MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 163 Destroy the black hole!

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The azure blue blade shone and blessed the power of space, and collided with the autumn water blade cut by Link, bursting the space, and a dark crack cut across the sides of the two.

The broken space fragments, like broken mirrors, can even reflect the expressions of the two.

Link's coldness is in stark contrast to Hughes' savageness.

clang clang clang!


The blades collided, and with the clash of the blades, the fields controlled by the two sides were even more strife.

Link's surgical fruit ability, with his outburst, caused a chaotic blending zone between the two domains.

The two stood in the collision and intersection area, constantly fighting fiercely, but it was clear that Hughes' strength was not Link's opponent at all.

Under the head-on collision, Link suppressed the opponent in an instant, knocking Hughes backwards.


The fusion of space, explosions from time to time, Hughes saw that his swordsmanship could not match Link, and manipulated the power of space to oppress Link with shock and extrusion.

Even because of the instability of the space at the fusion, the long and narrow space cracks were torn apart one after another, which was comparable to the sharpest guillotine, whistling to cut Link.

It's just such an attack, facing Link's full firepower, at the same time developing his ability to decompose, reconstruct, and operate the fruit, it's not enough to see!

The space fissure was directly smashed by Link's mobilization of the domain's power with brute force.


An explosion followed, blowing Hughes upside down, and Link swung his long knife continuously.

With a domineering and thunderous blade, it slashed out several jet-black sword lights, smashed through the space with a whistling, and slashed towards Hughes.

The fierce knife light exploded on the space barrier that Hughes raised his hand to unfold.

Boom boom boom!

The space barrier could not resist the slash of this sharp blade at all. After being smashed by the blade, it slashed heavily on the space long knife that Hughes parried with both hands.

The blasting space debris, as the strongest wind, swept across his body, scratching his cheeks and clothes, making him even more embarrassed.

Link carried the knife and stepped forward. With his movements, every step made the field behind him suppress Hughes by one point.

With this incomparable posture, he pressed Hughes, squeezing the entire space little by little!

Hughes had a struggling look on his face. He couldn't believe that Link, a guy younger than him, would be so much stronger than him.

And the ability displayed by the other party is really abnormal, which is beyond his imagination of the ability of the Devil Fruit. You must know that as the intelligence agency of the World Government, he is very aware of the ability Link has.

The ability to decompose and reconstruct has proven countless times that it can only affect matter and cannot control the power of space at all, which is not in line with his strength assessment at all!

But Link really showed this kind of control, and even this terrifying guy even suppressed himself in the power of space!

Looking at the figure in front of him who kept walking towards him, Hughes' eyes were full of shock, and his powerful reason told him that this was absolutely not normal, and he had to be beheaded here.

However, the cruel fact made him clearly know how difficult it was to kill the opponent in the face of Link's dual abilities.

There was unwillingness in his heart, feeling the current situation that the space was constantly being squeezed and the ability was suppressed, Hughes' originally handsome face showed the most ferocious look.

He poured his space power into the blue space blade in his hand, and suddenly raised his hand and threw the long blade he had worked so hard to condense to Link at Link.

The blade that gathers the power of the huge space makes the original long blade and the slender blade begin to crack, and huge fluctuations come from the blade.

The first time he shot at Link, he sensed Hughes' intention without any hesitation at all. The original forward motion stopped, and he instantly retreated, covering his domain expansion efforts to cover the blade.

Trying to use the power of the realm to suppress the unstable blade.

"Blast me!"

However, how could Hughes, who abandoned his beloved long knife, give Link this chance before he could cover the long knife.

The blade that was originally full of cracks shattered instantly, and countless tiny solid fragments carried the power of space, turned into the most terrifying weapon, and sputtered at Link.

This forms substantial space debris, which is many times stronger than before!

The location where the hole passed through left a deep dark trace, which did not dissipate for a long time, and the location where the powerful impact exploded swept towards Link.

In the end, there was even an extremely slowly rotating black hole that erupted with strong suction!

The suction force erupted from the black hole became stronger and stronger in space, as if an invisible deep mouth would swallow Link.

All the space power exploded at once, poured into the long knife, and Hughes created this small black hole.

But it's not over yet!

Without even waiting for Link to react, Hughes, who used his ability to fill and eliminate the black hole, opened his hands and threw all the space around him into the black hole.

He just stood in the subspace behind the frosted glass, holding up his hands, expanding the power of the space that surged up to the black hole, unable to control the huge black hole, let the black hole split into new black holes one after another.

For a time, with his actions.

Numerous space black holes were created under his artificial manipulation.

"Give me death!


Hughes' eyes were bloodshot, and the muscles of his arms stretched forward as if he was pushing a heavy object, supporting dozens of black holes toward Link.

This is the black hole that devours everything!

Even Hughes couldn't fully control the power of the black hole, but he was going to use this move to completely crush Link to death!



It seems to be a coincidence. At the same moment, Yamato, Hancock, and Dover from outside the warp collided with each other.

The terrifying sound of was like the thunder of the sky, breaking the barriers of the subspace and reaching the ears of the two people inside.

"Hahahaha! You can't escape, there is a black hole, you should die here obediently! Link!"

Hughes felt the fierce battle in the outside world, laughed wildly and excitedly like a sure-win gambler, and he also felt the outburst of the overlord outside the warp.

But he believed more in the strength of his own subordinates, and let the overlord color that rushed into the warp impact dozens of black holes.

The power of the black hole has not changed in the impact of these overlords, which shows the horror of this trick.

Facing Link, who was carrying terrifying power, he frowned and watched nervously as these more than ten black holes were used towards him, and I held the autumn water in my hands with both hands.

Link knew that Hughes was the last resort.

And he wants to break it!
