MTL - Part-Time Taoist Priest-Chapter 15 Nakamoto Law Association

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Shi Changhang really went to Baoyang to watch it. Of course, he did not consider the rent issue.

Xie Lingya knows that if he goes to practice things, he can make a lot of money, but the geographical location of Baoyangguan is really good, and it is a Taoist. He is not going to be reported by neighbors.

Shi Changhang looked like a person who was particularly fond of material. He did not feel distressed when he took the reward last time and transferred it to Xie Lingya. And even if Xie Lingya said that, he can't give a penny.

In the end, Shi Changjue promised to move to Baoyang Temple, and Xie Lingya could not stop laughing at the time.

People have entered the view of Baoyang, far from the teacher? ?

Xie Lingya very kindly accompanied the director to hang over the Taihe view and took his luggage, and the room where Shi Changhang hung and Xie Lingya groaned.

"My room was in front of me, so I was a little older, because I have more feelings for me, I am not willing to let this room out." Xie Lingya said with a little emotion.

How long can I live now? According to the room, he wants to give a sly apprentice in the future. Although he has already seen his heart hanging in the heart, he is not referring to Shi Changhang. After all, Shi Changhang is a fire Taoist, graduated. After the big probability does not live in the palace view.

Shi Chang’s eyes flashed a little bit of confusion, “”

"Oh," Xie Lingya didn't look at him at all. He couldn't understand it anyway. He was thinking that he could now succumb to Shi Chang's image about him, so he took the opportunity to say, "I used to come here to live here when I was a child. Sometimes I practice here, swordsmanship, fists and other things, scare me to play, just pick me up and throw it high, I can throw it higher than the roof, and then catch it and unload all the strength."

Shi Chang hangs over and seems to have imagined it, then said: "You must have been scared."

"Oh. I am not afraid of heights, but I am even more happy." Xie Lingya thought that this point was a bit wrong, and said, "I often solve some things like swindling for free. When I was young, I loved to sneak up on him. Receiving those who come to ask for help, he seems to know everything. If there is anything in the family, he will say it out. He will analyze it clearly after a while. After a while, even how to solve it. I think it is so handsome and secretly playing. Passed his instrument."

Shi Changhang: " are very talented."

"I said so, hahaha," Xie Lingya said. "At that time, my dad had something. He went to give me a parent meeting. When people saw him wearing a robe, they all looked at him. He looked at our math teacher. The phase also tells us that the teacher had a small disaster at the end of the month. Our teacher listened to him and avoided the past, saying that I was very accurate, which led me to get a free small stove."

Shi Changhang whispered: "So you learned finance?"

"It doesn't matter to me. I didn't have a good place to go to the small stove mathematics. I mainly didn't love learning. Later, when I was in high school, I started to work hard because my dad remarried." Xie Lingya said and found out how the topic is always embarrassing. Ah, don’t say it quickly.

Shi Chang’s suspense did not speak, and took time to look at his eyes, and he stopped talking.

Xie Lingya has nothing to look at, and he is busy with his own.


Because of the approach to the Mid-Autumn Festival, Bao Yangguan also had a way to do it. He found a red paper to write a notice, and informed the time of the believer's Fa Conference. If he participated, he would give a little credit for his merits.

On the 15th day of the lunar calendar, commonly known as the Ghost Festival, Buddhism is called the Bon Festival, and Taoism is called the Mid-Autumn Festival. There are also the Upper Yuan Festival and the Lower Yuan Festival, one on the first month of the fifteenth, that is, the Lantern Festival, and one on October 15.

The ternary is another name for the three official emperors, Tianguan, local officials, and water officials. The ternary festival is the birthday of the three great emperors. The heavenly officials bless, the local officials sinned, and the water officials settled, so the Zhongyuan Prefecture official day is the time to forgive sin.

On this day, the official opened the land and examined the soul. In addition to celebrating the birthday of the local officials, the Taoist Temple will also hold a puja, to reduce sin for the ancestors of the believers, and to help the ten souls.

The avenue view has a way of avenue view, and the small road view has a small way of view.

The view of the avenue is like Taihe View, a Chinese-French Association, more than a dozen mage practices, hundreds of believers to participate, take the high platform, the band accompaniment.

And the Taoist view of Xiaoyangguan, there is only one Taoist, and it is rather shabby, and the scene will be smaller. The little things in the scene can't be incomplete, like what fragrant flowers, food, light, and so on.

Because the merits and demerits are all given by the believers, Xie Lingya was initially unsure. Fortunately, in the last statistic, almost forty believers signed up and hoped to pray for the death of their deceased relatives. Each of them donated at least one hundred, not to mention more than enough.

The believers provided good information, and Xie Lingya made a good position in advance according to these. There are also embarrassing, Xie Lingya holding expectations, the ghost door is wide open, if you can see you again?

The other is to accept the education of street workers. They are located in the urban area. When people ask them to burn paper money, they should pay attention to fire prevention. Xie Lingya also has to nod and nod and write down the precautions. After all, Bao Yangguan is also a patriotic religious organization under the leadership of the party. It cannot do things that endanger society.

And he also happened to be through the street staff, and the aunts who danced square dance every day at Dawn Square, and asked them not to dance here during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Otherwise, it would be awkward to sing the dance music there.

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Daoyu, as the main law, needs to exercise well in advance, and he is particularly uneasy. Although the process is already familiar, he is afraid that he will not be able to repair it.

Before coming to Baoyangguan, Zhang Daoyu did not independently preside over the rituals. The last time he was born, he was very embarrassed. It was a good sacrifice for the ancestors, but this time it was a super soul.

In the past twenty years, Zhang Daoyu did not know how bad it was. He did not succeed in doing anything, and he also brought people around him. During this period of time, he was a little embarrassed in his heart. He saw that the view of the sun was not reversed and the incense was getting more and more popular, and his heart was a little relaxed.

But at this moment, my heart was raised again, too afraid of failure.

After all, it is not a disciple of Bao Yangguan. How can Xie Lingya not ask him to help him now, but he can only let Zhang Dao’s top be stressed.

Zhang Daojun: "Boss, I am afraid that it will not work! Otherwise you come, you wear a robe and pretend."

"I didn't go out of the house, I didn't even have a residence permit. What should I do if I get poked in the future?" Xie Lingya said. "Twice and twice, you can't always do this. I am the boss, not the master. You are sober."

Zhang Daoyu was crying and sullen. "Although you have encouraged me many times, but I..."

"You have to have confidence in yourself!" Xie Lingya said, "I tell you, you go to the ancestors for one night, let his old man bless you to successfully complete the ritual. This is an important step for us to start the new view, the first important Fa Conference!"

Zhang Daoyu screamed: "Can you, can you?"

Xie Lingya said: "Are you questioning the ability of the ancestors?"

"Not..." But since Xie Lingya said this, Zhang Daoyu couldn't help but swear. "But the ancestors are not guarding the great gods."

If it wasn’t for Xie Lingya’s, he couldn’t think of the ancestors’ masters who were not responsible for that piece. Indeed, judging from these days, the ancestors of the ancestors were more frequent in the view of Baoyang, and Zhang Daoyi also had a lot of benefits. However, the business is not right, can you be blessed?

"Did you forget what? The Chinese yuan died of rituals, but we used Taoism to control the Golden Section of Sazu." Xie Lingya reminded, "You can't possibly know who Sazu is?"

Zhang Daojun: "........."

Zhang Daoyu used to have several Taoist priests. Although the Master who brought him into the door had a faction, he learned a lot, and he did not react.

There are also many different ways in the Taoist rituals of Taoism, such as "Lingbao Shishiyi", "Breakfast Foods", etc., which are very widely used, called "Sazu Iron Cans." Branch.

The founder of the family, Sazu, whose real name is Sa Shoujian, is revered as the one-dollar Supreme. He also has a private identity, that is, the master of the Taoist guardian of the great **** Wang Lingguan...!

Xie Lingya whispered: "Do you think that I will push you to do things casually? You think about it, the ancestor is Sazu is a pro-disciple, this set of instruments he must have learned!"

Zhang Daojun: "........................"

Lying in the trough, is the boss mean that it is similar to walking the back door? But go to God? ?

Zhang Daoyu looked up and admired: "... boss, I really served, you infer, really heaven. Clothes are seamless! That is not good, can you still ask the ancestors to go to Sazu for help?"

Xie Lingya: " will be quite inferior."

Zhang Daoyu is crying and laughing. He thinks that only Xie Lingya and his grandfather have a strong sense of inspiration to think of this method, but if you think about it carefully, it does not make sense. It makes perfect sense.

In the middle of the Fa Conference, I asked the ancestors of Bao Yangguan, the apprentice of Sazu blessed success, no problem!

Therefore, Zhang Daozhen really went to the Lingguan Temple for a long time, praying for the ancestors to bless themselves to play well. After the event, I feel a little better.


On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, a small stage was set up in the front yard of Baoyangguan, where he was blessed during the day to celebrate the birthday of the official.

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the believers who want to participate in the Central Yuan Fa Conference will stay, and the Fa Conference will begin.

On the altar, there are portraits of Taiyi Tianzun and Sazu's cards. The scented lanterns are served on the table. Zhang Daoyu sits on the stage and exchanges a look with Xie Lingya. It is not so nervous. "Fun and Tong Chuan, Huiguang Jiuquan... ...the sea is full of waves, smell the law to the world!"

Below are about 40 people who have signed up for the registration and a small number of people who are simply onlookers. The first of them who participated in this puja is very curious.

Xie Lingya can see familiar faces among these people, such as He Wei, He Shushu, Chen Mo, Cheng Jie and Sun Laotai.

Not long after the Fa Conference began, Shi Changhang also took some food out, and the Faji faction was different. He did not participate in the Fa Conference, so he took some food and went out to eat on the street to the innocent ghosts and ghosts.

Xie Lingya hesitated: "If you are feeding, don't you have to take the subway to the suburbs."

Shi Changhang did not react for a while, "Well?"

Xie Lingya: "We are very strict here. You may be fined for littering food, and people will not care what festival you have."

Shi Changhang: "..."

Xie Lingya thought for a moment. "It's better to go to the back door. There is no street, no food, no one catches."

"..." Shi Changhang apparently did not experience this kind of sneaking and feeding to the ghosts and ghosts, and it was a bit difficult to go to the back door to put food.

Then at the invitation of Xie Lingya, Shi Changhang and him watched the Fa Conference.

There are almost five steps in this death law. The first is to worship in the table. The Taoist priests of the main law should worship Taiyi Tianzun and Sazu. The second is to ask the Holy Spirit, and pray for the sacred sacred sacred sacred priests and the undead of the present family to enjoy the fasting.

When Zhang Daoyu began to ask the undead to come from the Hades, He Wei was somewhat uneasy.

He had a low fortune for a while, so when he reached this step, he was inexplicably surprised and couldn’t help but whispered: "Uncle, do you feel anything..."

Uncle He, stunned, looked at him. "You, what do you feel?"

"I can't say it clearly, it seems to be something more." He Wei muttered.

These believers all paid for the spiritual position, and some people heard it, and the side looked like a look of surprise.

The previous paragraph of the original ceremony was a bit boring, and the outside of the car was so busy that it was not the same as the general practice.

But he said so, let the people around him get cold.

Immediately, they found that it was not only He Wei, but also two believers who were not very angry. They also whispered that they felt as weird, and there was nothing around them, but it seemed to be able to sense anything.

Fortunately, there are dozens of people on the scene, and many of them are believers. This is not rioting. It will be quieter after a while.

The inconveniences of the few believers made everyone think about the environment, and they stared at the Master for a moment, and they were concentrating on what they were expecting, and they were afraid of happening. They were quite entangled.

Some of them have participated in the Central Yuan Law Conference in other places, but they have never encountered such a situation.

In the third step, it is a prison break. Please ask the ten souls to come to the Fa Conference. You can come to the meeting if you die in a foreign land, die out of the mother and child, cast a river, kill a beast, and so on. Then the fourth step is to ask these lonely ghosts who are not enshrined to eat the French food supplied today with the undead.

Like Xie Lingya and Shi Changhang, I can feel the coldness of the scene.

The other day, He Wei has been scared and pale, and he is at the edge of the ghost at any time, and his eyes are afraid to open.

Xie Lingya is a courageous thief, plus wants to see 舅舅, painted the eye of the eye in the eyebrows, look at the past with this third eye -

It is difficult to describe the sight in front of him!

The ghosts and shadows in the small yard are crowded, and they are mostly wild ghosts that have been wandering for a long time. They look very miserable, with different deaths, some dragging their intestines, some water stains, and some holding ghosts... ...they all looked up and eagerly looked at Zhang Daoqi, who knew nothing about the table.

Of course, there are also the ancestors of those believers. They are very good at distinguishing them, because they have already opened a small stove just now, and the mental appearance looks much better than those of the lonely ghosts.

Zhang Daoyu sprinkled with the willow branches with dew water, one for ten, ten for one hundred. The ghosts are competing for this hard-won dew and wiping off the dirt on their bodies. The ghosts in the back row can't get it, climb to the top, and get dew on the heads of people who can't see them.

The wild ghosts who wiped the dirt on their bodies looked better than the beginning, and they were neatly dressed. At this time, Zhang Daoyu began to recite the curse, transforming the enshrined French food, and then using the willow branches to make a "sprinkle" out of them.

In the eyes of Xie Lingya, it is clear that the ghosts follow the rules of the law and do not dare to fight for it, but after getting the food, they desperately put it in their mouths. After all, the innocent ghosts rarely have to eat all the year round. The entire front yard of Baoyangguan is almost full of ghosts...

"..." Xie Lingya hand rubbed off the cinnabar with a little trembling, although I felt that I was psychologically prepared, but it was a little exciting to see such a scene where the ghosts shared the hand-picked rice.

Shi Chang hangs aside and looks at Xie Lingya with a look of sorrow.

Xie Lingya smiled, and there was some loss in his heart, because he wrote the awkward position, but he just looked at it but did not see the ghost.

Think about the benefits, I have done so much merit before my death, and I don’t want others to overtake it. Maybe I will reincarnate early...

Xie Lingya is thinking for a while, and my heart still needs to burn more paper money later. Their law will not be large. It is said that it is a unique soul, but its ability is limited, but it is only trying its best. There are many souls in the world, and I hope that the monasteries, Taoist temples, and good-hearted people who have been eating all over the world will benefit more.

As Zhang Daoyu rang the bell, Xie Lingya and the believers together, throwing paper money and other things into the brazier already prepared.


At the end, Zhang Dao mourns the "Nine True Rings", let these ghosts rehabilitate after eating and drinking, wash away the sin, and get rid of it.

"Come on, come, go, here is not the soul of the place... This night is good for the merits, when it comes to the good cause of the cause. Rely on the road to the cause of good cause, eager to cherish the desire to go to heaven..."

With the commemoration of Zhang Daoyu, Xie Lingya quietly opened the eyes again, only to see the ghosts who were over-examined and looked into the sky.

In the eyes of everyone, it is accompanied by this last humming. I don’t know where the wind is blowing, and the paper money, the spiritual position, etc. that have been burned are all rolled up. The piece of paper ash flutters in the dark night sky, like a snow and a butterfly. I fell in love with the world and flew to the clouds.

Thinking of the strange performance of two believers before, the scenes at the moment are like remnants who have died after retiring after enjoying their offerings. Everyone is instigated in their hearts, inexplicably moved, but there is no fear.

Zhang Daoyu saw that the wind blew the paper ash, and the heart was filled with a sense of perfection. Hey, success, the bad luck was really stunned by the ancestors and the boss!

Only Xie Lingya’s heart was lost in a while...

Not only did not see the embarrassment, but also had no time to stop them from interviewing the specific feeling of being over-examined. The ghost investigation seems to be impossible, I don’t know if there is any chance in the future.

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