MTL - Perfect Fiancé-Chapter 3

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From the rearview mirror, I saw that there was a solitary figure standing in front of the villa. Su Jin still couldn’t resist the sneak hook.

Seeing the smile on his sister's lips, Su Shi also hooked his lips and shook his head and asked: "Xiao Jin doesn't like him?"


Su Jin stunned a little and nodded to it: "Yes, I don't want to be with him." She licked her head and looked at the man in the driver's seat. She crossed the side of Ying Ting and landed on the steering wheel. One on the hands.

Applying a famous quote from Leo Tolstoy, beautiful hands are similar, but ugly hands have their own ugliness.

Su Shi’s hand is very similar to Lu Xi’s. The same ten fingers are slender and the joints are distinct. The skin color is light wheat, but it adds a bit of masculinity.

Su Jinhua was crazy about the hand of her own brother. After secretly abandoning her own control, she turned her gaze back to Su Shi’s face and asked, “Isn’t my brother feel that I am awkward with him?”

This, he is naturally a self-deprecating Lu Xiaogong.

“Awkward?” Su Shi raised her eyebrows in amazement. “Why do you think so?”

Is not it? Su Jin is also somewhat amazed. In this world that has been shaped into a world view and dominated by men and women, is it true that people who are upright and honest should think that men and women are the best match?

After thinking about it, she tentatively said: "I have always felt that Lu Xi and Xi Yue are more equipped."

"He and Xi Yue?" Su Shi couldn't help but smile, holding a red light and reaching out to the top of his sister's head. "Stupid girl, how can you have this kind of idea. Together, it is not necessary to look at the match. It depends on their own minds."

Listening to Su Shi’s words, Su Jinba’s eyes closed, hehe, is it the butterfly effect that came from her arrival? However, Su Jin shook his head slightly, even if this was the case, Lu Xi is now looking at it, but it is her face.

Just around the corner was a coffee shop, and Su Jin and Su Shi greeted the car and walked in alone.

Although Ming Hao asked her to drink coffee is just an excuse to refuse Lu Xi, but in terms of her house attributes, she would rather find a cafe dessert shop to sit down and not want to go shopping.

I found a place by the window and sat down with a pin of Italian latte.

She doesn't like milk, doesn't like Italian espresso that is too rich, but she has a soft spot for these two mixed lattes.

The faint milk fragrance accompanied by the mellow aroma of coffee lingered on the tip of the tongue, Su Jin satisfied with a sigh of relief, rationalized his thoughts, and started the code industry with his mobile phone.

Su Jiner, a former life student, was a fan of a book. When he grew up, he became a fan of novels. Although he chose the specialty of clinical medicine for his livelihood, he finally couldn’t resist writing a novel as a sideline in his junior year.

When she passed, she was only twenty-seven years old and had just worked for two years. She said that she is really a man with no ambition. She is obviously a graduate of a famous university in 985. The professional examination rate is 85 percent. Others who choose to work are also in first- and second-tier cities. Only she is alone. A small county under the city.

What is the reason? The smoke is raining in the south of the Yangtze River, the scenery is beautiful, the air is good, there are no smog... well, it is an excuse. She is just lazy, anyway, she is alone. She has always been full of family, not hungry, and no elders, she is from her own temper. Speaking of her, she has achieved excellent results since her childhood, and she is lucky. When she was a child, she was able to catch up with various kinds of subsidies. When she was older, she could earn a high scholarship. Anyway, the basic life can still be guaranteed. I graduated from college because the doctor who was abandoning the big city was too busy to go to the county hospital. Although the salary was not high, it was enough to support her. She was able to continue her code work on weekdays, although she had been collecting her column for four years. There are still only a few hundred, and the money earned is only enough for her to buy some snacks, but who makes her like it?

It was only two years after the small day, she came here inexplicably.

But here is also good, Su Jin took a sip of coffee, slightly hooked lips, there are father and mother, brother, sister, and Su Jin's major is also clinical medicine, for her to learn again, the profession does not have the first It was as hard as it was once. After not needing to consider milk and bread, she can finally become a freelancer after her graduation, and live the life of every senior Wenqing dream.

Take a laptop to travel around the world, how long you want to live in a city you like, how long you want to live, if you don't like it, you will leave without stopping, no bread and milk, sleep every day, wake up naturally, write your favorite words, be yourself Like the dream.

Stay with you.

Imagine being too good, Su Jin couldn't help but hooked his lips and sighed, looking up at the window.

Opposite the café is a shopping centre with a huge LED screen at the top of the building. When Su Jinwang used to pass, a familiar figure just caught his eye.

In the eyes of the hook, there was a faint smile in the eyes of the peach. Looking at the background, it happened to be the scene in the airport yesterday.

The bustling streets are full of people, but there are only images and subtitles on the big screen.

Su Jin took a look at Lu Xi, who was about to remove his eyes, but was caught by the subtitles displayed on the screen.

The reporter holding the microphone asked: "Lu Jian, you said that this time is for the fiancée Miss Su Jia. What did you think about Su’s misplaced child some time ago?”

Sujia is a famous city in the deep sea city. Some time ago, things have been raging. Although the Su family handled it well, Su Chenghai also made it clear that the two children are his daughters, but after all, they are the marriage contract between Lujia and Sujia. This question is full of sharpness.

Su Jin blinked and was curious about how he would answer.

On the screen, the director who has always been elegant and gentle, just blinked his eyes slightly and converge on the smile of the lips. The extravagance of the children of the family was revealed.

"How do you think?" He raised his eyebrows slightly. "When Grandpa Su came to the phone, the person appointed by my grandfather was Su Jin, Miss Su Jia, then my fiancee is naturally her."

"As for Su's family holding the wrong child..." He suddenly hooked his lips, and his eyes flashed with a sinister smile, and he said: "What is the relationship with me?"

Su Jin regained his gaze, his left hand holding his chin, and the beautiful phoenix smashed.

Hey, if this is the truth, then even her face is not necessarily seen!

With a soft snoring, she began to look down on the code industry. As for a human being with a ghost, what does it have to do with her?

Su Jin was awakened by the ringtone of the mobile phone. She was too immersed in her own world. She didn’t pay much attention to the time. The phone was called by her mother and asked if she would go back to lunch.

Looked at the time, it’s already half past twelve. Su Jin stretched out and thought for so long. If the person didn’t look at the eyes with Xi Yue, he’s already left, no matter which result is for her. good news.

The coffee shop is not far from the Su family. When Su Jin arrived home, it was less than one o'clock. When she changed her shoes and washed her hands into the restaurant, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Sitting at the rectangular table, sitting with a mother and a familiar man.

Su Mu Han Meng is also a beautiful woman. She has to say that she is a biological mother and daughter. The appearance of Han Meng is as feminine as Lin Xiyue. Just because of her age, most of the appearances on her body are gentle and dignified. .

"Xiao Jin is coming over to eat." Han Mengchong's daughter recruited and waved. "What?"

Su Jin convinced the horror on her face, sat next to her mother and asked, "Mom, Xi Yue?"

Since Lu Xi has not left yet, the eight achievements have a meaning with Xi Yue, but how is Xi Yue not in the restaurant?

"When I came back, Xu Ma said that Xi Yue went out after breakfast. He said that he was collecting with the classmates and came back at night." Han Meng chanted while he was giving Su Jin a dish. "Come, eat more."

Did Xi Yue go out early?

Su Jin raised an eyebrow and bluntly said: "Since Xi Yue has gone out, why are you still there?"

Sitting opposite Lu Xi's lips gave her a smile, and she was blind, but she looked at the Korean dream next to her.

Su Jin also blinked, and secretly said his own words, the so-called mother-in-law to see the son-in-law, who is so aggressive, will the mother not be biased?

Sure enough, Han Meng directly knocked the head of his daughter with the chopsticks tail, and blamed: "What do you say to this girl? I called Xiaolu to eat, but live in the next door, not far from it."

Separate, next door?

I have no time to pay attention to my mother's name. Su Jin has been shocked by this news and looked at the opposite person.

The girl has always had a very horrible horror between the lazy eyebrows. The original phoenix and phoenixes are so big, so they look at him with some dullness. There is a kind of cuteness that cannot be said.

Lu Xi was in a good mood and nodded at her. She said: "I have to find a place to live anyway, just the house next door is still empty, I bought it," he said, laughing at him. "Auntie does not dislike it." If Lu Xi will come to eat rice,"

"I don't want to give up, don't give up." Han Meng said with a smile: "Our family Su Shi is busy not coming back. I am looking forward to a few more people to be busy. When you have time, come over. At night, my mother will cook for you. delicious."

"Trouble aunt." Lu Xi bent his eyes and smiled at Han Meng, a neat and obedient look.

Su Jin looked at the man who smiled across the spring and couldn't help but bite the chopsticks in his mouth and grind his teeth.