the ground, she couldn’t pull it alone. Besides, there are red beans and Yu. "Well, you help me first, I will go there." Just bring it."

"Yes." Ming Cheng took over Jane Rain.

Jane Yuen leaned closer to him and then waved him away. "Who is you, let go and let go."

"Hey, don't move, don't move."

At the banquet, everyone is drinking a bit. Yu late just loosened Yu and a little bean to let them play, and now several crew members are teasing them.

Yu night went over and nodded at them, then pulled up two.

At this time, there is actually an actor who is curious and said, "Now everyone likes to raise Samoyed. I also saw that the one who is the sinker is also Samoyed."

Yu night blinked and his face was slightly condensed. "Ha, after all, it looks so cute and beautiful..."

"Yeah," said the man. "Oh, but I think it’s only like Shen’s. It’s like what it’s called, it’s like red beans?”

Yu late, a look of ignorance, "Well... it turns out. Cough, Yu, we should go."

Deliberately avoided the name of the red bean, Yu night pulled two and quickly went to Jane rain thick side. Jane Yuen was taken out of the hall and swayed around the flower bed. "Yu night, Yu night?!! I am a little dizzy, Yu night, this is this."

Ming Cheng drove her, "Stand up firmly, hey, don't go there!"

"I want to go back, Li Wei?! Is she still wandering around Yu Ge to drink? I am going to drink with her!"

Ming Cheng sat on the chair beside the flower bed with a swaying Jane Rain. "Squatting. Hey, I can’t think of you being so drunk."

"Who is drunk? Who are you talking about, eh?" Jane rain is not convinced, "Yu night! Yu night?!"

"I am here." Yu night had no choice but to hand over the chain of Yu and the red beans to Ming Cheng. "Help me see."


Yu night sat down next to Jian Yuqiang and reached out and held her. "Let you not drink so much, you have to, do what you want."

Jane rain is quietly resting on Yu’s shoulder. “Yu night, Yu night...”


"My head is so dizzy."

"Then you lean on the sleeping party first, and wait for my brother to come out and go back together."

"Brother... He is with Li Wei, and it will come out to take care of us." Jane rain thickened slightly.

Yu late, "How do you say that my brother will definitely come out soon, and it will be a lighter kiss."

"Heavy color... You think it is color." Jane rain thickened his hand and covered his face. The sound was intermittent and broken. "Why, why, I will never catch up... Yu night, I really can’t catch up. wrong……"

"What? What can't catch up?" Yu was confused.

"I looked up when I was young, um... I still have to look up! And I don't seem to be that. Look, I am also... sister, hey!"

"Okay, okay, you are embarrassed." Jane Yuen said that the vagueness, Yu night can not hear clearly. What to look up? What sister, Jane Rain is drinking stupid.

Yu night held Jane Rain thickly in her arms, and then said to Ming Cheng, "That, can you help me remind me of my brother."

Ming Cheng nodded, "OK, come back soon."

"Well, thank you."

Ming Cheng left, Yu late found that Jane Yuen was also quiet a lot, but quiet and somewhat surprised, Yu night looked down and slammed.


Jane rain is crying, there is no sound, and suddenly there are tears on his face.

Yu night was a little panicked. "What happened to you, what are you crying?"

"Yu night, I lied to you... In fact, I have someone I like."

Yu was stunned. I didn't expect her to say this suddenly. "Who are you? Who?"

Because that person cried like this? Did Jane Rain have already talked about love, but she didn’t make sense without knowing it, or did she not know when she was talking abroad?

Jane rain wiped his tears and his eyes were still confused. "It’s him, well, it’s him. Actually, I like him very early, but he doesn’t like me. I’m just a sister, yes, in his eyes. A child, just like you."

"Ah? Like me..." Yu late had a faint answer in her heart, but she still couldn't let her think about it. She listened to Jian Yuqiang with a thick nasal voice. "Yu Huan, I like Yu Huan, I like your brother." what."


Yu Huan came out from the inside and saw that Jane Rain had fallen asleep in Yu’s arms. He squatted back in front of her. “Yu night, put her on my back.”

After talking for a long time, Yu Huan did not see Yu late promised, he looked back at her, "stupid doing, hurry."

Yu late married Hunchun, "...hey."

Jane Yuen was backed by Yu Huan. Yu late took Yu and the red beans from Ming Cheng’s hand and followed them both behind.

Yu late’s brain was a bit messy. Just a few minutes ago, her best friend, from childhood to the big girlfriend, Jane Rain, said that she liked her brother, and it started a long time ago.

She didn't know it at all, and she really didn't notice it.

She looked at the back of Jane Rain and suddenly felt so sad that she couldn't keep up? younger sister? It turned out to be like this... Jane rain likes Yu Huan, secretly, even she doesn't let her know.

Fool, even she has to hide, she has a lot of love, more tangled.

She thought that Jane rain was bold and unconstrained, and she was so crazy that she liked it and that she had never seen it. Jane rains likes a person, only likes that person.

But what to do, that person does not seem to mean to her.

Yu Huan put Jane Rain into the car and then drove himself. Yu sat in the back seat and placed the two.

The car gradually opened away from the scene of the banquet, they did not know, there is another car from the beginning to the end has been around them, the camera rubbed and photographed, excited for the good things.

"Brother, let go, I will take care of her."

Yu Huan nodded and placed Jane Rain on the bed and placed it. "I didn't expect Rain to suddenly drink so much."

Yu late Zhang Zhangkou, want to say something, but also think of Jane Yukang has always been concealed, she silently closed her mouth, "rain thick is probably a bad mood."

"I don't feel good, why?"

"Well... she said that her mother always let her go to blind date, not very happy."

"Dating?" Yu Huan accidentally, "rain is still small, what kind of pro."

"... brother, she is the same age as me," Yu muttered. "I have fallen in love."

Yu Huan gave her a look. "It’s amazing to fall in love, huh?"

"No, I just want to say that you don't always treat us as children."

"Good." Yu Huan shook his head and bent over to cover the quilt for Jane Rain. "It’s all grown up. It’s not very obedient. Anyway, I will go first. You should take care of her. Drink so much tomorrow. Headache, you give her something to drink."


Yu Huan picked up the jacket on one side and turned to the door of the room.

Yu night looked at the drunken Jane, and sighed deeply.

the next day. Adding red to the headlines, beyond everyone’s expectations,





Yu late in the early morning, I watched the pictures on the major entertainment news sections stunned. Yesterday, she and Jane Yuen’s appearance on the side of the flower bed were all photographed. Yu Huan was taken away with Jane Rain’s departure. Very clear.

Yu Huan was always on the headlines because of Li Wei’s anecdote. Now suddenly a strange woman emerged, and it seems that Yu Huan is still taking care of her. This series of events, of course, reporters will not let it past.

According to a top-ranking article, according to the reliable staff of the Qing banquet, this woman is Yu Huan’s ‘friend’. On the same day, she and Yu Huan’s sister went to celebrate Yu Huan. Later, she was drunk and was taken home by Yu Huan...

Jane rain thickly got up from the bed and got to the side of Yu night. "What do you think... I have a headache, you help me to pour a glass of water."



"You become my brother's girlfriend." Yu night paused, "Gossip."


Yu night saw Jane rain thick face and forced look, put the phone in front of her to show her, "Hey, my brother carrying your photos online have been passed."

Jane Rain thickly raised his hand and took the phone over. He looked at it for a while. "I broke the film yesterday?"


"Yu Ge was returned by me?"


"Then was photographed by the reporter?"


"The trough!" Jane rain came to the spirits. "I can actually make headlines??!"

Yu night: Sister, is the focus now on this...