MTL - Poisonous Peasant ‘Concubine’-Chapter 689 The glass heart of the young master

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"Let's go! The green country is heavy, and Rong Rong is so busy, come, give me!"


Unexpectedly, people didn't look at the money they sent out. In the next second, dozens of soldiers immediately surrounded them, and they were so stunned that they couldn't help but see Yan Ruirui's ability to rule the army. I don't know. Because the regular troops have not yet been placed, the guards of the gates at this time are the soldiers of Yan Ruirui. Are they the masters who lack money? If you want to use money to send them, it’s a bad move, and even if you are not a soldier, whoever dares to collect their money at this sensitive moment?

"What happened?"

The tall and beautiful Yan Yan wearing the armor, the prestige of driving the high horse approaching, seeing his moment, stunned and stunned, and raised his smile: "This should be the defending general? I am the prince of the Western Kingdom." Cousin, who was late, came to meet with his cousin, and he was bothered to report."

Few people know that there is actually a big problem with 尉 殇 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Just as cold as the emperor of the Western Kingdom, and because he himself is really good, there are very few people who can really make him look into the eyes, but Yan Yan has poked his cute point, so he The smile will be so brilliant, but? ?

Strictly and sternly, they glanced at them. They didn’t let them go because they said that they were the empty cousin. It’s even more impossible to surprise him. When he turned over, one of the soldiers whispered in his ear. A few words, Yan Yan’s eyes suddenly smothered Xiao Xiao, and after sweeping the man who smiled like a peacock, he was quite impatient: “Can there be objects that prove your identity?”

This tone is really unfriendly and unfriendly. I can’t help but be a foolish look. I want him to be more than 20 years in the West. With his handsome looks and elegant, he’s not here. People are sought after? In particular, he still smiled brilliantly today, but he was dismissed by a border town guard. This can greatly affect the self-respect of the younger brother.

To put it simply, the glass of the late Master is broken.

"What's your name?"

Didn't come up with something to prove his identity, he was sitting on the horse's back and staring at him deeply. He was impressed with the impression of Qingguo. Of course, he was only personal, he was not because of this. No distinction is made between public and private.

"Come, come and go!"

Yan Yan is not a polite guest. He is indifferent and he is ready to leave. He sees the soldiers around them really rushing up, and the jealousy of the waist that is full of black lines is slanted. The back of the head of the scorpion was thrown away: "Give it to the Lord, it is the scorpion jade from the Western Kingdom."

Yan Yantou did not return the backhand to catch Yupei, a faint sweep of the white lingering jade, coldly throwing a sentence and then waiting for him to leave, watching his back from the dust, he almost did not leave I have to vomit blood. Who is this who is provoked? When I arrived in Qingguo for the wool line, I met such a cold face?


The entourage next to him tried hard to hold back the smile, but he couldn’t help but shed the sound of gloating. No way, he grew up with the young master, and he saw it for the first time. How do you say it? It’s so interesting. The trip to Qingguo is sure to be even more exciting. He seems to be looking forward to it.

"Historical, do you believe that the Lord will send you to the palace to serve the emperor?"

尉 殇 殇 殇 殇 危险 危险 危险 危险 危险 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯 眯

"Old mother? Children? History, do you really want to be an eunuch?"

Without waiting for him to finish, he was far from the slang and looked down on him. The old mother had a wool thread. His mother was his maiden's dowry girl. He died in his early years because he had protected him. He has been running around with him all the year round. No dear, where is the child to be treated? Stinky boy, learn to hide with him, right? Seeing that he does not send him to be an **** is strange.

"No, no, my grandfather, can't you be a small mistake?"

This is really scaring the history, and quickly nodded with him to admit his mistake. The high-pitched screaming of the child’s screaming, turning his head and no longer paying attention to him, the folding fan in his hand gently shakes, but the brain is thinking about waiting to see After Sikong, how to clean up the cold noodles, just, can he really get what he wants? The result seems not to be so full.

Yan Ruirui’s house in the center of Wuming City is said to be a three-in-one yard. In fact, the floor space is very large. It is like a miniature version of the Prince’s Palace. The generation was burned for some reason. Yan Ruirui will buy it here. When I got down, I built a house. Every time he went to live, he lived here. The middle army account is also set here. Because he has to accommodate the soldiers, the room is very large. Now they have a large group of people, and they are basically more than enough. The only thing that is not so good is that they are Lingyun. There is no way, the place is big, and they are more tired and troublesome when they are packed up.

"It seems to be pretty good here. You don't always like to be quiet. How can you buy a house in the center of the city?"

Holding a small group to enter the Lingyuan Hall where they had been cleaned yesterday, Ling Jingxuan looked and asked, unlike the general hall, there were screen partitions on both sides of the hall. After the screen, there were tables and chairs. It is what to eat or negotiate.

"Who dares to argue with me?"

Unexpectedly, Yan Haorui’s domineering eyebrows did not put his problems in his heart. This is not only his own house nearby, but several generals who have been fighting for a long time have a house. Who dares to make noises? The most important thing is that all the people in the city must be evacuated during the war. Who dares to go to the house of the generals? Even when there is no battle, ordinary people do not dare to make trouble.

"Oh, I almost forgot our family's grandfather."

Ling Jingxuan couldn't help but laugh, and took the small group and sat down, but the little guy struggled to get rid of his restraint: "Hey, I am going to find a little cold brother and they will come with you later."

After all, chubby piercing ran out, the action of Ma Li, is worthy of the most flexible little fat man in history. "I feel that I am not as important as his little friends?"

Looking at his chubby little body, Ling Jingxuan said with a depressing pretense, Chu Yunhan sitting next to him could not help but smile: "Isn't you fooling him first? I can listen to the iron baby and they said, you Let the small group to appease the cold and cold on the condition of reading and writing, and in a few words, the little group will take the initiative to promise to study."

Although this is a good thing, Kezheng Xuan is too pitted, is there such a calculation for his son?

"Hey? With the personality of a small bastard, do I have to do this, can he study and study?"

I didn't feel that I had done a lot of things, and Ling Jingxuan thieves laughed and said that the teapot had poured a cup of tea for them. There was no way. Lingyun, they still had to be busy with them, and they could give them a pot of hot. Tea is not bad, they have to do it themselves.

"In any case, you have your own reason, but this is also good. The small group is almost five years old, and it is time to enlighten."

Chu Yunhan didn't look at him with a good spirit. He secretly wondered if he would give them enlightenment personally. He had nothing to do at home. Xiaowen, they are all his students. Can't you miss the small group?

"Chu Shu said that he is right, but hey, don't always fool a small group, he is still small."

While Ling Wen helped the body, he did not forget the younger brother’s eagerness to recite his family’s old sayings. What he was upset about was that he was always a small dumpling, and their small group was so cute, people loved flowers and flowers. As for his various dislikes, people who don’t know may be wondering if he is a relative.

"Yes, yes, you are right, I am not right? Xiaowen, not that I said you, the bigger you are, the less cute you are?"

Well, although I was not cute when I was a child, I always chanted him, but at least I was soft and tender when I was a child. Now, no matter how they feel, they feel that he seems to be going further and further on the road of being old and serious.

"I am a man, how can I be cute? Hey, don't be funny."

Like the words he said, Ling Wen symbolizes quite a small chest, Ling Jingxuan and others immediately can not help but: "You are still a man? You got a small text, you can count as a teenager now is good."


Everyone couldn’t help but smile and laughed. Ling Wen’s face was black and he screamed: “Hey!”

The simple two are like the ones coming out of the teeth, mixed with endless resentment and warnings. The smile on Ling Jingxuan’s face is stiff, and he waved again and again: “Don’t stop, make fun of you, don’t chanting, you 爹My nerves are weak and I can't stand your toss."

What he fears most in his life is the chanting of the big buns, the spoiling of the little buns, and the lack of heart of the small dumplings.

"Wang Ye, there is a hole man outside the city who claims to be a late ink, and he wants to see the county king."

Suddenly from the outside, Yan Yan accidentally saved Ling Jingxuan’s life. The two peacocks who blurted out their mouths swallowed, and they didn’t look at the Buddha’s face. What if the man was the cousin of the Chinese county?

"Two brothers?"

Before the smashing of Yan Jingrui Ling Jingxuan, Si Kongyuan suddenly looked up, the blue scorpion full of joy and doubts, how did the second brother of the late family suddenly come? Shouldn't he be there? He will not chase the second emperor to Yuncheng again?

"Two brothers?"

Ling Jingxuan looked at him with suspicion, and Sikong gave him a look of a little sorrow, and said: "What kind of objects can he show?"


Knowing that the other person may be his cousin, Yan Yan’s black line touched the piece of jade and handed it to him. He couldn’t help but secretly groaned. This Western country’s people are more than a weird one. The emperor is a face-to-face, the queen is The enchanting, the two empire's rough and brave, all know, the three emperors, that is, their Chinese county, Wang Hao is also the main body of the thorns, and now a peacock with a sachet, will come out next time The variety comes? "It’s really a late brother, Yan Yan, do you want to take him here?" Seeing the pattern on the jade and the two words on the front and back sides, Sikong’s face was full of surprises, and his hands were tightly held by Yu Pei. Next to Yan Xiaohua suddenly squinted his eyes, he came out with a second brother? His second emperor brother is not a surname.


Look at my own prince Wang Hao, seeing that they have no objections, Yan Yan turned and retired, the look is difficult to hide, no way, who asked him to use money to buy his men, leaving him a very bad Impression? He did not give up on the spot, but he was already giving him a face.