MTL - Perfect Encounter-Chapter 203 (1)

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In the smog, I couldn't see where Long Da was, but I could hear his resounding voice: "Liang Dehao, you intend to conspire against, frame loyal ministers, start a war, and murder the lieutenant, you deserve death."

The sound was like a bell, clear and loud, after drinking it three times in a row, the sound was moving. It sounded like he was on a horse.

Liang Dehao looked around, trying to find the trace of Long Da. He shouted: "Kill him, kill Long Teng."

However, the roar of Long Da's generals covered his voice, and they shouted in unison: "Liang Dehao deserves death for treason! Liang Dehao deserves death for treason! Liang Dehao deserves death for treason..."

The shouts were wave after wave, and the sound was continuous, it seemed that the mountains and plains were full of their people.

Liang Dehao was startled and suspicious, surrounded by a circle of soldiers protecting him, and in the distance were shouts of fighting and blood flowing like rivers. But Liang Dehao saw it. After hearing those cries of "rebellion and capital crime", many soldiers hesitated to retreat. Liang Dehao was furious! Pointing to those soldiers, he shouted: "Whoever escapes before the formation and does not kill the enemy, kill him!"

A general rushed over when he heard the words, cut down a soldier with a knife, and shouted: "Those who violate the military order! Cut!"

And Long Da's soldiers shouted while fighting: "Liang Dehao deserves death for treason! Liang Dehao deserves death for treason..."

Liang Dehao gritted his teeth with hatred, but he also reacted, and chased and killed these people according to the sound, not letting any one go. But before he gave the order to remind, those shouts stopped. A general next to him said: "My lord will not pay attention to the plan of disturbing the morale of the army. They are few in number and cannot last long. It is useless to scatter and yell to create the illusion of a large number of people. We are fully prepared and it is only a matter of time before we take them all down." .”

Just as they were talking, the sound of trumpets sounded, and the sound of drums thundered. Liang Dehao's soldiers seemed to have finally realized that the battle had begun. The orders and drum orders began to direct the formation. Outside the smoke of the fire, they retreated and retreated, finding an open space and a suitable place to fight. The terrain, the messy team began to gather, shields on shields, spears stabbed, and formed a formation specially for cavalry.

The flag command soldiers stood on the high hills and waved the flag to indicate the direction and situation of the enemy to the troops. The archers concealed their figures and fired all arrows.

Long Da's cavalry screamed a few times, and several people fell off their horses with arrows. The others quickly changed their formations to fill in the vacancies. Several people surrounded Long Da with shields to protect him, several horses galloped together, and followed the vanguard army to kill the blood. The oil tank was thrown out again, and the burning smoke blocked the sight of the surrounding enemy troops.

However, he failed to block the sight of the flag commander in the distance, so he waved the flag to indicate the situation of the battle. The change of route by Long Da's team was noticed, and Liang Dehao's troops quickly circled to the front, and then set up a shield wall and speared.

"Damn it." Several cavalrymen slammed and fell off their horses after being stabbed. Two cavalrymen jumped up on their horses and crushed the shield wall. Both the man and the horse were chopped beyond recognition, but they also fought a **** path for the rear. A cavalryman cursed loudly, ran out of the road with tears in his eyes, and looked back at the flag commander, who was too far away for their arrows to shoot. But going on like this is not an option, they have few people, so they won't be able to kill them with such casualties.

"General!" A cavalryman shouted at this moment. Looking back, Long Da saw that the Banner Commander had fallen, and beside him stood the subordinates he sent to lurk around the periphery to pick up the Banner and Drum Commander to attack.

But there are also many guards around the banner commander. That subordinate was alone, although he suddenly made trouble to cut down the banner soldier, but under the siege of others, he was forced to retreat, and another soldier had regained the banner. The cavalry around Long Da yelled in regret. At this time, a man dressed as a commoner suddenly appeared on the slope. Unexpectedly, he attacked and killed quickly, and cut down two people in a blink of an eye, and the banner fell again. The man joined forces with Long Da's subordinates and formed a group with other soldiers to prevent others from carrying the banner.

The cavalry cheered up and shouted: "Reinforcement!"

Another voice also shouted: "That's right, reinforcements are here!" Following this roar, several cows rushed towards Liang Dehao's troops, with matchlocks tied to their tails, crazy and unstoppable, forming shield walls one after another. After being knocked down, the archers hiding behind the trees ran out screaming, being chased by the cattle in a panic.

Zong Zeqing charged into the enemy's formation on a thin horse. The horse was not majestic, but he was in high spirits. His two sabers made the tigers and tigers look like wind. He raised the saber in his hand and fell it instantly. "Reinforcement!" he yelled, "It's reinforcements! I'm here!"

Several people led by him also rushed to disperse the enemy's formation, hacked and killed, the target first destroyed the archer, and shouted: "Kill!"

Without the threat of bows and arrows, the pressure on the cavalry suddenly weakened. Long Da shouted: "Scatter!" The cavalry scattered in a flash, forming a triangular formation.

Killing Zong Zeqing, he asked, "Where's Chenchen?"

Before Zong Zeqing could reply, a drumbeat was heard from high up in the mountains. Everyone raised their eyes and saw that Liang Dehao had another team of flag commanders, and they were waving flags on another mountain to signal that there were enemy troops in the east, a large number of enemy troops!

Zong Zeqing also saw it, and replied: "General, the reinforcements from Sixiajiang and Shilingya have arrived. I asked Madam to go there."

Important news from the spies!

The first two groups of spies had already connected with Long Da in the middle of the night, but at that time Long Da had already arranged to enter the mountain, so the news from the spies was useless. The spies quickly retreated from Tieshou Ridge, inquired about the surrounding situation, and found an escape route for Longda. Another group also rushed to Shiping Mountain to intercept An Ruochen, but at this time, they found news on the waterway. The reinforcements have arrived, but there is still a long way to go.

Urgent! Tiehoe Ridge was occupied by Liang Dehao's men, and Long Da was busy preparing to deal with it. The spies couldn't easily enter Tieshoe Ridge again, and they couldn't waste time waiting for an opportunity, so they decisively rushed to the reinforcements by land and water first, and told them not to go around the ten-mile **** and come directly to Tieshoe Ridge.

An Ruochen and Zong Zeqing entered the ridge to ambush. The spies pondered the meaning of the code and searched all the way to the east of the Mianjiang River. They met the spies who had notified the reinforcements and rushed back to explore the way first. As soon as the two groups met, they quickly reported the information to Zong Zeqing.

At that time, the mountains suddenly burst into flames, and there was a sound of fighting. An Ruochen was very anxious, Zong Zeqing made a countermeasure, let An Ruochen go to the east, to be safer beside his army, he led the soldiers to the ridge, rescued the general, and led the general to join the army by the river. After all, Liang Dehao has a large number of people, so retreating by water is also a way.

An Ruochen acted according to his words. She was grateful to have an experienced general like Zong Zeqing by her side at this time. Seeing his calm response, she also gained some confidence. She is not reckless, and knows that tactics and strategy are important in the battle situation. When she is not in a hurry to see the general immediately, everyone will do their own thing and work hard to have a chance to win.

Winning means surviving and being reunited.

An Ruochen, escorted by the spies and three soldiers, ran to the riverside, found a good location, and helped the spies leave a landing signal for the fleet on the riverside. He heard the screams of fighting in the distance in his ears, and his heart beat like a drum.

Liang Dehao finally saw Long Da and Zong Zeqing. He recognized Zong Zeqing, a fierce general beside Long Da, but this fierce general should not be in Shilipo, but suddenly appeared.

Liang Dehao could no longer judge his inner feelings, and his anxiety, anger and uneasiness could not be described. He felt that what Long Da said was true, and he was not trying to fool him. It might be true that the emperor knew about it, and it was true that a large army arrived, but there was only one thing that wasn't true—it was impossible for Long Da to join him and help him get away with it.

What Long Da had to do was to punish him.

What else could have gone wrong? Can he escape? Is it okay to kill all the people in Longda? What excuse do you use to get rid of the crime? What evidence is there against it? Is there any other witnesses?

Liang Dehao's mind was empty and he couldn't think anymore. He stared at Long Da, watched him chop up a soldier, and ran to Zong Zeqing's side.

There was the sound of war drums, Liang Dehao looked over, the flag ordered - there are enemy troops in the east.

east? !

Liang Dehao suddenly came to his senses, he understood, he understood. He guarded all the main roads and strictly guarded against the situation of Zhonglan City and the military camps. He thought that as long as there was any news that Longda's army was marching towards Shilipo, he would know and he would be able to deal with it in time. But he missed it.

Four Xiajiang. waterway.

I went around a big circle, trekking by water and land, it was far and difficult, but it turned out to be this way.

Liang Dehao shouted loudly: "Go to the east and kill them all. They come from the waterway! Use fire!" The generals around him hurriedly issued orders with small flags. Teams go east to kill!

"An Ruochen must be there too!" Liang Dehao clamped his horse's belly and led the troops to rush eastward. Did he fail? No, let's kill Long Da, An Ruochen and their generals!

"Use fire!" The generals ordered loudly. There's fire everywhere, that's easy to do.

The fleet sailed far away, carrying a boat of soldiers, going upstream slowly. An Ruochen stood on the tree, saw the fleet, watched them getting closer, his heart was tense.

Turning around again, they saw the flag order of the rebels, they found the fleet! Immediately afterwards, the sound of the army rushing was like thunder, and An Ruochen shouted: "Kill the flag commander!"

A soldier jumped on his horse and hurriedly killed him. The spies who had already killed a group of bannermen at the other end were also rushing there.

An Ruochen had already seen the army coming from afar. They were preparing torches and sticks along the way, and the archers were handling the arrows. An Ruochen understood that they planned to burn the ship with fire arrows to prevent the fleet from approaching. She yelled at the rest of the soldiers: "Stop them, cut down branches and set up horse-repelling posts, let them slow down." The few soldiers rushed to the woods.

An Ruochen looked at their flag commander, who was waving two small flags in his hands, obviously reporting the enemy's situation to Zong Zeqing.

Someone had to report to the fleet.

An Ruochen watched anxiously. Those soldiers moved very quickly. They quickly cut down many large and leafy branches and set them up in the middle of the road. The branches and leaves were so tall that they could block the sight of the horses and the army. But this can only slow down the speed of the opponent's advance, and it is not a solution after all.

An Ruochen gritted her teeth, broke a branch, tore off the hem of her clothes, tied the cloth to the branch, and waved the flag towards the fleet. If it was just waving a branch, she was worried that the other party would misunderstand, and tied a cloth strip, so it would be easier to think about it.

In the flag order, the wind, wood, water, fire, and earth are set up for the traps ahead, which is a warning to the army to deal with them carefully. Generally speaking, wind refers to arrows, wood refers to the formation of horse spears, water refers to rivers, fire refers to kerosene, and soil generally refers to the cliffs of Dakeng.

An Ruochen waved the flag once in the direction of the rebels, then pushed it forward twice, and raised it up three times. She hoped she remembered correctly. She repeated this action, swiping once, pushing forward twice, and lifting up three times-this direction, the enemy will use the fire arrow.

An Ruochen was sweating profusely. But she saw soldiers at the bow responding to the flag order, they saw it! An Ruochen almost cried with joy. She saw the fleet dispersing in preparation for fire. Soldiers jumped into the water from the boat closest to the shore and swam quickly towards the shore. More and more soldiers entered the water, and the fast ones were already approaching the shore.

There was a sound of horseshoes behind him, and the horse neighed, the enemy army had arrived! The horses stopped in front of the bushes, unwilling to go any further, the infantry rushed up, some carried the branches, and some climbed to come over.

The soldiers on An Ruochen's side slashed at him with their knives, and the two sides fought.

The sailors had already swam ashore, drew their broadswords on their backs and ran towards this side. An Ruochen yelled to show them the way, more and more soldiers got ashore and rushed to the front where the branches blocked the way. The men and horses on both sides fought fiercely, and the archers were temporarily blocked. But more soldiers arrived, bypassing the battle zone and rushing to the shore.

The first ship docks!

Soldiers will rush out.

The two sides quickly converged and became a ball.

"An Ruochen!"

Someone shouted her name, An Ruochen looked up and saw that it was Liang Dehao.

"Kill her!" Liang Dehao pointed at An Ruochen on the tree. The flag order is too obvious, and her hiding place has long been exposed.

An Ruochen turned pale with fright, she would not sit still. She slid down the tree and ran in the direction of the sailors. But before running far, two cavalrymen from the rebel army had already arrived. An Ruochen ducked into the bushes, dodged the knife cut by the cavalry, grabbed a handful of sand and mud, got out and sprinkled it on the horse's eyes.

The horse neighed in fright, raised its hooves, and the general on the horse fell off. The soldier on the other horse was startled, and rode his horse to dodge, An Ruochen didn't wait for him to turn around and cut her, when the horse brushed past her, he stabbed the soldier's thigh with a dagger, the soldier screamed, fell off the horse.

An Ruochen's head was buzzing, everything was instinctive, she jumped onto the horse's back.

The general who fell off the horse rushed towards her, she raised her hand and shot the dagger, the general was shocked and jumped back, unexpectedly An Ruochen made a false move, there was nothing at all. An Ruochen took advantage of this moment and jumped out on his horse.

"Kill her!" Liang Dehao shouted.

"Protect Madam!" shouted the soldiers here.

There was chaos all around, corpses, blood, fighting and shouting, An Ruochen had never experienced such a scene, her head was dizzy and her chest was tight. There were cavalry chasing after her, and she hurriedly rode her horse and fled. A soldier rushed over and slashed at the pursuer beside her, but another soldier rushed out to slash at her. She turned and ran.

The archers are shooting arrows, the ships that are docked have been set on fire, there are flames everywhere, and the woods are also on fire. An Ruochen's horse was frightened, and refused to go any further, but turned around. An arrow shot towards An Ruochen's shoulder, causing burning pain.

More arrows were shot, An Ruochen tried hard to control the horse below him and let it run into the woods. The woods are densely wooded, which is a good place to hide arrows. But unfortunately it couldn't stop other cavalry and infantry.

An Ruochen couldn't tell the direction, so she could only try her best to control the horse. There is the whistling wind in my ears, and there are many shouts and shouts. At this time, she heard Long Da's voice: "Chenchen!"

"General!" An Ruochen couldn't see Long Da, she shouted loudly. But a long spear stab was called.

An Ruochen turned pale with fright, dodged sideways and fell off the horse. The spear stabbed the horse, and the horse neighed in pain. An Ruochen didn't care about the pain from the fall, got up and ran, shouting as he ran, "General! General, I'm here!"

The lancer pursued closely, An Ruochen used the tree pole to avoid a shot, turned around and tried to escape but was tripped and fell to the ground, the cavalry wanted to stab her again, she shot the dagger in his hand at him.

With a wave of the spear, the cavalryman knocked down the dagger, and stabbed at An Ruochen again the next moment. Just as he raised his hand this time, a blade pierced his chest.

An Ruochen blinked, and finally saw the person behind the cavalryman.


Long Da didn't have time to respond, he pulled out his long knife, turned around and chopped down another person who was attacking him. A soldier took the opportunity to rush towards An Ruochen, An Ruochen got up and ran, Long Da chased after him, and chopped off the soldier's head. But at the same time, the other two cavalry rushed over again and swung their sabers at Long Da.

With one against two, Long Da fought hard to kill. An Ruochen paid attention to Long Da's movement and observed the surrounding environment, but saw Liang Dehao charging towards her on his horse. An Ruochen turned around and ran again, and was about to be overtaken. In a critical moment, a person suddenly jumped from the tree and knocked Liang Dehao off his horse.

An Ruochen looked back while running, heard some movement, but before he saw the situation clearly, his feet slipped and he fell down. She screamed and grabbed a branch in a panic.

This row of messy trees actually grew on the edge of the cliff!

An Ruochen clenched the branch tightly with her left hand, and looked down instinctively. Below was the torrential river. The cliff was not too high, but she didn't want to fall down at all.

"Chenchen!" Long Da's voice approached from far away.

"General!" An Ruochen climbed up the cliff with his right hand, and tried his best to stand up and climb up. She couldn't climb up, but she saw that Liang Dehao was restrained by Zong Zeqing, and Long Dazheng was running towards her.

"General!" An Ruochen smiled at Long Da. Her general looked anxious. Don't worry, she's fine.

Behind Long Da, a soldier with a knife suddenly sprang out. Long Da didn't seem to notice it, just ran towards her, An Ruochen was shocked, grabbed a stone at hand and threw it at the sneak attacking soldier, shouting: "General, be careful!"

As soon as she exerted all her strength, the branch that did not know where it was connected suddenly loosened, and An Ruochen fell down suddenly.

She saw Long Da rushing towards her in horror, his fingertips touched hers, and she plopped and fell into the river.

The river was so fast that it quickly swept her away. She tried her best to get up and shouted to Long Da: "I know how to swim!"

Long Da subconsciously wanted to jump down, but was slashed by a big knife behind him. Instinctively, the body rolled on the spot, grabbing the knife and slashing at people. Turning around again, An Ruochen was nowhere to be seen. Just for a moment, why is it gone?

"General!" Zong Zeqing carried Liang Dehao over.

Long Da was taken aback for a moment, as if he had just realized what the situation was now. He said: "Instruct the sailors to go into the water to find someone." He grabbed Liang Dehao and took him to a high place so that all the soldiers could see him, then he slammed his arm and shouted: "Order them to cease fighting! "

Liang Dehao was still hesitating, but Long Da's blade had already plunged into his neck, and there was a great pain, and he felt fresh blood flowing out.

"Truce! Stop!" Liang Dehao shouted.

Everyone was stunned, and then everyone sent orders one after another.

Long Dahen said: "It's good that you have a bit of backbone, so that I can chop off your head."

Liang Dehao gritted his teeth tightly and remained silent. Long Da's hand was very strong, the knife seemed to cut off his neck, and his wrist seemed to be crushed. Long Da clenched the knife tightly and did not let go for a long time. Zong Zeqing ordered the soldiers to run back and watched from the sidelines, not daring to speak, for fear that Liang Dehao would lose his head if he tried to persuade him.

Long Da suddenly threw Liang Dehao to the ground and kicked him on the head. Liang Dehao fainted immediately.

"Tie him up!" Long Da yelled, turned around and walked towards the river, disappeared with a plop.

On that day, the fire burned half of Tieshou Ridge. Long Da and all the boat soldiers searched for the person in the river, but they couldn't find him. Liang Dehao was escorted to Shilipo. In the barracks, a father-in-law asked sharply, "Where is Long Teng?"

Zong Zeqing replied, "Jiangli."

"Where is Liang Dehao?"


On that day, Liang Dehao didn't wake up, Long Teng didn't come back, and King Yi, who was majestic to deal with the crisis, was left alone for a day. Fortunately, there are still many follow-up disposals for the messy officers and soldiers in the camp, and he still has a lot to play.

Three days later, Long Da returned to camp. He asked Zong Zeqing: "Did you hear Chenchen's last sentence?"

"It seems to say: I can water."

Long said nothing, turned and left.

Zong Zeqing was also very sad. Madam won't just die like this, the last words are that I can drink water, that's too sad.


Things are not that complicated after that.

Dong Ling heard about Da Xiao's mutiny and infighting, and waited and watched the result. Then the new envoys sent by Emperor Dongling came to visit and started negotiations with King Yi. The venue for the negotiation was Zhonglan City, and Emperor Dezhao of Southern Qin Dynasty was also there.

Conspiracy, collusion, and careful operation, all the facts of the case are clear, and there is no room for Liang Dehao's sophistry. Cui Hao, Qian Pei, these two witnesses alone can prove enough content.

Long Da met Liang Dehao once in the prison, and he asked him why? He doesn't understand, even if he guesses the truth and proves the truth, he still really doesn't understand, why?

Liang Dehao sneered and said: "Because this stupid king is not worth it. Prime Minister Luo did all kinds of bad things, but he was favored. How many loyal ministers did that stupid king not distinguish between right and wrong? Zhongliang can only be humiliated and wronged, why is that? Lord Feng was humiliated, your grandfather was wronged , don’t you remember these things? What about me? Twenty years ago, he took away my love, but he didn’t treat me kindly. Xia Guo's tyrannical government is obsequious and flattering, but he bullies and plunders Dongling and Nanqin in every way. Haven't you seen his face? Have you asked me how ambitious I am? I can tell you that I am not ambitious. , is ambition. I eradicated the faction of Prime Minister Luo, and all the people from the middle of the court to the border counties were mine. I united with Nanqin, and I occupied Dongling. The resources of the Three Kingdoms are more advantageous. When the time is right, I will merge the Three Kingdoms, strengthen the national strength, and promote Guowei, I want that stupid king to see for the last time what a wise king should be like!"

Long Da looked at him expressionlessly: "How could I have thought you were a respectable elder? A wise king? What a disgusting excuse. You used all the words you scolded the emperor on yourself, without any mistakes. .”

King Yi was very satisfied with the whole thing. He returned triumphantly, not only won the emperor's commendation and appreciation, but also established his own power. Liang Dehao's faction was naturally weakened, but Luo Pengzheng's faction was also having a hard time. Through this incident, many of their pasts were also uncovered. The emperor was wary of the faction of courtiers, and suppressed Prime Minister Luo's influence.

King Yi negotiated peace with Dongling and recommended candidates for the prefects of Pingnan County and Mao County. He also established friendship with Emperor Dezhao of Southern Qin Dynasty. Advised him to regain the throne, and promised to mediate all parties to help him.

Emperor Dezhao's original plan was to let Lu Zheng testify for others, and return to Nanqin to testify against those Xizuo and King Hui, but he never thought that this plan fell through. The reason lies in Qi Zheng. Emperor Dezhao really liked Qi Zheng, so when Qi Zheng said he was willing to work for him and returned to China with him to help him seize power, Emperor Dezhao was happy. So he took Qi Zheng with him, went to Shilingya, and picked up Lu Zheng.

As a result, when Qi Zheng saw Lu Zheng, without a word, he rushed forward and stabbed Lu Zheng several times with a dagger.

"Brother Tian gave me this dagger. I will use his knife to avenge him." Qi Zheng remained calm after killing someone, and told Lu Zheng clearly and clearly.

Lu Zheng swallowed his breath quickly, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Qi Zheng wiped the dagger clean, inserted it back into his waist, and knelt down to Emperor Dezhao. He said that he didn't want to go to Southern Qin, his adoptive father and his brother Tian were all soldiers of Great Xiao, so he was naturally loyal to Great Xiao. He said that he was willing to serve Emperor Dezhao just to get close to Lu Zheng and avenge Tian Qing. Now that the wish is fulfilled, let him be killed or cut, without any complaints.

Emperor Dezhao complained, but he was speechless. On the contrary, King Yi expressed his appreciation for the young boy Qi Zheng. If you are brave, resourceful, loyal and righteous, you will be a general in the future. He confiscated Qi under his command.

Emperor Dezhao's first plan was thwarted, and there was still one witness available, and that was Qian Pei. But Qian Pei is from Da Xiao after all, and the point is, he was beaten too badly. His legs are lame, his arms are broken, his teeth are gone, and his eyes are not good. I heard that he is no different from his father-in-law. With such a miserable end, it is easy to be said to be tortured into a trick, and I am afraid that it is not convincing enough. While discussing how to do things, they received a shocking news.

King Hui was assassinated and died. It was the female killer Zou Yun who assassinated him. She became a monk, and now she is called Mrs. Jingyuan. According to the news, Mrs. Jing Yuan and Qian Shixin, a traitor of Da Xiao, went to Southern Qin. He didn't know that Qian Shixin was still bringing Mrs. Jing Yuan with him. Master Jingyuan went to the court, swung his sword and killed. King Hui died by her sword. She and Qian Shixin were also shot to death by random arrows from the guards.

There was great chaos in the Southern Qin Dynasty, so all the officials respectfully welcomed Emperor Dezhao back to the country.

Emperor Dezhao was in a daze, it was like a dream to be robbed of the throne and get it back.

Yao Wenhai went to the place he had agreed with An Ruofang every day. He didn't expect to see her, but there was no one to complain about because of the depression in his heart. It seemed that he could have friends who could talk to him when he came here. He came again that day, only to find a piece of paper in the tree hole with the ugly words "Duan Cuilan" written on it.

This is the code for their contact, and Yao Wenhai is overjoyed. He waited for a long time but did not see An Ruofang, and came again at noon the next day, and finally saw him.

An Ruofang held a letter, saying that it was given to her by her benefactor, but she was illiterate and could not let her family know. So I want to ask Yao Wenhai to help her take a look.

As a trivial matter, Yao Wenhai was very happy that Jing'er's benefactor wrote her a letter.

He read the letter to An Ruofang.

The letter was indeed written by Shitai Jingyuan, before she assassinated King Hui. She said that she went to see An Ruofang before leaving Zhonglan City, and she was fine. I didn't say goodbye because I was afraid that I would be sad. Killers shouldn't be sad. She wasn't sad when she wrote it, but it was a farewell letter. She knew that when An Ruofang read the letter, she was already dead. She told An Ruofang not to be sad, she was a sinful person, and death was inevitable. Being able to avenge her daughter is already a blessing from God. He personally wrote a letter to convey the news of An Ruofang's death, or for that reason, he should know the truth. Will not see each other again, the truth is that she is no longer alive. That way you won't worry about it. Cherish it well and don't be bullied by others.

An Ruofang burst into tears. Yao Wenhai also cried, crying out all the grievances and pain that had been suppressed for a long time.

Two children talk to each other. Yao Wenhai talked about his family's current situation. His father helped Qian Pei do some wrong things and had to serve hard labor. King Yi allowed him to stay in Pingnan County and continue to write complaints for the people. He also had to clean the city streets and work as a handyman. You have to do it for ten years. His mother refused to let him see his father, and his mother said that he would never forgive his father in this life. Yao Wenhai was very sad.

"Then what are your plans for the future?" An Ruofang asked him.

"I want to take a test of merit. My mother said that my father shamed my grandfather's first life, and I have to get back the reputation of the Meng family. I must be a good official."

"Then work hard."

"What about you?" Yao Wenhai asked, "Does your family want to marry you?"

An Ruofang shook her head: "I don't want to marry, I plan to learn business from Boss Zhao of Zhaofu Restaurant. She is a friend of my eldest sister."

"Study business?" Yao Wenhai was surprised. "How did you learn this?"

An Ruofang's eyes were bright, and her eyes were firm: "Daddy always thinks that our daughter's family is property. I learned business, and I want to take all the business from the An family. Their property and goods belong to me. The An family owes my mother , I want to avenge her."

Yao Wenhai was even more surprised. Did this little girl actually want to seize the family property? "Then, why don't you marry?"

"Don't marry." An Ruofang should be categorical. "My third aunt drank too much when my third sister got married, and she cried with me. She admitted that she killed her father, but she said that she just couldn't bear it. Shopkeeper Zhou said that he gave her away and gave it to my father. My father just wanted to be fresh, and he didn't have her in his heart. She has no son, has no power, and is always bullied. She only has the third sister as a daughter. He said that he only wanted the third sister to marry well, and not to be treated like a commodity like her. The marriage she finally negotiated for the third sister would be ruined by her father, not only ruining the marriage, but also ruining the life of the third sister. She can't accept it..." An Ruofang paused, and said: "The third aunt is so hardworking, but two days ago, the third sister wrote a letter, and the third sister's husband wanted to take a concubine. How long have you been married? Look, married How dangerous, I have no one to support me, and I will become a commodity when I marry. I don't want it."

Yao Wenhai opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute, so he could only say: "You can't read, how do you do business? You can't even understand the account book."

An Ruofang stared: "I can invite the shopkeeper and accountant."

Yao Wenhai said: "If you encounter bad ones, you will be fooled."

An Ruofang pursed her lips.

Yao Wenhai said: "If your mother knows that you want to start a business, she will allow you to practice calligraphy."

An Ruofang stood up to leave.

Yao Wenhai chased to the outside of the pavilion and said, "Well, if you want to learn calligraphy, you can leave it to me. I can teach you."

An Ruofang ran away in a flash.

An Ruofang thought, it would be great if the eldest sister was here. The eldest sister can write well, and she can teach her.

Long Da was also thinking, it would be great if Chenchen was here. But he hasn't found her yet.

Searching in the river and along the river, there has been no result. But Long Da didn't believe that An Ruochen was dead, it was his family Chenchen, An Ruochen who was stronger than anyone else, An Ruochen who would never give up even at the last moment. She wasn't going to die, she must be stuck somewhere, waiting for him to find her.

Long Da saw sympathy in Zong Zeqing's eyes, but Long Da ignored him. He is still looking for them, one by one along the river.

King Yi ordered his troops to continue to garrison the border. After all, Southern Qin was still in political turmoil, and the conflict in Dongling had just subsided. I don't know if the previous scourge has been eradicated. There are still dangers hidden in these two counties. Except for being ordered to go back to Beijing to report the case and testify, Long Da spent the rest of his time looking for people in the Mianjiang area.

One day, spies came to report that there was a new book that was quite popular.

Long Da's heart skipped a beat: "The New Legend of General Dragon?"

"No, it's "Legend of the General's Wife."

An Ruochen sat under the tree and basked in the sun. The shade was blocked by the tree, so the sun wouldn't be too strong, and the sun was scattered on her body, which felt just right.

Her legs rested on the small chair so that it would not be too uncomfortable. The speed of recovery made her a little anxious, but the village was too small and there were no good doctors, so it would be good if the legs could be healed. I don't know if I will be lame in the future.

Ah, the lameness could go into a book. But she'd have to think of something that would bring this in.

I don't know what happened to the general. She was washed far away by the river, and this village was actually within the territory of Southern Qin. It's a little closed, and it's not easy for the villagers to go out of the city. When they ask for some news, they always ask three questions. I only know that there will be no more wars, but who is in charge of the front line? Who is the coach? do not know. He also said that it is good not to fight, and there is no need to worry too much about other things. He also asked about her background and her hometown.

An Ruochen didn't dare to ask too much, and didn't dare to say too much. She lied and bumped her head, and couldn't remember clearly. After all, it's not Da Xiao, who knows if there is any danger, she can't escape now, it's better to be more concealed. After falling into the river, her leg was hit by the current and hit rocks, and it happened to be hit by driftwood. Not only was her bone injured, but she almost bled to death. Fortunately, the villagers picked her up and rescued her. Her clothes were torn and she threw herself into the river again. At first, she was in a daze, and everyone in the village thought she was persecuted and threw herself into the river.

An Ruochen was worried that Long Da thought she was dead, and worried that something would happen to Long Da in that battle. Could he have actually returned to the capital? After all, there has been no war. Maybe he left early.

An Ruochen sighed and looked at the shadow on the ground. Recalling the love words the general said, he said that he likes to see him and her shadow paired up. An Ruochen sighed again, you said that you are a good general, how come you don't change your face when you say nasty words.

She misses him so much. Miss the way he raised his eyebrows, miss his nasty words, miss him pretending to be mysterious...

An Ruochen blinked, and found that there was one more shadow on the ground. Next to her, in pairs.

An Ruochen turned her head abruptly, but almost twisted her waist and fell her leg.

Long Da hurriedly helped her stabilize, and with just one look, he understood what was going on. No wonder she has been no news.

Long Da sat beside An Ruochen, and An Ruochen kept looking at him. Reunited after a long absence, I am really looking forward to the first words the general will say to her.

Long Da was quiet for a long time, before speaking: "The Legend of the General's Wife, what do you think?"

Did you mean this? An Ruochen laughed out loud.

Long Da also laughed: "Are you going to give me clues to find you?" In that book, there was a story about how a girl who was sold by her father became a spy by virtue of her intelligence to solve a secret conspiracy and then married a general. The writing is messy, sad and sinister, not at all like her optimistic and cheerful, but the things are 60 to 70% similar.

"It's more than that. This story has spread all over the streets and alleys. This general's wife is loyal to the country and the people. It is extremely touching. If the general doesn't take her back to the capital, she can take the book and sue the imperial court."

Long Da laughed and pinched her face: "Are you lame and thinking about how to deal with this general?"

"Since I'm married, of course I can't suffer. Do you think I'm easy to bully? I didn't swallow tears when I was wronged. I must get it back."

Long Da laughed again, put his arms around her and said, "It's a pity, I really can't take you back to the capital."

An Ruochen glared at him.

Long Dao: "I can't go back myself."

An Ruochen continued to stare at him.

"I have to continue to guard the border. I promised you that I will let you be where I am." He lowered his head and kissed her face. "You almost scared me to death."

An Ruochen said: "