MTL - Petite Mother of Four Big Shots-Chapter 34 Coquettish mother

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Gu Yizhou took his last patience and directly refused. Qianxian was also able to look at his face. He didn't know that he had been remembered by Gu Yizhou, but he knew he would be criticized if he stayed.

So silently mentioning the empty lunch box to leave, but this does not mean that he gave up, Gu Yizhou also underestimated Qianxian's perseverance.

Although Qianxian, who was strongly rejected, left the office, he squatted politely and intimately at the gate of the hospital. Without leaving, he was a strong bodyguard.

Gu Yizhou got off work and drove Gu Yuanyuan back to his apartment.

Gu Yuanyuan sat in the car and saw Qian Xian squatting under a tree, holding a branch in his hand, poking in the soil, and looking up at the hall from time to time, looking at the blame is not tasteful.

"Erbo, this is a minor." Gu Yuanyuan said, "Look at his kung fu, maybe he lived in the mountains in seclusion, his parents died, so he came out to make a living ..."

In the blink of an eye, she filled a complete script: Qianxian's parents were high-level adults, so Qianxian had a good job. However, the two elders died, and Qianxian had to enter the world to survive. As a result, she found that the outside world and the mountains were completely different The same, coupled with a problem in the mind, they are incompatible with the outside world ...

Gu Yizhou: "..."

He frowned, glanced at Gu Yuanyuan, knowing that his mother had moved his heart, only said: "He is not suitable."

"I didn't mean to ask him to be a bodyguard. I meant to ask the police to help or not?" Gu Yuanyuan asked for smashing opinions.

Said Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived.

Gu Yuanyuan saw the armed police officer and colleague coming up from behind in the rearview mirror. Gu Yizhou also saw it, sighed and stopped the car.

Gu Yuanyuan got out of the car and greeted: "Armed police officer."

The armed police officer and colleagues stopped.

Qian Qianxian, who played with branches under the tree, heard the sound, his eyes seemed to light up, and he hurried over.

He glanced at Gu Yizhou's car, frowning, and immediately responded: If it wasn't for the car stopped, Gu Yuanyuan would have gone without knowing it.

There was a moment of blankness in his eyes.

"What's the matter?" The armed police officer was very impressed with Gu Yuanyuan. He later thought about it for a long time, thinking of where he had met Gu Yuanyuan.

Gu Yuanyuan first asked Qianxian, "What were you doing under the tree just now?"

Qian Xian waved the branch in his hand and bent his eyes and said, "There is an ant hole there. I'm playing with ants. Are you going to check it out?"

The tone was unusually serious.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Gu Yuanyuan said to the armed police officer: "Yes, this child is not yet an adult, there is no place to live, his parents are gone, and he looks like ..."

She gave the armed police officer a "you understand" look.

The armed police officer's expression was blank: a little girl pointed at a young man, an elder tone of "this child", what a weird look!

"See if you can take him to the police station for a detailed inquiry, can you ..."

She didn't finish talking, and Qian Qian who understood clearly interrupted her suddenly: "I won't go to the police station!"

He seemed to be a little hurt, looking at Gu Yuanyuan with uncomfortable eyes: "You don't need me, just forget it, why sell me to others ?!"

Gu Yuanyuan: "?????"

Armed Police Officer: "????????"

Qianxian threw away the branches, turned and ran, very fast, and disappeared in front of everyone almost instantly.

The police officer's colleague was stunned, and even rubbed his eyes: "No, are they gone?"

I rely, this speed can't match the global sprint championship.

The armed police officer was also very aggressive, Qian Qian disappeared, as if the person was still standing in front of him, appeared in the distance the next second, and disappeared in the next second.

Nima is a special effect that can only appear in movies.

Gu Yizhou's eyes sank, and Gu Yuanyuan didn't squeak. The strange and silent atmosphere lasted for ten seconds. Gu Yizhou said: "Excuse me."

Then he pulled Gu Yuanyuan back into the car and started the car to leave.

Armed police officer and colleague looked at each other, the colleague muran said: "Maybe ... the little couple is awkward."

Armed police officer: "What about the doctor?"


The relationship is messy.

"No, can humans reach such a fast speed?" Colleagues were puzzled, how could they run so fast, and the people disappeared before responding.

The armed police officer's head was also a little embarrassed. At this time, he received a new WeChat on his mobile phone, and his colleagues were close to each other and saw it subconsciously.

WeChat was sent by the mother of the armed police officer: [Son, come back early today, Yi Sheng is home. 】

He smiled: "Oh, your great brother is back."

The police officer also laughed: "My parents are looking forward to him home every day."

The family situation of his colleague is more complicated. He was envious and lamented: "I remember your brother was adopted. Your family has a good relationship."

"Hi." The police officer patted a colleague's shoulder and just wanted to say something. The action suddenly stopped, and Gu Yuanyuan's face appeared in his mind.

"What's wrong?" A colleague asked quickly, finding his abnormality.

The armed police officer returned to God: "Nothing."

At that moment, he finally remembered why he felt that Gu Yuanyuan was familiar, as if he had seen it before. Her appearance was a bit like his younger brother.

The Armed Police Officer thought: "It's a destiny."

"Mom, the kid is working hard to support himself." Gu Yizhou found that his mother was still thinking about leisure. It was inexplicable. He said flatly. If this is left in ancient times, it will be a joke! Misconduct! "

Gu Yuanyuan hadn't noticed that Erbao's words had changed, but she kept thinking about the look at Qian Qian before leaving, which made her feel involuntary.

Forget it, irrelevant people can't just hold her accountable for having a cute face.

"Erbo is right, regardless of him."

Gu Yizhou saw his mother's little face no longer wrinkled, so she calmed down and said softly, "What do you want to eat at night?"

He was going to show his mother well.

"As long as it is made by Erbao, Mommy likes to eat." Gu Yuanyuan made a fist.

Gu Yizhou raised his mouth unconsciously: "Let's go to the supermarket."

Gu Yuanyuan nodded.

Gu Yizhou parked his car in the parking lot of a large shopping mall at the peak of work and there were many people in the mall. Gu Yizhou led Gu Yuanyuan into the supermarket.

When they were young, they went to the supermarket, and they were all held by Gu Yuanyuan.

right now……

Gu Yizhou clenched his hand. After entering the supermarket, Gu Yizhou pushed a cart, and Gu Yuanzhou looked around the supermarket.

In her memory, it seems that she has not visited such a large supermarket for a long time, so she has a strange and familiar feeling. The first reaction is: buy buy buy!

They went to the fresh food area first, and there were a lot of people in the supermarket. There were a lot of couples in the supermarket. They were very lively. Among them were girls sitting in carts and pushed by boys.

Gu Yuanyuan took a second look at his subconscious, and Gu Yizhou noticed that he simply picked up Gu Yuanyuan and put it in a cart.

Gu Yuanyuan: "!!!"

This scene attracted the attention of many people around.

"Wow, so handsome."

"A princess hug, alas, I want such a boyfriend too."

"Male handsome and beautiful, with a face."

"I'm just here to buy a dish ... why should I let me eat dog food."


Gu Yuanyuan's cheek was thick and she had a fever at the moment. She wanted to get out of the car, but Gu Yizhou pushed the car and started to walk, looking at the surrounding eyes as nothing.

He was seen at the hospital every day, and he was used to it.

Gu Yuanyuan saw the second treasure so calm, and felt that he was fussed, and sat down honestly, while paying attention to the surroundings, no one took pictures.

Yes, she came to the supermarket instead of visiting them. She was more calm.

The mother and son started a warm shopping journey, and received a call from Jiang Yan midway through.


At the other end of the phone, I heard my mother's fragile voice. Jiang Yan couldn't help but scratch his lips, and subconsciously softened his voice: "Is He Yizhou home?"

"No, we're shopping in the supermarket."

Jiang Yan: "..."

We haven't visited yet.

He wanted to ask the address of the Gu Yizhou apartment, and when he reached his lips, he said, "I'm already busy. Which supermarket are you in?"

After thinking about it, he said, "Send me a position."

Gu Yuanyuan sent the positioning in the past. Jiang Yan looked at it and it happened that his current position is not far from the supermarket where Gu Yuanyuan is located.

Jiang Yan smiled: "You guys are waiting for me in the supermarket. I'll be here soon."

Gu Yuanyuan: "Hey?"

As soon as she was about to speak, Jiang Yan had hung up.

Dabao should not visit the supermarket usually, and there are not many people who know him. So many people should not be in danger.

Gu Yuanyuan was a little panicked. Gu Yizhou had just taken a broccoli from the shelf and saw: "What did the big brother say?"

Gu Yuanyuan: "Dabao is not far from here. He wants to come over."

Gu Yizhou: "..."

The first reaction turned out to be rushing home with Gu Yuanyuan.

Gu Yizhou coughed and said, "He's finished?"

Gu Yuanyuan nodded.

Gu Yizhou is also not good at saying anything, no one knows his internal tangles: On the one hand, he has not met Jiang Yan for many years, and he wants to narrate, on the one hand ... He glanced at the ancient Yuanyuan.

A little depressed.

On the other side, Jiang Yan's car reached the underground parking lot, and Zhanyang advised, "General Manager, let's wait here."

You don't have to go to the supermarket.

Since he became Jiang Yan's personal assistant, he has never seen Jiang Yan go to the supermarket.

As Jiang Yan, go to the supermarket to buy things in person. If it is reported, it will be rated as grounded gas, but it is too grounded!

I don't know what some people think, and there are many eyes in the supermarket. In case of something unexpected ... Zhan Yang thinks his head hurts a bit.

After Jiang Yan was rich, he did not go to the supermarket to buy anything himself. Such a trivial matter was too wasteful for him.


Do not go to the supermarket, go to the supermarket with your mother, these are two different concepts.

Jiang Yan's eyes surged: How many years haven't she visited the supermarket with her?

"You're waiting in the car." Jiang Yan got out of the car and took a bodyguard into the supermarket. The bodyguard Tian Xuan followed not far.

Jiang Yan frowned when he entered the supermarket. The lively crowd made him a little uncomfortable at first. So many people, where to find Gu Yuanyuan.

When he was about to call Gu Yuanyuan, a cart appeared around the corner, Gu Yuanyuan's eyes brightened, and he waved, "Dabao!"

Worried that Jiang Yan could not find anyone at the supermarket, he discussed with Gu Yizhou at the entrance, etc., and saw Jiang Yan just after turning around.

A high-definition suit Jiang Yan stood at the entrance, the momentum of the whole body virtually made the grade of the supermarket seem to have risen a lot.

The appearance of Jiang Yan has attracted many people's attention. Compared with the supermarket, his temperament is really out of place. Some people secretly said, "Isn't it the owner of the supermarket to sneak in and check."

Some people took out their mobile phones and wanted to take pictures. The bodyguard Tian Xuan glanced at them lightly. Those who took photos subconsciously got scalp cold, put them back on the phone silently, and didn't even dare to look more here.

In this slightly weird atmosphere, many people were stunned when they saw Jiang Yan stride toward the ancient Yuan and Yuan dynasties.

Supermarkets have a loud voice. Except for Gu Yizhou's recent hearing of Gu Yuanyuan's "big treasure", even Jiang Yan himself did not hear it.

But there was a good-looking handsome guy behind Gu Yuanyuan, Jiang Yan walked towards her again, surrounded by two handsome guys, and for a moment, the girls around him glowed, and the heart of gossip burned together, looking at Gu with envy Yuan Yuan: This is the winner of life.

Other than that, there was only screaming.

Looking at Gu Yuanyuan's sitting position, Jiang Yan and Gu Yizhou looked at each other with raised eyebrows. Gu Yuanyuan wanted to leave the cart. Jiang Yan took her out of the situation. Let her sit. "

Jiang Yan glanced around and thought about it, so he put Gu Yuanyuan back again.

Gu Yuanyuan: "..."

Can you ask me what I mean!

Gu Yuanyuan: "I come out and go with you."

Jiang Yan and Gu Yizhou both said, "No."

The author has something to say: the second child arrives, hey ~

Yuan Yuan's mother sued: Da Bao Er Bao is too □□! !! !!

Dabao Erbao calmly: Oh.

Sambo: Huh! Who made you deny me.

Xiaobao qaq: ... Don't look at me, I only play in other people's mouth, I am not qualified to answer.

Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who threw [the grenade]: Oh! My goblin! 1

Thanks to the little angel who cast out [mine]: who has a wife in my family and who is 殇 曲;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Stupid person dreams 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network