MTL - Part-Time Taoist Priest-Chapter 16 Ghost worship light

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Fuyang People Forum

[杻阳趣闻] Topic: Did someone pass by Jingui Pedestrian Street yesterday?

Content: The landlord is still very scared now, dare to post in the daytime. At 11 o'clock last night, I finished the shift and passed by Jingui Pedestrian Street. I passed the entrance to the Yangguan Temple and heard the sound of singing. I curiously looked at the door and looked inside. The result saw a lot of people, I still want to be here so late, but take a closer look at these people's feet are not touched, and then suddenly remembered that last night is the Mid-Autumn Festival, Taoist chanting is doing things!

1l:? ? ? Scared to death, true and false

2l: I don't make a joke. On the night of Jingui Pedestrian Street, there are people dancing in the square at night, and the ghosts are scared away.

3l: It seems that nobody danced square dance last night, but that area is also full of fun.

4l: The landlord, you have hallucinations, go to the hospital.

5l: How is it to hold the view of Yang, and there is a post in the first two days to ask the companion of Guan Yang Guan, you will not be the water army with a view of Yang.

6l: Hey, the landlord, have you recently had a particularly low fortune? The fortune is particularly low, and we don’t want to go out at night. It’s easy to see this kind of thing. Fortunately, you saw it in the Taoist statute...


18l: I am working near Baoyangguan. This place is really god. There is a company employee who doesn't believe in the downstairs. If I say something disrespectful at the Taoist entrance, it will be unlucky for a few days, and then I will go to the incense.

19l: I hadn't had a mosquito before I passed it. I went to visit it. I really didn't have mosquitoes. I found another very sad thing. They have only one Taoist priest in the whole road. It is estimated that there is no money to ask the water army?


45l: ... I am a little bit convinced. My aunt was at the scene last night, but she didn't see the ghost, but told me that there were two believers who felt cold in the middle, as if there was more around. And after going back in the evening, my aunt still dreamed of my grandfather (I gave the spirit to the deceased grandfather last night), saying that Grandpa smiled at her in her dreams and let her take care of herself later.

46l: Ah, don't scare me upstairs, I will be real! !

Xie Lingya closed the webpage. He heard about the local forum's post about the Zhongyuan Fa Conference last night. He specially looked at the Internet. He usually doesn't go to this forum very much, but it is very good to look at the image of this.

Because the subject name of the post only took Jingui Pedestrian Street without Baoyangguan, Xie Lingya also looked for a while, went in and browsed and found that he was not the only one who saw the **** in the night.

However, this ghost landlord, unlike him, should be because the fortune is too low or the fire is too weak.

This kind of person is still rare, like He Wei, he also belongs to the recent fortune is not very good, but he did not directly see it last night, but the induction is very strong, indicating that the landlord is even worse than He Wei.

Downstairs has been reminded that the landlord is careful at night in the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xie Lingya will not pay attention.

Although the scale of the Zhongyuan Law Society held in Yangyangguan last night was not very large, but the word-of-mouth was excellent, and the participating believers and the onlookers felt it. Today, several believers deliberately came to Taoist Temple again and told Zhang Daojun that they had dreamed of their deceased relatives last night.

With this, they can say that they are more determined, and how to practice Zhang Dao, and even a few believers ask if they can go to the scene to do volunteer work. The view of Baoyang is quite lacking, and naturally it will not refuse.

People who often go to the Yangyang view also heard about the Fa Conference. They became a hot topic for them for a few days, and regretted not coming to the Fa Conference. The believers who participated in have a wonderful sense of mission and tirelessly tell the people who ask them their experiences.

This incident has been passed down for a hundred and ten, and the discussion in the local forum has been heated up, which has added a mysterious color to the view of Baoyang.

Different from the pilgrims, for those who have no beliefs and information outside the circle, they are more interested, of course, they are still urban, and the night shift women in the Mid-Autumn Festival are fascinating.

In the evening, Xie Lingya went to find Ding Aima. "Have you come to watch the night?"

Ding Aima said: "I have been hearing the ringing sounds from you, but I don't want to go because I feel that it is asking me to die... Oh no, go beyond."

It is not mandatory for the Chinese Yuan to seduce the soul. Some ghosts do not want to leave, and they will not go.

"You can hear it so far, it's super-existing." Xie Lingya said, "I didn't make a ghost investigation last night. I have no experience. I don't know if there is any chance next year. However, I see it being over-extended. The ghosts are all serene and should not be uncomfortable."

"This is the second, it mainly sounds like they are not interesting!" Ding Aima said.

Xie Lingya: "??"

No fun? Do you know what idiom you are using?

Ding Aima said that there was a trace of embarrassment in his eyes. "I still continue to be a ghost. I don't think there is anything going on in the end. I am working to live in a big house. This place is built and started to be renovated. I can live in a big house without spending any money."

Xie Lingya was a little envious after listening to it. Yes, he is envious. This place is not much better than the decoration of their Taoist temple.

"Forget it, the twisted melon is not sweet." Xie Lingya looked at the time. "I will go back first. There is nothing for the wild ghosts in the urban area. If you want to eat, go to our back door, and be there at night." Let's have dinner."

Ding Aima swallowed, "Okay!"

This is probably the only dissatisfaction of Ding Aima's ghosts. Many foods can't be eaten.

Where the ghosts of the underworld, if not the people of the sun, sacrifice food, they have nothing to eat. So there is a saying, "People have a full, can bear a day, a ghost full, can withstand a year."


Tonight, because it is still on July 16th, the Taoist Guanguan closed early, Xie Lingya taught Zhang Daoyu in the backyard, but not everyone has his talent, Zhang Daojun said: "Hey, I think I will carry those law clubs, It’s okay to do it, it’s too hard to draw!”

So complicated words, you have to paint in one go, you have to be distracted, just a single character is enough for him to practice for a long time, and the Taoist symbol is more than a hundred.

Xie Lingya asked him to practice the signboards of Baoyangguan.

Shi Changhang was in contact with his mentor. It is said that although the other party is a scholar, but for many years of research, there is still a little understanding of their internal real situation, and Shi Chang’s family has long known. Calling is precisely concerned with the life problems of the long-term suspension.

Shi Changhang told the tutor that he was still holding the Taoist temple in the future, and he hanged without saying much.

"You haven't been to the school yet, it's quite big. I will show you the way on the day of school." Xie Lingya said very kindly that he hadn't waited for Shi Changshang to answer it. He heard some noise outside the back door and got up and opened the door to see.

I saw a young policeman wearing a police uniform between some of the outside vendors. The police officer who was in charge of this piece of the police, a little girl like a student, was crying.

"What's wrong with this?" Xie Lingya couldn't help but say.

There is a knowledge of selling fruit, Xie Lingya, said: "Xiao Xie, this girl had previously lost a bag here, was taken away, and it contained three months of living expenses. It is just monitoring the dead corner, who is asking who to see? Arrived."

However, like this, they know in their hearts that they hope to be more embarrassing.

Wang police officer saw Xie Lingya and asked: "Xie Lingya, have you opened the back door and saw what happened?"

Xie Lingya just wanted to say that our back door didn't open at all. What suddenly came to mind, said: "Let's wait, I will ask other people."

He ran back to take cinnabar and quickly painted the sacred eyes in his eyebrows. When he went out again, he could see what he wanted to see. Sure enough, Ding Aima was squatting on the steps, next to it. The two wild ghosts were robbing him, and the three ghosts beat one hand and took time to eat.

Xie Lingya: "..."

Someone saw that Xie Lingya had drawn something on his forehead and said: "How does the face still draw flowers?"

Xie Lingya hit a haha, "It’s just playing."

Look at Ding Aima, he opened his mouth and desperately stuffed his mouth into the mouth, his mouth was smashed by another ghost, and he could leak a third out of it.

Ding Aima took a look at Xie Lingya and knew what he meant. He said vaguely: "There is a man in his thirties who looks at the other side and walks away. He wears light blue jeans, a yellow shirt and a chest print. The monkeys seem to have worn a red bracelet."

Xie Lingya said to the police officer Wang: "Wang Ge, ask clearly, it should be a light blue jeans, a yellow bottom monkey figure top, wearing a red bracelet, about a man in his thirties, you see See if you can find your face in the surveillance video."

The little girl was full of hope, and the onlookers were all too lucky to be seen. Some people actually saw it.

Wang police officer also felt lucky, not only witnesses, but also remembered the details so clearly, and quickly let Xie Lingya on behalf of the thank you, but also to bring the girl to watch the video.

The little girl looked at Xie Lingya, but her face was slightly red, and the little voice: "That..."

Although Xie Lingya’s eyebrows painted a strange symbol, it looked slightly second, but the bright red cinnabar lining him more white and fair, her eyebrows were good, she braved the courage: “Can you leave a contact, find me and thank you ""

Everyone is a sly smile, thinking that this little sister is clever, even if I don't find a bag, it is not bad to be able to catch a boyfriend.

Even the police officer of the king felt speechless. She did not expect that she was still crying. At this moment, she was in a mood to talk, but she did not remind me.

There are also good people who ridiculed: "This place is a Taoist."

The little girl’s face is smashed. This place is a Taoist. I really don’t see it from the back door. Is this person living in Taoist temple, is it a monk?

"But Xiao Xie is not a Taoist." Someone said it was broken.

"..." The little girl felt that her mood was the same as riding a roller coaster.

Xie Lingya can't smile, this little girl looks at the age of high school. "You still go to the wallet. If you want to thank you, you can go back and look for Zhang Daochang directly." He gave it without pressure. Zhang Daoyu.

"Okay, thank you." The little girl nodded and looked at Xie Lingya, and then left.

Zhang Daoyu, they are sitting inside the backyard, the door is open, although they can't see the outside, but the voice can be heard faintly, including Xie Lingya's bag on Zhang Daoyu, but what can he say?

After Xie Lingya came back, Zhang Daoqi curiously said: "Boss, when did you see the people who saved money?"

After eating dinner, they all sat here to learn the charms, and the boss asked the little girl to find him, he did not open the back door.

Xie Lingya Hu Wei: "I learned the perspective of the eye, see, you learn the ten groups as soon as possible, I also teach you."

Zhang Daoyi’s one-on-one, and turned to ask Shi Changhang: “Does the long way, it’s not true? Does Tianyantong really exist?” He thinks that Shi Chang’s family is born, you should know more, and look It’s not like a fool or a fool.

Shi Chang shook his head, "not so mysterious."

Zhang Daojun: "Hey, I will say..."

Shi Changhang: "It should be the ghost who asked the door."

Zhang Daojun: "........."

Hello, this is also very mysterious...!

A few days later, it was time for Jidong College to start school. Xie Lingya was excited to accompany him to report.

He is a native and has been studying at Jidong College for four years. He is naturally familiar with the road. Although he does not know the people of the philosophy department, he always takes the road report and pays the bill. The process is similar.

On the way, Xie Lingya also met several schoolchildren who knew each other. Their first question was: "Schoolmaster, I heard that you are a monk?"

Xie Lingya: "...nonsense! I just went to work in Taoist Temple!"

Xie Lingya first internship in Baoyangguan, and then helped Cheng Jie to drive the ghost. Cheng Jie said that he would like to continue his postgraduate study because he said that he would introduce the long-term suspension, but somehow, after the spread, it will be deformed. It turned out that he was a monk.

The younger brothers and sisters are relieved, and that is almost the same. Taoist also needs finance. However, they do not know that the financial affairs of such places generally require religious belief, even if they are laymen.

"I heard that your Taoist temple still sells characters. Is there anyone in the school who buys it? Is it really spiritual?" The reputation of Baoyangguan is also becoming more and more widely known in Fuyang City. Even the schoolmates have heard about it.

It’s just that we are selling, in fact, it’s what I paint. Xie Lingya’s heart is, “I’m not working. You can try it yourself and report my name to 20% off.”

"Haha, that's good." But everyone still cares about a problem, that is, who is the big guy who Xie Lingya is with.

Xie Lingya considered that Shi Changhang is not a lively character. He lived in Baoyangguan for a short period of time. He usually succumbed to restraint, and the mobile phone didn’t play much. He introduced the past in an understatement and made a little want to implement it. The school girl who is hanging the contact is also embarrassed to say something.

Shi Changhang did not say anything, the default.

Say goodbye to these schoolmates, Xie Lingya accompanied the director to complete the formalities, and also visited a circle of Jidong College, give him a brief introduction to the place to go back.


Xie Lingya returned to the Taoist Temple and did not see Zhang Daoyu in front. He asked a believer who volunteered here.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, a total of three believers became volunteers in Baoyangguan. They will take turns to help and do some work such as reception registration, which relieved Zhang Daoyu of many burdens.

The volunteer replied: "Zhang Daochang and people went to the backyard, as if they were confusing them."

Confused? Is it also a believer? Xie Lingya felt strange, and went to the backyard room with Shi Changhang. I saw Zhang Daoyu sitting at the table with a man and a woman. Both of them were dressed more professionally.

The two saw that Xie Lingya was not a monk dressed up. They thought that they were also looking for Zhang Daoyu to explain. "You can wait outside the classmates? We haven’t finished talking with Zhang Daochang."

"No, no, misunderstanding, this is our Taoist... The person in charge, Xie Lingya, and the servant who is on the side of us, he is a priest, so he does not make a house." Zhang Daoyu explained A little, because they finally came back and there was a feeling of relief.

After the two listened to it, and then looked at Zhang Dao's look, it was important to reflect on Xie Lingya's identity. Now many temples and Taoist temples in the scenic spots have been contracted, but the bosses certainly do not understand the things inside the temple. Xie Lingya is different.

Zhang Daoyu called Xie Lingya's brother in front of him, because Xie Lingya taught him something, but he also talked with Xie Lingya and his peers. When they listened, they felt that Xie Lingya was also an expert.

The two men sat down on the sofa, and Xie Lingya asked casually: "Several people want to do things?"

Among them, the oldest, about forty men said: "... almost, we are wing water mining, I would like to ask Zhang Daochang to show us Feng Shui, and then be a dojo."

Lushan Province is rich in minerals, especially Jinyu. Yishui Mining belongs to the provincial capital state-owned Qishan Mining Group. There are several mines in Fuyang. If it is such a company, then the channel is not surprising.

Liyang produces gold, silver, and coal, so the name of the place also loves to bring gold and jade. Moreover, the mines in Fuyang are mostly in non-urban areas, or under the jurisdiction of the county.

Xie Lingya his father worked in the county, and said to Xie Lingya that the mining area is more superstitious, many mines will not let women go down mines, and so on. There are folk **** sticks to give practices to the mines, and the money collected is higher than the regular Taoist temples.

This is still a lot better. In the 1960s and 1970s, the cows and ghosts and snakes and gods were killed. It has always affected the age of □. Everyone still thinks that superstition is wrong. At least, it is impossible to say that the Chinese paper will be sneaky. Even now, some people in the mine pay attention to it, but the atmosphere is not so heavy.

It’s a good idea to say that Xie Lingya hasn’t done any research on Feng Shui. Zhang Daojun is just worrying about this. He added: “Old...Sister, this is the case. They have a coal mine that is often haunted recently. Because of the construction of new buildings, they suspect There was a problem with Feng Shui. I heard about the Zhongyuan Fa Conference from a believer and hoped that we would also be an over-the-counter in the past, and take a look at Feng Shui."

It turns out that it is no wonder that they are not looking for people in the county. The Zhongyuan Law of the Yangyang view will attract people and attract them.

Xie Lingya didn't know much about Feng Shui. Recently, he only worked **** Fu Xi and miscellaneous techniques. It is reasonable to say that he can only pick up half of this work, but he knows that Shi Chang’s hanging feng shui works, and the last time He uncle’s accident Shi Changhang showed a slight hand.

However, it is reasonable to say that Shi Changhang is only a pending order here. According to Taihe’s view of Taoist priests, he is not a casual receiver. Before Xie Lingya hanged his stern, he said that he would not do anything.

At this moment, Xie Lingya was cheeky and looked at the long hanging. During the period, Ai Ai called him: "Shi Daochang..."

Shi Changhang: "..."

Shi Changhang’s humanity to Yishui Mining: “Is there a photo?”

photo? They reacted, it should be a photo of the building, and quickly took out a tablet computer and gave a long video to Shi Chang. "It is here, Liuhe Mine, this building is newly built. At that time, people were not invited to see Feng Shui, now total I don't think so."

Xie Lingya asked: "Where is the specific place?"

When they came over to see the appearance of the Taoist temple, they felt a little unreliable, but they came in and chatted with the believers here. After listening to some stories, they also saw the scene without mosquitoes. At this time, I heard Xie Lingya’s question, and I didn’t answer it.

"Xiao Liu, you are all in the mine, let's talk about it." The man headed said to the man around the age of 30.

The Mr. Liu nodded and said: "When the building was not built, there was something going on in the mine. It was good that there was no dead. After the construction, a worker went down in the mine and died. Since the death of his mine, the mine There are often strange things happening, and there was a power outage in the mine not long ago, and there were people in the office... Hell, and fell ill directly.

"Before that, our mine has been injured for six consecutive years! The slippery coal was suddenly broken, and when the workers repaired, it was inexplicably dropped to the coal point to death. Oh! Too embarrassed, and haunted afterwards, so it is suspected that the building Changed the feng shui caused, want to ask what is the way to remedy. Then, also do a dojo over the soul."

Mining has always been dangerous, workers have some safety problems, and the darkness in the mine is closed, which is why the mine is somewhat superstitious.

Liuhe Mine has not had a safety accident for six consecutive years. After the building was built, it was out, and the mine had strange things. Now even the office is haunted. Even if the feng shui is no problem, it really needs to do the ruling.

Shi Changhang also watched the video at this time and said: "On the video alone, there is no problem. The new building is built on the central axis, and the square is built. The wind is gathering and the old buildings on both sides are like a hug, which adds balance. Feeling. The rear mountain is like a building, and there is no conflict with the building."

"Right, some people have said that our mines are very good." Mr. Liu nodded his head. "But we only have changed the building."

Shi Changhang gently shook his head. "I mean from the video. Mining in Lushan, the structure inside the building has not been photographed, not necessarily."

If there are obvious problems, he will see it from the video, but if the details or hidden problems, you can only go to the scene to check.

The headed man said: "So I want to trouble the high man to Liuhe Mine to help solve this trouble, we are reimbursed for the car and horse accommodation, after the remuneration of 150,000."

Shi Changhang's look is not very interesting, but Xie Lingya is interested in this amount, and hesitated a bit: "Do you have to do the three-day dojo?"

They have fewer Taoist people. It is only three days to go out. It is not convenient to let the layman stand up.

Mr. Liu said: "This... yes, it must be three days."

Xie Lingya looked at Shi Changhang again. In addition to the time problem, this feng shui also had to be hung up.

Shi Changhang: "I only have two days on weekends."

Xie Lingya is happy, "Enough. That road is in the view, I go with Shi Daochang."

The three men came to ask Zhang Daoyu, seeing their internal discussions let Xie Lingya and Shi Chang hanging, but also agreed, anyway, Zhang Daowei, Xie Lingya called the brother, and Shi Changhang just showed a little.

Mr. Liu also asked: "Can you do something a little ahead of time? If you can get it on Friday, it would be best."

Shi Changhang faintly said: "No, I will take classes on Friday."

Three people: "..."

Although they have already convince themselves in the bottom of their hearts, young does not mean that they have no ability, but it is a bit weird to hear that Shi Changhang is in class. The Taoist priests will go to school...


After the people of Yishui Mining left, Xie Lingya thought for a while, and said to Shi Changhang and Zhang Daoyu: "You don't think it's weird. Since they also pay attention to Feng Shui, why didn't you look for someone when you built the building?" ”

Shi Changhang did not accidentally say: "There is really a flaw, there should be no scruples."

Xie Lingya thinks about it too. After all, it is a company with many people. It is also the first time to cooperate with them. Not necessarily everything is explained in detail. "It makes sense. I just want to be a dojo."

At the weekend, the Mr. Liu drove to pick up the Lingya and Shi Changhang.

Xie Lingya brought something to set up in the altar. Some big ones are not good enough, and they have already prepared them in the Liuhe mine in advance.

Liuhe Mine is about an hour and a half drive from downtown Fuyang. There are some family buildings on the outside. You can see the new building that Mr. Liu said when you open it. It is about ten stories high, together with the fountain square in front. They are all new.

Mr. Liu stopped the car next to the square and took them into the building. Shi Changhang said that he would look at it first.

This office building is a slightly curved square. Shi Changhang hangs inside and looks at it. He hasn’t said anything. After reading it, he said: “Go and see it.”

He turned his head and asked Xie Lingya to ask for the birth of the worker who died. Because of the dojo, Mr. Liu had already sent the information and some basic information to Xie Lingya.

Xie Lingya took the phone out and gave it to Shi Chang, and he remembered it.

While taking the road, Mr. Liu can't wait to ask: "Is there any problem with the building?"

"Let's finish after reading." Shi Chang suspended watching the eight characters, and did not intend to open his mouth.

In fact, Xie Lingya was particularly curious, but there were outsiders present. He had to follow an inscrutable look and said: "Liu Ge, don't be impatient."

Mr. Liu said: "I am a little worried."

Mr. Liu took the two people to the coal mine. Shi Changhang and asked for the mine. Because Shi Chang said that mining and digging the mountain, Mr. Liu did not think so much, and found an old worker to lead the way.

The old worker called Zhou Mao, who was originally impatient. He is now at rest time. After listening to Mr. Liu’s whisper, his attitude is immediately better. “Master, I will take you to change clothes.”

Xie Lingya’s heart estimated that Mr. Liu told him that they came to surpass and look at Feng Shui. This identity is really good here. Many workers are not necessarily convinced, but they will be more awe.

Mr. Liu’s mission is probably to accompany him all the time. Even if he is a little embarrassed, he still put on waterproof clothing, overshoes and hard hats with them, and also issued a positioner.

When dressing, Zhou Mao stared at Xie Lingya to arrange Fuxi, and he drew some symbols in advance.

In general, mines seek to drive ghosts to buy characters, and each one has hundreds of thousands. Recently, there is a strange thing in the underground, and he is also a little bit in his heart.

"Give you one person." Xie Lingya did not think so much, anyway, this time Wingshui Mining has to pay for it, how to take two characters.

His voice just fell, and Mr. Zhou Mao and Mr. Liu couldn’t wait to get the character from his hand, as if they were robbing.

After grabbing the two people, they also smiled. Zhou Mao said: "Sorry, I was also very courageous, but recently it was... you know."

Mr. Liu gave a general explanation to Xie Lingya, but it was not very detailed. After a while, Xie Lingya wanted to have a mental preparation just in case, and asked: "Master Zhou, can you tell me what strange things happened in the underground, Have you met?"

Now that I haven’t gone down, the sun is shining, Zhou Mao is an old worker, and the mouth says: “I have met once, not only me, but several people in our team have met. I stayed under the shaft that day. Look at the coal, I am alone, suddenly heard the footsteps, I went out to see it, nothing."

Xie Lingya: "Footsteps, what kind of footsteps?"

Zhou Mao did not expect him to ask such a fine, this master is courageous: "It is the sound of shoes, I sit in that place is also a square meter, there is a curtain to block, the outside is the passage.

"I heard the sound of snoring in the passage, and I also echoed it. I didn't think much at first, but I went outside to look at it, but no one. I came back and sat down again, and I saw two times. I can't see anything, scared my heart out."

Xie Lingya nodded, "Is there?"

Zhou Mao thought again and again: "One time I was not there, the top of our entire work surface, it was banging, like a thunder. At that time, several workers in our team kept saying: Luo Xiaojun, we are going to work together. Play well, don't engage us! For a while, the voice is gone!"

Luo Xiaojun is the name of the worker who had an accident. The average person encounters the ghosts of suspected relatives and acquaintances. They all shouted a few times and let them stop making trouble.

Xie Lingya vaguely felt strange, and Shi Changhang looked at each other and temporarily said nothing, "Go, go to the mine."


Although the outside world is in the daytime, the underground is dark, and because of the deep air in the mountain, the air circulation is not so good, it will be a bit boring and humid, and the area where the miner's lamp can shine is limited.

When Xie Lingya came to the mine, he thought that in such an environment, it is really easy to be afraid.

Zhou Mao said: "We are downhole, especially feng shui. But it is not the master of your feng shui, but ventilation and drainage."

Xie Lingya nodded, some poisonous and harmful gases in the mine, dust or something, ventilation is very important.

If you inhale a toxic gas, people will be illusory, so the superstitious rules of this place, some are actually useful experiences that you have summarized, but only when you don't understand the reason, you put on a superstitious shell.

Zhou Mao repeatedly stressed that he must listen to him, can not take off the miner's lamp, helmet, can not bring fire, the underground is very dangerous, all kinds of safety matters can be said to be the key to life-saving, can not have luck.

Everyone remembers that Zhou Mao has the final say in these aspects.

Shi Changhang always took the miner's lamp and looked around. Zhou Mao told him what he was doing everywhere. He went to a winding roadway. Zhou Mao took it and said: "Here is the storage of explosives. see?"

"Look." Shi Changhang gestured to go inside.

Zhou Mao walked in front to lead the way, and explained: "It must be made in such a way, it is also for safety."

In the curved roadway, except for the place where the miner's lamp is illuminated, it is all dark, damp and boring, and occasionally there are drops of water on the helmet of Xie Lingya, ticking.

Xie Lingya walked behind and suddenly felt that the person in front stopped. "What happened?"

Zhou Mao's teeth fight: "Where are there lights in front and front?"

Xie Lingya felt strange. When the probe looked, it was really, there was a faint light on the front corner wall. "Your colleague?"

"Who, who?" Because several people around him, Zhou Mao took the courage to go a few steps and asked.

There is no answer in the empty roadway.

And as he walked forward, the light went forward, and by the corner, it seemed to be hiding from him.

Mr. Liu suddenly said with a cry: "No... there is no shadow in the light!"

Xie Lingya was cold, and I looked to the side. Yes, they were playing with miner's lamps. There were light and shadows on the walls of the roadway. Why didn't they have them in front?

For a time, there was a strange silence in the roadway, leaving only a few drops of water.

Tick, ticking.

Zhou Mao stepped back and said: "Small army, my old week has been very good for you! Don't bother me!"

Xie Lingya pinched the sign and stopped Zhou Mao: "Don't go."

Zhou Mao is such a big man, and at this time he is also very imaginary: "You talk to him, I am waiting at the crossing."

Xie Lingya: "..."

Not right, Zhou Shu must have never seen a horror film. Can you separate from the Taoist priest?

Shi Changhang pressed the wrist of Xie Lingya, "Put it up."

Xie Lingya looked at him inexplicably.

Shi Chang suspended the miner's lamp twice and calmly said: "That is the water reflected by our lights on the ground, nothing in front."

The three men took a closer look and it was true!

Xie Lingya: "........."

Zhou Mao and Mr. Liu reacted the most, and they couldn’t help but make a big red face. "I, I thought..."

Xie Lingya looked at them with great understanding. Not everyone can calmly think in this situation. He just wanted to overtake it on the spot. "Ha ha ha, false alarm, let's go."

Shi Chang suddenly said: "Go directly to Luo Xiaojun's place."

Both Zhou Mao and Mr. Liu are stiff, and their heartbeat has not recovered yet. "Now, go now?"

Shi Chang suspends.

Mr. Liu had to face with a blank face: "That, let's go... Master Zhou."

Losing Zhou Mao's old workers, mentioning the daring to lead them. When I arrived, Zhou Mao was eager to introduce.

The place where Luo Xiaojun passed away, that is, the front, is a coal-falling point. The coal is transported from the slipper to the coal-dropping point, and it is tilted down from a bucket. A coal-dropping point can store hundreds of tons of coal.

Shi Chang looked at the slippery coal and asked: "He is falling dead?"

Before that, Mr. Liu said that, Zhou Mao listened, but it was a bit chilly: "He fell there, there was a retaining wall at the mouth, I don't know how he actually turned over! The coal behind it all He was squatting on him, and he was already out of breath when he dug it out. I think it was buried!"

A large space that can hold hundreds of tons of coal, first fall, then so many coal sources continue to kneel down, heavily pressed on the body, layered.

No one spoke for a while, and Mr. Liu’s breathing was even heavier.

It seems that everyone can't imagine it, what kind of despair is.

After a while, the sound of Shi Changhang sounded. "Go ahead."

Hey, hey.

The sound of the sound in the empty passage suddenly makes everyone feel excited and look at it.

The sound came from the front, with a long echo, who is coming to this side, the overshoes are on the ground, heavy, hey, hehe...

But this is a straight passage, illuminated with a miner's lamp, nothing. Different from the winding roadway, you can see the bottom at a glance, even the black hole, once swallowed the mouth of human life, but you can't see the sound source.

Mr. Zhou Mao and Mr. Liu suddenly changed their faces, their eyes widened, their pupils contracted, and their mouths tightened.

This time is not always a reflection, right?

"I am!" The two yelled at the same time and ran out.

"Well??" They ran too fast, and Xie Lingya didn't react. "Don't run!"

Hello, what are you running, staying and seeing my show a wave of operations and then go!

Both of them had the characters of Xie Lingya's paintings. He felt that he could stay and witness his operation. He had a few symbols in his hand.

At this time, Shi Changhang once again blocked Xie Lingya. He held Xie Lingya’s wrist and said softly: "Don't move."

Xie Lingya looked at Shi Changhang inexplicably, only to see that he raised his hand and wiped it on his eyelids. The cold fingers slid over the liquid. When Xie Lingya blinked and looked again, the place where the miner's lamp was photographed was more than one. "people".

Looking across the distance, "he" half of the body is in the mouth of the mouth, the upper body squatting on the wall of the mouth, wearing the overshoes of the shoes and pulling up, want to climb up...

It was this kind of movement that made a snoring like a footstep.

Xie Lingya took a step back, but soon looked at the ghost, and he snorted. "It's really not right."


After Zhou Mao and Mr. Liu ran out for a distance, they also regretted it, but for a moment it was too scary, they subconsciously rushed.

"Let's go back to the master." Mr. Liu said violently.

Zhou Mao is a little scared, "Scream first..."

"Otherwise, are we looking for a few people?"

Before they finished discussing, they saw two lights illuminating Xie Lingya and Shi Chang hanging out. The two were not ill, and they were very calm, and they were even more embarrassed by Zhou Mao and Mr. Liu.

"Mr. Xie, Shi Daochang, is it okay?" Mr. Liu said, "We are going to go back to you..."

"Luo Xiaojun, is his overshoes green?" Xie Lingya asked.

Really, Zhou Mou saw the body that day, and he suddenly sweated. "You saw him?"

"It's really him, then it's not right." Xie Lingya looked at Mr. Liu. "Shi Daochang checked the building and the feng shui here, and confirmed that there were no problems, including Luo Xiaojun's birthday. I just saw Luo Xiaojun. His soul is very weak, and his mind is still at the moment of his death, and he can't do without it. It can't be harmful to people's illness."

Zhou Mao was originally superstitious because of the working environment. He heard Xie Lingya accurately telling the characteristics of Luo Xiaojun, and said that he saw him and his legs were soft. "Can we go up and say?"

Mr. Liu was amazed and shocked. "No, impossible! Then we..."

Zhou Mao was also reminded, "Yes, what about the white mine?"

Xie Lingya: "White mine is long?"

Mr. Liu was a little embarrassed, "Hey..."

Previously, Xie Lingya and Shi Changhang had a bit of tacit understanding. I felt that Yishui Mining was a little concealed. However, at that time, it was thought that it was internal entanglement. They did not care about personnel anyway.

After coming, Xie Lingya heard Zhou Mao talking about what happened under the mine, and felt that the ghost was not right.

According to them, Luo Xiaojun’s ghosts can be traced back to the office, causing people to be seriously ill. How to speak so well under the mine, the harassment is said to be two words, no one has an accident.

After seeing Luo Xiaojun, Xie Lingya was sure, Luo Xiaojun really is not a ghost. He even thought that the previous events were the same as the ones that Zhou Mao saw reflected, and most of them belonged to natural phenomena. The workers themselves had too much brain supplement and they came down to Luo Xiaojun’s head.

After leaving the mine, Mr. Liu called and said: "Two, this is awkward!"

Xie Lingya: "I am waiting for you to explain."

"..." Mr. Liu was a little embarrassed, and then vague details before coming from the beginning.

In fact, his position is the secretary of the Liuhe Mine White Mine, the white mine chief is an atheist, and he is determined not to build a superstition. After the new appointment of Liuhe Mine, a large number of new buildings were built.

At that time, some people advised him to ask people to look at Feng Shui. He didn't care. At that time, he spread all over the mine. Everyone didn't care. However, after Luo Xiaojun’s accident, someone passed it because of the feng shui problem.

The white mine is not convinced, even if he is under great pressure because of this, he still does not believe it.

The White Mines also personally went down the well to investigate the problem. In the end, it was completely accidental. The wet feet were slippery. Although Luo Xiaojun did not operate illegally, the work was very dangerous and it was difficult to prevent all accidents.

Therefore, the White Mines only asked everyone to strengthen their safety work and strive to minimize accidents.

The next step is that there are some peculiar events under the mine. The white mine is also scornful. It is considered a psychological effect. Everyone can scare themselves and can explain it from a scientific point of view.

Of course, at this time, the news about his destruction of the Liuhe mine feng shui was also spread throughout the mine. Everyone talked about it, and most of them felt rather mysterious.

With this out, the white mine manager is also in a bad mood, but still insists on his own three views. Until the office building was out of power during the overtime work, he was particularly diligent in the location of the candle office. At this time, he saw the ghost of Luo Xiaojun and said that he was very miserable and asked him to invite people to do the three-day dojo.

The white mine has been ill for a long time, and there is no wall in the world. The news has also been passed out.

The white mine manager did not dare to believe this time, but he was a bit embarrassed. He refused to look for the ghost-striker who was in contact with the mine. Instead, he listened to a relative who had mentioned that he had gone to participate in the Baoyang Temple. He believed his relatives, so he let People go to the Taoist priests who hold the view of Yang.

Although there are many rumors inside the Liuhe mine, when asked the Taoist, Secretary Liu still hidden some details, especially the section of the white mine.

Having said that, Xie Lingya understands why the Liuhe mine, which is still very particular, will build a new building without looking for a Feng Shui master. And how much can he understand the idea of ​​the white mine, just how can the white mine manager see Luo Xiaojun? Is the source of this matter actually in the white mine long personal?

"Can we meet the white mine manager?" Xie Lingya asked.

"Yes, yes, just the white mine manager said that he wants to see two." Secretary Liu was busy.


The white mine manager came back from the hospital and was at home. Secretary Liu took them to the family area. The white mine manager was still calling people to talk about work, and only apologized to say hello to them.

After the white mine manager finished the call, Xie Lingya and his two men shook hands and greeted him.

"Xie teacher, Shi Daochang," there is some anxiety between the white mines. "I heard that there is no problem with the feng shui of our building. Luo Xiaojun has no sorrow. But I obviously saw him in the office!"

He doesn't think that the two men are going to lie to him at this point. It's too unnecessary, especially if you want to make money.

Xie Lingya is not clear now, he said: "Can you elaborate on the situation of the day?"

The white mine couldn't help but touch his heart and talk about what happened that day.

In the evening, the white mine manager worked overtime until nine o'clock. Suddenly, he had a blackout. He wanted to finish the last bit of work, so he ordered a candle.

But not long after, the candlelight suddenly shrank and turned green. The white mine is strange and surprised, and wants to stand up and see.

At this time, the candlelight became green and became bigger and bigger, as if it were fireworks, and the whole room became green.

Then, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the corner of the wall, worshipping the candlelight. As soon as it was worshipped, the white mine owner felt that his heart was being smashed and the candlelight was darker. The more it worships, the more painful the white mine grows, and the more dim the candlelight.

At the end of the candlelight, when the beans were only a little big, the white mine had already turned white.

At that time, the ghost appeared to be Luo Xiaojun, let the white mine chief find someone to do the three-day dojo, otherwise, next time it worshipped the end, the candle fire was extinguished, and the white mine was dead. Not only that, but also go to his home and continue to worship his family.

The white mine manager lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he was already in the hospital. He thought he had made a real nightmare, but when he examined it, his chest was clearly covered with bruises. He had a lot of body before, and there was no precursor to heart disease. Is this not being worshipped by ghosts?

This is what the trick Xie Lingya doesn't know, but he knows another thing, "so you didn't see the ghost's face, can't you completely determine that it is Luo Xiaojun?"

The white mine stayed for a long time. "I was, I didn't see it, it was a black shadow, but he said that he was Luo Xiaojun..."

When he said it, he was silent. Silence for a while was incomprehensible. "What the **** is going on, is it really a dream, then someone took the opportunity to make a bruise on me? But how can he know that I am doing it? Have such a dream?"

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, there are other femininity in his office, but I do not know why the white mine is entangled, and it is posing as Luo Xiaojun.

Xie Lingya looked at Shi Changhang and said: "Tonight, borrow the keys from your office."

The white mine never went to the office after the accident, he coldly said: "Okay, two careful!"

Before Xie Lingya left the White Mines, he gave him a spiritual amulet and let him wear it. Secretary Liu will entertain them to rest and eat.

Secretary Liu is not here, Xie Lingya asked Shi Changhang: "Do you know what it is?"

"I have never seen it before." Shi Changhang said and said, "But the shadow..."

Xie Lingya also nodded. If it is a black shadow, it is not red or green, and it should not be fierce. At that time, after listening to the white mine manager, he thought in his heart that if the ghost is not difficult to deal with, it is uncertain whether it will be something else.

In the evening, the two took the guy into the office building, the office of the white mine.

There is no light around this point, only the distant family area is still lit with light.

Xie Lingya hid the mahogany sword and the scorpion, took out a lot of paper money, took the sanitary basin and lit the paper money. "Luo Xiaojun, Luo Xiaojun? You are not there."

Xie Lingya kept calling the name of Luo Xiaojun. The real Luo Xiaojun certainly couldn’t hear it, but the thing they were looking for could be heard.

Xie Lingya shouted for a long while, and there was no response. He took the opportunity to change his mind.

"Luo Xiaojun, we are here to burn you money, and discuss with you a thing, the master of the White Mines invites you to go to the party for a while, the dojo should be done later, the money you use first, when the interest, can you? ”

At this time, the house suddenly burst into flames, and the temperature dropped a few degrees.

It’s not necessary to say that Shi Chang’s hangs for a long time. Xie Lingya also has a little experience, so there is no fuss, but a scan of the surroundings.

As the white mine chief said, there is a ghost in the corner of the wall. It is completely empty. It is only a personal shape. It screams in a fine voice: "No! No! No! It will be seven days and seven nights in the evening. Dojo!"


Xie Lingya looked at him strangely, "Luo Xiaojun?"

The black shadow became bigger, almost occupying the entire wall, and stunned in a strange and insulting voice: "It is me, I am so bad..."

Shi Changhang hung up and waited for it to finish, and a faceless expression of a character stuck to it, this shadow will instantly shrink back to its original size and roll to the ground.

Xie Lingya also copied the Sanbao sword from the cabinet next to it and rushed it up. It was a pumping. "Your grandfather! You dare to lie to me, I can go to you! Luo Xiaojun? You say it again, you are Luo Xiaojun. ?"

Shi Changhang: "..."

"Ah! Ah!" The mahogany sword was drawn on the body, and it was getting darker and darker. The blackness of the ghosts was gone, revealing a middle-aged male ghost, screaming again and again, "I I dare not, I dare not!"

Xie Lingya was tired, sitting on the ground, holding his hand in the kendo: "Say, what the **** are you doing, you and the white mine have hatred?"

The middle-aged male ghost hesitated for a moment before he shook his voice: "No, no hatred."

Xie Lingya looked at him. "You are not Luo Xiaojun, no complaints, no hatred, but scary people, let people do the three-day dojo, you..."

Xie Lingya suddenly reacted. "Okay, you are stinky, you cheated!"

There are so many ghosts and ghosts, not all of them are enshrined. The ghosts were originally human beings, and naturally gave birth to some strange things, such as cheating.

This kind of thing Xie Lingya just listened to what he said, there are those who pretend to be celebrities and ghosts, let people offer their own, and even more pretending to be adorned by other people's ancestors. When a simple person hears that this ghost is Li Bai and Du Fu, he does not immediately admire the food.

However, such ghosts generally have nothing to do, and the ability of ghosts is also divided into small and small. They can't do anything to threaten people's lives. They can only rely on scare and deceive to make themselves eat a meal.

And what he said is also an old thing. Nowadays people are not so convinced, they can't lie, and people ignore you.

It’s like a one-legged five-way. It’s never been so good when it’s been a believer. Now, there aren’t many people who know it. It’s hard to be taken back and eaten without dare to kill it directly. scare.

I didn't expect this time to thank Xie Lingya for seeing a powerful one, knowing that it hurts people, and that the audience is bigger. It is not to let some people eat, but to let the dojo directly! Look at the ambition of people!

The middle-aged male ghost was poked when he heard his identity as a liar, and suddenly he was ashamed to cover his face. "Master! I have no children, no ghosts, no ghosts, no other ghosts, no clothes, no food. I can’t get it, I’ve been hungry for more than a decade!”

A ghost with a sacrifice will eat a few meals a year. The ghosts without sacrifices are even more miserable. They can't even grab other ghosts. Like this mixed, I have not eaten for more than ten years.

For this reason, it took advantage of the Liuhe mine people's heart, posing as Luo Xiaojun to intimidate the white mine chief, seeing the white mine chief is convinced, but also the lion's mouth, let the white mine chief find someone to do the dojo.

As a solitary ghost with a poor ability, this middle-aged male ghost is also scary and must be impersonated. With the fear of the inner heart, the more people are afraid, the more arrogant the arrogance of the ghost.

The white mine chief also had a little shadow on Luo Xiaojun. When he said that he was Luo Xiaojun, the white mine manager immediately believed, and he made a lot of brains.

"How do I feel a little loophole, hungry for more than ten years? You mean, is this the first time you have done this kind of thing?" Xie Lingya forced to ask, "So, you haven’t used the lamp to kill people. life?"

Xie Lingya said that the middle-aged male ghost was crying.

"...Where?" Xie Lingya was shocked and turned to look at Shi Changhang. "Is so fierce?"

The ghosts scared him.

Shi Changhang: "..."

The middle-aged male ghost cried almost in the past. "Master, I am suffering! I am not a lie, I am really the first to hurt, not yet!"

"I have been hungry for more than ten years. Last year, I won a bowl of rice at the Mid-Autumn Festival. At this time, an old ghost came to tell me that if I gave him the rice, he would teach me a trick to worship the lights. The more pain, the death of the lamp.

"Where I dare to harm people, I just want to learn to scare people, so I changed it with him. Then I studied hard and learned for a whole year. I didn’t go out to grab this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival. I can finally lie. Eat it!

"But, but I used it to discover that the swindler is a ghost of the Qing Dynasty. The ghost worships only the candlelight, and the incandescent lamp can not be extinguished."

Xie Lingya & Shi Changhang: "........."

The middle-aged male ghost cried more and more heartbreaking. "The old ghost who lacks Daed, lie to my meal. In this year, who still has a candle to live, that is less than the ghosts! I am looking for it. Looking for it, looking for it, it’s easy to meet the Liuhe mine just died, and power outage!"

Xie Lingya & Shi Changhang: "..............."