MTL - Pirates: The Strongest Creatures of Beasts-Chapter 15

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In the original book, Teabeard played in Punk Hazard, when he lost his legs and was put on the lower limbs of animals by Trafalgar Roan.

Tea Beard grinned grinningly, carrying a big knife:

"Why, did you recognize Lao Tzu? Now that you know how powerful Lao Tzu is, hurry up and hand over all the treasures!"

Luo Xing's expression was rather disappointed.

It was only after recognizing Tea Beard that he knew that this guy was too weak, and he might not be able to do any harm to him.

"Boy, didn't you hear what I said!" Teabeard couldn't help being furious when he saw that Luo Xing ignored him.

A minion next to him said: "Boss, this man won't cry when he sees the coffin, let's see how I teach him a lesson!"

After saying that, he raised his knife and slashed at Luo Xing's head.


The knife broke.

The little guy was stunned, he looked at the broken knife in his hand, and at Luo Xing whose skin was not broken, he was dumbfounded.

Teabeard's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said in shock:

"What a hard head, no wonder you dare to travel alone, boy, you really have some skills."

Tea Beard is a ruthless person who dares to covet White Beard's territory. How could he be scared away like this? Instead, he yelled:

"Little ones, let's go together and kill this guy!"


More than a dozen pirates attacked together, and Tea Beard himself even tried his best to kill Luo Xing.

Swords, bullets, explosives, all kinds of attacks greeted Luo Xing.

"Is it dead?"

After fighting for a long time, Tea Beard was so exhausted that he was out of breath. Wiping his sweat, he looked into the center of the smoke.

The sound of steady footsteps approached, revealing the intact figure of the young man.

Tea Beard could no longer keep calm, his eyes showed deep fear, and he yelled: "Monster!"

U-turn and run.

Luo Xing patted the ashes on his clothes, looking at the running back of Tea Beard, he wanted to kill him with a knife, but suddenly remembered that this man is also a bounty criminal, and the bounty is not too low, so he sold it to the navy You can make some money there.

Luo Xing is not well-known yet, and the navy doesn't know that he is a member of the Hundred Beasts.

From the map, it can be seen that not far from here, there happens to be a naval base.

Luo Xing did what he said, and as soon as he moved, he knocked out Tea Beard and dragged him to the naval base.

Not long after Luo Xing left, a big blue bird slowly descended from the sky.

The big bird landed on a branch, and except for its arms and wings, the rest had changed into a human shape.

He looked at the direction where Luo Xing was leaving, and an interesting look flashed in his eyes.

"Letting the teabeards attack without taking any damage, it's really a good defense."

"Also, the special clothes on his body are generally not available in the outside world. Is it from Wano Country?"

Marco the phoenix came to teach Teabeard a lesson, but he didn't expect to bump into the scene just now.

Luo Xing's defensive power didn't surprise him too much, but the Wano country costume he was wearing reminded Marco of some long-ago past events.

"It's been almost twenty years since Oden died. I don't know what's going on with Wano Country now."

Marco flapped his wings and took off, ready to go back to the Moby Dick to talk to Dad, Yizang and others about this matter.

Chapter 20 Reckless Fire Fist Ace

Phoenix Marco is the second in command of the White Regiment, and also serves as the ship's doctor and the captain of the first team.

Because Whitebeard's body is getting old day by day, and his energy and other aspects are far worse than before, most of Baituan's affairs are actually handled by Marco.

He heard about the fact that Tea Beard coveted the white group's territory, so he planned to come and teach him a lesson. After all, Phoenix Fruit was very quick in action.

After seeing the battle between Luo Xing and Tea Beard, Marco returned to the Moby Dick and told the story:

"The strange young man has quite good defensive power. The tea beard's attack is completely ineffective against him. He may be some kind of animal fruit ability."

"The animal-type ability user is from the Wano country again?"

The face of Bista, who carried the double sword on his back, changed slightly, and guessed:

"That person may be a member of the Hundred Beasts Pirates."

As we all know, the Beasts Pirates like animals with abilities the most. From Kaido down, the Three Calamities, Flying Six Cells, Giving, etc. are all animals with abilities.

And the most dreadful thing about animal ability users is their abnormal defense and vitality.

The Baituan, which is a hostile force to the Hundred Beasts, knows this all too well.

Marco nodded in agreement and said, "I think so too, that person is probably Kaido's subordinate."


A voice full of incomparable anger suddenly sounded, but it was Yizang, the captain of the sixteenth division.

Although Yizang is not the Nine Heroes of Chixiao, he was once a retainer of Kozuki Oden, and he has always been worried about the latter's death at the hands of Kaido.

Marco sighed and patted Yi Zang on the shoulder to express his comfort.

"Hey, Yizang, don't show such an expression."

A ball of flames flew in front of Izang, and the captain of the second squad, Fire Fist Ace, his fingers turned into flames and put his hat on his head, laughing:

"We are the Whitebeard Pirates, even Beast Kaido will be defeated sooner or later!"

"Speaking of which, when I traveled to the New World a few years ago, I also went to Wano Country once, but unfortunately I didn't meet Kaido the Beast himself, otherwise I would have avenged you at that time."

Hearing this, the white beard who was leaning on the deck chair hanging salt water spoke.

"Ace, don't be so young and aggressive, Kaido is not as easy to deal with as you think."

As the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard is extremely confident in his own strength, but he is confident but not conceited.

Whitebeard knows very well that Kaido is no longer the intern pirate on the Rocks ship, but the strongest creature who is now the emperor of the sea alongside him!

If you underestimate Kaido, you will pay a heavy price. Oden's death is the best example.

It's a pity that Whitebeard's teachings have been going smoothly and Ace, who has been too well protected by Whitebeard, didn't listen to it at all, and the expression on his face was full of disapproval.

Behind Ace, the veteran of the Second Division, a black guy who looks like coal **** grins his toothless mouth:

"Well, Dad, after all, our captain is young and promising, even if he is not the opponent of Beast Kaido now, the future may be uncertain!"

"Tichi, you still understand me!"

Ace laughed happily when he heard this.

Blackbeard Teach laughed along with him.

White Beard could only shake his head helplessly.

He had an inexplicable premonition that Ace might suffer a lot because of this rash character in the future.

But White Beard is not very worried about this, no matter what Ace commits, he has his father, the strongest man in the world, to cover it.

From the moment he knew that Ace was the son of his old friend Roger, Whitebeard had made up his mind that he would push Ace to the throne of Pirate King.

Both father and son are One Piece Kings, this will be the biggest story of the Great Pirate Era!

Yizang then asked, "Ace, what did you encounter when you went to Wano Country?"

Ace then told what he saw and heard in Wano country.

"I was shocked when I first entered Wano Country. The people there were all ragged and skinny."

"I went to Oni Island, Kaido's base camp, but there was no one there. I only met a weird guy who claimed to be Kaido's son."

"That guy is quite powerful. I stopped fighting with him because of an accident before we could decide the outcome. Afterwards, I left Wano Country and never met that person again..."

It was Yamato that Fire Fist Ace encountered.

Unlike in the original book, Ace and Yamato became friends without acquaintance, because of Luo Xing's intervention, Yamato did not have any friendship with Ace this time, and the two were just rivals.

At the same moment when everyone in the white group was discussing Wano Country, Luo Xing dragged his tea beard to a navy base in New World.

Although the New World is said to be the world of the Four Emperors and a paradise for the great pirates, as the most powerful navy in the sea, it is impossible not to set up a base here.

Not to mention the small base, there are two Everbright branches.

One is the G1 branch directly facing the starting point of the new world, and the other is the not-so-famous G5 branch.

Luo Xing came to a base of the G5 branch this time.

"Navy, I caught a pirate."

Luo Xing swaggered into the base island of the G5 branch.

The soldiers on the island looked at him vigilantly, someone went to check Chabeard's identity, and quickly confirmed:

"It is indeed a pirate, nicknamed Teabeard, and the bounty is 80.06 million Baileys."

The soldiers were a little relieved, and regarded Luo Xing as a bounty hunter.

Pirates have a bounty, so they will naturally breed corresponding bounty hunters, which is what the navy and the world government are happy to see.

"Please wait a moment, we're going to collect the bounty right now." A sailor at the level of Cao Chang said to Luo Xing.

Luo Xing nodded, looking casually at the naval base.

The base is very simple, with only thirty or forty sailors stationed there, it should only be a temporary station for the G5 branch.

"Hey, is that... a warehouse?"

The soldiers who went to collect the bounty were so defenseless that they opened the warehouse door completely, exposing all the storage inside to Luo Xing's eyes.

A wide variety of treasures, Baileys full of boxes, countless guns and ammunition, and a lot of delicious food...

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Cao Chang, who was staring at Luo Xing, suddenly asked loudly.

Luo Xing pointed to the Navy Warehouse not far away and said, "Where did you get all these things? It's impossible for the Navy Headquarters to send you so many supplies out of good intentions, right?"

Cao Chang sternly shouted: "It's none of your business! Get the reward later, get out of here quickly!"

The corner of Luo Xing's mouth curled up into a playful smile, and he said slowly:

"I've heard for a long time that you G5 have a bad reputation, and your behavior is no different from robbers. Now it seems that the rumors are true."

The Navy Commander Cao twitched a few times when he heard this, and then turned into a sneer.

"Since you know our style, you dare to talk too much, it's too late!"

Ka Ka Ka ~

More than a dozen guns were aimed at Luo Xing.

"If you don't want to die, get out!" Cao Chang threatened.

Hearing this, Luo Xing couldn't help smiling slightly and said:

"No, I really want to die, please kill me quickly."

Chapter 21 Lieutenant General of G5 Branch

This is the first time that Captain Cao of the Navy, who has lived for most of his life, heard someone say to him, "I want to die, so kill him quickly."

Cao Chang's eyes widened, and the surrounding sailors were also stunned, looking at Luo Xing like a fool.

"This guy, maybe there is something wrong with his brain, is he a lunatic?"

A navy soldier said to Cao Chang.

Cao Chang agreed with his point of view: "I think it's probably true, but it's really strange that a lunatic can catch Teabeard, a pirate with a bounty of more than 80 million Baileys."

"Maybe it's just bad luck."