MTL - Pivot of the Sky-v2 Chapter 273 Seems to be an old friend

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Chapter 273

Rod-Dick has already received the shrine from Ann-Ra. He is very eager to ask Medanzo and George for advice, and he wants to hear the voice of the **** Amon himself. But on the other hand, he also received the latest pharaoh's order to still build exquisite and magnificent idols for Seth, and destroy the records of Al-Ra's oracle, and never allow it to be made public.

So Rod Dick didn't leave the city to meet George and Medanzo, pretending to know nothing. He knew very well that the two guests would come to him, and then he would be warmly received. He wants to set up the most exquisite banquet, but not in the city's official palace or the city-state temple, but in his private house to entertain old friends in a private capacity.

Rod Dick's headaches caused the behavior of the generals, but the city lord didn't expect that there would be more headaches waiting for him. The more he wanted to be deaf and dumb, the greater the movements of Medanzo and George. When the two entered the city-state, they were accompanied by the cape temple and the principal of the An-Ra legion Yi Bin, and many people ran outside the city. Both lively and welcoming.

After entering the city, George and Medanzo were welcomed by the people on both sides of the street. Accompanied by the great wizard Yi Bin, the senior general of the An-Ra legion, and the cape city-state official Noble, they came directly to Rod Dick. In front of the house.

Rod Dick has long known that the two "experts" are going to the city today. Instead of going to the government hall, they set up a banquet at home. He did not expect that so many generals and officials would accompany George and Medanzo to the door. Everyone is here to join in this excitement. One important reason is that the principal priest Yi Bin has come forward.

The distinguished great magician Yi Bin has been in the cape city for twenty years, and his status and reputation are no less than that of the city master. Yi Bin greeted the city-state a hundred and fifty miles, and at the southern end of Chihai, the ruins of the Red Cape defense line, met George and Medanzo and accompanied them.


Yi Bin, as the chief priest of the Cape Temple and the An-La Legion, had no personal relationship with Amon and others. Why did he do this? The reason may be simple--because he was a priest and was a great magician who achieved high-level achievements.

Since his childhood, he has been very sincere in his devotion to the deities, and his belief is also very firm. He was awakened by the "power given by the gods" and became a theorist. He became a great theorist before the age of thirty. Compared to the rare geniuses of Leah or Amon, their achievements are also amazing. He is a standard priest in the traditional sense, and he never wavered in the "positive faith" of the gods.

Ellacht introduced monotheistic reforms at that time. Yi Bin had some confusion in his mind, but he was relieved. He understood Pharaoh's attempt and thought that what happened to the gods might not be able to question. But the appearance of Amon later plunged him into even greater confusion, and the process of seeking answers in his heart might take two decades.

Amon waved a sword in front of Yi Bin and chopped the statue of Seth in the Cape Temple, then broke through the dome of the Temple, and flew away in response to Gabriel. Yi Bin knew that the man was Amon. Looking at Rod Dick's eyes at that time, he clearly recognized who the assassin was. But later the order issued by Pharaoh apparently tampered with the oracle, claiming that the person's name was Satan.

Amon smashed the statue of Seth in the fourteen city-state shrines, but the archangel worshipped by the kingdom remained silent, and since then Seth has completely disappeared. Whenever Yi Bin presided over the sacrifice ritual or prayed alone in the temple, the self-questioning in my heart continued--

Who gives him strength, what guides him, and who is the **** he worships daily at the altar? As Lord Priest, he sacrificed to the gods on behalf of the people in the city-state, and conveyed oracles to the people on behalf of the gods. But is that **** really the one he truly believes in?

Sometimes when he appeared at a public ceremony, he even felt like a clown acting. With such a thought in mind, it should be said that the power given by the gods should not be continued, and Yi Bin really lost his power, which made him feel fear or even despair, thinking that the gods had abandoned him or punished him.

This situation has troubled Yi Bin for nearly a decade. Since there was no war, no one can see that the master priest can no longer use mana. Finally, one day, when Yi Bin was open to accepting the status quo, admitting that he didn't believe in Seth and stopped praying to Seth, and was preparing to resign to the Empire of Egypt, he found that his power had recovered miraculously and became An eighth-level magician.

Yi Bin has since fallen into deeper thinking, and many problems have been buried deep in his heart. Until someday, his years of confusion seemed to have disappeared, because he heard the metaphor of Ann-Ra.

This great theorist's understanding of the deities is not much different from that of other people-it turns out that Amon is Am-Ra coming to earth, and Seth is taking advantage of Am-Ra not in heaven to make a mess, when Amon returns After the sky beheaded Seth, those unbelievable problems were perfectly explained.

For a priest such as Yi Bin, the deities accepted in firm belief were more authoritative than Pharaoh's orders. What's more, if he can achieve this position, he will certainly not just be a nerd who chants the divine scriptures and practices the divine magic. He also sees the situation of Pharaoh Ellacht today. Although the pharaoh's orders to the city-states were harshly worded, they were already violent, and the city-states were unwilling to execute them.

"Destroy the shrine records and never allow them to be made public", which is a blasphemy in Yi Bin's view, and is inconsistent with the empire's laws. Not to mention the **** of the **** An-La, even the **** of the so-called evil **** Seth, in Yi Bin's opinion, should be published. What is the will of the gods? Let the world comment.

So he was unwilling to carry out Pharaoh's orders in his heart, and sent someone to send a secret letter to ask his most respected great wizard, Wald, what to do? The 9th-level great magician Wald is old and has rarely dealt with common affairs. His reply to Yi Bin only has a meaningful sentence: "Find the glory of light and wait for the right time."

What is the right time? Of course, veteran officials like Rod Dick naturally know the most. Of course, Yi Bin certainly has to discuss with the Dick City master. Rod-Dick was hesitant. He suggested neither destroying the shrine records but not publishing them for the time being; the pharaoh's order was executed on the surface but was secretly delayed; the artisans were called to rebuild the statue of Seth, but they were not rushed to start. .

According to Rod-Dick's knowledge, other neighboring city-states have adopted a similar attitude, neither promulgating oracles in violation of Pharaoh's orders publicly, but also secretly delaying the restoration of the statue of Seth. Everyone is waiting for anyone to raise an objection, and sooner or later the conflict will come, but the attacker will often be the most severely suppressed and may become the first victim.

It was in this case that George and Medanzo came to the cape city-state. Yi Bin heard the news one hundred and fifty miles away and saw these two distant visitors at the southern end of the former Red Cape defense line. There is a military fortress on this narrow throat main road at the southern end of Chihai, and it is also a large town where the caravans stop. The local garrison general is about to hold a banquet and suddenly hears that the main priest Yi Bin is suddenly coming.

When Yi Bin saw George and Medanzo, he first explained his intentions: "I am the current priest of the An-Ra legion and the cape city-state, admiring the two's achievements and prestige, and rushed here to greet them."

George smiled humblely: "We just returned to Eju in a private capacity and visited our old friends. We didn't want to alarm Master Yi Bin."

Mei Danzuo said bluntly: "Master Yi Bin, you traveled so far to see us, wouldn't you just want to show enthusiasm and politeness? If there is something, let's talk straight."

Yi Bin bowed and saluted: "I'm not asking for anything, I'm just looking for an answer. You are not only the first honours of the An-Ra legion, but also followers of God Amon. Especially, Lord George was the same as me I was born, but I have witnessed the true deities in the world. I vowed to believe in the gods and maintain their glory, but when the gods came to the world, the priests who thought they were closest to the gods were blind. So I wanted to see Come to you and think about how to face the deities? "

George's voice quietly sounded in his soul: "Master Lord, have you received the shrine of Ann-Ra?"

Yi Bin also quietly replied: "Yes, it is this matter that disturbs my soul, and Pharaoh ordered the destruction of records to never be made public."

George: "Is Pharaoh's order stupid?"

Yi Bin: "Stupid but helpless, the name Elacht is one with Seth's fate, and he has no choice."

George: "Then you can only execute such an order?"

Yi Bin's expression of asking for help: "I am greeted by the Messenger of God Amon today, which has shown that I don't want to execute Pharaoh's order. You must come here with the guidance of God Amon, and I would like to know if this guidance is what?"

George waved his hand gently, "You and I aren't bothered. You should know what you want to do, and what you can do. Now that you are here, please do something. We are going to visit the Cape City State to visit Rod Dick, the scene The bigger the better, it is better to call the senior generals of the An-La Legion together with the city's adults. "


Rod Dick was planning to wait at home, and was "accidentally" welcoming Medanzo and George. But now this scene makes him unable to pretend anymore. After hearing the news, he had to open the door of the house to meet him in person, and he saw Yi Bin and others.

Rhodes Dick is an old churros that treats people. He walked forward and opened his arms to Medanzo and George and said with open arms: "It's rare to see each other for years! I have already prepared delicious food and wine in my house, and I'm going to have a drink today! Are the generals and the adults here? Come and come! Drink together at the table without getting drunk. "

Medanzo smiled and looked at Rod Dick and said, "Master, you are fat!"

Rod Dick was once the youngest city owner of Eju. He is ten years older than Amon and is fifty-six this year. This age is getting old for ordinary people, but Rod Dick is not a big aristocracy who can only respect and honour his superiority. He is also a sixth-level warrior, and his achievements in physical skill are already quite high.

Although his figure is a little bit fortunate today, he hasn't practiced wasteful martial arts for many years. After all, it is possible to be on the battlefield as the commander of the army. Although he has never become a samurai, he is still very fit. At this moment, the sixth-level samurai certainly did not have a sabre, but just dressed up daily. He welcomed everyone into the palace and set up a banquet in order to celebrate the reunion of the deceased.

George and Medanzo did not know how many banquets they ate along the way. This is the most luxurious meal today, and the table is filled with fine gold and silver utensils. Rod Dick was very enthusiastic about toasting and persuading during the dinner. He also recalled many past events of the year and talked about the emotions and could not help but sigh. However, the "smart" city owner never asked Medanzo and George to come, just to tell the old.

Almost waiting for the drink, the generals unbuttoned their jackets during the dinner, and sweat began to burst from the forehead. Medanto raised his glass to Rod Dick and motioned to stand up.

Rod Dick quickly got up and said, "Master Medanzo, I should toast you, come and let me fill you up with my own hands!"

But Medanzo reached out to stop: "Master, don't worry about toasting me first. This glass of wine was brought up for Amon God. Since you have raised a glass, shouldn't you worship Amon God first?"

Rod Dick replied: "This glass of wine, let us worship the gods together."

No one from Rod-Dick toasted alone. He called everyone in the room and said "respect the gods". As a result, all the generals raised their glasses and stood up and chanted, "Respect God Amon! "The other adults also stood up. Some people said," Respect the gods! "Some people said," respect God Amon! "Anyway, everyone respected this glass of wine.

After putting down the cup, Medanzo did not sit down, and said straightforwardly: "Dick City Lord, this time we visit the door, Amon God asked me to ask you two questions."

Rod Dick was secretly bitter, and the things he wanted to avoid could not be avoided in the end. Medanzo used this occasion to ask questions in public. As long as he opened his mouth, it would be difficult to explain afterwards. The city owner hesitated for a moment, sighing secretly, but still lowered his glass and bowed in salute: "Excuse God, what is the sign of God?"

Strange to say, as soon as this sentence came out, Rod Dick's original uneasy heart became calm. Actually he wanted to know-what would Amon say to him?

I only listened to Medanzo's inquisitive questioning: "Anna-Ra has lowered the oracle, why has the cape city-state covered up the voice of the gods and blinded people's ears, and has not yet been promulgated? Has the cape-city state received the **** Alas, why not make it public? Lord Dick, if you let you make a genuine decision, what would you do? The gods do n’t want to blame anyone, just the answer! ”

Rhodes-Dick has not yet answered, but the principal priest Yi Bin took the conversation and bowed in panic: "The cape city-state has indeed received the shrine of An-Ra. All the temple priests and the Dick-city lord were informed. .As for why it could not be announced, this is not to blame Dick Lord, because Pharaoh has issued a secret order-destroy the shrine records, and do not allow disclosure. "

The great magician told the truth, and everyone in the audience was shocked. Most of them didn't know about it. It was the first time they heard about it today. The crowd asked, "Dear Master, what is the sign of Ann-Ratian, and why is Pharaoh not allowed to make it public? Anyway, here are your own people, let me tell you!"

Polite officials' words were kind, and the generals already wanted to tap the table and ask.

Yi Bin glanced at George with a solicited look. George just smiled a little, and Medanzo exclaimed: "Stupid Pharaoh, does he think his order can stop the will of the gods? Lord priest, Lord Lord, you I did n’t think about it, if God pulled down the shrine during the ceremony in the city-state so that all people could hear it, would you be able to hold it? ”

Yi Bin could not help reminding him in a low voice: "Since ancient times, the shrine has come to pray to the priests only in the temple, and has never been heard by all people in the ceremony."

This is true. When the gods of the gods of the heavenly continent came to the deities, they all passed through the priests in the temple. Sometimes the priests ask for instructions from the gods for specific events, and the gods may give signs; sometimes the priests hear the voice of the gods in daily prayers. This is a **** issued by the gods.

The temple is where people sacrifice to the gods and receive the deities. The priests in the temple are both the organizers of the sacrifice and the spokespersons of the gods in the world. There are at least three benefits for the gods to do this:

The first is to use the combination of divine power and monarchy to form a stable source of divine power. It is impossible for the gods to build the temple themselves. The temples are built by human cities. The second is to be able to avoid many conflicts or doubts. When people are dissatisfied, they often do not directly target the gods, but resent those priests who violated God ’s will.

The third benefit is obvious, and that is the most convenient. Theoretically, the deities can hear the prayers and calls of all believers in the divine realm, but in fact, it is impossible for him to condense and distinguish countless thoughts from time to time. The priest resolved the problem by praying to the deities on behalf of the people and telling the most important things to the deities in a specific ritual.

The **** can theoretically speak to all the people who believe in him, but many gods do not have such a huge mana, especially some nine-level gods are also worshipped as gods, they even have this ability. Moreover, the gods are not always in the world. When they are in the kingdom of God, it is difficult to communicate directly with ordinary mortals in the soul as in the world.

At this time, it is necessary to convey the deities in a specific way. It is the simplest and most effective way to entrust the incarnation in the idol, which is equivalent to the extension of the perception of the gods. It can make a sign to the priest in the state of prayer and meditation.

Medanzo would not explain these things clearly on such occasions, and some of the mysteries he hadn't mastered yet, and George, who had not spoken, finally spoke.


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