MTL - People In Pirates: I Can Copy Any Talent-Chapter 94

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In the outside world, Huang Yuan sent people to guard the place where the black mist appeared, and at the same time quickly passed the news to the Warring States in the headquarters.

Neuer just came out of the river of the underworld, and before the end of a fight, he came back again, and was surrounded...

But this time, the River of Underworld finally ushered in a real outsider.

The navy who rushed into the black mist came to the world of Huangquan, the boundless dark yellow sea, the sky covered with black clouds, everything is so mysterious.

Taotu followed Zefa into the underworld, and only then regretted it.

Unexpectedly, there is a space in the black mist. The navy's judgment on the black mist before has always been some kind of ability with a teleportation function.

In this case, wouldn't it be in Neuer's arms.

Tao Tutu looked at the surrounding environment uneasily, and suddenly found a large shadow in the distance, and a ship slowly sailed out under the shadow.

And on the dark yellow sea in front of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, there was actually a person standing.

"Neuer is there!"

Momotu pointed there and exclaimed, and all the navy immediately turned their attention to Neuer.

Neuer stood alone on the sea, with one hand behind his back, and the other pointing at the navy.

In Neuer's world, no one can defeat him!

Zefa looked at Neuer in amazement, and when he was about to say something, his feet suddenly trembled violently.

Several naval ships were underground, and the yellow spring, which was originally like stagnant water, suddenly surged up, and the strong impact of the water directly swept all the navy into the air.

The warship was overturned, many sailors could not stabilize their bodies, and fell into Huangquan with terrified faces...

However, what happened next subverted their imagination. All the people who fell into the sea could not sink and stood firmly on the sea.

Ain said in surprise, "What's the situation in this sea area?"

Zefa carefully observed the expressions of those marines, and immediately shouted: "They don't look right! Don't look at these sea water for a long time!"

Neuer sneered and said, "It's useless."

As he said that, Neuer raised his hand out of thin air, as if turning into a baton, manipulating Huang Quan to rush out of the sea one after another.

A few pillars of water flowed up and broke down the naval warships in an instant, and a large number of marines completely fell into the underworld.

Neuer continued to control the yellow spring water, enveloped the navy, and turned them into unconscious puppets one after another.

Zefa gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and stepped on the sea water, and rushed over with his only remaining arm. Neuer looked at him indifferently, as if he was looking at a clown.

Afterwards, the yellow spring under Zefa's feet lost its buoyancy, and Zefa, who had been standing on the surface of the sea, fell headlong into the deep sea.

Zefa sank into the dark sea, and the terrifying water pressure instantly added to himself, making him unable to swim at all.

Seeing the teacher being thrown into the sea, Ai Yin ran over anxiously to save him.

But no matter how hard she tried, Huangquanshui was like a wall, and she couldn't sneak in no matter what.

Neuer looked at this scene expressionlessly, and said, "It's useless, the rules in this sea are all set by me."

Ain raised his head with red eyes, waved the pink light with one hand, and pulled out the famous knife with the other to deal with Neuer.

Neuer raised a finger, and the seawater under his feet erupted directly, turning into a wall of water to block Ain's slash.

At this time, there was a cold behind Neuer, Momotu raised the knife and wiped it at Neuer's neck with a cold face.

Neuer sighed and said, "I really don't have a long memory..."

There was no need to move at all, Neuer's figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by Ain.

Startled, Ai Yin quickly blocked Taotu's attack and stepped aside.

And Neuer also raised his hands, and the calm Huangquanhai was suddenly set off by a huge tsunami.

The terrifying tsunami swallowed up all the dying navies. So far, all the chasing navies were deprived of consciousness by Huang Quan.

Seeing that they had lost consciousness, Neuer waved his hand and fished up all the marines again, and shouted to the terrifying ship behind him, "Tie them up! Ask the navy to redeem them with money!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Quanshui transported all the admirals and moved the captives to the ship.

Neuer clenched his fist comfortably. These days, he has adapted to the river of the underworld, and he is already free to manipulate the rules of this world...

It's a pity that I didn't expect to run into the navy this time, and exposed my hole cards in advance.

Otherwise, with this ability, it would be easy to cheat the Four Emperors.

Zefa was able to follow Neuer into the river of hell, but also because of an intelligence error. If this ability is exposed in the future, it may be difficult to lure them into the bait.

Neuer returned to the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, and these unconscious naval prisoners were also thrown into the prison of the old castle by the companions of Hades.

Dalu seemed to be seriously injured again, and Neuer was quite speechless about it.

If you don't join with a smile, Enilo can be regarded as the second combat force of the Underworld Pirates, but after every battle, he must be the one who is injured the most.

Enel, who was bandaged into a mummy, looked at Neuer aggrievedly, and Neuer patted him on the shoulder, comforting him:

"Thank you for your hard work. When you recover, go to the treasury to pick something up."

If you want to say this, then I won't be sleepy!

Suddenly, Enilo's pupils flashed with lightning, and he dragged his body and turned into a thunderbolt and ran out!

"Say... talk counts!"

Enel's ambiguous words were left in the wind, and Neuer, who was left alone in a mess, didn't know what to say.

Ignoring Enel's stupidity, Neuer considered his next plan.

The River of the Underworld does not have the function of mobile teleportation, and it will still appear in place when you go out, but now it is probably surrounded by yellow apes.

Is the only way to threaten the navy with Zefa?

Neuer thought about it for a moment, and suddenly remembered something.

Today's Tianlong people seem to have not been killed yet...

Chapter 150 A Small Choice

The sea not far from the Chambord Islands, where the black mist disappeared, was surrounded by three layers of the navy at this time.

Huang Yuan couldn't receive the news from Zefa for a long time, so he couldn't help but have some doubts about the function of this black mist.

If it was sent to a certain place, why didn't the Marshal of the Warring States receive any information about the sighting.

The yellow ape feels more and more bad, so many navies appearing all over the world will definitely cause disturbance, unless they never come out of the black mist at all!

Huang Yuan was startled, and was about to return to the headquarters to report his thoughts to Zhan Guo.

But at this moment, the mysterious black smoke emerged from the sea again, and Neuer's figure emerged from it.

The devil man is back!

The navy surrounding here nervously raised their flintlock guns, and the artillery on the warship also aimed at Neuer.

Neuer looked at the vigilant crowd, and took out a mirror on the boat as if no one else was there. There was a light shining in the mirror, and an ugly fat man was released.

Huang Yuan raised his eyebrows, it was another Tianlong man.

Because the Tianlong people are in the hands of Neuer, the navy has always been wary of rats, and many methods cannot be used.

Neuer put the knife on Tianlongren's neck. The fat man was shocked by the cold touch, and kowtowed for mercy.

At the beginning, the Tianlong people were very arrogant, but now they can see it clearly.

One by one compatriots fell at this man's feet in different ways, but he still didn't intend to stop.

Only then did they realize that if this continues, they will be the ones who will die. This Lord of the Hades has no taboos at all, and he will kill if he says so!

Huang Yuan saw that the always proud Tianlongren was kowtowing in a hurry, but he wanted to laugh but had to hold back.

This group of malignant tumors finally met their nemesis.

Neuer held Tianlongren and the leader of the yellow ape to negotiate: "I will give you a suggestion, let me go."

Huang Yuan spread his hands and said helplessly, "I can't make the decision."

"Let me also give you a suggestion, how about letting Teacher Zefa and the others go first?"

Neuer laughed dumbly, and the Huang Quan mirror in his hand threw out a ball of light again, and the familiar tall man was thrown out.

Huang Yuan looked at Zefa, who had blank eyes and no response, and said with a downcast face, "What did you do to him?"

Neuer waved his hand and said, "It just made him lose consciousness."

Neuer put his hand into the mirror of the underworld, and the black knife Qiushui, which was looted from the terrorist ship before, was pulled out, and the blade was placed on Zefa's neck.

The two knives were pressed against the necks of Zefa and Tianlongren respectively. Neuer smiled like a big villain and said, "How about we play a game?"

Huang Yuan felt a bad premonition and said, "What do you want to do?"

Neuer pressed the necks of the two people and said, "Choose one to die! The other, I will return it to you in its entirety."

Huang Yuan felt cold sweat dripping from his back, pretended to be indifferent, and said, "Is there a plan to keep both of them alive?"

Neuer showed his fangs with a smirk, and said, "There is a plan to kill both of them."

Huang Yuan covered his head, quickly thinking about whether he could get the two of them back quickly.

It is easy to judge whether the flash is fast or the sword is fast. Even if the opponent is the world's number one swordsman Hawkeye, Huang Yuan is almost sure to take back the hostages.

But if the opponent is also a person with the ability of Shining Fruit, then it's over...

Neuer saw that he was so entangled, and said with a smile: "How about I help you make a choice."

As he said that, Gui Moluo and Qiushui exerted force at the same time, and the blade cut through the skin of the two of them, and the Tianlongren let out a miserable cry in fright.

Huang Yuan quickly shouted: "Stop! But I want to report to Marshal Zhan!"

Neuer froze for a moment, told Warring States?

That's fine, if Bao Zefa makes him offend the government, if the government is Bao Tianlong, it will chill the Warring States.

Neuer held the posture of watching the excitement, and said with a smile: "You report."

Huang Yuan had no choice but to report the news directly to the Warring States and let the marshal make a decision.

Soon, the Warring States of the Navy Headquarters received the news, and it just so happened that this matter quickly reached the ears of Wu Laoxing

In this way, the two sides argued again.

"Rescue the nobles of the world first!"

The old man of Wulaoxing said unquestionably: "Tianlong people can't die anymore, it's only one who can be saved!"

Warring States felt a bit chilled for his old comrades-in-arms for many years, and said: "Isn't Zefa's life his life? He also contributed everything to the navy!"

The old man did not back down, and said indifferently: "Zefa has lost his arm, and his strength has long been inferior to before. We don't need to waste resources on him."

Does that mean that even if Zefa dies, there is not much loss?

Zhan Guo's suppressed mood for many days finally burst out, shouting: "Fart! Zefa shouldn't die!"

On the other side of the phone bug, someone seemed to hold down the old man who was talking, and someone else said, "Zhan Guo, calm down."

Zhan Guo tried his best to stabilize his emotions, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I was rude, but I have to worry about the safety of my old friend."

The old man Wu Laoxing was a little gentler, he didn't care about the so-called faux pas of the Warring States Period, and said, "What are you going to do next?"

Warring States calmed down, once again showed the demeanor of a wise general, and analyzed:

"Fundamentally speaking, the words of the devil man are not credible at all. A pirate cannot guarantee the life of any hostage."

"Even if he lets people go, he still has so many Tianlong people's lives in his hands, who knows if he will continue to threaten us!"

Wu Laoxing listened carefully to his analysis, and said, "Then... what should we do next?"

Zhan Guo fell silent, and plans flashed through his mind.

To keep Zefa and a large number of navy, we need to keep more than 30 Celestial Dragons...

If only one side is protected, the Warring States has a solution, but if both sides are well protected...

"Use our method to recruit Neuer as Shichibukai."

Seeing that the Warring States Period did not speak, Wulaoxing expressed his opinion.

Zhan Guo was startled and was about to speak up to object, but at this moment an idea slowly appeared in his mind.

Zhan Guo's face was a bit complicated, and he said tentatively: "I want to save people first, put forward conditions, and relax Neuer's vigilance..."