MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 489 Battle of saints

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Luo Haha said with a smile:

"You didn't notice, but I turned my head back halfway and just saw a person, yes, it was a person who went to clean up our essence, and also despised the good luck butterfly on our hands.

I did n’t care about it before, I practiced and managed the Demon Clan until you and I were destined to fight and my head was cut off. I understand, you know? The person who cut me off is really a human, a complete innate person, a human who appeared before us even before those fierce beasts. "

In this way, Hong Jun didn't know it, but it was nonsense. He changed his face and said:

"Tang Jun, is he?"

Tang Yan laughed aside:

"You pull, don't pull on me, keep chatting, I'm still waiting to see the fun."

Tang Ying stood here just now, but his cultivation has reached a weird realm. Even a strong man like Hong Jun will inadvertently ignore him. This is the way to cultivate the inner world to a new height. The power of world assimilation produced from time to time.

Hongjun looked at Tang Yan in shock, and finally saw all his suspicions that he had a result. The development directions that have emerged from the Destiny War between heaven and earth, in fact, were all the results Tang Tang wanted.

In particular, the disappearance of the Wu tribe and the demons' civil war seems to have helped infinitely the will of Hong Huang, but in essence it has caused a great change in Hong Huang.

At this time, there are a lot of variables. Tang Sanzang became a Jin Chanzi to expose the conspiracy of Western religion. The whole journey to the west turned into a joke. Don't say anything passed on to Eastern soil. , So began to open a mouth on the heaven that has become more complete.

Sun Wukong merged Luo's head to achieve the saint. The Buddha and the demon let the whole Lingshan know that they are only descendants of the demons. Destruction is suicide, but the demon is the right way. Now the Buddha is the evil way. The words give another meaning.

Tiandao has been torn because of Luo Sheng's rebirth, Hong Jun had to come here to destroy Luo Ying and restore Tiandao, but here Tang Tang, all the variables started to accumulate the instinctual consciousness of Tiandao.

Hong Jun looked at Tang Yan Shen Sheng and said:

"I can still use the power of heaven, do you still want to threaten the whole flood with the destruction of the flood?"

Tang Yan hugged his hands and said:

"Cut, do n’t think I ’m doing that, Hong Huang has endless life. He did n’t backwash me, and I did n’t threaten him mentally. As for you, what about the power of heaven, go, let ’s go to chaos and see you How much do agents have today? "


In Tang Yan's voice, a thousand-foot-sized vortex appeared in the sky, but on the other side of the vortex was already a deep chaotic turbulence.

Tang Yan actually had such ability, San Qing, son-in-law, and two western saints all met for a while, and then Zhunti hurriedly put away the Buddha and the Shakyamoni, when Tang Yue and Luo Yan jumped through After crossing the vortex into chaos, Hong Jun looked at his four disciples and the two western saints and said:

"Tang Zhizhi's prestige killed Luo Luo to suppress the world. Now he is rapidly breaking up the consciousness of the flood and wasteland. As long as the consciousness of the flood and wasteland dissipates, the world will no longer be ours, so we must solve him and Luo Ming, otherwise everything will be done.

"The disciples wait to understand."

The six acquired saints each took out their own weapon magic weapon and followed Hong Jun into the chaos. Just as the Seven Sages of Honghuang were preparing to start, after a wave of fluctuations, a small floating platform appeared behind Tang Yue, and then inside Four figures flew out.

"Fu Jun ..."

In Yang Mei's tender voice, she fluttered into Tang Yan's arms and smiled, and Suzaku and Tianmei also came to Tang Yan's arms and held his arms. Tianmei smiled when she saw Wu Kong with a sense of Luo Qi:

"He has the breath of Luo Ling's demon ancestor. He hasn't felt the intimacy of the demons for a long time."

Luo Yi said for a moment:

"Marshal Tianmei, you turned out to have worked with Brother Tang Yi?"

Tianmei blinked and laughed softly:

"Oh, it ’s really the ancestor. I ’m not working. I have felt my fate long and long ago, and my husband is my fate. In the year of the floods, I could follow him. Now. "

Tianmei and Luo Yan are both a generation of demons, but Luo Yanxiu is powerful. Tian Mei was too far away from him in the past. Now Tian Mei is also an innate saint and a powerful man. There are people in the clan who are very happy.

Just when the two were planning to pull home, Hong Jun finally found out the truth in the truth. He stared at Suzaku, who was covered in red, and said:

"Suzaku ... you are still alive and still by Tang Yan, no wonder he will do so."

Suzaku sneered:

"It ’s good to understand. I had a fight with Sister Yang Mei at the end of the week. We promised to marry my husband at that time. You wanted to prove your destiny by secretly calculating me, but my husband found you when he killed Luo Yan. The murderer, dealing with people like you, will let you lose all your luck. In the end, even the fortune-making Jade Butterfly can't keep it from being trapped in the flood. It is too cheap to kill you. "

Tai Shanghan said:

"Big mouth, we seven saints, even if you are all saints, we have one more than you."

Xuanwu's eyes glared and yawned at the saints and said:

"Oh ... big god, can you kill them quickly? I'm still asleep. Some of the saints who are the day after tomorrow are so crooked and a bit wasteful."


Recognizing Xuanwu ~ ~ This group of saints is even more surprised, but they are even more shocked by Xuanwu's words, saying that they are several acquired saints, which means that the six enemies in front are all innate saints. What else is there to play, the day after tomorrow is not vulnerable in front of the day before tomorrow, that innate saint can also deal with two or three days after tomorrow.

San Qing, the Western Second Saint, son-in-law, all twelve eyes looked at Hong Jun. Hong Jun seemed to be confident. He looked at the six Tang Tang who was opposite and sneered:

"I have the power of heaven to temporarily suppress the remaining five people. Your six saints will join forces to kill Tang Ye first. As long as Tang Ye is gone, the famine is still famine."

Said that Hong Jun's heart burst into a good-looking jade butterfly, under a powerful wave that caused hundreds of millions of miles of chaos to shake, five colored lights were projected on Yang Mei and others.

With the help of the power of heaven, he is now practicing exactly the same as the state of heaven. Yang Mei and others can't be underestimated, and each waved his own strength to block the bright light with the power of powerful laws.

Tang Yan smiled. Indeed, the five members of Yang Mei could only resist, and the same Hong Jun could not recover his power, otherwise he was hit by the five members of Yang Mei, which only destroyed the famine will and himself.

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