MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 748 Seems to have such a history

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Yamada House

At dusk, the sky was red, and Pei Ziyun went home and said, "I am back."

I talked about changing shoes, picking up the shoes and putting them in the shoe cleaner, and Yamada Izumi greeted them with a voice and said with a smile, "Welcome home, Shinichi."

Pei Ziyun head slightly into the living room.

Yamada Nanako in the living room was watching the animation. When Pei Ziyun came in, he rushed directly at him, holding his neck with both hands and holding Pei Ziyun's neck: "Onisan, Nanako's snacks are finished."

"Is Nanako serious at school?" Pei Ziyun asked.

Japan implements the school system. The elementary school is 6 years old and the elementary school is 3 years old. This is compulsory education. 3 years in colleges and 4 years in colleges. All children over 6 years old must go to elementary school. Now Nanako has gone to elementary school.

"Hey, Nanako is very serious and got the teacher's compliment." Yamada Nanako nodded like a peck of rice, her face full of expectations.

"That's fine, Onenesson bought it for you."

"No." Yamada Izumi heard and immediately raised her face and said, "Last time you bought her Tachibana chocolate, a box of 1500 円, you also bought 5 boxes at once." Yamada Izumi's right index finger Pointed to the trash can and said, "You pet Nanako, this is good, but she must not be allowed to be proud and pride-the Yamada family cannot teach such a daughter!"

"Don't say that she is only seven years old now. Even if she entered the middle school, her pocket money in January should not exceed 10,000 超过."

I didn't intend to be accustomed to my daughter Yamada Izumi, took her majesty, and stretched out her hand to signal to her: "Nanako, come here for me."

Nakayama Nanako was still very afraid of her mother, and she backed down with grievances.

"I will buy you milk muffins tomorrow." Pei Ziyun whispered. He didn't think it was a pet, but what should a child eat?

Of course, he also knows that in Japanese families, women are usually full-time wives at home, and even men are social animals, and women with relatively lower status, if people feel pride, they may not be able to marry or be unhappy in marriage.

So it won't be excessive.

Pei Ziyun said indifferently: "Mom, I'm going back to the room first, I still have something to do."

当然 "Of course, letter one, I call you at dinner."

"It's hard for you, mother, but I have something to do with it. You can keep it!" Pei Ziyun went upstairs. The rooms in Japan are generally small. Apartments are usually only 45 square meters, and a single room is only 10 square meters. Built, single rooms are generally within 15 square meters.

I turned to Pei Ziyun, who was sitting at the table before turning on the computer. She didn't work immediately, she just meditated.

任务 "Mission: You have been vilified, which affects your Legendary Gate. Please counterattack quickly and stabilize the Legendary Gate."

The legendary gate relies on literary reputation, and it is not its own stubbornness to kill, but now it is mainly to stabilize the literary reputation. Besides, it takes time to find the vilified person.

"The so-called cold storage is actually controlling the channels and stifling the chance of contact with readers and audiences, whether it is movie stars or singers."

"I have a publishing channel, no matter how to denigrate, I have to speak in words."

Pei Ziyun thought, and said to himself, "Would you like to make a big news?"

Thinking of this, Pei Ziyun's eyes moved to a stack of history books placed on the desk, and he suddenly laughed: "So, I'm going to overhang?"

Pei Ziyun thought of works that he knew.

"Samurai series, small figures see big history, there are many works in this regard."

"I still say this, picking boutiques with similar styles."

"If Japan is another kind of history, the rise, fall, and elegy of the samurai, I believe it is very interesting. I don't know what those down-armed troops saw."

Identified the content of the book, Pei Ziyun had an idea-it is divided into seven volumes, all of which are the stories of the Fei Village family and the heavenly girl Yu Jian Liu.

In the first volume, a young boy was given the swordsmanship of the Heavenly Daughter and given the surname Fei Village, hence the name Tianyu Yujianliu.

This generation of members joined the Oda family, following the battle of Nobunaga Oda, the battle of Kazama broke through Imagawa Yoshimoto, captured the Mino kingdom of Saito Dosan, and supported the last general of the Muromachi Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiaki. Fight to death at Honnoji.

The son of Yoshitomi became a waiter of Kinoshita Tengchiro very early. After the death of the generation, he inherited the heavenly daughter Yujian Liu, and accompanied Kinoshi Tengchiro all the way to the owner of the city, until the instinct of the temple became the real Oda Nobunaga The successor, but was forced to suffer because of Toyotomi Hideji's implication, before his death, he told his son to change to Shidekawa Ieyasu.

Twenty-three generations of trust came to Tokugawa Ieyasu, and I personally saw Tokugawa Ieyasu's forbearance. After Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death, he gradually destroyed the Toyotomi family and established the Tokugawa Shogunate.

For three generations of the Feimura family, only the three sons truly mastered the Heavenly Lady Yujian Liu. In the name of Feimura Xintai, they joined a new selection team supporting the Shogunate and fought against the curtain army. Many of them encountered the curtain and thought The country ’s backward ethnic crisis resulted in the Meiji government being established after the fall of the curtain. The newly elected group was liquidated, and Kashimura was killed by his younger brother in order to preserve the family.

Holding the five generations of the head of the village of Kashimura, I became a member of the Meiji government. This volume describes the changes and downfalls of the samurai in modern times. The spirit of samurai has been passed down, but the samurai itself has gradually declined.

Six generations invaded the mainland. At the beginning, the Japanese offensive was very smooth and defeated the country, but never thought that the people of that country were so tough, causing Japan to fall into the mire of war. At the end, six generations heard the emperor surrender and refused to accept the charge. Was shot.

Twenty-seven generations encountered nuclear weapons, lived in pain for three months, and saw that the American iron hoof dominates Japan.

Pei Ziyun thought, put his hands on the keyboard, typed three title words, and then typed the subtitles, Wind and Thunder.

I thought of this, and Pei Ziyun no longer hesitated and crackled.

"Flying birds are soaring on the blue clear sky, and you can see the eaves of that ancient wild city. It is a desert forest on the right, and the woods of the Eight Kings Temple on the left. There are only a few people's streets connected to the trees ..."

At the beginning, the words were still very slow, but the handwriting became faster and faster, unsealing the divine power, and uniting one's heart and hands. It could already type 600 words per minute. Just listening to the crackling sound, the continuous paragraph fell down.

I waited for Pei Ziyun to finish writing, and it took seven days.

Staring at the computer screen to check for typos, then moved the cursor on the screen, clicked on the email to send out, stretched his arms and stretched out a lazy, and issued a sound: "Oh, finally solved, it is not the same when the text is copied Easy! "

Shiraishi Academy

Everyone is working with their heads down.

Nagano Naomi has a professional short skirt. She drank her head to check all kinds of information, took a sip of tea, stretched her waist, suddenly heard a jingle, and saw that she had received an email on her computer.

"who is it?"

帐号 This account is only for special authors. Ordinary authors go to the editor of the newcomer. Nagano Chengmi looks forward to it. After checking the name, he sees that it is Shinichi Yamada, and he is happy.

When I opened the email, she looked down and saw seven attachments.

"Is it seven chapters?"

However, I just opened an attachment. When she saw the words, Nagano Narumi couldn't help screaming. Then, her sanity came into play, and she covered her mouth tightly with her hands.

"Nagano, what's wrong?"

算 Even if I cover it up immediately, there is an unhappy senior questioning, Nagano Chengmi rose with the success of Yamada Shinichi, and it is not that no one is envious of envy.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Nagano Narumi didn't plead, and even bowed and apologized. Because he only screamed, it didn't affect the work of other members, and this happened.

Nagano Naomi has a calm mood, his left hand is a little trembling, and the attachments are opened and the words are counted.

I opened one and looked closely.

"It seems that the style of writing has changed a bit, but the level is still first-class, no, it is super-class."

"This is not an indiscretion."

Nagano Naomi took a deep breath, copied it, and got up to the editor's office.

Since Pei Ziyun received the Ogawa Prize, Shiraishi Academy has established a rule: In the future, after all the manuscripts submitted by Nobuyuki Yamada, Nagano Chengmi will promptly hand it over to the editor.

Nagano Naomi, despite her efforts to restrain, took a few steps, took a deep breath at the editor's office, calmed down, and bowed to the editor who was reviewing the manuscript.

"Editor-in-chief, Mr. Shinichi Yamada, press release."

"Oh, are there any new books?" The editor-in-chief dropped the manuscript, took the tea cup, and asked, "How many manuscripts?"

"3000 original materials, 1.2 million words."

"噗!" The editor-in-chief of Zheng Xiaokou Tea Tea heard this, and the tea sprayed out. Although he covered it with his hands in time, the tea splashed on his hands and on the table.

"What, what are you talking about?" The editor stood up, hesitant to splash tea, and asked openly.

At this time, to be honest, the editor-in-chief was a little skeptical that Yamada Shinichi's book was written collectively, because Yamada Shinichi's book was too fast!

It is only a long time before Pei Ziyun received the Ogawa reward, and another 1.2 million words have been written. The speed is too scary.

"Forget it, let me take a closer look." Although I thought so, the editor still saved it ~ ~ and inserted it on the computer and read it.

When I saw this, I became obsessed. I just felt that the voice was getting less and less. When the neck was sore, the editor lifted his head blankly, loosened his bones, and suddenly found that it was late at night.

The entire publishing house is empty, and there are only dim lights not far away.

"This is really a masterpiece. It's been a long time since I was so fascinated by it. I lost my sleep and forgotten food." The editor looked at the manuscript and found that he hadn't finished it.

In the past, the editor-in-chief worked overtime in the publishing house alone due to work reasons, but never before, because of his addiction to reading, he has delayed so long.

The editor-in-chief stood up and was preparing to go to the toilet, but his stomach called "Cuckoo".

The editor-in-chief at that moment felt hungry, so he hurriedly made a cup of coffee, and took out two unfinished sushi in the refrigerator, gobbling up.

After the editor-in-chief finished eating, I immediately thought of it, took out my cell phone, and made a call. Although no one saw it, I was consciously straight.

The phone was on the line. After greeting you respectfully, he knew that the time of the superior was very tense, and he immediately reported: "Master Ji, yes, Mr. Yamada has made a new work."

"Mr. Yamada described a whole new history. At the beginning, I felt a bit problematic, but after seeing it, I was just shocked."

"In Mr. Yamada's writing, following the perspective of the Feimura family, it seems that there is such a history, there are so many heroes and heroes who have lived vividly in that world and displayed them one by one.

"Mr. Yamada, who deserves to be awarded even three awards, this power is really incredible."