MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 189 "run"

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Hearing this, Crocodile's eyes moved slightly, not knowing what Robin meant.

Is she talking about letting the people in the room run?

No, it's not like that.

Crocodile clearly heard what Robin said.

The archaeologist who is proficient in ancient writing is saying that the writing on the wall of this room has only one meaning—


Thinking of this, Crocodile suddenly turned his head and looked around.

Under the premise of knowing the exact semantics, it is actually not difficult to infer the meaning of words according to the semantics.

The real difficulty in studying ancient writing is actually starting from scratch without any foundation.

——This is of course impossible, so the world government will pass the test and use the demon slaughter order to completely wipe out O'Hara.

As long as the "foundation" is erased, future generations will not be able to build "houses" on it, and it is impossible to continue the research on ancient texts and historical texts.

This is why Nicole Robin is a thorn in the side of the world government.

In today's sea, the only person who has the ability to build the "foundation" of historical research is Nicole Robin!


And now.

This top archaeologist who has the ability to reconstruct historical research is trembling with fear by the "ancient texts" she studies day and night.

Although he can barely maintain an elegant look, Rowan's domineering arrogance is no longer able to give Robin a stable sense of security.

Her body trembled slightly, and with the influence of the Shanghai Tower Stone, it seemed that her whole body became weaker and weaker.

This feeling is completely incomprehensible to others.

Just imagine, if a person is locked in a room full of engraved imprints, that person may not feel anything.

But if a person is locked in a room with nothing around, but the walls are filled with "kill you", then the person only needs to be alone for a while, and he may fall into a state of disorder.

For Nicole Robin, now she is going through such torture! seems to be more than that.

To be honest, Nicole Robin has been wandering at sea since she was a child, and she has experienced many hellish situations. Ordinary psychological pressure cannot shake her at all.

The reason for such a strong reaction now is, on the one hand, because a large number of Hailou stones are suppressing those with Devil Fruit abilities, and on the other hand, it is due to the words themselves inscribed on the walls of Hailou stones.

Words - there is power.

This power exists in two aspects. On the one hand, it refers to the information conveyed by the text, and on the other hand, it is the emotion conveyed by the "pattern" formed by the text.

Because the essence of the so-called "words" is just some patterns with special meanings, and it has the same root and the same origin as painting.

Painting can convey a certain emotion, and so can words.

——Of course, the words that only exist in printed newspapers do not have this function.

All in all, all the scribbled characters inscribed on the walls of the Hailou stone were entirely hand-carved, thus vaguely revealing the mood of the sculptors of these characters at that time.

Is that a kind of... fear?

Do not.

There is still a way to overcome fear, but the mood of those character carvers is a kind of despair after realizing that "that fear cannot be overcome"!

"These people... what have these people experienced?"

Robin's body trembled more and more violently, even under Rowan's overlord, she couldn't bear the mental pressure from this room at all.

It seems that because of Robin's influence, even the others around him, even Crocodile, feel that something is wrong at this moment.

It seems that there is something hidden here that is affecting everyone's emotions.

"Damn it, is it those messed up words?"

Crocodile never liked this feeling. He waved the gravel in his hand and slashed the wall with a knife.


The gravel rolls.

And when the surrounding smoke and dust dissipated, the original wall appeared intact in front of everyone's eyes.

Come to think of it, this is a sea floor stone wall, and it seems that it has undergone special treatment, and the mere Devil Fruit abilities can't do anything about it.

"Tsk, this place is really unpleasant..."

Crocodile frowned and lighted a cigar for himself to relax.

But what he didn't expect was that Rowan suddenly walked past him and came to the wall.

Against the strong pressure brought by the sea tower stone wall to the devil fruit person, he forcibly touched the wall with one hand, followed by the second hand.

Where the left hand touches are those scribbled words, and where the right hand touches are those neat questions.

Gradually, Rowan's expression became strange.

"These scribbled words were indeed engraved on it later, and those neat problems should have existed on the sea floor stone originally."

Crocodile nodded slightly and thought: "The current room looks like it has been maliciously destroyed by someone, and the things stored in it may have been taken away."

Such speculation is not unreasonable.

There is nothing more than a sea floor stone passage of this scale, and there is even this secret room constructed of sea floor stone.

With such a handwriting, the things that can be matched in it are naturally extraordinary.

But now the room is empty, and even the only remaining text has been inscribed with large and small scribbled handwriting.

Based on the few words left on the wall, it may be difficult to understand the whole picture...

This is undoubtedly a pity.

But Rowan continued to observe the surrounding situation.

After a while, he slowly speculated: "Perhaps, this room was originally designed to preserve these neat words?"


Crocodile didn't quite understand Rowan's On the other hand, Robin was no longer able to, and subconsciously put his hand on Crocodile's shoulder, panting heavily.

She was about to go out to rest, but suddenly felt that the atmosphere around her that made her feel at ease was much stronger, which greatly eased her discomfort.

Unsurprisingly, it was written by Ryan Rowan.

Under Rowan's control, more domineering arrogance poured out, suppressing the uncomfortable feeling in the room.

Rowan turned to look at the two and explained:

"The people of Shandola eight hundred years ago built this secret room of sea tower and carved those neat words into it."

"But after the engraving of the characters was completed, the people in Shandola found that these characters would bring unimaginable pressure to people."

"So, they sealed it up and destroyed the complete text with scribbled scratches."

"—How about this inference?"

After listening to Rowan's words, Crocodile shook his head, "No, there are many loopholes."


Crocodile changed the conversation and realized the key information in Rowan's mouth.

The strange sense of oppression in this room does not come from the scribbled words that look terrible, but from the neat words covered by scratches!

Those words are the key to this room!