MTL - Plan to Trap the Golden Thigh-Chapter 50 You get up, I hug you

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Driving from the city to here is almost a while, Ji Naiqi feels that he may not forget to look up and admire the mood of praying for the rest of his life.

Envy prayed for the black umbrella, the umbrella is quite big, but even though his suit pants are still a lot wet, one is because of the rain, and the second is because he is too fast.

"You have been raining here?"

The voice of envy is not very good. It seems to bring a little anger. Ji Naiqi sat on the ground and looked up at him. He just cried for too long, so now his eyes are red and swollen, and his face is also divided. It is not clear how much tears are rain or not.

"You get up!"

I admire and pray with a black face, and there is some doubt in Ji Nai, and I admire and pray: "You get up, I hug you."

Ji Nai stunned, slowly lowered his face and buried his face in his arms. The tears that had just stopped suddenly broke off, and then he noticed that the envy seemed to kneel down, holding the umbrella in one hand and gently plucking it in one hand. He hugged him over his shoulder.

Ji Naiqi finally couldn't help but reach out and hugged him. He envied and did not ask him not to cry, but his hand patted on his back.

When Ji Naiqi was crying, the rain gradually began to change, but the relative days were darker. I envied and prayed that his mood was slightly stable. Some questions were asked: "I just called Chen Yan’s phone when I came over. He Say your stomach is not serious."

It took a while for Ji Nai to react and admire that he was so sad because the inspection results were not good. He said: "I am not worried about the result."

"So what is going on here?"

"I just want my brother."

Ji Naiqi couldn't tell the envy of the previous things, so I can only use this reason, but he did not lie, he really wants his brother.

"Mr. Ji, let's talk about it. Can you choose a better weather when you come to see your brother next time?"

"Hey, why are you so good to me?"

"I am good to you?"

Ji Naiqi nodded very firmly. He originally wanted to stay with the envy, just want to be close to him. He never expected to be cared for, so now he is very upset.

Because it is so good, it will be uneasy, let him wonder if this is all his own delusions, or whether it is just a dream from beginning to end.

Envious praying did not answer his question. He just pulled up Gu Naiqi and said, "I feel that I am good to you, I will not toss me and leave."

"But you are too good for me, I will not want to leave."

I admire and prayed a little: "I want to leave, can I still be good? Ji teacher, just the irony used in that sentence?!"

Ji Naiqi shook his head and envied and prayed that he would not continue to ask him questions. He took his hand and said that he had left the cemetery.

After the two people got on the bus, they envied and prayed to the kimono in the car and handed it to Ji Naijun. "Take off your wet clothes and wear a jacket first."

"But you always have clothes on your body..."

I admire the tie and pull the tie on the neckline, and said nothing, then slowly drove the car out. After half an hour, I saw that I was coming home soon. As a result, the rain was getting bigger and bigger, and the road could not be seen clearly. He had to park the car on the side of the road.

Ji Nai took off her shirt and put the blazer on her body. She didn't wear it, so she could see her shoulders with a little movement, and the eyes of envy prayed on the scar on his shoulder.

He did not find that there was a lot of scars on Ji Naiqi, but most of them were relatively shallow. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

Ji Naiqi noticed his gaze and turned back to look at the past. The two men’s eyes slammed together and the atmosphere inside the car suddenly began to change.

After watching for a while, Ji Naiqi bowed down from his jacket pocket and took out a plastic bag, then untied and took out a few sheets of paper and handed it to the envy, admiring and praying with some doubts. See the findings as a medical report.

“Hey, I went to the hospital for a personal examination two days ago. This is a medical report.”

I admire the enlightenment that I asked Gu Nai to take the gastroscope report to exchange the WeChat notes, and smiled: "Oh? What do you want to exchange with this report?"

Ji Naiqi looked straight at the envy, saying one word and one sentence: "The report proves that I am healthy and there is no infectious disease. So, when we do, can you not wear a set?"

I admire and pray, and I am surprised to see Ji Naiqi, and then this surprised look becomes a little bit hot.