MTL - Pirates: Your Emperor is Back!-Chapter 195 The former Shandola

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Rowan came up with a theory of his --

Life is inherently arrogant, and it is precisely because of arrogance that life can survive.

Whether this theory is correct or not is irrelevant.

And Vinsmoke Gage, a scientist, disagrees.

But Gage agrees with another thing--

The Ryan Rowan, nicknamed [Golden Dawn] in front of him, was indeed an arrogant and conceited emperor, as recorded in the historical records 800 years ago.

He agrees with Gage's hypothesis:

Facing the big tree that uses the whole world as nutrients, the "resistance" emotions generated by the life in the world are also part of the natural cycle, because the "life" in this world will never attack the big tree. Impossible to succeed.

The assumption is truly frightening, even chilling down the spine.

However, Rowan's answer to this gave others another feeling.

That's a funny, even absurd way of saying--

The reason why the previous "life" failed to resist the big tree was entirely because they were not "strong" enough.


Gage couldn't evaluate this sentence, just had a very strange feeling.

But if [Sand Crocodile] Crocodile himself was here, he would definitely sigh—

Ha ha ha, this is really a very "Ryan Rowan" idea!

This man only had the goal on his way in his eyes, and he never doubted whether he could reach that goal.

As he himself put it:

He is [Golden Dawn] Ryan Rowan.

——This is enough, it is the best proof.


"Hahahaha, what an amazing man!"

Gage's eyes moved slightly, thoughtfully.

After a while, he glanced at Rowan and asked, "So, what are you going to do?"

Rowan did not raise his eyes, but continued to stare at the tree on the sand table, and replied slowly:

"It's the same as before - cut down trees."

Gage asked, "How to cut it?"

"Slash hard." Rowan's answer was somewhat inexplicable.

Gage just thought it was funny, "A tree that can feed the world—it's too big for you to cut down."

"Then get many, many people to come and chop together!"

Rowan spoke quite calmly, but in the calm he did not hide the indisputable fact.

He really thinks so!

But after hearing this, Gage couldn't help but chuckle in a low voice.

"Hehehe, are you talking about naive ideals?"

"Did you say just now that the texts that recorded this information were filled with messages from Shandora scholars 800 years ago?"

"What is that? Might as well say it again and listen."

Rowan was very generous and repeated those two words.


"Run? Yes, just run."

Gage said in a low voice, "Then have you ever thought about why the last sentence of the scholars who have recorded such detailed information is 'run quickly'?"

"Have you ever thought about why the ancient city of Shandola, which has the ability to cast an entire sea floor stone room, finally became a lost golden town eight hundred years ago?"

"Because they all become part of the natural cycle in the end!"

Gage's words echoed on the deck of the Germa Kingdom.

The clone troopers around him had never seen a commander like this.

So serious, and exudes a completely different momentum than usual.

Moreover, the words of the commander of Germa 66 at this moment also made it difficult for the clone soldiers to believe.

That doesn't look like something that the founder of the Germa Kingdom, who ruled the North Sea with terror, could say.

Reasonable and calm.

"They lost, Ryan Rowan, they—lost!"

Gage's face was gloomy.

Gage has no doubts about what Ryan Rowan just said.

Because that [Golden Dawn] Ryan Rowan wouldn't joke about this kind of thing, let alone use this kind of bizarre story to achieve some kind of strategic purpose.

Disdain, and there is no need for that.

So Gage's way of thinking is based on "all this is true".

It is precisely because of this that Gage has a completely different attitude from his usual attitude.

Because what he and Ryan Rowan are discussing may be the "unknown" that no one in this sea knows about!

"If Nicole Robin's translation wasn't wrong, am I allowed to think so?"

Gage opened his mouth and said:

"Eight hundred years ago, the scholars of Shandora discovered the existence of that tree and learned about the natural cycle of that tree."

"They wanted to stop that tree from feeding the world, and they've been working on it ever since."

"They have spent countless efforts and countless manpower and material resources."

"So much so that Shandora was obscure eight hundred years ago—that is, the era when you were active."

"They just want to cut down that tree, nothing else makes sense!"

"Because no matter what the real world is, as long as that tree exists, the world will inevitably become its nutrient. Everything that seems to exist for eternity, whether it is a country or a power, will be absorbed completely!"

"But they failed."

"Failed in the hands of that tree, it also turned into nutrients for that tree."

"Shandora, just sink in."

Gage reached out and grabbed a handful of sand on the sand table.

"So, Ryan Rowan - you, how does the card in your hand compare to Shandora?"

He opened his mouth and asked:

"Alabasta, yes, that's your country."

"So, is your Alabasta capable of casting such a large-scale sea floor stone chamber?"

Facing Jage's question, Rowan shook his head.

"How about the strength of your troops, regardless of Shandora, compared to the Alabasta Empire 800 years ago?"

"Not as good."

Rowan answered without hesitation.

Eight hundred years ago, the Alabasta Empire was a terrifying existence that could keep the nations of the sea awake at night.

Today's Alabasta, although prosperous, is far less so when it comes to military strength.

It can even be said that without the existence of Ryan Rowan and the Four Seas Alliance, Alabasta could simply be bullied by the pirates around him.

This is why Crocodile is revered as a national hero.

Hearing such a straightforward answer, Gage was a little surprised.

"Since you already know the gap that already exists, why are you still thinking about such a whimsical thing?"

"Because it's not just Alabasta who wants to chop down Rowan opened his mouth and replied:

"By the way, I never said that the Four Seas Alliance was a...complete business alliance, right?"

As soon as this statement came out, Gage reacted instantly.

He seemed to know what exactly that Ryan Rowan was going to do.

"Vinsmoke Gage, have you heard of the Four Seas Alliance?"

Rowan grinned, looking very happy and excited.

"How about we unite?"


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