MTL - Peerless Martial God 2-Chapter 19 Next time, no one can save it...

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At this moment, there was a murky drink from the attic, and then Luo Ze’s figure disappeared abruptly, and Luo Ze’s original position was a golden light, and Cheng Zhe appeared here.

Seeing Cheng Zhe, Lin Feng’s eyes gloomy.

"The master of the family, I have given Luo Ze two chances. This time, he does not cherish it. Do you want to blame me on my responsibility?"

Lin Feng screamed, and the momentum of questioning did not diminish, making Cheng Zhe's face gloomy.

However, Cheng Zhe is not afraid of the predecessor of Lin Feng, so he can only smile with a faint hug: "The wooden wind brothers are heavy, I just let the brothers stay with Luo Ze, after all, tomorrow, I want to make a big game, I don’t want to lose the game." ".

"This is not the reason I let him go." Lin Feng shook his head and smiled coldly.

The meaning is very obvious, Lin Feng is telling Cheng Zhe, if there is not enough reason, he will not let Luo Ze's, treat the enemy, Lin Feng has been to eliminate! !

Cheng Zhe’s eyes condensed, and then pondered for a moment, and yelled at Lin Feng: “The wooden wind brothers borrowed me to become a family and participated in the squad contest. I want to go to the center of the gods. I promise that no matter if you enter the top three, I will personally **** you. How about going to the center of the gods?"

Cheng Zhe said, looking at Lin Feng, waiting for Lin Feng's answer.

When Lin Feng heard Cheng Zhe's words, his heart moved. The purpose of his coming here is this.

"Well, I will give the family a face." Lin Feng nodded and agreed to Cheng Zhe's words.

Luo Ze is not his opponent. If he really wants to kill, he can always, but going to the center of the gods is a big deal.

Cheng Zhe heard Lin Feng's mouth, his face was eased, and then his left hand waved, after a golden light, Luo Ze wolf's figure appeared in the attic.

Lin Feng looked coldly at Luo Ze, and Luo Ze did not dare to look at Lin Feng, but his heart was still unwilling and bitter.

"The next time, no one can save you, roll!!".

Lin Feng screamed, Luo Ze bite his teeth, looked at the eyes of Zhe, see Cheng Zhe nod, Luo Ze heart is full of sly, secretly completely remember Lin Feng in his heart.

"Farewell, Woodwind Brothers." Cheng Zhe’s fists smiled at Lin Feng, and then the whole person disappeared into the attic and disappeared with Luo Ze.

Lin Feng squinted and saw Cheng Zhe leave, and he knew very well that he had already sinned into a philosopher. This family master, half-step sacred emperor, if not for the yak yak predecessors, fear that he would already shoot himself.

Cheng Shan’s eyes gazed to Lin Feng’s side and said comfortably: “Nothing, Mufeng Brothers, there is a chance to punish Luo Ze later”.

"Punish? Oh, next time, I will kill him directly, even if it is blocked by Chengzhe."

After listening to the words of Chengshan, Lin Feng couldn't help but sneer out, and then the killing of his face swept out.

Chengshan's face changed. He didn't expect Lin Feng to have a crush on Luo Ze, and he was so mad. Even the half-step of the emperor's face was not given.

Chengshan didn't know how to evaluate Lin Feng, and he didn't know how mysterious Lin Feng was, and where it came from.

"Woodwind brothers, do you want to go up?"

Chengshan looked at the two pavilions above the attic. There were already many people discussing the formation or exercises there, and they couldn’t help but ask Lin Feng.

Lin Feng glanced at the two pavilions and then shook his head. He had lost interest in learning. Even if he went up, it didn't have much effect. It was a waste of time.

"Go back, wait for tomorrow's troupe contest."

Lin Feng’s next sentence to Chengshan’s words was to leave the tower and go straight to the courtyard.

Chengshan said that it was a pity. It was a pity that he walked out of the attic and told the guards at the entrance to look at the tall buildings. After that, Chengshan followed Lin Feng’s back and went to the courtyard.

The time is very fast and it is a day. On this day, Lin Feng will fully remember the silent and uninteresting array in his mind. Lin Feng believes that after this success, he can kill countless great saints in an instant. Even the sacred king is no exception.

Since coming to Shenlu, Lin Feng has not seen the existence of Supreme King. I don't know why.

In the morning, when the sky is not bright, Chengshan ran to the courtyard to inform Lin Feng, and the transit race of the transit city is about to begin. There will be many super strong players to participate.

The super strong in the mouth of Chengshan, inaction is some half-step Shenghuang strong, but the half-step Shenghuang strong is the strong on the land of the gods, rarely see the existence of the small emperor.

Lin Feng simply prepared for it, that is, he walked out of the courtyard, and together with other foreigners, he walked out of the house and came to the front of the house to stand in a row.

Cheng Zhe did not have an accident. At this time, he stood in front of all the people, his face was dignified, and the power of the Holy Emperor was released half a step. For fear that he would not know that he was a half-step emperor.

Seeing Lin Feng and Cheng Shan, a few people came out, Cheng Zhe looked at Lin Feng with a few eyes, his eyes with a hint of gloom, Lin Feng did not evade the past.

Cheng Zhe regained his gaze, and Lin Feng snorted and ignored the Chengzhe.

On the left hand side of Cheng Zhe is Luo Ze, his prospective son-in-law, and on the right hand side is Cheng Yanuo.

However, at this time, the eyes of Cheng Yanuo were all placed on Lin Feng. The eyes were a bit complicated and I didn't know what to think.

Luo Ze was very happy at this time, and immediately arrived at the time to prove himself. No matter how powerful Lin Feng’s fighting strength is, but the strength of the battle, Luo Ze still has confidence in himself, and that day he and the Scorpio fight into a tie , let him expand his confidence.

If Lin Feng knows that Luo Ze is because of the self-confidence of the test, it is estimated that the truth will be said.

If there was no Lin Feng shot on that day, Luo Ze might be smashed by the scorpion's array.

"Well, people are already complete, starting, the city government."

Cheng Zhe sees that everyone is ready, it is a roar, half a step of the Holy Emperor's drink, the whole family has been swaying for hundreds of miles, and this drink is also to inform other families to prove that they are starting a family.

Cheng Zhe was flying at high altitude. Other family members were flying on a dragon eagle. Lin Feng did not choose to mount. Just carrying his hands and carrying the whole person off the ground, the speed was no worse than that of Chengzhe.

Cheng Zhe's heart became more and more gloomy, and suddenly accelerated the speed, but found that no matter how accelerated, Lin Feng was always behind him less than 100 meters, never opened.

Cheng Zhe’s heart is complicated. I don’t know what Lin Feng is all about. Fortunately, I will not pay attention to it. The concentrated leader will go straight to the city government.

In half an hour, Cheng Zhe jumped and the whole person fell steadily onto the high platform.

The Grand Prix is ​​about to begin.

The owners of the family also rode the dragon eagle to the city's main government, but they stopped at the gate of the city's main government, and the courtyard of the city's main government built a high platform, where it is a test.

Lin Feng also silently chose to stand in a corner. He did not look at the high platform, but an invisible array of methods under the high platform. I was afraid that it was the focus.

As soon as the family arrived, the Tian family was also led by the master of the heavenly family.

What makes Lin Feng quite surprised is that, in terms of the Tian family, the leader is actually the one who is going to kill one of the three half-steps of the Holy Emperor.

Tian Han did not wait to land, is to see Lin Feng, when his face was cold and cold ~ ~ a corner of the mouth with a cruel smile.

"Hey, kid, the last time someone protected you, see how you can leave alive this time in the road race!!".

Tian Han smiled and let Lin Feng brow slightly, and his heart was uncomfortable.

Scorpio stood by the side of the cold, his face was indifferent, and he did not look at anyone, quietly waiting for the start of the troupe.

Another minute, the Ma family also came together, led by Ma Jiaqiang, among them Nangongzi.

Nan Gongzi blinked at the sky and looked at Lin Feng at the corner of his eye. He couldn’t help but say: "It’s interesting, this year’s troupe contest is interesting."

"South, you will be the champion, and Scorpio can't compare with you."

The leader of the Ma family, indifferent, looked at Nangong, and shouted.

Hearing the words, Nangongzi’s face was full of self-confidence and smile, and his brow sneered: “That is nature, I am the last winner.”

"Well, the people of the three major families are all together. I declare that the annual circuit competition will officially begin!!"

A thunderous drink, spread thousands of miles, so that everyone's face dignified.

Then a silver light crossed, and an old man in a silver robe appeared on the top of the platform. His eyes looked kindly at the bottom, but it was impossible to raise his eyes.

It is the city owner! !

This year's contest was actually hosted by the master of the city, but it was only presided over by the vice-president.

It seems that this year's competition is particularly eye-catching, and because of the scorpio, the enchanting youth like Nangongzi can attract the lord of the city. Everyone thought quietly.

"This is... half a step of the emperor's realm?"

Lin Feng looked at the city owner with a strange look. He always felt that the atmosphere was wrong. It was much stronger than the half-step Shenghuang. Is it Xiaocheng Shenghuang?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's face suddenly changed.