MTL - Please Spare Me a Tail-Chapter 12

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The way back was smooth for everyone, and the helicopter in the sky flew away by itself. According to the rules of the Zhongyang team, people who came out together had to help each other go back, and they could ask for help from the team when they were in doubt, but they were not injured to the point of dying, so don't even think about taking the plane and leaving, you're not that delicate.

They went to the place where they parked before. Although they encountered some zombies on the way, Pan Gu and the others solved them in a few clicks.

Lu Ye silently walked behind the team, and when he arrived at the parking place, he sat in another car consciously that he didn't like the little girl. Bai Xiaohu didn't notice his actions at all, his eyes were fixed on the off-road vehicle in front of him, After getting in the car, he looked at it secretly.

This is the means of transportation for human beings here. It is very comfortable to sit on, and it drives very quickly. The deserted and desolate streets outside are quickly regressing.

Bai Xiaohu found it extremely novel, and looked out the window like the little devil chicken bumpkin on his shoulder, then looked and looked, and gradually realized something was wrong.

A fox who has never been in a car, she, dizzy, car!

Lu Ye sat in the off-road vehicle behind and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Although he was leaning against the back of the chair, his sitting posture still gave people a meticulous feeling. The people in the same car as him did not dare to breathe.

In fact, Lu Ye was not very strict or fierce to them, but almost everyone in the team was afraid of him.

Passing a main road, this car was walking side by side with the one in front. Lu Ye opened his eyes and looked to the side. Through the two layers of car glass, he couldn't see clearly, but probably the little girl's expression was too bright. Ugly, Lu Ye still noticed it.

He frowned: "Stop."

The driver immediately stepped on the brakes: "Boss?"

The car stopped, and the car next to it also stopped. Lu Ye got out of the car and knocked on the window next to Bai Xiaohu: "Open the door."

Bai Xiaohu opened his eyes and looked over sleepily, with a tired and confused expression. The driver unlocked the door. Lu Ye opened the door. Bai Xiaohu: "What's wrong with you?"

Bai Xiaohu only felt that mountains and seas were moving in his head, and mountains were moving in his stomach. He had never experienced such an experience after living for so long, and it was as uncomfortable as dying. Hearing the question, she just said the word "I", her throat was sour and salty, stomach water welled up, she quickly stumbled out of the car, held on to a telegraph pole and vomited it out.

This time it was real vomiting, not adulterated at all. The funny thing is that her little black chicken also behaved like her, squatting on the ground and croaking to vomit, making an extremely strange sound.

Lu Ye: "..." It was a scene of deja vu.

He told the others: "Pay attention to your surroundings." Then he told Pan Gu who hurriedly got out of the car and said, "Bring a bottle of water."

He took the water and walked to Bai Xiaohu. He didn't get too close. He took a look at what Bai Xiaohu spit out. It seemed to be red flesh, and it didn't smell bad like ordinary people's filth. On the contrary... Fragrance?

Lu Ye averted his eyes and fumbled in his pocket. This time he finally took out a pack of tissues. When Bai Xiaohu finally finished vomiting, he handed it along with the water from the unscrewed lid: "Rinse your mouth."

Bai Xiaohu's whole body went limp, subconsciously took over and followed suit.

Seeing her stunned, Lu Ye pulled her tentatively, pulled her away from the dirt, and asked her, "Is it better?"

Bai Xiaohu's hands and feet were weak, and he squatted on the ground weakly, covering his mouth with a tissue in one hand and his stomach in the other, his eyes were red, his face was pale and pale, and he looked very miserable.

She murmured, "Am I going to die?"

Lu Ye: " should just get motion sickness."

Bai Xiaohu was at a loss: "Motion sickness?" Yes, she got the concept of motion sickness in her memory, but that man had no experience of motion sickness, how did she know that motion sickness was so terrible, just now in the car she thought something was wrong with her body Now, quickly mobilize the spiritual energy to silently resist the discomfort.

As a result, the omnipotent aura that can regulate breath even if it hurts the lungs doesn't work at all!

With lingering fear in her heart, she looked at those shiny off-road vehicles in awe. Human vehicles turned out to be such terrifying things. She would never ride them again!

Her eyes were too obvious, Lu Ye looked at her: "Can I still get in the car?"

Bai Xiaohu quickly shook her head like a rattle, but after shaking her head, she became dizzy again. She held her head, and there was a vortex in her mind, and she said in a hoarse voice: "I, I won't take the car, you go, I won't go with you gone."

Pan Gu, who stood watching from the sidelines, quickly said, "How can this be done? How about we walk slowly with you?"

Bai Xiaohu quickly waved his hand: "No, no, don't worry about me." How could so many people delay their trip because of her, how embarrassing. And she didn't have to go with them, since she didn't know each other anyway.

Pan Gu looked at Lu Ye for help: "Boss, look at it?"

Lu Ye frowned slightly, regardless of whether she was a psychic power type, just saying that she saved Pan Gu and the others this time, he couldn't leave her alone in the middle of the road.

He said to Pan Gu: "You guys go back first, I'll just stay and leave some water for us." Seeing that Pan Gu was still hesitating, he said, "Go."

Looking at him and then at Bai Xiaohu, Pan Gu nodded: "Boss, be careful, little sister, let's go first, you must come to our Zhongyang team, I also want to treat you to dinner to thank you Well." Well, he didn't say a few words, and he didn't even ask for his name, but thinking about the fact that the boss would definitely bring him back, he didn't worry about it anymore.

A few cars drove away, Bai Xiaohu was still squatting on the ground, his spirit was soft, his thin, soft, black and shiny hair was no longer flying, and the curl of his long eyelashes seemed not so obvious anymore , Drooping sullenly, the whole person exuded a sense of mourning, as if he had suffered a great devastation.

The little black chicken was also squatting beside her, its fluff all over its body was also limp, and it looked like one person and one chicken.

As calm as Lu Ye, he couldn't help but look at these two more, and suddenly understood why Pan Gu liked to take pictures secretly so much, and he actually wanted to take a picture of the scene in front of him.

He moved his fingers, and after a long time asked softly, "Is it better? Can I go?"

Bai Xiaohu was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that there was someone standing beside him: "You didn't leave?"

Lu Ye: "..." He is such a big living person standing here all the time, okay?

Are you afraid of him? Why is he so invisible now?

Bai Xiaohu said: "You go too, don't worry about me, really."

Lu Ye said: "No, this place is no better than the mountains, there are zombies everywhere at any time." Once surrounded, it will be very difficult to escape.

That's why he let Pan Gu and the others go first, with only a little girl with him, he was still confident in ensuring safety.

Bai Xiaohu didn't even have the energy to speak, and his spiritual energy was almost consumed in the Dali Jue just now, and he was very, very hungry after vomiting—although the spirit fruit is not full, but it can still occupy some space anyway, after vomiting in the stomach It was empty.

She really wanted to eat some fruit right away, but there were people around her, and she wasn't stupid enough to expose her mustard space in front of others.

So he looked at Lu Ye with a sad look.

In Lu Ye's eyes, it looked like a pitiful kitten asking for help, or a very, very beautiful kitten with smooth, soft fur.

His heart couldn't help but soften, and his tone was like coaxing a child: "Still uncomfortable?"

Bai Xiaohu said pitifully: "Hungry."

The word "hungry" with a long and slender sound made Lu Ye tremble uncontrollably. He opened the bag left by Pan Gu and put it on the ground: "See if there is anything you want to eat."

Bai Xiaohu's eyes lit up, and his backpack was full of food!

She stared at Lu Ye: "All, can you eat?"

Lu Ye smiled and said, "Of course."

Bai Xiaohu immediately went to pick up the backpack as if he was resurrected with full blood.

Is this a chicken leg? Chicken legs are good! She tore open the package and took a bite.

This is an egg roll? It is fragrant and crispy when you bite into it.

This is a milk slice, she bites it crispy, and the milk taste is really strong!

This is a rice ball, it seems to be freshly made, she stuffed one in one mouthful, oh, it tastes good!

There is also this little cake, which is loose, soft, fragrant and sweet, and has a sandwich!

Bai Xiaohu is about to cry, the food here is really delicious. After hundreds of years of inhaling fairy energy, drinking spiritual water and eating fruits, Bai Xiaohu, who has never eaten processed food, is like opening a new life. The gate of the world.

Can't stop eating!

At first, Lu Ye looked at her devouringly with tolerance in his eyes, wondering if she hadn’t eaten for several days. Thinking of this made him feel a little pity, but gradually, as she ate one after another, the chicken legs became bigger and bigger. I ate three packs, and the rice **** ate a whole crisper, which is enough for three people! I don't know how many small cakes I ate.

He has a headache, do girls have such a big appetite? Really won't eat bad stomach?

And the little black chicken was also eating very vigorously, two of you eat one and the other, and chattering to share food experience, the whole package is mostly deflated in twos and twos.

He tried to persuade: "Are you full?"

Bai Xiaohu paused, touched his belly, and showed a surprised expression. Lu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but then he heard Bai Xiaohu happily say: "I'm a little full!" Human food can really fill the stomach, So excited, aren't you!

Lu Ye: "...a little bit?"

Bai Xiaohu nodded straight, looking at Lu Ye with sparkling eyes, as if he was looking at a long-term meal ticket: "Pan Gu..." It must be the name, "Pan Gu said, your food is very good."

Lu Ye had the feeling that he was a fat chicken and was being targeted by a fox at the moment.

Bai Xiaohu's eyes continued to shine: "Should I join you and eat every day?"

In the memories she got, it was true that the rules were right, and from the logos on their clothes, she could tell that they were members of an organization called Zhongyang Squad.

In the memory of the man on the wall, the Zhongyang Squad is a place where countless people want to go in even if they sharpen their heads. One of them is because the treatment is so good, you don’t have to worry about food and drink when you go in. There is not much difference in terms of material and before the end of the world. .

It's just that their recruitment standards are a bit high, but it doesn't matter, she's not bad, otherwise how about pretending to be a supernatural person?

Fire system? She does know some fire spells, but it consumes a lot of aura.

It would be great if the mustard space can be used freely, and it can pretend to be a space-type supernatural being.

Otherwise, it's better to pretend to be a water-type supernatural being, anyway, she can already take the water polo from the Lingquan now.

Bai Xiaohu, completely unaware that he is already a psychic supernatural being in the eyes of others, is trying to use his brain, trying to put on a bright vest for himself.

Lu Ye just watched her nibbling the cake one bite at a time, while her round eyeballs were rolling around, not knowing what she was thinking, and unexpectedly not disgusted, if other people were playing tricks in front of him, he would definitely not take a look at her. Will watch more and blacklist this person.

But instead of this little girl, she seemed to be looking at a kitten thinking about how to be naughty.

Lu Ye realized that his idea was a bit dangerous, so he put it aside, and said, "Want to join us? Then let's go."

"Yeah." Bai Xiaohu patted her skirt and stood up. At this moment, her movements stopped suddenly, and Lu Ye also frowned. A small group of zombies appeared at the corner and rushed over screaming. Lu Ye came to Bai Xiaohu. In front of the lake, with a wave of his hand, an electric arc struck out.

The zombies running in front were sent flying, but the zombies behind continued to attack persistently. Lu Ye was about to continue attacking, but suddenly realized something was wrong.

These zombies are not coming for the two of them, but...

They jumped on the pile of vomit spit out by Bai Xiaohu, and frantically snatched it.

Lu Ye frowned, and there were a few more thunderbolts decisively. After the thunderbolt sounded in the air, dozens of zombies were chopped up, and the air was filled with a burnt smell. No matter who it was Here, everyone should say hello with all sincerity.

Lu Ye's expression was calm, his clothes didn't even have a wrinkle, as if he wasn't the one who made the move, he turned to Bai Xiaohu and said, "Let's go."

However, the little girl had already hidden behind a street lamp a few meters away, holding a bag of food in her arms, and a little black chicken with fried hair on her head, she quietly stuck out her head, her entanglement was almost written on her face up.

Lu Ye: "Why, aren't you leaving?"

Bai Xiaohu smiled dryly: "Well, why don't I think about it?"

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

lris threw a mine

Reader "Yan Xi", irrigation nutrient solution +10

Reader "Xiaoxiao Lingran", irrigation nutrient solution +10

Reader "Dandan", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Reader "Butterfly", irrigation nutrient solution +20

Reader "Fairies are not cute", irrigation nutrient solution +1

Reader "I, I", irrigation nutrient solution +10

Reader "Yunyun", irrigation nutrient solution +10

Reader "Xiaokui", irrigation nutrient solution +2

Reader "Xiaokui", irrigation nutrient solution +1