MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 164 Sacco's ability

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More than a dozen black holes, with the power to destroy and devour everything, pressed against Link in the warp.

When Link's expanding field touched these black holes, all the power was engulfed by them, and the whistling suction became stronger.

After feeling this result, Link quickly shrank the scope of the field, keeping his abilities close to him, instead of suppressing his abilities.

Under the power of Hughes, the curtain of these dozens of black holes quickly shrouded.

The violent suction brought by the black hole was blowing on his body, that is, he was in the subspace at this time, and there was no object for the black hole to absorb, otherwise the surrounding objects would roll backwards and be swallowed by the black hole.

But even so, with the support of Hughes, these black holes are getting bigger and stronger.

"If you want to kill me here, you are far from qualified!"

Eyes like knives, sharp eyes staring at the approaching black hole, Link put the long knife in his hand back into the sheath, stepped back with his left leg, squatted slightly, and made a posture of drawing the knife and slashing.

On his body, the surging electric arc once again felt a strong stimulus to explode, and it circulated throughout his body, stimulating his power to reach the greatest explosion so far.

The domineering power and the two mastered abilities were controlled by him to converge on the long knife in the scabbard.

In the invisible scabbard, Qiu Shui, the black sword, turned into pitch black under the domineering infiltration, making his strength to a great extent.

Immediately afterwards, the magic fruit with mysterious properties attached to it, wrapped a transparent mask on the blade.

Finally, it is the power of decomposition that Link has relied on for a long time!

This has terrifying and destructive power, and even if it is blessed with high-density armed arrogance, it is unbearable. With the help of the magic oil of the fruit of surgery, it is the first time that it is not limited to the blade's edge!

The triple power, under the blessing of this terrifying power, has not yet unsheathed the blade, the long knife will make a clear humming sound in the scabbard, and the power of vibration, even in the external space, has formed substantial fluctuations.

This terrifying force, as if stirring the space, wants to jump out of the shackles and smash all the enemies in front of it!

The next moment!

Link held the long sword that was countless times heavier than before, due to the gathering of strength, facing the pitch-black curtain composed of black holes, slashed out with the sword!


Dao Fengzhi was also unsheathed by the domineering scabbard, and as soon as it was unsheathed, it turned into an invisible breeze.

No knife shadows, no knife marks!

Hughes, who was pushing the black hole curtain, only felt that there was a ubiquitous breeze blowing in this subspace where there could be no wind.


A cool breeze blew across his face, pulling up his blond hair.

Immediately afterwards, a violent shock appeared, and the black hole curtain was instantly stagnant in the air!


As the first sound of 'Katha' sounded, it was accompanied by more and more violent vibrations.

The entire subspace was trembling, as if it could not bear the huge pressure, and it began to crack under the breeze.

The violent vibration caused the shadows to overlap, and Hughes's child hole was enlarged, looking at the big screen that was originally composed of black holes, but there were dense cracks that collapsed like a mirror.

"No! It's impossible, how could the black hole be cracked, this power..."

Hughes seemed to be weighed down by invisible pressure, hunched up his body, looked at his trembling hands, and muttered in disbelief: "This is by no means a simple devil fruit, the power it can bring!"

He still watched this scene in disbelief, but he couldn't organize the collapse of the space.

After the vibration of space reached a peak, the first thing to disintegrate was the big curtain composed of black holes. They were blown by the breeze like folds and gently smoothed.

The previous suction turned into a huge impact force, expanding towards the outside world, impacting the subspace where the two of them were.

Then it was like a chain reaction, and the entire subspace exploded!

And the invisible breeze, at this moment, finally showed its own essence, and in the roaring and violent waves, it gathered a visible sword light!

The terrifying power formed a huge sword light, shattered the shackles of the subspace, and was completely vented!

In the blink of an eye, he broke through the outside, and Yamato, Hancock and Dover collided with domineering domineering.

Carrying the explosive power of this knife, Link glanced sideways at other enemies. Under the powerful power, he suddenly opened up the field of the fruit of his surgery.

An invisible wave unfolded, covering everyone in the port.



The dense dark clouds in the sky, the thundering thunder, and the heavy rain fell in an instant.

Standing in the rain curtain, with the thunder as the curtain and the strong enemy as the lining, Link's power reached its peak at this moment!

Everyone, everyone present, was stunned by him for a while.


"It seems that your strength is really good. It's just that the commander is a little weak!"

Looking at the situation on the battlefield at this time, Link's mouth slightly raised, and he walked towards the cp0 crowd.

Every step of his is like stepping on the heartbeat of everyone in CP0, making them feel extremely uncomfortable.

Every time Link took a step, everyone in CP0 felt that they were a little heavy, and they couldn't raise their strength to face this man.

But soon, the silence was completely broken!


The collision of the blades shone with dazzling sparks of light, which exploded in the rain.

"Go! Retreat immediately!"

At the critical moment, the best Sacco stood up!

His double daggers collided with Link's long knives, entwined with a strong aura of armament, so that the two daggers were not cut off immediately.

But even so, his pair of daggers were cut deep into the blade by the incomparably sharp autumn water.

at the same time.

With his shout, everyone moved instantly!

The Lady of Thorns screamed, and the vines that were already unfolding wrapped around the unconscious crowd, strangling them.

The same is true of the tall man incarnated as King Kong. With a body of more than 30 meters, he cooperated with the woman of thorns to kill Hancock.

Hughes was the When Link smashed through his space and completely destroyed the entire warp, the closest he was, was swept away by the impact of the explosion, and was severely injured. It looked extremely embarrassed.

He struggled to prop up his body, and if he moved, it was extremely difficult.

As for Sacco, at this moment, he finally showed his ability!

A trail of figures walked out from behind him, each of them looked like Sacco, with a mask on their face, clenched daggers in both hands, and under his control, dashed towards Link like a flash!

Clone fruit!

This is his ability, and every figure is both his avatar and his body.

As long as he is not killed, he can survive.

Moreover, each clone is real, with the strength of his body!
