MTL - Pierce Heaven Til’ It Breaks-v19 Chapter 50 Artisan god

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Volume 19 Chapter 50 God of Craftsmen

"Uh ... passed?"

Li Yi was surprised when he watched the dappled dog turning around. Latest chapter of the church

"Wangwang ... wangwang ..."

Everest shook his little tail and kept circling in front of Li Yi.

Li Yi lifted a kick and kicked the poor dalmatian a few meters away.


It's okay to abuse the high god, it feels really good.

Li Yi walked out of the temple and shortly after coming outside, he saw Ziling Piaoxue carrying a dalmatian to him.

She also successfully passed the `` Earth Temple '' and chose the same route as Li Yi.

Li Yi pointed to the dalmatian in Ziling Piaoxue's arms: "Girl Zi, wouldn't you want to steal a **** man home?"

Ziling Piaoxue ignored his teasing and walked away holding the dalmatian.

Li Yi inquired about the team ’s strategy, and learned that the Seven Demon God ’s strategy is progressing slowly. After playing for so long, not even a demon has been killed. The team is currently resting in the temple.

"Keep trying, don't give up."

Li Yi gave instructions and proceeded to the next temple.

The name of the next temple is ‘kill the temple’.

Li Yi had just entered the Temple of Killing, and Dashan and Amber Sword Heart were teleported from the 'Temple of the Earth' at almost the same time, and they also passed.

So far, the gap between the players is very small. Except for ghost walkers and weapon fighters who do not know where they are going, there is no more than ten minutes.

In the Temple of Killing God, Li Yi saw a beast full of blood and standing up to five meters in height.

Kill a beast to kill it. The more people you kill, the stronger it is.

"Mortal, be careful, don't die in my hands, or I will become stronger and stronger."

Before the battle began, the killing beast said to Li Yi.

It seems that this battle must be solved by force, and from the words of killing the beast, you can understand that the more times you die in it, the stronger it will be. So the best way is to throw it all at once. solve.

"Water source avatar!"

"Beast Soul Sharing-Electric Light Leopard!"

"God Thunder Strike!"

After understanding the rules of battle, Li Yi did not stay at all. His shot was the fall of Wandao Leiguang, which launched an indiscriminate attack on the killing beast.

Ten seconds later, the lightning strike stopped, and the killing beast lay on the ground with his eyes open.

It did not die, but was paralyzed by Li Yi's **** thunder.


The gate behind the shrine opens and passes!

"Mortal man, your despicable trick can only be used on me once, and when my body recovers, I must tear you apart!" Said the killing beast and gritted his teeth.

"No chance."

Li Yi walked out of the temple.

This time, he stayed outside the temple for more than 3 minutes, and still did not see the purple snow drifting out.

It seems that this time, I was the fastest.

The next temple, called ‘Elemental Temple’, was not discovered until Li Yi walked in. There were n’t just one or more God-man in the gate.

More than a hundred elemental gods stayed here, watching the elemental power beating in their hands, Li Yi's heart tightened immediately.

Damn, there are too many gods. How can I fight this?

After careful observation for a while, Li Yi found something strange.

The gate behind this "Elemental Temple" did not close, but was open.

What does this mean? Is it enough to break through?

Li Yi moved in his heart and took out the red shoes he picked up from the fantasy temple.

After wearing it, Li Yi went into stealth.

Is that all right?

With the idea of ​​trying, Li Yi took a big step and ran to the **** of the elements ...

Li Yi's body was completely hidden, and only a pair of red shoes could be seen walking strangely.

More than a hundred elemental gods didn't notice him at all, and Li Yi passed the 'elementary temple' in astonishment.


so easy!


Li Yi just ran outside, and the red shoes under his feet also came to an end, and the pieces disappeared.

Li Yi patted his head: "His sister, the **** of the earth that turned into a dalmatian, what kind of special customs props are not his mother?"

Looking back, he was far away from the Earth Temple. He was talking, and now he couldn't go back.

The next shrine was a large maze with no gods. Li Yi used only 20 minutes to successfully clear the level.

At this point, he has left the other players far away.

However, he still did not see ghost walkers and weapon fighters.

Are they still in front of me?

Li Yi was extremely puzzled.

His clearance speed is already very scary, but what about ghostwalker and weapon warrior? Still no figure.

There is a saying that is good. If you are afraid to come, Li Yi successfully passed the 'Elemental Temple' with red shoes, and was always worried about whether the **** of the earth who became a dalmatian had any special effect until he came to the 'Invention Temple'. , That feeling suddenly became stronger.

The god-man who guards the "Invention Temple" is not someone else, it is the dwarf goddess "Dora Lame" who is the goddess of the earth, Everest.

In the Temple of Invention, countless paper planes flew all over the sky without the support of power, a horrible number of bombs and strange maples ran around, and the dwarf goddess Doraemon stood in this group of 'things' in.

"Get out and discover that the temple doesn't allow mortals to set foot." Doralame's temper was more than that of Everest. As soon as she spoke, Li Yi got out.

Among the god-man, nine out of ten are like this, and Li Yi has already seen it.

Li Yi nodded politely, "Excuse me, how can I get past?"


With a wave of Doraemon, three bombers with limbs and head fuses ran towards Li Yi.

In crisis, Li Yi shouted, "Qomolangmato bring me a sentence, it says it will always love you!"

"Wow ... wow ..."

Doraemon's response was unexpectedly surprised by Li Yi. When he heard the name of Everest, he bowed and vomited.

Is the **** of the earth, Murangma, unrequited?

It seems, it seems, really ...

The three bombers have ran to Li Yi ~ ~ In order to save his life, Li Yi took out the "engineering wrench" and quickly dismantled the three bombers.

The 'engineers' where the gods' continents are are all apprentices of Doralame, even Li Yi, a legendary engineering master, is no exception.

Doraemon spit and smiled: "Wow, you actually want to dismantle my bomb made with divine power, hahaha, wow, you are so naive ..."

"Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka! Ka!"



Crackling, jumping!

Under the violent dismantling of three bombers by Li Yi, the fuses of his head went out, and then they fell into a pile of scrap iron and scattered on the ground.

Disassembly succeeded!

"This ... this is impossible!" Exclaimed Doralam the artisan god.
