MTL - Pirates Make Memes: Get Eight Magic Skills at the Beginning-Chapter 161

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The Toushan bandit group collapsed at the first touch, and was defeated by the navy without any symbolic resistance at all.

After cleaning up the group of bandits, Ai En and Kuina freed their hands and immediately joined the siege of Asura boys.

Asura boy's two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and with Ain's support from the side, while Ashura boy was not paying attention, a palm print wrapped in pink flames hit him, and under the effect of the backward fruit, Immediately established a miraculous feat, turning Ashura Boy into a child, and was immediately severely injured by Momotu Gion.

Four navy soldiers carried the bound Asura boy down the mountain, which shocked and angered the notorious villain:

"What are you going to do to me?"

A group of marines kept silent and hurried all the way.

Returning to Weaving Lisa Village, Ashura boy looked around, looking at the village that was both familiar and unfamiliar, with a dazed expression on his face. .


The four navy soldiers unleashed their strength together and dropped Asura Boy on the ground.

It wasn't until this moment that Asura Boy realized that there was a chair in front of him, and a handsome young man was sitting on it, looking at him with a smile.

Yang Ming brewed a pot of tea and put it down slowly.

He got up from the chair, squatted down beside Asura boy, patted his fat face with the palm of his hand, and asked:

"I ask you a question."

"Which is heavier, your blade, or your past?"

Asura Boy feels that this is a proposition.

Chapter 234 The Real Ruler of Wano Country

As the saying goes, troublesome people come out of poor mountains and bad waters.

This sentence can be said to be very appropriate to describe the lawless land of Nine Ridge in Wano Country.

Since the founding of Wano Country, due to its remote location, lack of supplies, and barren land, the common people here often need to use their brains to take shortcuts if they want to survive.

Over time, most of the villages and towns in Jiuli were dilapidated.

In Asura Boy's impression, Kasa Village is no exception.


Now being carried down from the top of the mountain by the navy, what he saw and heard along the way completely overturned the view of Asura boy.

In the past few months, Bianli Village has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The original dirt road has changed from laying gravel roads to now laying bluestone floors. The low shacks on both sides of the road have been overturned and rebuilt. The rich people have built four or five-story houses. Luxurious atmosphere, but at least it can catch people's eyes and look clean and tidy.

On the spacious road where the two carriages were running side by side, there was a constant flow of people coming and going.

Fresh sea fish caught from Date Port are transported in boxes and trucks to Masa Village. Merchants in Boluo Town set up shops here to run the business of firewood, rice, oil and salt, or sell cheap handmade products to passers-by.

In the re-planned streets and alleys, from time to time, villagers from Jianlou Village are pushing small carts, fiddling with food stalls, cooking up tempting delicacies, exuding a mouth-watering aroma.

The originally short, ugly and wretched villagers of Lian Li Village have already changed their appearance, puffed out their chests, put on brand new clothes, and tidied their messy hair. If it is not someone who is familiar with them, it is impossible to distinguish these people from those The ignorant and backward villagers are connected together.

They have already gone through the early stage of cutting down trees in exchange for property. Through partnerships with other people, the wise villagers jointly mortgaged the land to the Dinosaur Chamber of Commerce, borrowed a large amount of foreign debt, and started a business in a decent manner. The abundant timber resources nearby are also very nourishing now.

Changes in the material basis directly affect people's spiritual outlook.

People's thinking also began to change under the subtle influence.

Along the way, the Asura boy was constantly shocked.

When the navy soldiers carried him to a magnificent palace in the village, the Asura boy hadn't fully recovered.

It wasn't until Yang Ming came to his side, gently patted Ashura boy's fat face with his palm, and his indifferent voice fell into his ears, that finally made Ashura boy realize the reality.


"Congratulations to the host for speaking the classic lines of LOL and getting a chance to draw a lottery. Do you want to start the lottery roulette?"


In Yang Ming's line of sight, a lottery roulette that no one else could observe gradually emerged, which was divided into four columns: normal skills, hero skills, equipment props, and hero skins.

Common Skills: Barrier, Purification, Insight, Ignition, Weakness, Flash, Ghostly Walk, Heal, Clarity, Garrison, Crossbow Guard, Retribution, Mark, Teleportation.

Hero Powers: Shattering Fire, Lava Shield, Alpha Strike, Meditation, Promise Sword, Nether Blade, Energy Pulse, Null Ball...

Equipment props: Hex Belt, Glory of Justice, Twin Shadows, Power of Three Phases, Boots of Speed...

Hero skins: Future Warrior, Steel Wings, Fengxian Lu Bu, Champion Blade...

[Teleportation]: After guiding for 4.5 seconds, you will be teleported to the side of the teleportation anchor point, or to people and objects with space imprints. The cooldown time is 420 seconds. At the end of the teleportation, you will get a 30% movement speed boost Success, lasts for 3 seconds.

Obtaining this teleportation skill means that Yang Ming can save a sum of money for the Philosopher's Stone.

Nowadays, as Yang Ming's stall is getting bigger and bigger, and the major forces under his command communicate with each other, the demand for teleportation anchors is increasing. With the background of frequent personnel exchanges, the supply of Philosopher's Stones has begun to fall short of demand.

A few years ago, Yang Ming set up a sage's stone formation in the deep sea prison, and used the dead prisoners' corpses and souls as materials to refine the sage's stone.

The Warring States Marshal even listened to Yang Ming's suggestion and transferred prisoners from all over the world to the deep sea prison for detention.

If not, the Philosopher's Stone in Yang Ming's hands would have been exhausted long ago.

Concentrating the distracting thoughts in his mind, Yang Ming looked at Boy Ashura with a smile, and asked:

"Have you figured out how to answer?"

Obviously the young general in front of him has a sunny and cheerful face, but for some reason, boy Ashura always feels a lot of pressure, as if he can't satisfy the other party with his answer, he will encounter unimaginable bad luck.

Which one is heavier?

The sword in your hand?

Or is it a past experience?

Asura Boy's eyes fell on Yang Ming's epaulettes, his pupils narrowed slightly, he clearly recognized that it was the epaulets of the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is really sitting at home, and the disaster comes from heaven.

Originally thought that a peach rabbit Gion was enough to deal with, but he didn't expect that the new Shura general was behind him.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Ming's question seemed to have some meaning.

Asura Boy thought for a moment and said:

"I believe that the past is heavier than the past."

Hearing this, Yang Ming smiled and ordered his left and right to loosen the shackles on Asura boy.


Asura Boy silently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, obviously realizing that he was wrong.

If he chooses that the sword in his hand is heavier, it means that he has an unruly heart and will not surrender to others easily. I am afraid that what awaits him will be the end of his head falling to the ground.

Even though the Wano country is closed and closed, it does not mean that Asura boy has no news. He often has secret contacts with Kozuki Oden's former subordinates, and he has also heard about the reputation of General Asura.

This General Shura has always shown no false colors to the enemy. When he was not an admiral, he dared to lead other people to Judiciary Island, just to seek justice for the slaves captured by human traffickers.

Seeing Yang Ming return to the chair and cooking green tea on his own, he didn't seem to be in a hurry, Boy Ashura observed it carefully, and he had the bottom line in his heart.

Back then, when Asura boy became Kozuki Oden's retainer, he used the money donated by Shimoyue Yasushi's family to concentrate on learning culture and etiquette, which also made him not as well-developed as his appearance and simple-minded.

Through Yang Ming's facial micro-expression and some subtle movements, Asura boy took a reassurance in his heart, knelt down on his knees very interestingly, and prostrated:

"General Shura forgives my next life, I'm afraid I have a difficult task entrusted to me, if it is within my ability, I will definitely go through fire and water!"

Those who know current affairs are Junjie.

Back then, Kozuki Oden was ignorant of current affairs and suffered a tragic defeat, and even his family was torn apart.

With such a lesson from the past, Asura Boy claims to be smart, so naturally he will not repeat the same mistakes.

Yang Ming lay down on the back of the chair, looked at this notorious villain in Jiuli with a half-smile, and said:

"You are well-known in Wano Country, even if it is notoriety, you are also known as the Nine Heroes of the Red Sheath. I need you to do a very simple thing, to save Kozuki Oden from the beasts Kaido and Heitan Orochi. Regarding the framed matter, tell the truth in every detail."

"If you do well, you can write off all the evil deeds you have done in the past, and I can pretend that I didn't see it."

"But if you don't do well..."

In Yang Ming's elongated voice, Ashura boy said with great interest:

"If I don't do well, if I want to kill or cut, please feel free."

Boy Asura's words, how many words are true, and how many words are false, maybe only he knows.

Yang Ming didn't care whether what he said was true or not. In the face of absolute strength, a lie is a very powerless thing.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Raising his hands and clapping his palms, a woman walked out from behind Yang Ming.

Bermer has joined the Xiao organization for many years, and now he is the editor-in-chief of Guangming Daily, and he is best at making up stories.

With the narration of the witness of Asura boy, and then through the ink of the pen of Bermer, it is sure to write a quite true story.

Everyone retreated one after another, and Yang Ming felt a soft pressure from the back of his head.

The heavy weight squeezed the back of Yang Ming's head, Momotu Gion's glamorous face pressed close to Yang Ming's ear and exhaled like blue, saying:

"Smelly brother, why do you have to spend so much time doing so many things?"

Gently rubbing the slender hands on his shoulders, the warmth and coolness within reach, Yang Ming smiled lightly, and said:

"The Wano country is not as simple as it seems on the surface. This country seems to be ruled by the Hundred Beasts Pirates and Kurotan Orochi, but it is not."

Taotu Gion's eyes lit up, she had never heard of Yang Ming's opinion, she couldn't bear to interrupt his train of thought, and listened carefully.

"Upper decision decided by the economic background."

"Wano country's agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery is backward. Whether in the past or now, the economy is extremely dependent on weapons made by craftsmen, and a large amount of property is obtained through foreign sales of weapons."

"In the past, the people who owned the means of production, that is, the blacksmith shop and the weapons factory, were the aristocratic families in the various regions of the Wano country, and the generals of the Wano country were equivalent to the representatives and leaders elected by these families."

"Among these aristocratic families, the most well-known ones are the Guangyue family, Tianyue family, Shuangyue family, Fengyue family, Yuyue family, and Heitan family, but there are also lesser-known families, such as the birth of Kikunojo and Hana Liuliu of Izo family, as well as the Fujima Ruu family, the Wakaliu family, the Bando family, and the Nishikawa family, etc.”

"Nowadays, the Beasts Pirates rule Wano with absolute force, but the people who can own the means of production have not changed. They are still the families of the major regions. These families are afraid of Kaido's force and dare not make mistakes. But relying on their own advantages, they have reached a tacit balance with Beast Kaido, and both sides have needs for each other, and neither is willing to break this tacit understanding."

"In other words, these aristocratic families are the real rulers of Wano Country."

Chapter 235 There Are No Eternal Friends, Only Eternal Benefits

Who are our friends?

Who is our enemy?

This is not only the primary issue for Yang Ming to promote the reform of Wano Country, but also the primary issue for changing this decadent world.

At first glance, Yang Ming's enemies in Wano Country are the Hundred Beasts Pirates and Heitan Orochi, but in fact, they also include aristocratic families with intricate relationships in Wano Country.

In those villages and towns similar to Bianli Village, many villagers lost their land and houses, and could only exchange cheap labor for their daily needs. They belonged to the proletarians, and they were the ones Yang Ming needed to focus on for solidarity.

There are also different types of families rooted in Wano Country.

The Heitan family, which completely relied on the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and such aristocratic families are the targets that Yang Ming needs to focus on.

As for the aristocratic families such as the Tianyue family, the Shuangyue family, the Fengyue family, and the Yuyue family, it is necessary to divide and disintegrate, to win over a group, and to suppress a group.

Listening to Yang Ming's eloquent talk, which thoroughly analyzed all social classes in Wano Country, Momotu Gion's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Gently tap Yang Ming's bright and clean forehead, and the corners of Momotu Gion's red lips rise slightly.

"Smelly brother, sometimes, I really don't know how your brain grows, why you are so smart, and see things that others can't see."

While speaking, Momotu Gion's chest was rippling with turbulent waves.

I have to say that Taotu Gion has a very good figure. Among so many women Yang Ming has met, he can be ranked in the top three, and perhaps because he often drinks milk, those two peaks are quite mature, which makes people There is always an urge to climb up to see all the small mountains.

Fortunately, Yang Ming has long been used to the intimate behavior of Momotu Gion, so he is not embarrassed at all.

Yang Ming patted the back of Momotu Gion's hand lightly, and said meaningfully:

"There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests."

"If we want to unite the majority, we need to bind the interests of the majority firmly with us."

After a few days.

As the witness of the year, Asura boy, after he honestly explained the series of conflicts between Kozuki Oden and Beast Kaido, Bermel knew how to publicize in order to maximize the benefits and help Yang Ming win the Wano Kingdom people's hearts.