MTL - Plundering the Dao of the Immortal Journey-Chapter 751 parade to protest

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A large conference hall is full of people.

One of them sat on top, the rest were on both sides, the atmosphere was solemn, and a serious meeting was held.

"My lord, I have already analyzed it!" Shusui Junsuke stood up and said to Hiroshi Banto, who was sitting in the first place.

Shesui Junsuke has a Chinese character face with wrinkles on her forehead, slightly thin eyebrows, narrow eyes, and looks fat, but the whole person looks a little majestic. At this moment, she looks serious, holding information in her hand, saying clearly, We study the onslaught of evil spirits, and for many years, we never get the real context. "

The Akamatsu Gongxiong, who was sitting in front of Shusui Junsuke, heard this, and was somewhat awkward, lowering his head slightly.

Gong Chisong wore a pair of glasses, his head was a little bald, he was the head of the intelligence department, and the person in charge of specializing in evil spirits. There were dozens of people in this project team.

But unfortunately, even though the male and female Akamatsu spent a lot of time and energy, he still could not find the root cause of the evil spirits attack. He did not know where the evil spirits came from and why the evil spirits attacked.

The only contribution of the Chichimatsu Formation is to accumulate a large amount of data about evil spirits, making the samurai more targeted and efficient when fighting evil spirits.

Therefore, the Akamatsu Formation, originally called the "Evil Ghost Roots Research Group", is now nicknamed the "Little Ghost Formation".

The title of was apparently that he had taunted Akamatsu, but he was helpless.

Hesui Mizusuke ignored the actions and expressions of others, and continued to say, "But Yamada Shinichi's book provides us with a wonderful reference!"

就是 "That is, if we say that evil spirits are not the evil spirits we imagine, nor are they the Emperor (Meiji) ghost country, but a historical possibility?"

"Please follow this line of thought and merge our data!" Shesui Shunsuke bowed a little, and said to Hoso Makoto.

At this time, Akamatsu stood up and said, "It's not like our team didn't work hard."

"After this idea is prompted, we are already implementing it, and the preliminary conclusion should be sent within one hour."

Hiroshi Sakazaka was wearing a kimono, his head was bald, and he wore a pair of golden glasses, listening to what Akamatsu said, and nodded, with a low voice: "In this case, wait for a while."

"Sit down, take a rest!"

Hiroshi Sakasaka first sat down, took out a cigar from the cigar box, carefully trimmed and lit it with scissors, took a deep breath, spit out smoke, and pondered.

Akamatsu male also took out a cigarette, lit it with a lighter, took a sip, and his eyes were blurred.

The entire conference hall is smoky, and many people are pondering in the smoke.

It didn't take long for me to hear the sound of "咚咚" and someone knocked on the door.

The door opened, Tian Yan sat on his knees respectfully, and said to the upper man, Bandong Hucheng, "Hey! Lord Hucheng!"

Putian Zhengzheng is a major general in the Information Division of His Majesty Akamatsu. He is good at information management and has made great contributions to the property of Bandong.

Therefore, this time the entire collection of information about Shinichi Yamada, is responsible for implementation.

"This is the preliminary conclusion of the integration of the Intelligence Department according to the new thinking!" Tian Yan was holding a pile of information, said respectfully, and gave it to his team leader.

Xiong Chisong held the materials and distributed them to the audience one by one.

I distributed it. Everyone in the room didn't say anything. They only heard the "Kaka" flipbook, and they were carefully looking at the materials brought by Tian Zhengzheng.

Hiraka Sakasaka was no exception. He glanced for a long time, rubbing his eyebrows with his hands, and asked with a calm face: "That is to say, what ideas does Shesui Junsuke basically agree with?"

"Yes, sir, all we are missing is an idea." Tian Yan bowed deeply: "With this hint, all the materials can be strung together."

"The enemy we face may indeed not be the so-called evil spirit!"

"It's a parallel historical space. This parallel history takes 1551 as the demarcation point-the time when General Shinkawa started his troops."

"Obviously, after General Xinchuan gained the world, this parallel historical space is not reconciled, but he is still trying to make a comeback in our world."

所以 "So less than three years after General Shinkawa established the shogunate, evil spirits gradually appeared and reached the peak when the curtain fell."

Shoji Tosaka was shocked in his heart and sat upright: "I see, Zhu Jun, immediately follow this line of thought and integrate all the information!"

"Hi, hi!" The relevant person immediately lowered his head and agreed.

"Also, report this conclusion to the public and adjourn the meeting." Houcheng Bandong immediately announced the adjournment.

I waited for the meeting and all the members were gone. Ban Dong Hucheng sat on the chair, took a sip of cold tea, took out his mobile phone, and called Ban Dong Ayako.

Sakasaka Toshinaka solemnly asked Sakae Suga, "Sister-in-law, you have personally contacted Shinichi Yamada. Who do you think he might be?"

Ordinary people cannot know such a thorough history.

After listening to this question, Ayako Banto, who called the phone, said quickly: "There is magic, but I can't tell who it is."

He said that, but Bandong Ayako still remembered the scene of meeting Pei Ziyun at that time.

"Is that right?"

"Yes." Ayako Banto gently touched his forehead with his hand, surely speaking, listening to the other party saying, "That's hard for you."

After Ayasaka Hashiko hung up, he stood up, remained silent for a while, and dialed the number again: "Hey, is it Yamada-kun? I'm a wife!"

"Where are you now?"

"Yes, I have read your book. It is very good. You have such talent. It is rude to stigmatize you by the public opinion. Our Hanto consortium will handle it for you. Rest assured!"

Pei Ziyun, who was on the sofa in the living room at home, was taking a closer look at the wooden knives. When the wooden knives approached, they felt a chill, with dense patterns on them.

As soon as he cut a prepared iron block, there was no sound, and the iron block was cut open.

"Cut iron like mud!"

Modern special craftsmanship can indeed cut iron like mud, but it is not so simple. It seems that it is indeed a demon sword. At this time, listening to Mr. Ban Dong said, he said, "No, I have trouble you many times. , This time I will solve it myself. "

"Rest assured, I'm not stubborn." Then, Pei Ziyun hung up the phone and looked coldly outside.

A large group of people were marching outside their home outside Sheshantian's house.

The group of people held banners with the words "Yamada Shinichi a liar", "Yamada Shinichi Hypocrite" and "Yamada Shinichi lose his life" some derogatory words, while shouting slogans and singing songs.

Among them, Kei Omi, wearing black casual clothes, behaved the most crazy.

He Jinjiang not only dyed his hair yellow, but also painted colorful graffiti on his face. The content of these graffiti was abusive to Yamada Shinichi.

In this parade, Omi Kaitai was the leader, not only shouting loudly, but also holding a mixture of rotten eggs wrapped in plastic bags in his hands and a mixture of rotten vegetables and leaves at the door.

恶劣 This bad behavior not only was not criticized, but got a cheer from the marchers, making Jin Jiang Qitai even more excited.

The younger brother Wu Mao Minyan took an envious glance and took out a few books in his bag. It was faintly seen that it was Pei Ziyun's "Who is the Second Man", "The Ghost of the Night", and the latest published "The Seven Samurai Warriors" ".

After Wu Maomin Yan took these books out, he threw them to the ground, kept jumping, stomped on them, and kept saying, "Aha! Aha! Ha! Aha!"

Yayoi Jing, behind Wu Mao Minyan, had short hair and a girl. At this time, holding the banner of "Yamada Shinichi must apologize to the people" was shaking, which was very noticeable.

Pei Ziyun stood at the window and watched this group of people performing. He didn't say anything. He just looked at it coldly. He answered the phone again in his hand: "Father, how are you? Have a rest week?"

Kazuo Yamada was born in the middle class, but even if he was admitted to a prestigious school, he was very talented, and when he was in the position of minister, he did n’t know how much thought he spent, and still had a lot of luck.

This incident has spread to Kazuhiko Yamada. It is said that someone went to the company to protest.

The company has decided to give Yamada Kazuhiko leave.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow.

"Did it hurt my family?" Pei Ziyun looked down coldly. At this time, maybe it was enough time. Second, because the Yamada family didn't come out to pay any attention, the people in the procession finally felt boring.

After all, except for a few cores that take money, more of those processions are taking the opportunity to vent their dissatisfaction and pressure. Now that they have vented, they will leave.

He then ended the parade around the door.

Jin Qi Jiang held Wu Mao Minyan's arm with his hand, a proud expression on his face, and said aloud, "Ha, Min Yan, how is it? I am doing well today?"

Minwu Maoyan gave his thumbs up to praise, shook his head at the same time, and answered, "It's really good, but I'm working very hard, even Yayoi's performance is very good today!"

五 茂 敏 彦 twisted his head slightly, and said to Jingmu Yayoi ~ ~ and Jingmu Yayoi was full of smiles and made a V-shaped gesture.

I walked away for a while, and Jiang Jiang too felt almost, and winked at Wu Mao Minyan.

Immediately, Minwu Yanyan understood the meaning of Omi Kaitai, so he took Yasuko Jing to the side and said, "Yayoi, let's go and see what we eat today!"

"After a hard day, I have to comfort myself."

Jin Jiang Jiang showed a embarrassed smile and said to him; "I'm so sorry, I can't hold myself back, you and Min Yan go first, I will follow up later!"

He said, covering his belly with his hands, his face showed an uncomfortable expression.

I waited until Mino Toshihiko and Yayoi Jingmu left, and Jin Jiang Qitai stood up straight, took out his mobile phone in his pocket, and called: "Hey, sir! I'm Jin Jiang Qitai!"

"Yes, I have completed my task today, besieged Yamada's house, and even Yamada's company went to trouble."

"Yes, you don't need a few people to get the company to leave Yamada and Hikohiko!"

"Aha, you are too complimented, we are willing to work for you." Jin Jiang too did not know what promise he heard, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, suddenly, at the corner of the turning corner, one person turned out, and at the same time, a wooden stick swung out heavily.

The "snap" near Jiang Qitai's smile solidified, and he stunned for a few seconds, rolled down suddenly, screaming with his legs.

This note, comminuted fracture.

"The death penalty is exempt, and the living sin is hard to spare." Pei Ziyun strode forward, and God ’s spiritual consciousness stretched along a line near Jiang Qitai.