MTL - Picking Up a General to Plow the Fields-v6 Chapter 1748 Departure 8

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And when he thought of himself, he looked at his appearance unscrupulously, and Liang Fengqi was even more annoyed with a few points. His face rose red and his tongue was knotted and said: "You go! Give me out!"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry! Angry and hurt!" Li Yunhuan repeatedly comforted, haha ​​smiled, and acted from the bed down, shouting: "I will leave, I can't go!"

When I walked to the door, I suddenly stopped and looked at her and smiled. "Feng, I look good?"

Liang Fengqi’s glimpse, Li Yunhuan’s scornful smile and coverless **** run without a trace!

Liang Fengqi is even more ashamed, hate and gnash his teeth: "This bastard! Always so annoying!"

The face burned almost with fire.

This night, when I closed my eyes, I saw his face, all kinds of looks, and his ears were his voice. Liang Fengqi was annoyed, and he didn’t sleep well after a night’s sleep.

Li Yunhuan disappeared and disappeared for several days.

Liang Fengqi was originally worried that he would come over, so I am embarrassed to meet you!

But seeing him didn't come over, she was relieved, and there was a little loss for no reason!

As for why she lost, she didn't know!

However, Li Yunhuan did not come, but the month came.

This evening, the six people who were responsible for designing the fancy pattern were working overtime in the office, and the month raised a basket containing six shrimp dumplings and several small dishes.

In the identity of Liang Fengqi’s distant relatives, they were sent to stay up late.

He also said that he is a niece who is drunk and lives in the boss. If she wants to eat anything in the future, she will give them half price. Moreover, she will often give them day and night in the future.

Drunken home is on the adjacent street of Jinyun Embroidery. It is the most famous restaurant in this piece. The words of the month make everyone happy and thank you.

Of course, everyone naturally knows that the moon can't be sent to them for no reason, of course, it is on the face of Liang Fengqi!

So, they thanked Liang Fengqi.

When Liang Fengqi heard the words of the moon, she said that she had looked at her in the past. The moon smiled and squinted at her, and she was proud and proud.

Liang Fengqi smiled and regained his gaze.

There is a little bit of mischief in my heart.

Of course, she knows that the month is not the niece who is drunk and lives in the boss. I don’t have to ask if I know that this is definitely arranged by Li Yunhuan.

With his ability and connections, arranging such a thing is simply a piece of cake!

Is it - is he for himself?

Liang Fengqi was a bit shy in his heart, and he was a little shy, and there was something wrong - he couldn’t tell...

Shrimp dumplings are obviously just very fresh, and the side dishes are extremely delicate. It is definitely not the rest of the restaurant!

The taste of the entrance is even more so good. Everyone eats very happy one by one, and they are very grateful. Obviously, they are more friendly to Liang Fengqi.

Liang Fengqi can't smile and be modest two or three points.

By the net hand, Liang Fengqi made a look of the moon and went out.

Without her asking, the moon smiled and took the initiative to say it, said that it was arranged by Master Li Er, and said that she would be drunk in the home every day. If there is anything she needs to do, she will give a command!

He also said that if it wasn't for the rules of the embroidered workshop, she wouldn't allow the outsiders to take a leisurely trip. She simply moved over and stayed with the lady! This is more convenient to serve the lady.

Liang Fengqi was funny and said: "I am now a manager for the East. I am not a big lady. What can I do not serve? Don't say it! Let people hear it badly! Also, give me a mouth before me. Be firm, don't call it a leak!"

"Know know!" Yueer smiled and said: "Before the slaves came, the young master Li Er had carefully smashed the slaves. The slaves had been practicing for several days and would not be blind!"

Liang Fengqi always listened to her words and always took Li Yunhuan. The heart didn't come from a bit of chaos. He made a faint look and said: "He is very busy recently?"

"The slaves don't know!" Yueer shook his head and said: "The slaves don't often see the owner! But if the boss doesn't visit the lady, it should be very busy!"

Liang Fengqi turned his head to her.

Yueer smiled and said: "Miss, Master Li Er is really very good for Miss! Everything is considerate, everything is thought of by the lady, arranged! Slaves, except for the lady, no one is waiting Miss is so careful! He must like Miss! Hey!"

Suddenly heard the words "like", Liang Fengqi’s heart jumped and his face was low and replied: "No nonsense!"

"The slaves didn't talk nonsense!" Some of the grievances of the month, screamed, and said: "The temper of Li Er's young master, when is the patience of an unrelated woman so considerate, everything is well arranged! Bardot to please him, he can't buy it and still have two to say it! Miss you really what that - the authorities are fans!"

Liang Fengqi stunned for a moment, and the taste of the thousand floated on his heart, and then gradually, the taste became cool and straight to the apex.

"Impossible," she shook her head slowly. "I am almost three years older than him. How could he like me? You don't think about it! I brought him out of Beijing. He will naturally come to me." Take care of a few points, this is also human nature!"

Moreover, he clearly knows that she has a crush on his brother, how can he be interested in himself?

Perhaps, he is here, "compensating" himself for his brother?

The month of listening to her saying this, is not sure.

Thinking about it, scratching his head and laughing: "Miss, you said, the slave is also confused! However, anyway, the slave is the best for you. If you really like it, what are you two or three years old!"

Liang Fengqi didn't want to discuss this issue with her anymore. She shook her head and smiled. "Oh! You, less cranky! I have a lot of things in my own life. You don't want to make up your mind! And, you have that." Remember not to let Yun Huan know, otherwise I will not see him in the future!"

The month was busy laughing and promised.

This night, Liang Fengqi was somewhat lost, and could not fall asleep when he turned over and over.

Although the look was calm at the time, it is undeniable that the words of the month made her feel very touched, and the heart can be said to have turned up the storm!

Li Yunhuan likes her? She never thought about this problem until tonight!

Recalling what he has done to himself, like, it is not like it.

Thinking about it, thinking about her mess in her mind, but still can't figure out whether it is still or not!

Moreover, she does not know whether she is hope or not.

To him, she seems to be getting more and more confused about her feelings...