MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 196 War on the Golden Lion!

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For the next few days, Link stayed in the research room on the Venus.

The ability extraction experiment went well.

With his understanding of the plot and his research on the devil factor for several years after coming to the world of pirates, Link actually already has a deep understanding of the devil fruit.

With the help of Hailou stone and his own decomposition ability, Link successfully transferred the abilities of Hughes and Serka to the fruit he specially prepared.

"Phew! It worked!"

Looking at the two Devil Fruits placed in front of him, Link was extremely satisfied.

The two devil fruits on the table, the stone fruit has a thick yellow cloud pattern, and the space fruit has a purple spiral pattern.

"The two extraction methods are basically skilled. If the golden lion really can't be used for me, then I have to kill it and extract it. It's time to see Shi Ji."

The success of the experiment gave Link a means to handle the floating island. After completing the preliminary preparations, he is also ready to go to the floating island.

"Shiliu of the Rain, let's go."

"Yes, Master."

After saving the stone fruit and taking the space fruit, Link greeted Shiliu of the Rain who was standing guard outside the door, and left to open the Starship and went to Shuangyue Village.


Shiliu of the Rain became Link's new bodyguard.

While experimenting with the extraction of the Devil Fruit's ability, Link also used consciousness manipulation to transfer his woven memory into Shiliu of the Rain's body, awakening the other party.

The current Shiliu of the Rain no longer has the original sense of personality, and only retains the powerful strength of the opponent's great swordsman, and has completely become Link's loyal subordinate.


Compared to Kaji's personality, Shiryu of the Rain only has the instinct to respond to Link and fight, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a fighting puppet.

But this is enough for Link. If the golden lion Shiji doesn't know what to do, then he is ready to let Shiliu of the Rain control the ability of the floating fruit and control the floating island base.

This was also planned by Link.

Only a person like Shiryu of Rain who is completely under control can Link give the floating island to him with confidence.

Not only that!

Shiliu of the Rain himself, as a great swordsman, may be the most suitable carrier for absorbing the Golden Lion's experience in kendo.

At that time, Link may create an extremely powerful subordinate of the great swordsman!

There was no stop all the way.

After coming to Frost Moon Village and handing over the space fruit to Luo, it was considered a surprise to the other party, and Link took the long-awaited Yamato and others into the air.

Head towards the location where the floating island was found earlier.


Floating island main island.

When the group arrived, they were also shocked by this magnificent scene.

Link brought everyone to the ground on the island, which caused their exclamations.

"This island is too powerful! There are people who can actually suspend the entire island above 10,000 meters in the sky. It's so spectacular!"

Looking at the clouds outside, baby-5 opened his mouth wide and said in surprise.

"This is the ability of the golden lion. As expected of a legendary pirate, it is really powerful." Perona also looked around excitedly and looked at her novel face.

"The scenery on the island is also very good! Ah! Link, look at the animals in front of you. It seems that they are coming towards us. It would be great if we could take a vacation on this island." Yamato looked at the forest in front of him. The smile on his face seemed satisfied.


! "

And before they finished speaking, a huge lion like a hill rushed over and rushed towards them.

"Hahaha, what an energetic little lion!"

Yamato looked at the lion that was rushing towards him, and reached out his hand to stop it on its head, but the surging impact was like a breeze blowing past.

Yamato directly raised his hand to suppress the opponent, and licked its big head, as if petting a big cat.


! "

"Okay, don't yell."

The big lion roared wildly, but Yamato seemed to be teasing a small pet and didn't care at all.

Such a rare beast, even if it has experienced the enhancement of IQ, its strength has been greatly improved, but it does not pose a threat to her at all.

Seeing Yamato playing with the lion, Lilith couldn't help but smile, "The scenery here is very good."

"If you like, you can vacation here in the future. I plan to make this our base."

Listening to the words of the friends around him, Link domineeringly expressed his thoughts.

As for the idea of ​​the Golden Lion?

Does Link need to be taken care of?

That is, seeing that the other party is an old senior and can become his own whetstone.

Link's words were suddenly exchanged for a kind of little friends who nodded in unison.

Naturally, there was another burst of joy.

Soon after!

Link and his party sat on the back of the unlovable lion who was completely toyed by Yamato, and headed towards the center of the island, the research base of the Golden Lion Shiki.

Research base in the center of the island.

The floating island is actually not big, not to mention that under the arrangement of the Golden Lion, Dr. Indigo, the ship doctor of the Flying Sky Pirates, controls the entire island.

Link and his party appeared and came towards the base, and were soon discovered by him.

This ship doctor with a funny skeleton-like white face and a spotted yellow and blue scarf was shocked when he saw Link and his party.

He couldn't imagine why someone would go to the floating island, knowing that their island is above 10,000 meters in the sky!

This situation made him worry that the place had been exposed, and immediately ran to notify the golden lion.

"Boss Shiki is not good! Not good! A foreign enemy has broken into the floating island and is already approaching the base!"


Shikey was sitting on the sofa dozing groggyly, snoring like thunder, and was suddenly awakened by the words of Dr. Indigo who came running, and the snot bubble burst with a 'pop'.

The whole person woke up like a furious lion and looked at Dr. Indigo, "What's going on?"

At this time, the golden lion is still eight years away from the beginning of the plot. There is a rudder on the top of the head, and the golden hair on the back reaches the ground, just like the mane of a lion, and the blond hair on the temples is also extremely long.

Wearing an orange-yellow striped kimono, he was tall, and although he looked old, he still had a domineering aura.

That is the spirit of a man in a high position who once fought to dominate the sea.

Dr. Indigo's originally flustered expression was rushed by the momentum of the golden lion, and he immediately calmed down, dancing and dancing to tell the situation he found out like a drama.

Hearing the words, the golden lion raised his brows and folded his arms around his chest, laughing loudly.

"Jie ha ha ha ha~ I didn't expect that someone would be able to break into my site, but the ones who came just happened to be caught and become our experimental objects to test the combat effectiveness of the rare beasts that we have studied for so long! Jie ha ha ha ha!

! "

Saying that, Shi Ke laughed and led Dr. Indigo to the outside of the base. The two sword tips of "Sakura Ten" and "Withered Wood" landed on the ground, making a 'ding ding ding' sound in the empty base, echoing With the arrogant laughter of the golden lion.

When the golden lion brought Dr. Indigo outside the base, he could already see the billowing smoke in the distance.

It was a wave of dust brought about by the running of all kinds of rare beasts, and Link's group, who ran at the forefront, seemed to be being chased.

The golden lion squinted to see this scene, with a smile on his face. In his opinion, the intruder was chased by the rare beasts he cultivated, which shows the success of his research over the years.

Those rare beasts are not only smart enough, but also powerful. It seems that it will not take long for them to complete their wish to destroy the East China Sea.

As he was thinking about it in his heart, Link and his party also ran close on the big lion.

The big lion, which was originally driven by Yamato to run wildly, came to the golden lion, and when he saw the man in front of him, he suddenly stopped. .

The pair of beast children were full of terrified expressions!

And behind it, all kinds of rare beasts chasing all the way, after seeing the real owner of the island, the Golden Lion, also stopped at a place not far from the Golden Lion.

"Hahaha~ It's fun, it's really fun. You can be my mount from the big lion, how about it?"

Yamato, who was sitting on the back of the big lion, smiled cheerfully, not caring about the atmosphere at all, and said to the big lion under him.

She knew that the other party could understand, because along the way, Yamato already knew that these animals had high IQs.

The precious beasts following them now are all the little brothers who were subdued by her!

At this time, the golden lion Shiji also noticed that something was wrong, his previous self-satisfaction disappeared, and he stared at this scene, because he had seen the miserable appearance of his own precious beasts, all of which seemed to have been beaten,

Obviously not what he expected!

The face of the golden lion couldn't help but turn a little dark.

And the other side.

Link and his party got off the lion's back, and everyone watched the legendary pirate in front of them.

The three little ones couldn't help but comment on DiDi Gugu.

"This is the legendary big pirate? It doesn't seem to be very powerful at all."

"It's just an old man. You see, his legs are still two swords, and he has a rudder on his head. It's so pitiful."

"Wow! His hair is so long, no wonder he is called the Golden Lion, but why do I look like a big rooster?"

"Right, right! I think so too!" Yamato's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he agreed!

"Cough cough!"

Link coughed heavily, interrupting their whispered discussion, didn't you see that Shi Ke's face was black?

I really thought he couldn't hear you talking in a low voice!

The golden lion had a bad expression and said in a low voice, "Boy, who are you guys and how did you come here?"

Link smiled when he heard the words, and didn't want to turn his face with the other party as soon as they met and took the initiative to explain:

"Senior Golden Lion, I have long admired my name. You can call me Link. I came to visit you on the floating island this time."

The golden lion raised his brows when he heard the words, lowered his arms, and looked at Link and his group with tiger eyes.

With his eyes, it is natural to see that Link and the others are not weak, especially Link and the tall man standing at the back with no expression on his face (Shiliu of the Rain), at least they are all powerful swordsmen. .

"Jie ha ha ha ha!

! Interesting, interesting! I never thought that my name would still be heard on the sea after so many years. "

The golden lion laughed unrestrainedly. The original idea of ​​wanting to arrest them for experiments changed again. He felt that these young guys were good, but they could become his own crew members. He didn't care how he came here, and extended his hands to invite him. :

"Link, isn't it? You guys can come to find this place, it seems that you are not weak, give you a chance and become my crew!"

"It seems you have misunderstood."

Facing the invitation of the Golden Lion, Link shook his head and smiled calmly: "We came to visit you on purpose, not to join the pirate group, but to help you."

"Help me, it's just you?"

When the golden lion heard Link's rejection, his brows were wrinkled, and then he heard the other party's nonsense saying that he wanted to help him, and he laughed even more: "Jie hahahaha, how many of you young boys can help me?"

"The Age of Rebirth"

Link ignored the ridicule of the golden lion, and instead looked at the opponent's prosthetic limbs made of two famous knives "Sakura Ten" and "Deadwood", and then looked at the rudder above the opponent's head.

"Golden Lion Shiki, don't you want to recover your body? I can do it for you."

The golden lion's laughter stopped abruptly at this moment.

It sounded extremely absurd, but when he saw Link's determined eyes and the sullen expressions of those behind him, the Golden Lion had some confidence.

The other party did not lie.

He can really do it!

this moment!

His expression was a little dignified, and the domineering pressure of Dandan rose up from his body, shrouding Link and the group in front of him, and the tiger's eyes stared at Link.

"Boy, are you serious?"


Link was always calm, as if he didn't feel the pressure from the other side at all.

The Golden Lion also noticed that in the face of the domineering coercion he unleashed, Link, Lilith, and Shiryu of the Rain in front of him looked calm, and Yamato had a faint tyrannical look that rivaled him.

Although the three little ones are still young, they are only frowning to resist his coercion.

feel the result.

The golden lion finally stopped looking down on these guys who suddenly visited in front of and became more and more curious about them.

"What an interesting junior. I didn't expect that after so many years, there will be some good newcomers emerging in the sea!"

The golden lion is still heroic, but Ling Ran is looking at Link, "Boy, talk about it! What is your purpose? If you can't satisfy me, and if you don't want to be my crew...then You can only stay here forever!"

In the face of the threat of the golden lion, Link didn't care either.

He calmly met the eyes of the other party, smiled brightly, and directly stated the purpose of his trip without concealment.

"Heal your injury, and then fight you fairly in your complete state!"

"After defeating you, you will be subdued or killed to capture the fluttering fruit, and the entire floating island will be incorporated!"

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