MTL - Pirate Alliance-Chapter 207 Summoning Order (Part 1)

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Because Qiubai gathered a group of friends to solve Anilu before, the difficulty of Luffy's Sky Island dungeon was directly downgraded from nightmare to ordinary, and the hostile elements on the Sky Island were only those four priests.

But they finally found the golden bell and the historical text... It's no surprise.

Although they can basically be regarded as completely opposite people, there is a point in Qiubai and Luffy that are quite similar - they always talk about very important things that must be done casually and in a joking tone. speak out.

Qiubai is simply because he talks a lot, while Luffy is thinking about what to say; Qiubai is so complicated that there are too many brain circuits, and Luffy has one muscle to the end, but these two kinds of people often end up in the same way.

For example, when Luffy was in Qinghai, he told a diamond-shaped uncle that he must ring the golden bell, and he must find that thing even on Dead Sky Island.

What's more, there is also a professional archaeologist and historian in the Straw Hat gang. If she doesn't know what happened to the Golden City and the Golden Clock, she must be itchy all over. This is an occupational disease, just like Qiubai's words about tuberculosis, and it is not saved.

"No no no no, Luffy, it's too strange to think about it, why would a complete stranger know our previous whereabouts, and it's still a fairly secret place like a sky island?" Sanji responded to Luffy's "can "Get through it" was obviously a big headache, and he tried to instill some normal ideas into the other party's abnormal brain.

Luffy tried to follow Sanji's expectations for five seconds... But it turned out to be an unsuccessful attempt, "Really... It doesn't matter, I don't think this uncle is a bad guy."

Look, the so-called smart eye knows people, and Luffy instantly judges that Qiubai is not a bad person, or only he can be the captain.

"Hey, this person doesn't look like an uncle, does he?" Sanji finally couldn't help but complain... This proves a very regrettable reality. Apart from looking at women, Sanji's vision is not very good.

"Don't be so excited, I'm really not a bad person, but I just wanted to express my gratitude to you for defeating Qiwuhai after I bumped into it by chance."

There is nothing wrong with simply picking out every sentence of Qiu Bai's words, but as long as they contact each other before and after, they will find that his topic changes too quickly, and there is no coherence at all.

I was talking about the empty island a second ago, why did it directly change to the matter of Alabasta? Sanji was still thinking about the doubts in the previous topic, but a new problem came again.

Fortunately, Qiubai wasn't talking to him at all. Luffy's quick switch of the topic didn't burn his brain at all, and he said, "You mean Sha Nan? That's a bad guy, he actually wanted to occupy Weiwei. Baba's country, of course I want to overthrow him."

"But anyway, I still want to thank you for defeating Qiwuhai."

"Really? You're welcome then."

At this time, Sanji looked at the two people who were happily communicating, and it felt like he was watching aliens. You know what he is thanking you for, you are welcome?

Sanji took another look at Ain and found that the lady's expression was the same as before, and suddenly realized a very terrifying thing... Could it be that he is an alien, why can't I keep up with what you said?

Chatting can talk about eating melon viewers doubting life, which should also be regarded as a highly lethal skill.

The only normal thing is that when Luffy spoke, he was always accompanied by the clinking of plates and cups. The captain's mouth never stopped. This familiar rhythm prevented Sanji from really losing himself.

Fortunately, at this time, the person who helped him to correct his IQ appeared, and their navigator walked in from the door with two suitcases.

"Luffy, Shan..." Before calling out the names of the two, Nami had already noticed Qiubai who was chatting with them. Then, her reaction was not too fast. She first hugged the two boxes tightly in her arms, and then hurriedly issued a reminder:

"What are you two doing?! Stay away from them, that guy is Qiwuhai!"

"Shibukai? Is this uncle?" Luffy was trying to associate Qiubai's image with the identity of Qibukai, but Sanji felt instantly that his IQ had been redeemed, and Miss Nami was worthy of his life. One of the goddesses...

He can be considered to have figured out a problem... The reason why this person thanked Luffy for defeating Clarkdale was because after a Shichibukai fell, could he add it in?

"Hey, Nami, did you make a mistake?" Because it didn't look the same, Luffy asked again, he thought Nami might have made a mistake.

"How is it possible, his bounty before he became Shichibukai was too abnormal, I remember it clearly! Luffy, his bounty is 12 times yours, 1.2 billion!" Nami felt that this question insulted her profession Integrity, but for anything related to money, she absolutely cannot remember anything wrong.

"Luffy, I also remembered, he is the 1.2 billion we said earlier, and he is indeed the Qiwuhai!" After Nami's reminder, Sanji also remembered Qiubai, the pirate who just became the Qiwuhai.

This group of people didn't have the habit of reading newspapers for the time being, but since it was news from Qiwuhai and they had just hit Qiwuhai, they still paid attention to Qiubai's affairs, but they didn't think about it for a while... During the meal It is very difficult to directly associate him with what kind of "big man" when he encounters a very common person.

"Really?" Luffy didn't have a clear idea of ​​other people's bounties, and it was impossible for them to remember that they had discussed the new Shichibukai.

"So really don't get excited. I have no hostility. It is a pleasant surprise to meet someone who is determined to become One Piece. There is no need to be so nervous."

A few words in Qiu Bai's sentence clearly hit Luffy's "vital point". The vigilance he just raised was dissolved into nothingness, and the straw hat's favorability was instantly pointed quite high.

"Well, as expected, Uncle is a good person." His evaluation of Qiu Bai also evolved from "not a bad person" to "a good person".

But Nami and Sanji obviously didn't think so. Nami began to slip by the wall of the restaurant and approached Luffy... Although the position she was just now was farther away from Qiubai, there was obviously no way there. Feel safe around you.

Qiubai began to sigh why there is no basic trust between people? "Well, anyway, the greeting is over, and we should leave."

He and Ain got up and prepared to leave. The accidental encounter was just an accident. They had no plans to have a good relationship with the Straw Hats.

But when passing by Nami, he spoke again, "This beautiful lady, are you holding two boxes of money in your arms?"

"How can..." Nami naturally denied it immediately, she never wanted to let pirates like Qiubai know that she was carrying a huge amount of money, but it was a pity that Luffy's mouth was much faster than hers at this time, "Yes Ah, this is the yellow we brought down from the empty island..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was punched in the forehead by the crazy navigator, "Don't say unnecessary words!"

Because of being beaten for a long time, probably Luffy has been trained by Nami to reflex, so he quickly changed his words, "Yes, I was wrong, Nami definitely did not bring 300 million Bailey."

At this moment, Nami realizes that she is dead, and the only good news is that she can die with a large sum of cash, which is also an alternative happiness for "thief cat".

However, this is still Qiu Bai's bad taste, he really just scare her... Qiu Bai is not interested in the "salvage money" from the Straw Hats, although this money cannot save their boat.

Then he said to Sanji friend, you are doing very well, I really sweated for you just now, you almost died, you know? "

Qiubai even patted Chef Se's shoulder to show praise and encouragement... Qiubai has always been thinking about other people's things, and no one has ever dared to hit his people's ideas. Sanji almost challenged the limit. .

Then he left behind inexplicable people inexplicably left.

In fact, after Qiubai wandered around this time, the most miserable person was Roronoa... Zoro really should eat two brain fragments to refresh himself, although he was looking forward to the rematch with Guina after many years, But Qiu Bai's sight and hearing can clearly perceive that this guy has been walking around the restaurant with a radius of 50 square meters, but he didn't wander out.

In fact, after Qiubai left, Zoro would still be here for more than 10 hours in a row, and he himself wondered, why he had almost searched the whole island, why couldn't he find Guina?

Could it be the red-haired liar just now?

Cough, although Qiubai has told a lot of lies in his life, he doesn't bring such false accusations.