MTL - Paper Plane-Chapter 19

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red light. Yang Xuan pinched the brakes and stopped on the side of the road, and couldn't help showing the area that the road led to.

It was a deserted demolition area, with no access to the east, a wide road to the west, a river to the south, and a detour to the north, but all kinds of building materials such as rubble and cement piled up in mountains , on weekdays, no one would be tempted to take that path.

How could you abduct there, and that person?

He thought of the weird position of those two leaning against the side wall of the bar a few months ago—could they be in love? The name of the explicit video on the download software flashed in his mind, and he subconsciously tightened the brake in his hand.

—Maybe that's how two men talk about love?

At the green light, Yang Xuan let go of the brake, frowned, and pedaled across the road.

But if it was a relationship, why did he react so strongly when the word "boyfriend" was mentioned in the elevator? Yang Xuan thought of that clenched fist, there is no doubt that if he had said something more at that time, it would have swung towards him fiercely.

— not a boyfriend. The look in that person's eyes just now was more like a person's mad love for another person.

Yang Xuan's brain cells were completely active, and one guess after another rushed out, but he denied them one by one.

There is also the search record on the search box, the "justifiable self-defense" listed under "AV download" and "GV download". Like a deep meaning.

That man wanted to hurt him? He tried to resist? However, why do you search for such keywords before resisting... Is it because you are afraid that you are too defensive?

Yang Xuan felt that a vague idea was taking shape in his mind, but he knew too little about Tang Junhe's past, so he couldn't grasp the clue for a while, and could only feel the uneasiness in his mind getting stronger.

Maybe it's time to take a look, the speed of pedaling under his feet has slowed down unconsciously.

go? If it's a waste of time like last time...

—Then it's a waste of time. He made up his mind.

Yang Xuan held the front of the car and turned to the left, glanced at the road conditions, quickly rode across the road, then turned around and rode in the opposite direction.

Although he was already walking in that direction, the uneasiness in his heart didn't weaken at all, instead it boiled even worse, causing his right eyelid to twitch slightly.

Justifiable self-defense... Since you know that person will hurt you, why do you still walk towards a deserted place? What counts as legitimate defense? If you just beat that person up, do you need to search for the keyword "justifiable self-defense"?

Is it intentional? Deliberately creating opportunities for self-defense?

— Deliberately falsifying the self-defense scene? !

The chaotic thoughts in his brain seemed to be strung together in an orderly manner. Yang Xuan suddenly understood where the uneasiness in his heart came from. quick.


"Let's talk."

Walking to the messy demolition area, Tang Junhe paused, stopped beside the gray four-story low building, and turned to look at Zhou Lin.

The moment he stopped, Zhou Lin slammed him onto the wall behind him. The arm that was trembling due to the effect of alcohol firmly clamped his left wrist. She shook his hand, but that hand was shrunk into the wide sleeve of the school uniform, refusing to show it.

"It has been six years since I was 10 years old." Tang Junhe turned his head slightly, trying to avoid the smell of alcohol from Zhou Lin's breath, "Mr. Zhou, you have been following me, what exactly are you trying to do?" ?”

"I, I want you." Seeing that Tang Junhe didn't resist, Zhou Lin moved his face closer to smell his body, "Will you be with me? I will treat you better than anyone else hello, you just stay with me..."

"You're lying," Tang Junhe sneered. "Before me, you were complained by other parents. You don't just want to treat me right? Those elementary school students, their age is just right for you. Can you hold back your desire?" 'Want?'

"I didn't, I didn't," Zhou Lin argued hastily, and the hand holding Tang Junhe's wrist was tightened, "That was before, and after I met you, there was no more, only You, really, I swear, you believe me..."

"You said it together," Tang Junhe resisted the desire to let Zhou Lin go away, let the sour smell mixed with the smell of alcohol spray on his neck, he looked up at the dark sky, "How did they get together?"

Being so close to Tang Junhe greatly stimulated the alcohol factor in Zhou Lin's body. He was almost so excited that he couldn't control his brain to think normally, and he hesitated to say a word.

"Sleep with you?" Tang Junhe suppressed his nervousness, followed the steps planned in advance, stimulated Zhou Lin with words, and guided him to focus all his attention on his animal desire.

As expected, Zhou Lin's breathing became heavy, his lips touched the side of Tang Junhe's face, and the thing that was completely excited under him pressed hard against the side of Tang Junhe's leg, and rubbed against him twice as if he couldn't bear it. Down.

Tang Junhe quietly squeezed the handle of the knife with his right hand in the pocket of his school uniform jacket. All his energy was concentrated on his right hand, preparing to stab Zhou Lin's heart with the next knife.

He is left-handed, but in order to stab the knife into Zhou Lin's heart, he had to use his inflexible right hand—that hand was tense and stiff, and he began to wonder if he would be able to do it later. let go.

"What if I say no?" This sentence was not in the plan prepared in advance, Tang Junhe's brain was so tense that it went blank, and he had completely forgotten how to control Zhou Lin in an orderly manner next.

— Will the stabbing knife be blocked by the ribs? If so, wouldn't it be safer to poke in the softer stomach or abdomen first? But would that be fatal?

— Then use more strength, you have to stab it in with a knife... Will the knife not be sharp enough? Will the blade break directly?

Tang Junhe realized that he was about to kill the person in front of him in a few minutes, but he suddenly realized that his previous preparations were so sloppy, but now that he had really reached the point in front of him, his mind suddenly appeared endlessly. All kinds of problems, every problem seems to be preventing him from killing Zhou Lin.

"I've made up my mind," Zhou Lin's voice suddenly became vicious, perhaps because he felt Tang Junhe's resistance, and he said with his lips against Tang Junhe's ear, "If you don't agree, I'll block it." Your mother, I have seen her before, she looks like you now... Her name is Tang Xiaonian, isn't she? Last time I saw her come out at the gate of your community, although she is getting old, she still looks a bit like you , if you disagree..."

Tang Junhe's hand holding the handle of the knife began to tremble. Hearing Zhou Lin's obscene and shameless tone, and hearing him **** after himself and his mother Tang Xiaonian, the only hesitation left in his heart disappeared.

He felt Zhou Lin's wet lips against his cheeks, held his breath, adjusted the angle of the fruit knife, and then tried his best to calmly pull out the hand in the pocket of the school uniform——


Fake self-defense scene!

As soon as this idea popped up, Yang Xuan couldn't think about other things anymore. He rode his bike through the red light, leaving the sound of horns far behind him.

The dull and hazy sky weighed heavily on him with the car lights gradually turning on, and he arched his back, trying his best to ride the car fast.

Holding the handlebar tightly, he turned into the small road leading to the demolition area. At the end of the ride, he arrived at the demolition area. The cement road was broken and messy. He bumped all the way over, avoiding piles of building materials, and kept turning his head to search for the figures of the two.

The road was too bumpy, and he got out of the car impatiently and threw the bike aside. The car fell on the broken concrete road and made two heavy bangs.

Yang Xuan frowned, and strode forward—is there anyone in this ghost place? Are those two people here? Or is it already gone?

Fuck, if he left, the first thing he will do when he returns tonight is to drag his half-brother out of the room and beat him up severely. Yang Xuan clenched his fists and thought.

His eyes were burning red with rage inside him—even he couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

He forcefully kicked away half of the wall blocking his feet, and was about to continue walking forward, but he saw two overlapping black shadows on the ground ten meters away.

—At the base of the wall of that low building!

Yang Xuan walked towards the two ambiguous shadows with a sullen face. The gray sky was chaotic, but it didn't prevent him from seeing the movements of the two people clearly.

He saw the man pressing his younger brother against the wall, with his head lying on his shoulder, and it was not difficult to guess what he was doing from the slight swing.

He couldn't see Tang Junhe's expression clearly, he could only see that his body was stiff and motionless, allowing the man to make these disgusting movements to him.

—Damn it, run to bed in this wilderness like a cemetery? The anger in Yang Xuan's body burned even more intensely. He planned to approach those two people, first hit Zhou Lin on the ground, and then beat up his half-brother. He dragged him to his little third mother to see what kind of son he gave birth to!

With a distance of five or six meters, Yang Xuan got closer to the two shadows.

— No, not in bed.

Yang Xuan saw a sharp object slowly protruding from under the trembling arm. Under the dim light of the construction site in the distance, the elongated shadow looked shocking.

Fuck, fake self-defense scene fucking!

Yang Xuan had never run so fast before. When he appeared at the corner of the wall, the sharp object only protruded less than one centimeter down.

Zhou Lin, who had a sperm on his head, was completely immersed in the excitement of being about to succeed, and was completely unaware of Yang Xuan who was approaching.

When he showed his yellow teeth and wanted to bite down on Tang Junhe's neck, his throat was suddenly strangled by a powerful arm.

Zhou Lin groaned and looked back in panic. But the arm tightly strangled his neck, making him unable to move at all.

"What are you doing?" He heard a voice from above his head, the voice deliberately suppressed his anger, and it was particularly gloomy against the silence around him.

Zhou Lin's Adam's apple moved, as if he wanted to say something, but the arm strangling his neck tightened a little more, his face was grim in pain, the veins on his forehead were bulging, his face was flushed red, and his limbs were weak. struggling.

When he was about to faint, Yang Xuan let go of his arms, grabbed his neckline, and lifted his feet off the ground with all his strength, then pushed back hard, pushing Zhou Lin to the ground. on the ground three meters away.

Zhou Lin fell to the ground in embarrassment, on his back, breathing heavily and coughing, while struggling to stand up.

Yang Xuan walked towards him, raised his foot and kicked him on the waist, kicking Zhou Lin who was about to get up and rolled twice on the ground.

Zhou Lin lay sideways on the ground, and saw Yang Xuan clearly—it was that boy! He saw Yang Xuan's sullen face, looking stern and decisive, and his dark eyes were frighteningly contrasted by the dark sky.

He opened his eyes wide, looked at Yang Xuan in horror and said, "Aren't you..."

Yang Xuan raised his foot and stepped on his shoulder, looking down at him: "It's not what?"

It wasn't his brother, Zhou Lin cried out in pain before he could say this—Yang Xuan stepped on his shoulder and squatted down to look at him: "Why are you here?"

Zhou Lin stretched out his trembling fingers and pointed to Tang Junhe who was standing against the wall not far away: "Follow him..."

"Why did you follow him?" Yang Xuan continued to ask.

"I, I..." Zhou Lin faltered, his cowardly and cowardly nature was undoubtedly revealed in the face of the power gap, "He, he asked me to follow..."

He put the blame on Tang Junhe, reached out and pulled his shoulders, trying to break free from Yang Xuan's feet.

Tang Junhe looked at this scene sideways, his expression almost a little numb. Hearing what Zhou Lin said, he didn't want to argue at all, and he was still immersed in the nervousness a few minutes ago.

Yang Xuan didn't even look back, he grabbed Zhou Lin by the neckline, pushed him against the wall, then grabbed his throat with one hand, and fiercely raised his leg to hit his stomach a few times.

Zhou Lin clutched his stomach and curled up, and the moment Yang Xuan let go of him, he squatted in the corner of the wall in pain.

Yang Xuan raised his foot and kicked his side again: "Go away."

Zhou Lin was kicked down by him, propped on the ground with one hand, and escaped from the demolition area by rolling and crawling as if he had received an amnesty.

Before Zhou Lin could go far, Yang Xuan turned around again and walked towards Tang Junhe step by step.

Tang Junhe felt that he had never really known Yang Xuan. He has seen him playing the guitar affectionately, he has seen him puffing out clouds casually, he has seen him smiling playfully, and he has seen him threatening himself with a cold face. But he had never seen Yang Xuan like this before, with a sullen face, looking at him expressionlessly, his eyebrows and eyes closely spaced seemed a bit harsh.

Tang Junhe felt that he was finished. He completely destroyed the Tang Junhyuk he was when he was a child. He is completely different from before. Yang Xuan will not admit that he is his younger brother.

But he couldn't refute it—the person who downloaded the GV was himself, the person who thought about Yang Xuan's nocturnal emission was himself, and the person who tried to kill Zhou Lin was also himself. There is no way out for him.

He didn't know which of the two things, falling in love with Zhou Lin or trying to kill Zhou Lin, was more glorious. The former was disgusting, and the latter was frightening, but he had no choice.

Holding the knife that had been retracted into his cuff, he raised his chin slightly and looked at Yang Xuan with the same expressionless expression.

Yang Xuan pushed him against the wall, looked into his eyes and asked, "Why did you bring him here?"

Tang Junhe avoided his gaze inevitably, he gave in, he couldn't restrain his desire for Yang Xuan—he didn't kill Zhou Lin, nor did he kill his desire for Yang Xuan Dead, he felt that he was extremely dirty, he turned his head as if he was giving up on himself, and said softly, "What else can I do if I bring it here?"

Yang Xuan looked at him, looked at the glistening cold sweat on his forehead, and then asked in a deep voice, "Who is that person?"

Tang Junhe lowered his eyes and said, "What do you think?"

Yang Xuan's heart burst into rage, he felt that the anger in his body had turned into a rage factor, jumping up and down in his chest, making him wish he could use all means to force Tang Junhe in front of him to tell the truth .

He squeezed Tang Junhe's chin, forcing him to look at himself, Tang Junhe turned his face, but did not look at him, and closed his eyes stubbornly.

His eyelashes trembled slightly, slightly upturned, exactly the same as when he was a child.

Yang Xuan's heart softened all of a sudden, and his irritability was instantly soothed by these two trembling eyelashes.

He turned his face away, exhaled a long breath, looked down at their shadows on the ground, and thought about something. Then he saw Tang Junhe's arm, the tip of the knife protruding from the cuff had been retracted, but that arm was still trembling slightly.

He stretched out his hand to hold Tang Junhe's right wrist, then slowly moved down, and stretched his hand through the wide cuff.

Avoiding the sharp point of the knife, his warm palm touched Tang Junhe's fist clenched tightly on the handle of the knife.

In the sweltering heat of June, that fist was stiff and cold, like a hard block of ice. Then he felt the body in front of him tense, as if he didn't know how to relax.

He stretched out his hand to hold the fist, wrapped it in his warm palm, and his voice softened: "Let go."

That fist was clenched tenaciously, trembling in the palm of his hand, just like those two black eyelashes.

I don't know how long it took, the night fell completely, and the warm palm warmed the ice-like fist, and it melted, Yang Xuan opened his mouth again, almost saying softly: "It's okay, let's take care of it." Give it to me."

There was a sharp sound of brakes in the distance, and Tang Junhe's clenched fist a second ago suddenly let go, and the knife fell suddenly, and the handle fell into Yang Xuan's hand.

The tense body lost strength for a moment, and he slid down against the wall, and then Yang Xuan held his arm and supported him.