MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 18

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Maybe it's because he was too nervous, Tang Junhe dreamed frequently, and it was a bit moist and charming spring'dream. He was more and more afraid to look directly at Yang Xuan, afraid that his eyes would betray his twisted thoughts that he couldn't show others.

Yang Xuan knew that he had downloaded a GV—this fact made Tang Junhe uneasy at first, but later gave him a tinge of abnormal expectations. He inexplicably hoped that Yang Xuan would pay him more attention because of this matter, and his contempt also made him feel uneasy. Well, discrimination is fine, but Yang Xuan completely ignored him except for showing him a slightly joking smile that day.

Entering June, summer is here. The chirping of cicadas rang in my ears, non-stop from morning to night.

After the content in the textbook was finished, the students were engaged in the intense final review stage, and the teachers kept on talking about the college entrance examination. The chalk dust that permeated the classroom was the first to ignite the silent smoke.

Zhou Lin appeared more and more frequently. Tang Junhe's irritability reached an unprecedented peak with the sound of cicadas. He couldn't wait to get into university and leave here, and he just wanted to solve this matter immediately.

Maybe it's useless to go to university, Zhou Lin can follow him from the outskirts of Runcheng to the city center, and naturally he can also go to other cities with him. For Zhou Lin, who has lost his job, perhaps changing cities will allow him to live a more decent life. Tang Junhe closed the notes he took that day and lay on the bed thinking.

This matter needs to be carried out in a desolate and secluded place. Tang Junhe remembered the road that Yang Xuan took him to the river when he was a child—it used to be a cement-paved path, and few people passed by. Maybe there would be a Good place.

On Tuesday night, Zhou Lin followed Tang Junhe on the bus again. Tang Junhe sat on the single-row seat on the right, Zhou Lin hesitated again and again, and sat on the left double-row seat parallel to his seat in an aisle away from him.

Tang Junhe turned his head to look at the rapidly receding tree shadow outside the window, ignoring Zhou Lin's gaze attached to him.

He thought of the year when he skipped a grade, and he struggled with his homework. Zhou Lin often called him to the office for private tutoring. At that time, he had great gratitude to this taciturn math teacher.

In an in-class quiz two weeks after the start of school, Tang Junhe’s test papers were terrible. He relied entirely on self-study in the fourth grade, and he was able to cope with simple questions, but when it came to extended knowledge points, he was stretched.

It was at that time that Zhou Lin and Tang Xiaonian proposed to give Tang Junhe free after-school tutoring. He thought of the reason very well, saying that he saw an extremely rare mathematical talent from Tang Junhe. , this wasted talent will be irretrievable.

"I live in the school dormitory alone, and I don't have anything to do when I go home at night except to prepare lessons. Jun Hyuk can come to me to finish his math homework after school. I will help him fill in the content of the fourth grade first, and teach him a little elementary school later. The content of the Olympiad." Zhou Lin said at the time.

He looked honest and harmless, and when he spoke with a low eyebrow, no one could see that he had any malicious intentions, not to mention that Tang Junhe did mention the extra care given to him by the math teacher in his class at home. Tang Xiaonian was overwhelmed with gratitude for Zhou Lin's kindness, clasped his hands together, and kept bowing his waist to thank Zhou Lin: "Thank you so much, what a shame, thank you so about you watch it all night How much money should I give you..."

"No, no, no," Zhou Lin looked a little cramped, with his head lowered, "I usually have nothing to do after work."

"Thank you so much, there are still many good people in the world," Tang Xiaonian rubbed Tang Junhe's hair standing beside her, "Thank you, Teacher Zhou."

"Thank you, Teacher Zhou." Tang Junhe looked at Zhou Lin seriously and said.

Perhaps because of premature birth, Tang Junhe has always looked smaller than his peers. Before he was in high school, he was always the shortest in his class, and because he was spoiled by Tang Xiaonian, he was already 10 years old. , He is often mistaken for a child who has just entered school when he is out of the house.

In the first few days, Zhou Lin simply helped him with his homework. Later, Zhou Lin began to touch his skin that was exposed in the air intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes he held his delicate arms when giving lectures, sometimes The time is to praise him and touch his fair face.

Tang Junhe faintly felt uncomfortable, he just looked small, but his heart was not inferior to that of his peers. He began to deliberately avoid Zhou Lin's physical contact, and he had some sincere resistance to tutoring after school. He tried his best to escape the time of alone contact with Zhou Lin, sometimes he excused that he was not feeling well and wanted to go home early, and sometimes he lied that he didn't need tutoring after finishing his homework today. Zhou Lin used his identity as a teacher to persuade him nicely, telling him to be considerate of his mother and not to be a willful child. Tang Junhe remembered how Tang Xiaonian nodded and bowed to Zhou Lin that day, felt sad for a while, and followed Zhou Lin again.

One night, Zhou Lin told Tang Junhe the day's class quiz, and asked him to rest for a while before doing homework after class. Tang Junhe was lying on the table, drawing circles on the notebook with compasses, one after another, Zhou Lin suddenly lowered his head towards him, and deliberately imitated the tone of a child and said, "What are you playing?"

Tang Junhe kept writing, saying: "Draw a circle."

"Is it fun?" Zhou Lin asked again.

"It's fun." Tang Junhe said, he felt that Zhou Lin was too close to him, and he hated the smell of Zhou Lin. But he couldn't tell whether the uncomfortable feeling in his heart was because he hated Zhou Lin and misinterpreted his meaning of being close to him, or because Zhou Lin's behavior was indeed a bit deviant.

The 24-year-old Zhou Lin didn't show the shrinking temperament that he later showed, but he always seemed to be shy and unable to stretch. He looked at Tang Junhe for a while, and then asked softly, "Can the teacher teach you something more fun?"

"What?" Tang Junhe looked up at him and asked, he was a child after all, still playful.

Zhou Lin put his arms around his waist: "Come here, teacher."

Tang Junhe lowered his head, noticing the obvious bulge between Zhou Lin's crotch, he shook his head vigilantly, and raised his voice: "I don't want it."

Perhaps because he was in the teacher's dormitory, Zhou Lin's behavior was still a little scrupulous. He was afraid that Tang Junhe's sudden scream would disturb the teacher next door, so he let go of his hand and said, "Okay, please keep your voice down, don't disturb other people." teacher."

Tang Junhe closed the test paper and said, "Teacher, I want to go home."

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer," Zhou Lin suppressed his desire, held Tang Junhe's arm, and stroked his smooth skin twice with his thumb. Tang Junhe retracted his arm, and Zhou Lin withdrew his hand. The withdrawn hand hesitated, and finally stretched out tentatively towards Tang Junhe's lower body: "It's very interesting, just try it and you'll know, okay?"

The moment he stretched out his hand, Tang Junhe was suddenly frightened. He didn't know what Zhou Lin was going to do to him, but he just instinctively wanted to avoid it.

He grabbed the compasses in his hand, with the pointed end pointing down, and stabbed fiercely at the back of his hand. Then, taking advantage of the gap between Zhou Lin gasping for breath and retracting his hands, he jumped off the chair and ran out of the teachers' dormitory, panicked. ran downstairs.

His legs were weak, he didn't step on the last few steps firmly, he stumbled and slid down, his palms rubbed against the concrete floor, blood oozed out from the scratched skin.

He looked upstairs in panic, for fear that Zhou Lin would chase him over. There was a sound of closing the door upstairs, and he didn't know which room it was from. He didn't care about the pain in his legs and hands, stood up on the ground, and ran home in the dark without daring to stop. He didn't even have a schoolbag. I can take care of my back.

Tang Junhe remembered that night six years ago, he kept pinching his palms with his fingernails, resisting the desire to stand up and poke Zhou Lin's eyes blind.

He got off the bus two stops early and took a detour to the path leading to the river.

As night fell, the dark alley was silent. Half of the abandoned low buildings around were demolished, and the broken windows looked like black and unfathomable eyes, which made the place even more deserted and deserted, with few people. It might be a good place to commit crimes, Tang Junhe thought Secretly plan.

Zhou Lin didn't drink today. He followed Tang Junhe and tried to talk to him: "Why are you here?"

Tang Junhe responded to him unprecedentedly: "It's very good here, there is no one, I like a place with no one."

Zhou Lin, who had always been neglected by him, was flattered to say "Oh" twice when he received the answer, and then said out of words: "I also like places where there are no people."

"Really?" Tang Junhe smiled, he seldom smiled, when he smiled, the end of his eyes curved softly, and the indifference on his face disappeared, "I think you will like it too."

Across the hazy night, Zhou Lin saw Tang Junhe's smiling side face, and stared blankly for a while, ignoring the meaning of his words.

For several days in a row, Tang Junhe got off the bus two stops earlier, and then walked around that road. He roughly figured out the situation in this area. This area belongs to the demolition area designated by the government. During the day, there will be construction workers rushing to work, the smoke and dust are filled, the noise is constant, and heavy machinery forklifts pass by frequently, the road surface has already been crushed. Dilapidated, few people and cars pass by on weekdays.

After confirming the location of the crime, he began to plan to make Zhou Lin relax his vigilance. Occasionally, when Zhou Lin came up to talk to him, he would reply indifferently. Once he even took the initiative to ask about Zhou Lin's work, and expressed his sympathy—"It's a pity, I still remember you teaching mathematics."

Sure enough, Zhou Lin approached him two steps more ecstatically: "Really?"

Tang Junhe gave a faint "hmm".

Of course he remembered that that was Zhou Lin's most disgusting appearance, that was a dog pretending to be a human being, standing on a respected three-foot podium, but with the dirtiest thoughts in his heart, how sad, how embarrassing hateful.


The students of Runcheng No. 1 Middle School have all changed into summer school uniforms, and the campus is full of pure white short-sleeved shirts—except for Tang Junhe, who is still wearing the royal blue school uniform in autumn and winter, with his thin arms covered by wide Under the big school uniform, no one could see that there was a sharp knife hidden in the sleeve that could only cover the back of his hand.

His incompatibility in school uniform sparked another discussion, and someone started whispering behind his back that he had an unsightly skin disease.

One morning between classes, Feng Bo was leaning against the wall of the corridor, and Tang Junhe happened to pass by him when he came out of the classroom to go to the bathroom.

"Brother Xuan, is he really sick?" Feng Bo followed Tang Junhe's back and asked Yang Xuan.

"I don't know." Yang Xuan leaned his back against the window sill and said.

"Have you never seen him take off his clothes?" Feng Bo asked.

Yang Xuan glanced at him, but didn't respond.

"No, I said when I was a child, didn't you say that he came over during the summer vacation?"

"I was not sick when I was young." Yang Xuan frowned, as if he was quite impatient with this topic.

"Oh—" Feng Bo finally restrained his curiosity, and added, "It may not be possible to get it later."

This matter must be resolved before the summer vacation, Tang Junhe planned, and he also wanted to find a part-time job during the summer vacation to earn money to buy a bicycle.

It was Friday, the weather was gloomy, and the thick clouds seemed to be wrapped in a layer of gray dust, piled up in layers on the horizon. Tang Junhe felt faintly uneasy in his heart, maybe it was today, he thought, such weather is especially prone to accidents. The accident ten years ago happened in such weather.

Until the end of school in the evening, the rain has not yet fallen, and the weather is as hot as a steamer, and people outside will feel suffocated just by panting. In the gloomy sky, night fell earlier than usual.

Zhou Lin was waiting at the door, wearing a yellowed white T-shirt and wrinkled suit pants. As soon as he came up, Tang Junhe smelled the strong smell of alcohol.

It was today, Tang Junhe put his hands in his trouser pockets calmly, and transferred the sharp fruit knife to the cuff of his school uniform.

Zhou Lin followed him onto the bus and stood beside him. He didn't hide, but endured the desire to vomit, allowing Zhou Lin to make physical contact with himself by using the brakes a few times. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Zhou Lin's bulge, and recalled the night when he was 10 years old, and tightened his grip on the cuff.

Getting off the bus two stops earlier, his spirit was so tense that he forgot to look at the road and was almost knocked down by a motorcycle rushing by. The man turned around and yelled at him cursingly, but he ignored him and walked towards the path.

Zhou Lin hurriedly squeezed out from the crowd and followed him. The smell of alcohol became stronger, and Tang Junhe knew that it was a sign that Zhou Lin was getting excited, and the smell of alcohol spewed out along with his rapid breathing, permeating the dark air.


When Yang Xuan passed the station, he consciously squeezed the brakes to give way to the people getting on and off the bus.

"You're looking for death!" Someone in front shouted loudly.

He looked up, and saw his half-brother getting off the bus, unmoved even after being yelled at. The timid-looking man followed behind him, his eyes following Tang Junhe in front of him, reminding him of Feng Bo's words in the text message, "I want to swallow him alive".

Isn't there still two stops? What are you doing there? Yang Xuan glanced in the direction they were walking past, and this thought flashed through his mind.

The bus drove away, the crowd dispersed and gave way, he didn't think too much, and rode away.

He didn't know why, but he felt faintly wrong, or "disturbed" to be more accurate-this kind of situation is really rare, and since his mother passed away, nothing has made him feel uneasy.

Maybe it was because the weather was too stuffy, and the low clouds made it hard to breathe. Yang Xuan accelerated his pedaling speed, and the rising wind blew his white shirt into a bulging bag.