MTL - Peter Pan and Cinderella-Chapter 50 be beaten

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When I was in Guangzhou, the keyboard player wore a very rocker, a ripped denim, and a little dreadlocks. Now the dreads are gone, and she's wearing a dress, half-length hair, clean, and human-like.

"What is he doing here?" Wang Chao asked in a low voice, inexplicably, "Just my classmate.

No one knows, only Gao Siyuan said: "A studio under our company signed him. I heard that he can sing and write. He is quite talented."

Wang Chao pouted and said in disgust, "Just him?"

Thanks to the media and fans, and poured the champagne tower, there was laughter, flashes clicked, and the celebration banquet ended.

The apprentice group left first, and the ID members also came out to get into the nanny car. Wang Chao's car parked next to the nanny car, pressed the lock, and called Xie Zhuxing: "Hey, come to my place today."

Xie Zhuxing looked at his teammates. The teammates quickly got into the car, closed the door, and left.

Wang Chao stood in front of the passenger's door and threw the car key across the body. Xie Zhuxing raised his hand to catch it. The two looked at each other and laughed.

Xie Zhuxing sat in the driver's seat, Wang Chao opened the car door and wanted to get up. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone looking at them, thinking it was a reporter or a fan who had not left, so he turned his head and glanced.

The keyboard player stood on the steps more than ten meters away, staring at this side, his face unfriendly.

Wang Chao pointed his **** to him.

He didn't take this person and this thing to heart.

He had just entered the period of passionate love, and he couldn't even think of his object, so there was no need to think about anything else.

He was speechless all the way back to his residence, and as soon as he entered the door, he rushed over and kissed Zhuxing.

Xie Zhuxing leaned against the shoe cabinet, and the two became a group.

Wang Chao kissed hard, and his hands were still rubbing.

Xie Zhuxing said: "You wait a moment."

Wang Chao said: "What are you waiting for? Can't wait."

Xie Zhuxing said: "Go to bed, what's going on here."

Wang Chao urged impatiently: "Where is the difference, hurry up."

Xie Zhuxing slapped him on the buttocks and said, "You can just wave."

Wang Chaoyue groaned and said, "Xiao Xie, I'm itchy."

Finished practicing itching relief.

Xie Zhuxing went to do the laundry, and Wang Chao lay on the bed to play mobile games.

After a while, Xie Zhuxing came in and said, "Hey, it's snowing outside."

Wang Chao lifted the quilt, ran naked to the window, opened half of the curtains, pouted his butt, and leaned on the window sill, looking out.

Sure enough, it was snowing heavily with goose feathers. It might have been falling for a while, and the world had been dressed up in silver.

"Let's go out and play!" Wang Chao was suddenly excited, "Tomorrow the snow will be dirty."

The two got dressed again and went downstairs to play in the snow.

It was late, and there was no one else in the community yard.

Wang Chao said he wanted to build a snowman. He built a chubby little body, but he didn't want to build it anymore. He made a snowball and wanted to play a snowball fight. So the two walked along the winding road in the middle of the community and stepped on the snow for a while.

The crunch of the snow is a wonderful sound unique to winter.

Wang Chao especially liked the sound, and every time he stepped on it, he used a lot of force. He went on and on, and told Xie Zhuxing that the snow in the northeast was much bigger than this. He said that he was in the northeast before elementary school. If he stepped on it, it would reach his waist. If he didn't obey, Wang Qi would grab him and throw him into the snow. He couldn't get out by himself. Wang Qi pulled him up like a radish and asked him if he was wrong. Did you remember? Once Wang Qi finished throwing him, and the phone rang at home, Wang Qi went back to pick him up and forgot about him. He waited in the snow for Wang Qi to pull him out. Fortunately, his face was about to freeze, so he started crying and calling for help. An uncle who was passing by dragged him out. He was so sad. When he said that his family abused him, the uncle took it seriously and almost called the police.

He was so excited when he talked, and Xie Zhuxing didn't find him annoying, he listened quietly and thought he was very cute.

The snow was still heavy, so the two went home in snow, hugged each other and slept with each other warm.

Half a month later, Xie Zhuxing went to film the Lunar New Year drama he participated in, a romantic comedy with an urban background, which was filmed in Beijing.

His role is an idol singer, a total of one scene, four lines. The first time the director frowned and let him do it all over again, the second time the director loosened his brows, and the third time was over.

Near the end of the year, their announcement line was full, six people flying around, busy all day.

On December 31, the last day of 2014, ID was in Shenzhen and participated in the live broadcast of a certain satellite TV's New Year's Eve concert.

I sang three songs in a row, two dance songs and one slow song. After the performance, I stepped down from the stage, and several people were sweating.

The assistant took a few group photos of them from different angles, and the six of them posted on Weibo respectively, thanking the fans for their support over the past few months and expressing their best wishes for the New Year.

Back to the hotel after delivery.

The hotel was booked with the help of the TV station. More than half of the singers who participated in the New Year's Eve concert this time lived here.

They got out of the car and greeted each other when they met several female singers who came back together in a carpool.

The female singers haven't removed their makeup or changed their clothes. Two of them wore low-cut skirts, with white skin and big breasts, very beautiful.

Wang Chao stood at the back of the ID and stared at the person's chest.

After entering the hotel's revolving door, the lights in the lobby were bright, and he took a few more glances.

Go upstairs to go back to the room, and say goodbye to teammates in a harmonious atmosphere in the corridor.

After entering and closing the door, Xie Zhuxing pushed Wang Chao down, pulled off his pants and slapped his ass.

He didn't react at first. He thought it was fun, and he really felt pain, so he screamed and yelled: "What are you doing! Xie Zhuxing! I'm angry! I'm really angry!"

Xie Zhuxing pumped his two buttocks red, and started crying, before he stopped.

Wang Chao is not stupid. He knew why he was beaten, but he was very aggrieved and said, "If you have nothing to do, I just take a look at it, and it won't work, right?"

Xie Zhuxing ignored him, opened the small refrigerator and took a bottle of water to drink.

Wang Chao was still lying there, turned his head and said, "I'm thirsty too."

Xie Zhuxing took a new bottle and threw it to him.

He took two sips, screwed the lid on, and felt a pain in his buttocks, so he put the water bottle on his buttocks and iced it, and said, "Why don't I just take a look? You don't care if you don't touch it. You are so lazy. Huh?"

Xie Zhuxing was angry and funny, and said, "Okay, then I'll take a look too."

Wang Chao is still stubborn: "Look, I didn't tell you not to see it."

Xie Zhuxing put down the water and took out his mobile phone.

Wang Chao got up, craned his neck to see what he was going to do, and felt that the screen on his mobile phone was not right, and said, "What are you looking at?"

Xie Zhuxing did not speak.

Wang Chao raised his pants and stood up, running over to take a closer look.

Xie Zhuxing searched a bunch of pictures of girls with big breasts.

Wang Chao looked at the screen of his mobile phone and Xie Zhuxing, the tears on his face were not dry, he put on a disgusting face and said, "Are you naive?"

He looked indifferent and went into the bathroom to urinate.

When he came out of the bathroom, Xie Zhuxing was still swiping the screen, and his fingertips touched those half-covered chests.

Wang Chao felt a bit sour and asked, "Does it look good?"

Xie Zhuxing didn't lift his head: "It looks good."

Wang Chao wanted to lie down on the bed, but his **** hurt, so he changed to lie down, took out his mobile phone to play mobile games, and was distracted, and looked at Xie Zhuxing from time to time.

Xie Zhuxing didn't look at the pictures, and watched the Victoria's Secret video instead, watching it with relish.

Wang Chao slowly became anxious, got up, grabbed the pillow and smashed it over, scolding, "You're still watching, right?"

Xie Zhuxing ducked and was not smashed by the pillow, and said, "What's wrong with me watching? I can't touch it."

Wang Chao: "…"

He finally got the anger of Xie Zhuxing, and he was no longer angry, and he asked happily: "I see them, are you jealous?"

Xie Zhuxing ignored it: "Why am I jealous."

Wang Chao pretended to beat his chest twice and said, "Just be mad at me, I'm going to die of jealousy."

Xie Zhuxing: "…"

He put down his phone and squinted at Wang Chao.

Wang Chao was originally kneeling on his own bed, and jumped onto Xie Zhuxing's bed like a frog. He hugged him with a sly face, and hummed, "Don't watch it, I won't watch it in the future, okay?"

Xie Zhuxing didn't believe that he could hold back, and said, "What do you want to do?"

Wang Chao thought about it, anyway, it wasn't too painful for Xiao Xie to beat him. Compared with Wang Qi's beating, it was like a drizzle.

What else can I do when I come across such a shameless thing?

Xie Zhuxing scolded him for a while, beating and arguing, very vicious.

However, Wang Chao is very satisfied, and it is really exciting to have a partner with Xiao Xie.

The next day on New Year's Day, they didn't go back to Beijing and wanted to record an indoor variety show in Shenzhen.

Leaving the hotel to go to the TV station in the morning, Wang Chao sat crookedly on the seat, twisting and turning, as if he was uncomfortable no matter how he sat.

Cheng Yao looked back several times and couldn't help but ask, "Captain, what's the matter with you?"

The captain had a rare spring breeze on his face, and said cheerfully: "It's nothing, my **** hurts."

The teammates looked at Brother Xie in unison.

Brother Xie looked embarrassed.

The teammates looked out the window silently. It turns out that they have been standing against the CP for more than a month, my friends.