MTL - Peach Pit Landlord-Chapter 284 Great official

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Li Yuan had already seen it. These policemen and Liu Yongjie’s parents were a group. Of course they would not go with them. They just smiled coldly. “I suspect that you are not a policeman. If you want to take us back to investigate, then show you. Documents!"

The headed policeman said: "Did you see that we are wearing police uniforms?"

"The police uniform can't explain the problem." Li Yuan sneered: "It's easy to get a police uniform now. Who knows if you pretend to be a policeman?"

Liu Yi said loudly: "He is entangled in Hu, grab it back, and grab them all back!"

The policemen also woke up and took out their handcuffs to wear on Li Yuan’s wrist. Li Yuan knows that Chen Junkun will never let himself suffer, and of course he will not wear handcuffs and push the policeman up.

The headed policeman was furious and warned Li Yuan: "Do you dare to attack the police? Believe it or not, I am jealous of you on the spot!"

"You are not a policeman. How can I attack the police?" Li Yuan is still a lazy look: "If you have the ability to take the gun out on the spot, I believe that you are the real policeman!"

After listening to Li Yuan’s words, the police officers almost came out of internal injuries. They were privately called out by Liu Yongjie’s parents, and they did not use the instructions of the 110 alarm station to get out of the police. It was impossible to bring them out. What's more, even with a gun, they did not dare to shoot Li Yuan.

After all, it is one thing to give Liu Yongjie’s father a face, and it’s quite another to shoot a dead person. These police officers don’t take such big risks.

Seeing these police officers are stupid, Li Yuan sneered: "I already knew that you are a counterfeit goods. I have already called the police. When the real policeman comes, I will kill you several nets!"

Seeing that his son was beaten like this, Liu Yi was also distressed. Naturally, he hoped that the policeman who called him could take Li Yuan back, so that he could retaliate.

However, the current development of dysfunction has not developed in the direction of Liu Yi’s hope. He is naturally very angry. The police chief headed: “Lao Zhang, why not take the criminals who hurt my son, when will it wait? !"

When Liu Yi was so reminded, the police also felt that there was no face, and he warned Li Yuan coldly: "Don't resist any more, don't force us to do it!"

"I want to see who dares to do it!" I haven't waited for Li Yuan to open it, and a harsh voice came from the door.

The policeman surnamed Zhang was furious and shouted loudly before he turned: "The police handled the case, who is there - he - the nonsense..."

Speaking of the policeman surnamed Zhang here also saw the coming people, the next half of the sentence was immediately smashed back, the period Ai Ai said: "Wang... Wang team, how come you?"

The man who came here was Wang Shenglin, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Provincial Public Security Bureau. He walked in like a water and looked at the policemen. "If I don't come, how can I know how you usually handle the case?" !"

Wang Shenglin is also an old-time policeman. Don't look at the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade. However, there have been rumors that he will soon take over the position of Li Sheng, the deputy director who is about to retire, and become the new deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Bureau.

The police officers called by Liu Yi, that is, the police officers of the police station, the difference between the two sides is not a little bit. I heard that Wang Shenglin’s tone was not good. They were also timid and did not dare to say a word.

Li Ling did not know Wang Shenglin. He shouted at him in plain clothes: "Who are you, why should you cover up these criminals?! I want to call the police and arrest all of you!"

Wang Shenglin sneered aloud and took out the documents in front of Li Ling: "I see clearly, I am Wang Shenglin, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau. Now I suspect that Liu Yongjie is related to a strong--------------------------------------------------- Block it, then it is suspected of obstructing official duties and taking it with you!"

"Yes!" The criminal policeman brought by Wang Shenglin promised to go forward and went to Liu Yongjie and Gao Zhenzhen to wear handcuffs.

Seeing that Wang Shenglin was actually trying to catch his own baby son, Li Ling was mad and rushed toward him, trying to stop them from taking Liu Yongjie away.

When rushing to deal with this case, Wang Shenglin received a phone call from Liu Yong, the secretary of the municipal party committee, and Zhou Kai, the director. Both told Wang Shenglin that the victim of this case was the granddaughter of provincial commercial tycoon Chen Junkun. Chen Junkun was alarmed by the top leaders of the provincial capital because of this incident, causing a very bad influence. Wang Shenglin was asked to quickly and rigorously ascertain the truth of the case and hand it over to the public prosecution office as soon as possible.

Wang Shenglin is also an old public security officer, and naturally understands what these two phones mean. At the moment, Li Ling actually obstructed the handling of the case. Wang Shenglin naturally would not be polite. A sly master gave up this self-righteous old woman and put her handcuffs cleanly and neatly.

Wang Shenglin signaled that his subordinates controlled Li Ling and solemnly announced to her: "I now accuse you of assaulting the police, obstructing official duties, and bringing them back to investigate!"

"I don't accept it, you are good people!" Li Ling shouted: "I want to go to the TV station, tell you online, let you lose your name!"

Some people are like this, taking it for granted when doing bad things, and even smug. But if they lose themselves, they will pretend to be a vulnerable group and begin to filthy others.

However, Liu Yi is also an official, and his knowledge is much wider than his wife. It has been seen that Wang Shenglin and others are not too small. I guess Li Yuan and Chen Lei may have some heads. I feel that this is a bit tricky today.

However, in order to keep his son Liu Yi can only bite the scalp and stop Wang Shenglin: "This police officer, I am Liu Yi, deputy director of the City Investment Promotion Office. I think there is something wrong with it. ""

Liu Yi came up to report his position, just want to let the other party know that he is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but also has a background. He hopes that Li Yuan and Chen Lei will be able to retreat, at least to keep their wives and children, and then slowly find opportunities to settle accounts with each other.

However, today Wang Shenglin received a phone call from the Secretary-General and the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, asking him to deal with the matter seriously. In particular, Hao Changjiang, the secretary of the municipal party committee, specifically told Wang Shenglin that this incident has alarmed the city's one or two handles. Both leaders were very angry and asked to investigate the matter thoroughly. It was not at all a deputy director of the Investment Promotion Office.

Therefore, Wang Shenglin did not give Liu Yi a face, but was cold and cold: "I am sorry, everyone is equal before the law, what do you do, and there is no impact on the police investigation of this case!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Shenglin did not enter the oil and salt. Liu Yi could not help but raise his voice and stressed: "I am the deputy director of the China Merchants Office!"

At this time, Hao Changjiang, the secretary-general of the municipal party committee, rushed to the scene, just heard Liu Yi’s words, and immediately said coldly: “Hey, deputy director of the China Merchants Office, a big official!” (To be continued.):