MTL - Peter Pan and Cinderella-Chapter 58 broken house

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After the overall shape was done, while it was still hot, I took a promotional photo in the afternoon.

It was fine when taking a single-person photo. When I took a group photo of the six people, in order to make the overall picture more harmonious, the photographer asked Xie Wang and the two to stand apart, and Cheng Yao stood between the two.

Wang Chao was unwilling and insisted on standing next to Xie Zhuxing.

Cheng Yao also didn't want to stand between the two of them, with a sad face.

Liu Congming, who followed the whole process, said, "Just stand together, let Leo wear a hat with brighter colors."

The photographer called his assistant to find a yellow baseball cap.

Wang Chao didn't like it very much, so he reluctantly put it on and showed it to Xie Zhuxing.

His complexion is pale, and wearing a hat of this color actually looks good, Xie Zhuxing said, "Not bad."

Wang Chao did not pick it.

After taking the promotional photos, it was also dark. Everyone came out. Wang Chao didn't drive today. Xie Wang and his teammates all got into the company's nanny car, and the driver took them back.

Xie Zhuxing, who finally got into the car, wanted to close the car door. Liu Congming ran over and wanted to hitch a ride, saying that his car had been sent for repair.

The nanny's car drove, everyone was quiet, and there was no intention to communicate with the new agent.

Liu Cong Cong asked, "Where do you all live?"

Except for the captain who is playing the mobile game, everyone answered.

Xie Zhuxing said, "I live in Olive City, and the captain lives in Wangjing West Garden."

He and Wang Chao sat in the row behind Liu Congming.

Liu Cong turned around and said with a smile, "You live in Olive City? Coincidentally, I have a cousin who lives there too."

Xie Zhuxing said politely, "It's a coincidence."

Liu Congming added: "My cousin is also an insider. He works as an artist assistant. Maybe you have met before."

Xie Zhuxing thought for a moment: "Isn't it Zhao Zhengyi?" These two names are too similar to relatives.

Liu Congming was surprised and hypocritical, and said, "Oh? Do you know each other?"

Xie Zhuxing had to pretend that he couldn't see it, and said, "Xiao Zhao and I are roommates."

Liu Congming took advantage of the situation and said, "That's right. I'll get off the bus with you later, and I'll drop by your place. I haven't seen my cousin for a while."

He knew that the core character of the group was Xie Zhuxing, and he wanted to get acquainted with Xie Zhuxing as soon as possible.

But Xie Zhuxing didn't plan to go back to Olive City at all. He hadn't been back to Olive City for a long time, and said euphemistically, "I don't often live in Olive City now."

Liu Congming heard Zhao Zhengyi talk about this, and wentssip said "Xiao Xie may have a girlfriend", and said, "Did you fall in love? Don't be nervous, the company doesn't say that you are not allowed to fall in love, and I'm not an antique."

There was a subtle silence in the car.

ID several people looked at each other.

Liu Congming's agent for them is a done deal, and the captain's relationship with Xie Zhuxing can't be hidden for long.

Liu Congming saw that there was something tricky, and he was suspicious and asked, "Did you know about this before D.K left?"

Xie Zhuxing tacitly acknowledged that he was in love, and said, "Brother Kun knows."

Liu Congming felt a little relieved when he heard it. D.K didn't have a stick to beat the mandarin ducks, presumably it wouldn't cause trouble, so he deliberately understated and asked: "Isn't it an insider?"

Xie Zhuxing said, "It's an insider."

Liu Congming frowned: "Is it an artist?"

Xie Zhuxing nodded.

Ji Jie helped by saying, "It's a singer."

Cheng Yao also said: "It's still an idol group."

Liu Congming: "...not from Huixing, right?"

Gao Siyuan and Yang Xiaomu said in unison, "It's Huixing's."

Liu Cong went through the two idol girl groups under the company in his mind, and asked, "Who is it?"

Wang Chao, who had been playing mobile games behind him, suddenly patted him.

He turned his head: "???"

Wang Chao looked proud: "It's me."

Liu Congming: "...Oh."

He got out of the car in Olive City alone, went straight to his cousin's house, and scolded his blind cousin.

Zhao Zhengyi was in a bad mood. Thinking of the corners he heard about last year, what was the next door doing at that time? Not fighting at all!

Liu Congming is also an extraordinary person, and quickly accepted the fact that the team is engaged in foundation.

ID and several people still had doubts about him at first, but in the next MV shooting and post-production, they gradually recognized that he was qualified as an agent. He has a lot of experience and methods. Although due to objective reasons such as age and experience, compared with Duan Yikun, his aura is indeed lacking, but again, Duan Yikun is a shrewd and exposed person. When you are alone with him, you need to keep your spirits up at all times. Yes, and working with Liu Cong Cong is actually more comfortable than working with Duan Yikun.

Before Duan Yikun left, all the preparations for the second series of ID had basically been in place, and Liu Congming came down by air, which was like picking up a ready-made bargain. Of course it could also be a hot potato. ID has accumulated a high popularity. If the second series hits the streets, Liu Cong will be the target of public criticism. If the second series sells well, most people will think that the credit is Duan Yikun.

However, Liu Congming didn't seem to care much about it. He was happy every day and seemed completely free of pressure.

On April 30, 2014, the MV trailer for the title song "What the **** is love" of Icedream's second album was exposed. The trailer only lasted for a dozen seconds, but the six members broke through the visual appearance of the image, and compared with the first album. The changing music caused a great sensation among fans. Fans had filters and shouted that they were handsome, but the exaggerated look of visual rock was not acceptable to everyone. Whether it is mainstream or not, fans are of course unconvinced, but they are afraid that the torment will make idols black. Expressing "how my brothers work hard, thank you for your attention to them", it can be said that it is for idols to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, to have great love, and to be moved. Whether it's a group meal, a fan of a meal, or a CP fan, they all braced themselves for the second series, and various forums released joint tutorials, and they sounded the charge of the charts in an organized and disciplined manner.

Captain Leo's desire for CP fans was not heard by fans. His fans and Tomas's fans also pinched a wave in a small range. They all think that the white hair of their idols is more handsome, and they ridicule each other that the other party is Dongshixiong. But this time I didn't pinch for too long, because I couldn't care less.

On May 10, "What the **** is love" was officially released.

On the first day of the new song's launch, it received a lot of negative comments. In addition to the controversy over the shape, the lyrics of the new song were also questioned as being too drooling.

The next day, the wind direction began to change. Many people said that the song was poisonous, and they couldn't help but hum a few lines after listening to it.

On the third day, well-known music bloggers on Weibo commented on ID's new song one after another, and the comments were both positive and negative. Four of the top ten Weibo posts on that day were related content, and then the song began to spread explosively.

A week later, "What the **** is love" topped the major music charts.

The premiere stage of the new song was selected at the awards party of the College Student Film Festival. The Lunar New Year drama starring Xie Zhuxing was nominated for the "Most Popular Comedy Film" award, and he himself was nominated for the "Best Newcomer".

In the end, of course, he didn't get the award. If it was awarded to him, this film festival would only be afraid of pills.

But ID is still the biggest highlight of the party. The five minutes they performed on stage were the five minutes that the most viewers online during the live webcast of the awards show. Before their performance and for half an hour after the performance, the barrage was also dark. It's all "what the hell", and uninformed passers-by thought the film festival was hacked.

"What the hell" has been on the line for more than a month, the title song is still dominating the charts, the popularity of ID is soaring, and endorsements and announcements are coming.

After receiving the endorsement of a well-known e-commerce APP, their faces began to appear overwhelmingly on major portal websites, subway and bus billboards, and they could be recognized by the neighbor aunts when they went out to throw rubbish.

In fact, several people thought they were already popular before, and it was only at this moment that they finally knew what it felt like to be truly "popular" - to test whether a young idol is really popular, it is not to see if he/he has been trending and trending all day long, Instead, ask your mom if she knows him/her.

With the fiery popularity, summer is here again.

Xie Zhuxing has not shared a lease with Zhao Zhengyi, and lives with Wang Chao.

He didn't mention moving to another place, and Wang Chao didn't even mention it.

Wang Chao occasionally thinks about it, didn't Xiao Xie want to buy a house and live together? When will you buy it? But he didn't bother to ask, the two of them are doing fine now, working and sleeping together every day, occasionally bickering and fighting, and finally having a cannonball. What are you doing with those messy things? Ask for trouble.

Today, the two came to the company together again. Xie Zhuxing went to the practice room to practice dancing. He went upstairs to find the arranger teacher to play and learn while playing.

The recent period of time has been the most interesting day for him in the past few years. There is love and hobbies, and they are all very good.

He made up a short chord with the teacher and wanted to hear the effect. Someone pushed in the door from outside. He lowered his head and fiddled with the machine. Door?"

The man said, "I'm looking for him."

Wang Chao heard who it was, turned around and frowned, "Why are you looking for me?"

His keyboard player classmate stood there with a blank expression: "Tell you something."

Wang Chao didn't want to hear it, and said, "I'm busy, I don't have time."

The keyboard player said: "Don't talk about personal matters, talk about your albums."

Wang Chao said curiously, "You? Can you talk about our album?"

The keyboard player said, "I wrote that piece."

Wang Chao: "...what is it?"

The arranger teacher said with interest: "I have something to go out for a while, you can talk."

Only Wang Chao and the keyboard player are left.

Wang Chao asked, "What did you write? I have seen that composition."

The keyboard player said: "He is a senior in our studio. He said he wanted to help me change the score. I thought he was kind."

He carried a bag, took out a stack of papers from the bag, and said, "This is my manuscript."

Wang Chao took it over and glanced at it, his mouth tightened, and his face became serious.

The keyboard player said: "I didn't want to come to you, you blocked me, I know you don't want to see me. I told the person in charge of our studio about this, and he advised me not to make trouble, saying that this kind of thing in the circle is very It's common. I'm not famous. If it wasn't for the name of the author, this script would never have the chance to record a demo, and it wouldn't be able to reach you, and it wouldn't have a chance to be sung by you. If you want to write songs, being a gunman is the only way to go.”

Wang Chao: "...Fuck."

Xie Zhuxing finished dancing, took a shower, changed his clothes, and blew his hair in front of the mirror.

After the initial singing period, they also dyed their hair back to a low-key hair color. Wang Chao didn't get the expected CP powder because of the white hair. He probably didn't give up. This time, he was dyed the same dark gray as him.

Wang Chao looks more foreign than him, and he looks better with this hair color, even white. This little idiot seems pretty good-looking anyway.

He packed up and went upstairs to find Wang Chao. As soon as he got out of the elevator, he saw the arranger teacher carrying a cup to go into the pantry. After greeting him, he asked, "Where's Leo?"

The arranger teacher pointed to the composition room and said, "I'm talking with people."

Xie Zhuxing said in surprise, "Who is that?"

The arranger teacher said: "It seems to be a songwriter, a boy with quite long hair."

Songwriter, long hair, male.

Who else could it be?

The arranger teacher entered the pantry.

Xie Zhuxing took a few steps to the door of the composition room, but without knocking, he slapped the door open.

There was only Wang Chao in the room, with a pencil in his mouth, sitting there wondering what he was thinking.

"...What are you doing?" He took out the pen and complained, "I didn't knock on the door, I scared Dad to death."

Xie Zhuxing said: "Someone came to you just now?"

Wang Chao put the pen back in his mouth again and said, "No."

He looked back and forth with his eyes, but he didn't dare to look at Xie Zhuxing.

Xie Zhuxing: "...Let's go eat."

Before going to the company restaurant, Wang Chao said that he wanted to eat shrimp dumplings, so the two went to a nearby Cantonese restaurant, entered the booth and closed the door curtain. They both took off their sunglasses and baseball caps.

Xie Zhuxing didn't talk to Wang Chao, he just lowered his head and played with his mobile phone.

Wang Chao was unhappy and said, "What are you playing on your phone while eating?"

Xie Zhuxing ignored him.

He wanted to lose his temper, but he had a ghost in his heart, so he endured it and took out his mobile phone to play mobile games.

The waiter came to serve the food and went out to help them close the curtain.

After a while, Xie Zhuxing put down the phone and said, "Didn't you say you want to eat shrimp dumplings? You won't eat it when you get there."

Wang Chao said angrily: "The phone is so beautiful, you can continue to look at it."

Xie Zhuxing put the chopsticks in his hand: "After eating, go to a place with me."

Wang Chao was annoyed and asked, "Where are you going?"

Xie Zhuxing said: "You will know when you go."

Wang Chao said, "What are you selling? It's annoying."

Xie Zhuxing said, "Are you going?"

There is no reason for Wang Chao to not want to go, so he pretended to reluctantly said: "Then go, it's fine anyway."

He ate a few mouthfuls of shrimp dumplings and drank a small bowl of fresh scallop soup, and hurriedly urged: "I'm full, hurry up, I won't go any longer."

Xie Zhuxing ignored him and chewed slowly.

Wang Chao kept urging, shouting "I really don't want to go!" several times, but he just didn't leave.

He couldn't guess where Xiao Xie was going to take him, but he always thought it was a good place, and everything he went to with Xiao Xie was a good place.

When he got there, he was taken aback and felt a little cramp in his calf.

She followed Xie Zhuxing upstairs like a sleepwalker, and watched Xie Zhuxing take the key to open the door.

He stood outside and dared not go in.

Xie Zhuxing stood inside and called him, "Why don't you come in and have a look?"

He shouted outside: "Tell me first, what is this place!"

Xie Zhuxing: "...Are you coming in? I'll close the door if you don't come in."

Wang Chao: "…"

Xie Zhuxing did not close the door either.

The two stared at each other for a while.

Xie Zhuxing coughed and said, "This house I just bought has not been renovated yet, so let's take a look at it first."

Wang Chao grinned stupidly: "What do you want me to see about your house?"

Xie Zhuxing held the door frame with one hand, and reached out with the other hand, saying, "Don't talk nonsense, come in quickly."

Wang Chao put his hand on his, and as soon as he exerted a little force, Wang Chao hurriedly jumped in, saying "what's so beautiful", and looked back and forth.

The house is empty and small, with no furniture or decoration, mottled white walls, the film on the window frames has not been torn clean, and the pipes in the bathroom and kitchen are exposed.

After looking around, Wang Chao said the truth: "I have never seen such a broken house."

Xie Zhuxing turned his face away from him, the veins bursting out on his neck.

Wang Chao said again, "Are you going to fool me with this house?"

Xie Zhuxing said, "What did I fool you?"

Wang Chao snorted: "Didn't you say you want to live with me for a lifetime? Can this house live for a lifetime? I'll be enough for two days."

Xie Zhuxing turned his face and said, "Who told you to live?"

Wang Chao stared: "Why don't you let me see you if you don't let me live?"

Xie Zhuxing gritted his teeth: "Haven't you seen such a dilapidated house? I'll give you a lot of insight."

Wang Chao was also aggrieved: "Why are you angry again?"

Xie Zhuxing didn't want to talk to him, and said, "After reading it, let's go."

Wang Chao said dissatisfiedly: "What's the hurry? I haven't even looked inside yet, please let me look again."

He walked into the room with his hands behind his back, feeling that Xie Zhuxing couldn't see him, he quickly took a few breaths, and the tears he had endured for a long time burst out, and he wiped it with the back of his hand.

But it's so **** useless.

Dad, mom, eldest brother, second brother, he might marry Xiao Xie.