MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 155 Terrible Vision 'God Among Humans'

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For a long time, Link's ability to decompose and reconstruct can only act on matter with form, and has never been able to involve energy in such forms as soul and consciousness.

When he was in the Chambord Islands, Link had tried to contact the soul, that is, with the help of the ghost summoned by Perona to conduct research.

But he soon discovered that his strength was not enough. Under the action of his decomposition ability, he could destroy the ghost's body, but he could not reconstruct its energy or even create a new ghost.

And his ability is not brought by the devil fruit. In this way, there is no possibility of awakening, although it can be further improved with the growth of his strength.

But it is clear that he still has a long way to go to gain control over such intangibles as memory and consciousness.

And the fruit of the operation just made up for this shortcoming of him!

After mastering the ability of the fruit of surgery, he can not only control physical changes, but even change intangibles such as memory and consciousness!

This is an extremely terrifying ability. You must know that if he can manipulate memory and consciousness, then he can modify the will of others!

This has already involved the level of the creator, not to mention, in Link's hands, but there is still Kaido's demon factor, Vega Punk discovered the 'design of life', and there is no such advantageous conditions as Link's .

Whether Link is treating or playing with people's hearts, it will reach an unprecedented level.

Even once he is asked to study the fruits of surgery, and with the help of reconstruction ability, he can create a biological consciousness out of thin air, then he can even create a new type of species that belongs to him!

A powerful race that is only loyal to Link!

Angels, demons, titan giants, dragons, these creatures that only exist in fantasy, may one day really become reality and appear in this world!

Under such a perspective, at that time, it is not impossible for Link to be called the 'God of the World'!

However, this is still a long way off. At this time, Link is still trying to be familiar with the manipulation of the ability of the surgical fruit in his hand.


The huge realm extends from the tavern where Link is located, invisible to the outside. In a thought, a new chair appears on the spot, and Link himself appears in another unmanned room in the realm.

Linkla opened the seat next to him and sat down, waving his fingers lightly, the teapot in the distance floated up, and the upside-down teacup was reversed in front of him and suspended in front of him.


The teapot tilted slightly, and the hot black tea in it was poured into the teacup and landed on his hand.

He took a sip, tasted it, and rubbed his fingers lightly on the wall of the cup. The black tea that was steaming instantly cooled down, and then the white air wafted out again.

It's just that it's cold now.

"This ability is really useful."

A teleport returned to the original room again, sat on the sofa, holding the tea and looking out the window at the passers-by who were unaware that they had entered his realm, the corner of Link's mouth smiled lightly.

After some attempts by Link, he also basically figured out the ability he mastered.

The field in which the fruit of surgery is formed, that is, the 'room' is limited to a certain extent, and it does not mean that it can be expanded indefinitely.

Every time the field is expanded, it will consume its own physical strength. The larger the scope, the more physical strength will be consumed.

Under normal conditions, Link can basically maintain the ten-meter diameter domain cover, that is, the physical strength consumption is negligible. When it exceeds ten meters, the physical strength consumption begins to increase.

When the field range reaches 50 meters, the stamina consumption doubles again. In this state, Link can maintain the maximum range for fighting, and the impact of stamina consumption beyond 50 meters is more serious.

Link also tried the distance that he could expand to the limit. When he expanded the field to 93 meters, it was difficult to continue.

He can feel that the space of the domain can continue to expand, but the expansion of the domain alone does not play a big role, and when he reaches more than 90 meters, he feels the rapid passage of physical strength, which consumes a lot!

But it can't be said that it is useless. After expanding the scope of the field in an instant, Link can still do some operations.

It's just such a limit that it's hard to maintain.

Without letting others find out, Link alone tried the changes brought about by the fruit power.

In this way, two days passed quickly while Link kept trying the fruits of the operation.

At noon that day, the Nine Snake Pirates led by Hancock arrived at Luoyinda City one step before Kuzan.

The arrival of Hancock and others gave Link enough manpower to mobilize. Under the mobilization of Klaasson, he quickly found the trace of the cp0 group of four.

Dover was indeed with the other party, but cp0's people were powerful, and they left before Link arrived.

At this time, several naval warships led by Kuzan also arrived at the port.

The previous battle turned the port into ruins. Fortunately, the port of Luoyinda City was repaired fast enough. In two days, the ship was barely able to When Link brought people to the port , and soon met with Kuzan.

Kuzan still had that cold expression, but his face was a little pale, obviously because of Link's previous heavy damage to him, he looked a little weak.

"I met Brother Link again. Whether it's the Warring States General or Mr. Garp, I miss you very much. Are you interested in visiting the Navy Headquarters this time?" Kuzan smiled at Link who came over. It's just that the eyes are a little bit bad.

"I'm afraid that I miss this, so I can't wait to lock me in the research room of the Navy Headquarters, right? As for visiting the Navy Headquarters, I'd better avoid it, hahaha... I'm still a pirate now."

"I just hope Mr. Kuzan doesn't order me to be arrested again."

Link shrugged, ignoring Kuzan's gaze, and it was normal for him to be jealous as a winner to meet a loser.

Listening to Link's words, Kuzan's eyes were bright, and he looked at Link with a blank expression.

The eyes are facing each other, as if there is an invisible aura rising up here, and the surrounding temperature decreases.

It's just that Kuzan is still very rational after all, and the two of them said that they didn't really mean to do it.

Soon Kuzan coughed lightly, dissipating his momentum, no longer looking at Link, but talking to him.

"Then, I will ask Brother Link to help with the treatment. According to the plan, the Nine Snake Pirates will assist us in the task of arresting Doflamingo."


Link nodded with a smile. He would not refuse the treatment and cooperation in arrest.

It's just that the object of cooperation is no longer Link, the "Death Omen Star", but the Nine Snake Pirates.

Read the latest chapter of Pirates: Starting from the Decomposition of Everything, please pay attention ()