MTL - Pivot of the Sky-v2 Chapter 272 God is also the name of Amon

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272 God is also the name of Amon

Amon replied with a smile: "Thank you for reminding me that I came from the earth and realized the power of the source beyond eternal life. Of course, I understand that things on earth must be solved by human means. Today, Eju is in turmoil. , I accept your name and true language. Please drop down shrines to the temple of Lord Aju and the city-states.

For the rest, I will guide the disciples on earth and the residents of Egypt to deal with it. In addition to Seth, there is another person I will not let go, and that is Pharaoh Elahert. But I will not kill him with my own hands. As an emperor, let him face the fate of the emperor. "

Ann-La showed a relieved expression: "I almost forgot that you are not a means of inhumanity. Some things you haven't done yet don't mean you won't do it. Then I'll wait in the kingdom of Jiulian. You're here, goodbye is goodbye. "


Amon created the kingdom of heaven and beheaded Seth, at the same time as civil strife in the Poz Empire. At the time of Seth's fall, shortly after the accidental death of Cyrus' son, Gombesis, the high priest of Poz Gaomota seized power and usurped the throne. Darius was still watching patiently, and the civil strife in the Poz Empire had just entered a climax.

As soon as Ege expressed his surrender to the Poz Empire, he immediately broke away from his actual control, and was relieved from Pharaoh to his ministers. Cyrus died just at the right time, and the Boz Empire in the civil strife had no time to take care of the distant Eju.

Pharaoh Ellacht even regretted it. Why knew it today? He canceled the Emperor himself, ran to the border to bow to Cambyses to show his obedience, Egu called Chennaggan a country of Poz, and the crisis passed in an instant!

Ellacht also wanted to take the opportunity to repent, regain his life and restore the emperor, so that Eju was nominally separated from the status of a vassal state. A cautious minister advised him—how can state affairs be ridiculed, and the promises made must not be turned back for no reason. Moreover, although the Poz Empire is still in turmoil, if it turns back and calms down, wouldn't Eju do this by himself?

Anyway, the surrender now is just a name. In fact, Eju is still under the control of the Poz Empire. Nagun can't talk about it for the time being. It is better to keep watching the situation. If the civil disturbance in the Poz Empire not only declines, it is best. However, maintaining the status quo will not hurt the Eju.

Therefore, Eju still surrendered to Poz in name, but in fact has been out of his control. For the time being, he did not report to Poznagun, nor did he build a temple to worship the Flaming Church in the territory. Just at this time, another amazing event happened. The statue of Seth in the temples of the city states of Eju collapsed at one night and turned into fragments to leak the altar!

Will the idols in the temple collapse when the gods fall? This is not necessarily the case.

Imagine that Marduk beheaded Enril, the statue of Enril in the temples of Hati and Assyria was intact, and only a talented person like Faust could sense the subtle change. When Amon beheaded Adado, only one of the idols collapsed, that is, the idol of Adorah in the Temple of Enril, while the idol of Adord in the other city-states remained intact.

There are many things that the Spirit can do, but not all of them need to be done. It would be meaningless to prove nothing. For example, Amon can crush a stone like eating noodles, but why should he? In order to cut down the deities and collapse them, at the same time, two conditions must be met, one is to use the large mana without hesitation, and the other is the incarnation of the deities on the idol.

Amon naturally hated Seth, and did not hesitate to use large mana to chop down all the idols settled by Seth in the world. This is undoubtedly another big earthquake for Eju. Many localities flew to the capital to report to Pharaoh and the high priests, and many people were shocked.

This kind of thing happened once. It was thought that the statue of Seth in the fourteen city-state temples of Eju was chopped with a sword. But at that time, someone was destroying the idol at that time. The pharaohs and the elders of the Eju Theological Academy clearly knew that it was Amon, but the name of the "Assassin" announced was "Satan". Since the collapse of Seth's position in the minds of the people, it has been since then. Some people even speculate privately that in fact the person who damaged the statue of Seth was Amon.

But now almost all the Seth idols in Eju collapse at the same time. This cannot be explained by common sense, but can only be regarded as a miracle. To explain in good faith, it can be said that Seth abandoned all the people who believe in him in Eju, and then left without giving guidance and shelter. To maliciously speculate, Seth slumped naturally.

Both good intentions and malicious intents, these speculations have no meaning to the scorned Seth himself, but to others it is significant-how will Eju face and resolve this change?

Pharaoh Elacht absolutely wants to maintain Seth ’s status, because he has no way back. The pharaoh ’s glory and authority are tied to Seth. The title “Ellacht” is not a joke, it represents him. monarchical legitimacy status.

On the third day after the accident occurs, the city-states of the telegraph has not been fully delivered, Ella Hutt in the case did not get any oracle guidelines, in consultation with the henchmen of emergency issued a new decree to the nation announcement - -

"The great archangel Seth's idol collapsed in the city-states. It was the archangel expressing anger and dissatisfaction. Since the implementation of the New Deal reform, many people have lost their respect for the gods, their beliefs have been seduced by demons, and they have no genuine dedication. Sacrifice and religious prayer. Therefore, the gods sent punishment, and the Egyptian Empire was put to trial.

In order to quell the wrath of the gods, it is necessary to urgently assemble skilled craftsmen at all costs, to build a more magnificent and exquisite statue for Archangel Seth in the shortest time at any cost, and to hold the grandest ritual to sacrifice to the archangel. All must pray and repent with the most pious faith, or they will be punished by the gods and angels! "

The pharaoh's order was officially issued, and the city-states had to do it, but the people complained. The priests with real power from the Horus era actually did not have a good opinion of Seth, the "archangel", and knew in their hearts that all this was just a means for Pharaoh to implement the New Deal. And most people's beliefs have long abandoned the respect for Seth. If they want to call a god, many people are willing to choose Amon!

The construction of Xindu is huge, and it has not been completed for so many years. Not only have artisans and husbands from all over the country been recruited, countless slaves have been working in Xindu, but half of Aegis' financial revenue has also been spent on this matter. At this moment, so many statues of Seth must be built in such a short period of time, and the requirements are extremely strict, which is also a heavy burden on each city-state. Not to mention ordinary people, even the aristocratic adults also have complaints.

But if there are complaints, they must be implemented. Unless you want to rebel and overthrow Elahert, you must build a more magnificent and beautiful idol for Seth.

Seth has fallen and the idol has collapsed. Can it be rebuilt? Sure, but those idols no longer have the incarnation of Seth's incarnation, they are just cold stones. Eju could make as many as he wanted. If Pharaoh wanted to, even if he ordered a pig to be offered on the altar, Eju would not agree.

Ellacht thought that he was quick to deal with, and made the most appropriate choice at the most appropriate time, but he was also disturbed. He also came to the temple to pray day and night. Although he knew that the hope was slim, he still tried to hear Seth's guidance. the sound of. As for the other people in the empire, both the veterans of the Eju Divinity School and the powers of the city-states had doubts in their hearts. They also prayed to the gods, hoping to get the guidance of the gods to figure out what happened.

Just when Pharaoh's urgent order was delivered to the city-states, the shrine finally came, and it was a slap in the face of Elahert! The priests heard the voice of the Lord God, Ann-Ra, in their souls--

"The evil **** Seth, when murdering Osiris and stealing the ecumenical throne failed. Thousand years later, while the Uruk Legion was under pressure, he was forced to retreat Horus and deceive the Egyptian inhabitants. Fall. At that time, the general of the empire, Amon, walked on the earth to achieve the dedication of the gods. It is already the Lord of the Nine Unions. From today, my glory and title belong to Amon, and Amara is the name of Amon.

This oracle was horrifying and inexplicable. Of course, the priests did not know everything that happened in the kingdom of God and could only guess in a way that they understood. Most people have a feeling of awakening, thinking that Amun was the one who came to the world. In this way, many things can be explained clearly!

People then speculated that Seth in the kingdom of God did a lot of bad things while An-Ra was walking on the earth as Amon, and now God of Amon has returned to heaven and punished Seth. Change. This speculation is reasonable, and most people, even if they are not sure, would rather believe that this is the case, all of which meet their wishes.

What kind of shock did Ann-La's latest deities cause in the upper levels of Eju? Naturally, there is no need to elaborate. The most frightening thing is Pharaoh Elacht. The deities are also questioning the legitimacy of the pharaoh's succession Denying his authority to continue to rule Eju. For the first time in his life, Pharaoh made a decision to fight against the gods. He urgently gave an order to a city-state, asking the city master and the chief priest not to disclose the content of the deity, and destroy all records about the deity!

If it is a problem that can be solved by a secret order, it is never a problem. If it was in the era of Rasis II, the authority of the Pharaoh might temporarily suppress this matter, but now the turbulent kingdom of Eju, Ella Hutt has no control over the situation. Ann changed the situation of Eju with just one shrine. As for Amon himself, he did nothing but sent two messengers.


First announced the shrine of Ann-Ra. The city-state that did not execute Pharaoh's latest order turned out to be a cape-city-state, which was beyond the expectation of most people. Head City Lord Rod Dick is an official veteran who handles almost everything and never gives himself trouble, but this time he has come forward. Isn't this his usual style of behavior?

Rod Dick's decision was related to the arrival of the two guests. On the day of the shrine of Ann-La, two guests visited from a distance, but it was Medanzo and George who had not seen each other for many years.

The identities of the two men are very delicate. Medanzo was the captain of General Amon, and then followed Amon to Salem, defeated the strong enemies in the battle, and established a city-state in the Duke Plain. George was once the chief priest of the An-Ra legion. He was followed by a secret order to hunt Amon. After leaving Eju, he followed Amon. He became the chief priest of Salem and the leader of the Salem legion. Stunning contribution.

The two of them have the courage to dare to come back, and openly visit Lord Dick City!

But it should be noted that it was more than twenty years ago that Amon killed Prince Snake, the eldest son of Rasis II, and left Eju across the border. At that time, the **** God Setter sent the Lion King Renyun, left the Jiulian God Realm to go to the Syrian desert to find Amon duel; the pharaoh on the earth also sent the great warrior Gabriel and the great wizard George, and secretly rushed to the Duke Plain to hunt down Amon .

Neither of these things was successful or made public. There is no official record in the official documents of Eju, but only a vague reference. In a certain month, General Amon left the border and went to the fief in the Duke Plains. .

The Aju Empire never formally convicted Amon, and the area of ​​Salem was also the "land" of Amon enshrined by Rasis II, and Amon went there without violating any laws. As for his killing of Prince Snake in front of the army, all the officers and men present can testify. It was Prince Snake who called the general back, and then ordered the bow and arrow to be shot. His Royal Highness tried to kill the general first.

Therefore, these things could not be discussed publicly. Both Pharaoh and the ministers deliberately stopped talking about it, and everything was over with the passage of time. Amon established Salem in the Duke Plains, guiding people to repel the invasion of the powerful Assyrian Empire, and has been regarded as a god. His legend spread on the continent and was even admired by the Ego people.

George was one of the three high priests of the Temple of Isis, and later became the principal priest of Salem and the leader of the Salem legion. However, the Ego Empire did not deal with him, but he appointed another high priest. At that time, the Temple of Isis had become the Temple of Seth. Many ordinary people thought that George was sent to the Ethiopian Empire. Lengcheng went to be the master priest.

As for Medanzo, he is even more guilty. He was a warrior of Barron and the captain of the general, and of course he would follow Amon.


When the two returned after more than two decades, they were not guilty despite their embarrassing identities. The two did not sneak into Eju quietly, but were driven by Medanzo in a car, and George was sitting in the car, just under the broad daylight, along the avenue to the border checkpoint, and was clearly investigated.

The arrival of these two people made all the garrisons guarding the border checkpoints boil. Of course, instead of picking up weapons and alerting, they rushed out of the barracks and bowed down on the avenue to salute. The officer at this border check personally took the horse and car, and ushered Medanzo and George into the country, just like welcoming the gods.

The An-La Legion is still stationed at the border cape city-state. The head of the legion is still the head of the cape city, Rod Dick, and the chief priest is the great wizard Yi Bin. Twenty years have passed, and the soldiers who followed Amon's charge are no longer young, and the soldiers who have served have changed several crops.

However, an army has its own spiritual tradition. Veterans will tell the recruits about the past, the merits and glory of the army. Amon, George, John, and Medanzo are the founders of the An-Ra legion. Their stories have long been a legend on the road, and they are the pride of the An-Ra legion. The soldiers came to meet the legendary heroes with worship.

Some veterans of that year are still in the An-La legion, and those who can stay to this day are more or less promoted because military achievements and qualifications of those years are now all officers at all levels. For example, the officer at the border checkpoint was only eighteen years old and was an ordinary soldier under Her Majesty. Now he is in his early forties and is a hundred steps long. In the sequence of the army, he has become the lowest rank nobleman. General.

These civilian warriors were born to kill commendable generals on the battlefield. Regardless of the intriguing and unseen past on the Empire's official field more than 20 years ago, they just greeted the arrival of Medanzo and George like the gods, and sent soldiers to ride the horse along the official road to the next station to deliver the letter.

From the border to the main city of the cape city, Medanzo and George ushered in three hundred miles along the way. I saw swords, guns, and horses along the way. The soldiers from the An-Ra army corps all came to meet the escorts. I thought it was the emperor who visited the frontier!

Rod Dick, of course, got the information in the cape city, and learned that these two headache "big men" were approaching. And the soldiers of the An-Ra legion kept banqueting all the way, and the generals came to see him in succession. The momentum could be described by the mightyness, and Rod Dick was secretly crying.

Rod Dick is an excellent politician, and he knows best how to receive these two talents. Since the Iju Empire never convicted Medanzo and George, they cannot be embarrassed. They have such prestige, let alone offend, and need to be treated well. But you should n’t be overly enthusiastic about eating, drinking, or giving gifts, but do n’t show it. It is embarrassing the high-level of the Kingdom of Eju, especially His Majesty the Pharaoh, in order to make such a big movement openly now, fearing that others may not know it.

It's a pity that those big bosses who have been in the army for decades and don't pay attention to these doorways in officialdom make Rod Dick a headache. If he knew the two men were coming, he would say hello. Unfortunately, he didn't know beforehand. Now it's too late to dissuade the generals. Just pretend to be deaf and dumb.

From a personal point of view, Roddick would also like to meet these two people, talk in private, talk about all the things that have happened in the past 20 years, and ask them what they think about the latest situation in Tianshu mainland, especially want to ask Ah Is there any latest guidance on the current situation of God?


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