MTL - Poisoning the World: The Secret Service Mysterious Doctor is a Young Beastly Wife-Chapter 3103 It's up to you!

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Rong Yue Tianlan glanced at him, his eyes were like ice, and he was too lazy to answer his idiot question. Xie Yan's eyes are like a knife, can't wait to cut the two hands holding each other!

He suddenly sneered: "Ji Shenyue, do you think he will be your patron? You think he will be safe by your side? This seat tells you that this blood demon cover ..." Xing said it again, and finally said, "You can't escape! You have only one dead end with him! This seat can now give you two choices. Would you like to listen?"

Ji Shenyue sinks into Ice Valley when she hears him about the characteristics of the Blood Demon Hood. She has understood the general situation now, and she has her own intentions, but she still asks: "Which two choices?"

Xie Yan thought she was finally attentive, her heart moved slightly, and her face was proud: "First, you self-use all your skills to go out with this seat. This seat on Xie Fengliu ’s side can spare you your life and keep you by your side. Attendant. Let you be your concubine. "

Ji Shenyue raised an eyebrow: "So good? Don't you think that I am a candid of willows and willows? Isn't it time to kill me?"

Xie Yan shook his fist in his sleeve and said coldly, "What about dislike? After all, Xie Fengliu loves you, and he really doesn't have the heart to kill you. It always makes me uncomfortable ... so you just have to be obedient I can leave you with me, but I ca n’t be a wife, I can only be a concubine ... "

Ji Shenyue expressionless: "What is the second option?"

"The second option is very simple. This seat will let you die directly here, and then extract your soul and imprison it next to this seat. In order to punish your disobedience, this seat will not send you to give birth, but do this Ghosts around the seat. Being a ghost does n’t have your own thinking, you just obey the orders of this seat to kill someone ... This seat will make you a ghost for a hundred years, when will this seat make you happy? This seat will give you away Go to the rebirth ... "

Ji Shenyue couldn't help laughing, and her smile seemed ridiculous: "What if I choose neither?"

"You can't do this!" Xie Yan sneered.

Ji Shenyue's palm, the moon and the sword of God, lifted her heart, and smiled coldly: "I can't help it! Even God can't control me! Not to mention you are just an unawakened demon! If you don't have these two guardians, what will you do? No! What other right determines my life and death? "

Her words were poisonous. It could be said that she was poking on Xie Yi's sore feet. He looked pale and looked at Rongyue Tianlan: "You say it like her, just watch her die like this? She doesn't understand the blood I do n’t believe you do n’t understand the power of the magic mask! ”

Rongyue Tianlan has been holding Ji Shenyue's hand, and she did not look at Xie Ye: "I will spell the third way for her!" Although the voice was faint, the tone was firm.

Ji Shenyue's heart warmed, and he shook his hand in the opposite direction: "Anyway, I will advance and retreat with you! You live and I live, you die and I die!"

Her voice was so loud that she heard it all.

Rongyue Tianlan didn't speak, just shook her little hand again, everything was in silence.

The interaction between the two of them fell into Xie Yan's eyes, which was extremely uncomfortable!

He Tieqing sneered: "What a good pair! Unfortunately, Ji Shenyue, you have a deep affection for him, but he only treats you as a stand-in! A woman's stand-in! You can die for him like this worth it?"

Rongyue Tianlan froze slightly, could not help looking at Ji Shenyue: "I didn't use you as a substitute ..."


The day after tomorrow will probably end.

There are no updates in the early morning so you don't have to wait.

Tomorrow's update will start in the afternoon. Today is the night of the monthly battle of the monthly pass. Don't forget to throw it out if you have a monthly pass. It will be void after the early morning.