MTL - Pirates: From the Decomposition of All Things-Chapter 5 A knife that turns into a starlight!

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As the battle went on in the battlefield, the violent collision caused the ground debris on the field to splash, and it became more and more intense!

Under the pressure of Dover's violent attack, Link did not dare to relax at all.

To stab!

Sinkhole. Burial!

Air Noose!

Air cannon!

Air Cone Gun!

Air Decomposition. Asphyxiation!

In addition to using his abilities directly on Dover himself, Link frequently used his ability to decompose and reconstruct, constantly showing its versatility in battle.

But even so, as the battle continued, Link's situation continued to deteriorate.

A very serious problem has arisen!

Physical exhaustion is too fast!

Link's age is there. As a growth period, he is far from reaching the peak of his strength. Even if he uses his vision to use his abilities and skills, he still can't escape the shackles of a single force.


Accompanied by Dover's full blast.

Link couldn't dodge, and was kicked away by Dover's attacking kick, holding a long knife to stop his body, panting heavily.

What Luo didn't know was that the momentum he felt was the invisible wisp of domineering domineering that Dover evoked during the battle. At this time, Link, who was facing Dover, felt the growing power and sighed slightly in his heart. .

Is it really still close?

This kind of aura that can make people tremble, is it a tyrannical look?

The consumption of physical strength is still the biggest problem that affects me, and the ability cannot be fully exploded.

However, it seems that the current Dover has not yet reached the level of fruit awakening. It is more troublesome for the overlord to be domineering. If he does his best, it is not impossible to fight.

Thinking of this, Link, who had achieved his purpose of probing, was about to stop.

Looking at Brother Doflaming, who strode towards him with an excited smile, Link stood up with a knife, wiped his face, looked at Dover and said with a smile: "Sure enough, the young master is still far ahead of his subordinates, but only I’m still unwilling to admit defeat like this, I still have one last shot!”


Dover didn't say much, and stood in place.

Link tried his best to calm his breathing, looked sharply at Dover who was not far in front of him, lifted the long knife, and left an afterimage in the next moment, and his figure disappeared!

"This knife, I named it..."


Not even a whistle!

The disintegration ability is like an invisible big hand pushing the air in front of him, eliminating the resistance and further accelerating Link's speed.

Link's figure turned into lightning, and Doflamingo rushed in front of him almost out of touch.


Slash forward!


At the moment when Dover's heart stopped, Link's raised long blade slashed down with his movements.

In Dover's eyes, Link's rapidity seemed to have turned into slow motion. He watched as the blade cut off in front of him began to disintegrate with the opponent's movements, shining and floating like stardust.

Like a shining star in the clear night sky, turning into starlight and slashing towards him.

Gorgeous and splendid!

At this moment, Dover's pupils shrank, and he truly felt the danger of death!

Diamanti and the others, whose vision could barely keep up with this scene, didn't even have time to exclaim!


There was no violent collision, and an invisible shock wave spread like a tsunami in an instant!


Two days later.

On the boat to Chambord.

"Brother Link, just talk about it! What happened to your battle with the young master in the end? I just watched you disappear with a swoosh, and then with a thump, my head was stunned, and it hasn't come yet. I fainted when I saw it."

In the cabin, baby-5 pouted, pestering Link, who was examining Luo's body, and asked, "I asked everyone, and everyone said they fainted and didn't see it at all. I really want to know."

"Why are you following me! Chasing Link and asking questions is so annoying!"

Luo sat on the chair, frowning fiercely and looking at baby-5 with an unhappy face.

"What is fierce!"

Baby-5 was so frightened that he hid in Link's white lab coat. UU Reading hugged Link and shouted, "I'm here to take care of you! Brother Link said he needed me, of course I'll come!"

"And don't you want to know what happened in the end? The result of the battle between Brother Link and the young master!"

"It's obvious that you are begging Bailai to come! You are sticking to Link, and Buffalo didn't come."


"And I'm not curious! Link will definitely lose in the end. What's there to know?"

Luo glanced at Link, and there was nothing at all on his smiling face, and he stubbornly snorted to maintain his arrogance.


When baby-5 heard this, he squinted at Luo, and Luo gritted his teeth with disdain.

"Okay, stop arguing."

Link reached out and rubbed baby-5's head, stood up and said, "It's just a sparring experience, it can't be called a battle. I'm just a doctor, I'll ask you to protect me in the future."


Hearing Link's words, baby-5 raised his head on his hips, raised his chest, and said in a high tone, "Brother Link needs me, and I will definitely, definitely protect you in the future!"

"Okay! I'll leave it to you then."

baby-5 looks proud!

"I don't know who protects who."

Luo muttered in dissatisfaction, looking at baby-5 with envy in his eyes, and said to Link with a straight face, "Link! I want to learn from you, I want to become as strong as you!"

Looking at Luo Na's serious face, Link put his hands in the white coat, thought about it and said with a playful smile, "Of course you can."

ps: Thanks to the boss [Sword Fairy Bai Yujing] for the 500 point reward! ! Bosses ask for a vote! Please read it!