MTL - Plane Source Code-Chapter 490 Destroy Honghuangtiandao

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Sanqing and other six saints looked at Tang Ye, and Tang Ye looked at them with disdainful eyes and said:

"Hong Jun is stupid in practice, are you also stupid? I could easily kill Hong Jun that year, where do you think I have been sitting waiting for Hong Jun to improve my strength for so long?

Sanqing, if you are clear from the Hongjun Dao, I can let you alone, otherwise I will let you feel what is really tangled and helpless. "

Tai Chi started to shake Tai Chi Tu and said to Tang Yan:

"We are disciples and will never betray the teacher."

It's not just a shot, the chaos of Yuanshi, the four swords of the goddess of heaven, the red hydrangea of ​​the son-in-law, the quasi-raising magic **** pestle and the ninth Jinlian lotus all greeted.

"You don't want to, then don't blame me, I like to feed these flood-dead treasures to knives."

Tang muttered, but instead of taking out his own Taoist sword, he had a hair, a curved leg hair, and when this leg hair appeared, wrapped in his Taiji figure and the chaos in Yuanshi's hand. He fell out and fell into Tang Ye's hands, and that leg hair became like a long whip in a roll in mid-air. The Xianxian sword red hydrangea dropped the magic **** pestle and Jiu Pin as much as possible.

Sanqing looked in horror at the hair of the legs of Tang Mao, because they felt that this leg hair could at any time break them into the original Pangu remnant soul. Tang Yue stuffed this pile of spiritual treasures directly into Dantian World and suspended in In the center, the Xiaoyao knife swiveled directly and ate all of them without leaving any residue.

Tang Yan shook his leg hair, and the chaos appeared densely in the whole million. The western two saints and son-in-law avoided the whip, but could be repaired into a more powerful San Qing who could not move at all. The whip shadow crackled in a snap.

Sanqing Zhenling fainted and fainted. These were three acquired saints, but they were also killed under the hair of Pangu's legs. Tang Yan grabbed and closed Sanqing with his hands.娲 Waist.

The son-in-law hurriedly sacrificed the pictures of Qian Kunding and Shanhe She, but she didn't know that Tang Mao's leg hair was the only true mark of the Honghuang Pangu, and all the treasures that appeared in the Honghuang, even the innate treasure, could not resist.

At a glance, the Shanhe Club's Tutu and Qian Kunding were swept away again, but the flanking connection and quasi mentioning turned away and fled.

Tang Yan reached out and trembled in the air. Two people who had escaped tens of millions of miles appeared directly in front of him. Tang Yan said with a smile:

"Escape in front of me and don't want to know if I have that ability."

Tang Xun just performed the space folding and twisting technique, which is the most convenient siege technique for people who are lower than themselves. They are cited and mentioned again on the battlefield. They are shocked and go to another place. Run away.

But no matter how they ran, they would appear in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye. When they saw the two saints being played by Tang Yan as monkeys, the son-in-law simply stood hand in hand and said:

"If you want to catch or kill, just be quick. I have no chance to hit you anyway."

Son-in-law knows the current affairs very much, Tang Yan has too many means. Don't look at everyone just a simple hit, but it contains the strongest feelings and attacks of all people, but it still has no effect at all. Continue to fight is just being played.

Tang Yan closed his son-in-law's seal with his hands. Then he blocked two immortal western saints with his fingers and caught six saints. Tang Yan walked to the front of Hong Jun with his back in his hand, and reached out to directly hold the good fortune. Yudie said:

"At the beginning of the creation of the Jade Butterfly, the center was solid, but it chose my Tao of the day. I did n’t want to give it a knife. In the end, it broke and lost the heart of the Tao. So no matter how you feel, even the Tao Perfection actually has no center.

I can win you. I was doomed when Pangu meteorite jade butterfly was destroyed by me. I can destroy meteor jade butterfly once, which can make Honghuang's current heavenly path disappear into a conscious world of self-development. "

Hong Jun stared at Tang Yan's palms and squeezed the natural jade butterfly into powder to dissipate. He reluctantly put away and repaired. At this time, he could not feel any power transmission from Hong Huang, and his life had already been with Hong Huang. The world is connected, the flood famine is destroyed and he is destroyed. He is dead and still exists, and he has no right to master any development of the flood famine.

If Hong Jun fought directly with Tang Ye, he might still be able to fight for a while, but he thought of suppressing Tang Ye's helper, and San Qing and others dealt with Tang Ye.

The normal thought is that the six acquired saints can be regarded as the peak of the innate saints. He thought that Tang Yan was just about the middle of the innate saints. He would be defeated if he was negligent. Even if he was not killed, there would be no counterattack. A sage got out of his way to help him kill Tang Ye's helper and then he attacked, and then everything came to pass and he resolved everything completely.

I do n’t know that Tang Yan has a ground-breaking Pangu leg hair, which directly took away the treasures of the saints. Not to mention, Sanqing could not resist the power of that Maod, and the second western saint wanted to escape but could not escape and was sealed. The only son-in-law surrendered.

Now Tang Yun directly destroyed the good luck Jade Butterfly, and Honghuangtiandao disappeared. Only the derived instinct and surrendered Tang Yun, just a congenital saint. Now facing the encirclement of six masters, Hong Jun knew that there was no resistance. He looked at Tang Yan indifferently and said:

"You win, just get your revenge ..."

Tang Huan didn't want to pretend to compare, but even if this Hongjun was defeated, he still gave up this hanging pattern.

"I never consider you as an adversary ~ ~ Because what I want to solve is only the existence of heaven and earth. When the ancient **** Pangu supported the world, I talked with him for a while and knew a lot, but it ’s not because Can't stand the backlash of the big chaotic will, do you think I will play with you?

You, I was able to kill that year, even when you were the strongest, I would kill you easily, but I had to wait until the westward journey was about to bridge the heavens, and it would break up again.

you? Because you started murdering Suzaku, you should have wiped out your true spirit, thinking that you were also affected by the created Jade Butterfly for the time being to spare you, but if you ca n’t break through the heaven and the realm, you will never have the chance to escape the flood, which is also considered as punishment .

As for your six subordinates, Western religions have fallen apart in the fairyland at this time, and the human race will no longer trust this destructive sect completely. Sanqing parted ways because of you, and they still have a hint of ancient culture. The future floods will still be They are looking after. "

Tang Yan didn't say anything about son-in-law, because son-in-law is really not easy to arrange. As the great **** who created the Honghuang people, luck is always connected to the people, but she rarely cares about this created race.

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